
Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/framework/src/lss.c	Mon May 30 07:14:41 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
+Copyright (C): Jorge Berzosa
+See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+** @file   lss.c
+** @author Jorge Berzosa
+** @date   Mon Oct  22 05:44:32 2007
+** @brief
+#include "data.h"
+#include "lss.h"
+#include "canfestival.h"
+#include "sysdep.h"
+//#define LSS_TIMEOUT_MS	(TIMEVAL)1000  /* ms */
+//#define LSS_FS_TIMEOUT_MS	(TIMEVAL)100  /* ms */
+/* Returns the LSS ident field from a Message struct */
+#define getLSSIdent(msg) (((UNS32)msg->data[4] << 24) | ((UNS32)msg->data[3] << 16) | (msg->data[2] << 8) | (msg->data[1]))
+/* Returns the LSS switch delay field from a Message struct */
+#define getLSSDelay(msg) ((msg->data[2] << 8) | (msg->data[1]))
+/* Returns the LSS FastScan BitCheck field from a Message struct */
+#define getLSSBitCheck(msg) msg->data[5]
+/* Returns the LSS FastScan LSSSub field from a Message struct */
+#define getLSSSub(msg) msg->data[6]
+/* Returns the LSS FastScan LSSNext field from a Message struct */
+#define getLSSNext(msg) msg->data[7]
+/* Prototypes for internals functions */
+UNS8 sendMasterLSSMessage(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command,void *dat1,void *dat2);
+void LssAlarmMSG(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
+void LssAlarmSDELAY(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
+#define StopLSS_MSG_TIMER(){\
+ MSG_WAR(0x3D01, "StopLSS_MSG_TIMER", 0);\
+ d->lss_transfer.timerMSG = DelAlarm(d->lss_transfer.timerMSG);}
+#define StartLSS_MSG_TIMER(){\
+ MSG_WAR(0x3D02, "StartLSS_MSG_TIMER",0);\
+ d->lss_transfer.timerMSG = SetAlarm(d,0,&LssAlarmMSG,MS_TO_TIMEVAL(LSS_TIMEOUT_MS),0);}
+#define StopLSS_SDELAY_TIMER(){\
+ MSG_WAR(0x3D03, "StopLSS_SDELAY_TIMER", 0);\
+ d->lss_transfer.timerSDELAY = DelAlarm(d->lss_transfer.timerSDELAY);}
+#define StartLSS_SDELAY_TIMER(){\
+ MSG_WAR(0x3D04, "StartLSS_SDELAY_TIMER",0);\
+ d->lss_transfer.timerSDELAY= SetAlarm(d,0,&LssAlarmSDELAY,MS_TO_TIMEVAL(d->lss_transfer.switchDelay),MS_TO_TIMEVAL(d->lss_transfer.switchDelay));}
+/* Prototypes for internals functions */
+void LssAlarmFS(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id);
+#define StopLSS_FS_TIMER(){\
+ MSG_WAR(0x3D05, "StopLSS_FS_TIMER", id);\
+ d->lss_transfer.timerFS = DelAlarm(d->lss_transfer.timerFS);}
+#define StartLSS_FS_TIMER(){\
+ MSG_WAR(0x3D06, "StartLSS_FS_TIMER",0);\
+ d->lss_transfer.timerFS = SetAlarm(d,0,&LssAlarmFS,MS_TO_TIMEVAL(LSS_FS_TIMEOUT_MS),0);}
+void LssAlarmMSG(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
+	if(d->lss_transfer.command==LSS_IDENT_FASTSCAN){
+		if(d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM==LSS_FS_RESET){
+   			/* if at least one node had answered before the timer expired, start the FastScan protocol*/
+   			if(d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer!=0){
+   				UNS32 Mask=0xFFFFFFFF;
+   				d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer=0;
+   				d->lss_transfer.BitChecked=d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_BitChecked[0];
+   				Mask=(UNS32)((UNS64)Mask<<(d->lss_transfer.BitChecked+1));
+   				d->lss_transfer.IDNumber=d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_LSS_ID[0] & Mask;
+   				d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_PROCESSING;
+   				//printf("BitChecked=%d, IDNumber=%x MASK=%x\n",d->lss_transfer.BitChecked,d->lss_transfer.IDNumber,Mask);
+   				StartLSS_FS_TIMER();
+   				sendMasterLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_FASTSCAN,0,0);
+   				return;
+   			}
+   			else{ 
+    			d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_FINISHED;
+    			/* Inform the application that there aren't not configured nodes in the net  */
+    			d->lss_transfer.dat1=1;
+   			}
+   		}
+   		else{
+			/* This should not happen, an error ocurred*/
+			MSG_ERR(0x1D07, "LSS FastScan timeout. FastScan_SM inconsisten state.", d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM);
+			d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_ABORTED_INTERNAL;
+			d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_RESET;
+   		}
+	}
+	else
+	if(d->lss_transfer.command==LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_NON_CONF){
+			MSG_WAR(0x2D08, "LSS timeout. There are not no-configured slaves in the net", 0);
+			d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_FINISHED;
+			d->lss_transfer.dat1=1;
+	}
+	else{
+		MSG_ERR(0x1D09, "LSS timeout. LSS response not received.", 0);
+    	MSG_WAR(0x2D0A, "LSS timeout command specifier : ", d->lss_transfer.command);
+    	/* Set aborted state */
+    	d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_ABORTED_INTERNAL;
+    	d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM = LSS_FS_RESET;
+    }
+    /* Call the user function to inform of the problem.*/
+    if(d->lss_transfer.Callback){
+	   	/*If there is a callback, it is responsible of the error*/
+    	(*d->lss_transfer.Callback)(d,d->lss_transfer.command);
+    }
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param id                                                                                       
+void LssAlarmSDELAY(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
+	/* The first switch_delay period expired. Store the node state, change it 
+ 	 * so no CAN messages will be sent or received, call the ChangeBaudRate function*/
+   	if(d->lss_transfer.switchDelayState==SDELAY_FIRST){
+   		MSG_WAR(0x3D0B, "LSS switch delay first period expired",0);
+    	d->lss_transfer.switchDelayState=SDELAY_SECOND;
+    	//(*d->lss_ChangeBaudRate)(d,d->lss_transfer.baudRate);
+    	canChangeBaudRate(d->lss_transfer.canHandle_t, d->lss_transfer.baudRate);
+    }
+    else{ /* d->lss_transfer.switchDelayState==SDELAY_SECOND */
+    	MSG_WAR(0x3D0C, "LSS switch delay second period expired",0);
+    	d->lss_transfer.switchDelayState=SDELAY_OFF;
+    	if (*(d->iam_a_slave))
+    		d->canHandle=d->lss_transfer.canHandle_t;
+    	else{
+    		d->lss_transfer.dat1=0;
+    		d->lss_transfer.state=LSS_FINISHED;
+    		/* Call the user function */
+    		if(d->lss_transfer.Callback){
+	    		(*d->lss_transfer.Callback)(d,d->lss_transfer.command);
+    		}
+    	}
+    }
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param id                                                                                       
+void LssAlarmFS(CO_Data* d, UNS32 id)
+	switch(d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM){
+   	case LSS_FS_RESET:
+   	{
+   	   	/* This should not happen, an error ocurred*/
+		MSG_ERR(0x1D0D, "LSS FastScan timeout. FastScan_SM inconsisten state.", d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM);
+   	}
+   	break;
+	{
+		/* If there isn't any answer, set the bit */
+		if(d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer==0){
+			UNS32 Mask=0x1;
+			Mask<<=d->lss_transfer.BitChecked;
+			d->lss_transfer.IDNumber|=Mask;
+		}
+		if(d->lss_transfer.BitChecked==0){
+			/* We finished with the current LSS-ID[sub], confirm it */
+			d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_CONFIRMATION;
+			if(d->lss_transfer.LSSNext<3)d->lss_transfer.LSSNext++;
+		}
+		else{
+			d->lss_transfer.BitChecked--;
+		}
+		//printf("BitChecked=%d, IDNumber=%x\n",d->lss_transfer.BitChecked,d->lss_transfer.IDNumber);
+   		d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer=0;
+  		StartLSS_FS_TIMER();
+   		sendMasterLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_FASTSCAN,0,0);
+   		return;
+   	}
+	break;
+	{
+		if(d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer!=0){
+			d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer=0;
+			if(d->lss_transfer.LSSSub==3){
+				/* The LSS FastScan protocol finished correctly. Restore the parameters */
+				d->lss_transfer.BitChecked=128;
+				d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_RESET;
+				d->lss_transfer.LSSSub=0;
+				d->lss_transfer.LSSNext=0;
+   				d->lss_transfer.IDNumber=0;
+				/* Inform the application that the FastScan finished correctly */
+				d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_FINISHED;
+				d->lss_transfer.dat1=0;
+			}
+			else{
+				UNS32 Mask=0xFFFFFFFF;
+				/* Start with the next LSS-ID[sub] */
+				d->lss_transfer.LSSSub++;
+				d->lss_transfer.BitChecked=d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_BitChecked[d->lss_transfer.LSSSub];
+				Mask=(UNS32)((UNS64)Mask<<(d->lss_transfer.BitChecked+1));
+   				d->lss_transfer.IDNumber=d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_LSS_ID[d->lss_transfer.LSSSub] & Mask;
+   				d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_PROCESSING;
+   				//printf("BitChecked=%d, IDNumber=%x MASK=%x\n",d->lss_transfer.BitChecked,d->lss_transfer.IDNumber,Mask);
+   				StartLSS_FS_TIMER();
+   				sendMasterLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_FASTSCAN,0,0);
+   				return;
+			}
+		}
+		else{
+			/* This should not happen, an error ocurred*/
+			MSG_ERR(0x1D0E, "LSS FastScan timeout. FastScan response not received.", 0);
+			MSG_ERR(0x1D0E, "There is not any node with LSS_ID# =>", d->lss_transfer.LSSSub);
+			MSG_ERR(0x1D0E, "with the value =>", d->lss_transfer.IDNumber);
+			/* Set aborted state */
+    		d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_ABORTED_INTERNAL;
+    		d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM = LSS_FS_RESET;
+		}
+	}
+	break;
+	}
+   	/* Call the user function to inform of the problem.*/
+   	if(d->lss_transfer.Callback){
+    	/*If there is a callback, it is responsible of the error*/
+   		(*d->lss_transfer.Callback)(d,d->lss_transfer.command);
+   	}
+** @param d                                                                                        
+void startLSS(CO_Data* d)
+	/*MSG_WAR(0x3D09, "LSS services started",0);*/
+** @param d                                                                                        
+void stopLSS(CO_Data* d)
+	/*MSG_WAR(0x3D09, "LSS services stopped",0);*/
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param cob_id                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
+UNS8 sendSlaveLSSMessage(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command,void *dat1,void *dat2)
+  Message m;
+  UNS8 i;
+  if (!d->CurrentCommunicationState.csLSS){
+  	MSG_WAR(0x2D17, "unable to send the LSS message, not in the proper state =>", d->nodeState);
+  	return 0xFF;
+  }
+  for(i=1;i<8;i++)[i]=0;
+  m.len = 8;
+  m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
+  m.cob_id=UNS16_LE(SLSS_ADRESS);
+  /* Tha data sent with the msg depends on the command */
+  switch(command){
+  case LSS_INQ_NODE_ID: /* Inquire Node-ID */
+[1]=*(UNS8 *)dat1;
+  	break;
+  case LSS_CONF_NODE_ID: /* Configure Node-ID */
+  case LSS_CONF_BIT_TIMING: /* Configure Bit Timing Parameters */
+  case LSS_CONF_STORE: /* Store Configured Parameters */
+[1]=*(UNS8 *)dat1;
+[2]=*(UNS8 *)dat2;
+  	break; 
+  case LSS_INQ_VENDOR_ID: /* Inquire Identity Vendor-ID */
+  case LSS_INQ_PRODUCT_CODE: /* Inquire Identity Product-Code */
+  case LSS_INQ_REV_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Revision-Number */
+  case LSS_INQ_SERIAL_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Serial-Number */
+[1]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1 & 0xFF);
+[2]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>8 & 0xFF);
+[3]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>16 & 0xFF);
+[4]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>24 & 0xFF);
+	break;
+  case LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_RESP: /* Switch Mode Selective response*/
+  case LSS_IDENT_SLAVE: /* LSS Identify Slave */
+  case LSS_IDENT_NON_CONF_SLAVE: /* LSS identify non-configured remote slave */
+  	break;
+  default:
+  	MSG_ERR(0x1D18, "send Slave LSS command not implemented", command);
+  	return 0xFF;
+  }
+  return canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
+/* If a baud rate is not supported just comment the line. */
+static UNS8 CO_TranslateBaudRate(char* optarg){
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "1M")) return 0x00;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "800K")) return 0x01;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "500K")) return 0x02;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "250K")) return 0x03;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "125K")) return 0x04;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "100K")) return 0x05;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "50K")) return 0x06;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "20K")) return 0x07;
+	if(!strcmp( optarg, "10K")) return 0x08;
+	return 0xFF;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param cob_id                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
+UNS8 sendMasterLSSMessage(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command,void *dat1,void *dat2)
+  Message m;
+  UNS8 i;
+  UNS8 res;
+  UNS8 hasResponse=0;
+  for(i=1;i<8;i++)[i]=0;
+  m.len = 8;
+  m.rtr = NOT_A_REQUEST;
+  m.cob_id=UNS16_LE(MLSS_ADRESS);
+  /* Tha data sent with the msg depends on the command */	
+  switch(command){
+  case LSS_CONF_NODE_ID: /* Configure Node-ID */
+  	hasResponse=1;
+  case LSS_SM_GLOBAL: /* Switch Mode Global */
+[1]=*(UNS8 *)dat1;
+  	break;
+  case LSS_CONF_BIT_TIMING: /* Configure Bit Timing Parameters */
+[1]=*(UNS8 *)dat1;
+  	d->lss_transfer.baudRate=*(char **)dat2;
+  	if(([2]=CO_TranslateBaudRate(d->lss_transfer.baudRate))!=0xFF){
+  		hasResponse=1;
+		break;	 
+  	}
+	MSG_ERR(0x1D19, "Master-> Baud rate not supported",0);
+	d->lss_transfer.dat1=0xFF;
+	/* if bit timing is not supported comment the previous code and uncomment the following one*/
+	/*{
+		MSG_ERR(0x1D1A, "Master-> Bit timing not supported",0);
+		d->lss_transfer.dat1=0x01;
+	}*/
+	d->lss_transfer.dat2=0;
+ 	/* If there is a callback, it is responsible of the error */
+	if(d->lss_transfer.Callback)
+	   	(*d->lss_transfer.Callback)(d,d->lss_transfer.command);
+	return 0xFF;
+  	//break;
+  case LSS_CONF_ACT_BIT_TIMING: /* Activate Bit Timing Parameters */
+[1]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1 & 0xFF);
+[2]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>8 & 0xFF);
+	if(d->lss_transfer.baudRate!="none"){
+		d->lss_transfer.switchDelay=(UNS16)(*(UNS32*)dat1 & 0xFFFF);
+		d->lss_transfer.switchDelayState=SDELAY_FIRST;
+		d->lss_transfer.canHandle_t=d->canHandle;
+		res=canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
+  		if(res==0){
+  			StartLSS_SDELAY_TIMER();
+  			d->lss_transfer.state=LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS;
+  		}
+  		return res;	
+	}
+	else{
+		MSG_ERR(0x1D1B, "Master-> Baud rate not specified",0);
+		d->lss_transfer.dat1=1;
+    	/* If there is a callback, it is responsible of the error */
+    	if(d->lss_transfer.Callback){
+	    	(*d->lss_transfer.Callback)(d,d->lss_transfer.command);
+    	}
+		return 0xFF;
+	}
+  	//break;
+  	hasResponse=1;
+  case LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_VENDOR: /* Switch Mode Selective */
+  case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_VENDOR: /* LSS Identify Remote Slaves */
+[1]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1 & 0xFF);
+[2]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>8 & 0xFF);
+[3]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>16 & 0xFF);
+[4]=(UNS8)(*(UNS32*)dat1>>24 & 0xFF);
+	break;
+  case LSS_CONF_STORE: /* Store Configured Parameters */
+  case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_NON_CONF: /* LSS identify non-configured remote slave */
+  case LSS_INQ_VENDOR_ID: /* Inquire Identity Vendor-ID */
+  case LSS_INQ_PRODUCT_CODE: /* Inquire Identity Product-Code */
+  case LSS_INQ_REV_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Revision-Number */
+  case LSS_INQ_SERIAL_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Serial-Number */
+  case LSS_INQ_NODE_ID: /* Inquire Node-ID */
+	 hasResponse=1;
+  	break;
+	  	if(d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM==LSS_FS_RESET){
+	  		UNS8 i;
+	  		 /* Initialize the lss_fs_transfer FastScan parameters */
+	  		for(i=0;i<4;i++){
+	  			d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_LSS_ID[i]=(*(lss_fs_transfer_t*)dat1).FS_LSS_ID[i];
+	  			d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_BitChecked[i]=(*(lss_fs_transfer_t*)dat1).FS_BitChecked[i];
+	  			/* Adjust BitChecked from 32-1 to 31-0 */
+	  			if(d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_BitChecked[i]>0)d->lss_transfer.lss_fs_transfer.FS_BitChecked[i]--;
+	  		}
+	  		d->lss_transfer.IDNumber=0;
+	  		d->lss_transfer.BitChecked=128;
+	  		d->lss_transfer.LSSSub=0;
+	  		d->lss_transfer.LSSNext=0;
+	  		/* it will generate a response only if it is the start of the FastScan protocol*/
+	  		hasResponse=1;
+	  	}
+[1]=(UNS8)(d->lss_transfer.IDNumber & 0xFF);
+[2]=(UNS8)(d->lss_transfer.IDNumber>>8 & 0xFF);
+[3]=(UNS8)(d->lss_transfer.IDNumber>>16 & 0xFF);
+[4]=(UNS8)(d->lss_transfer.IDNumber>>24 & 0xFF);
+	break;
+  default:
+   	MSG_ERR(0x1D1C, "send Master LSS command not implemented", command);
+  	return 0xFF;
+  }
+  res=canSend(d->canHandle,&m);
+  if(res==0 && hasResponse==1){
+  	StartLSS_MSG_TIMER();
+  	d->lss_transfer.state=LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS;
+  }
+  return res;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param cob_id                                                                                   
+** @return                                                                                         
+UNS8 sendLSS(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command,void *dat1,void *dat2)
+  UNS8 res=1;
+  /* Tha data sent with the msg depends on the command and if the sender is a master or a slave */
+  if (*(d->iam_a_slave)){ 
+  	res = sendSlaveLSSMessage(d, command,dat1,dat2);
+  }
+  else {/* It is a Master */
+  	res = sendMasterLSSMessage(d, command,dat1,dat2);
+  }
+  return res ;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param m                                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
+UNS8 proceedLSS_Master(CO_Data* d, Message* m )
+	UNS8 msg_cs;
+	UNS32 Dat1=0;
+	UNS8 Dat2=0;
+	if(d->lss_transfer.state!=LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS)
+	{
+		//MSG_WAR(0x3D0D, "MasterLSS proceedLSS; unexpected message arrived;command ", m->data[0]);
+		//return 0;
+		goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+	}
+ 	MSG_WAR(0x3D1E, "MasterLSS proceedLSS; command ", m->data[0]);
+   	switch(msg_cs=m->data[0]){
+   		case LSS_INQ_NODE_ID: /* Inquire Node-ID */
+   			if(d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_INQ_NODE_ID)goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+   			Dat1=m->data[1];
+   			break;
+   		case LSS_CONF_NODE_ID: /* Configure Node-ID */
+   		case LSS_CONF_BIT_TIMING: /* Configure Bit Timing Parameters */
+   		case LSS_CONF_STORE: /* Store Configured Parameters */
+   			if(d->lss_transfer.command!=msg_cs)goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+   			Dat1=m->data[1];
+   			Dat2=m->data[2];
+   			break;
+   		case LSS_INQ_VENDOR_ID: /* Inquire Identity Vendor-ID */
+   		case LSS_INQ_PRODUCT_CODE: /* Inquire Identity Product-Code */
+   		case LSS_INQ_REV_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Revision-Number */
+   		case LSS_INQ_SERIAL_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Serial-Number */
+   			if(d->lss_transfer.command!=msg_cs)goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+   			Dat1=getLSSIdent(m);
+ 			break;
+ 		case LSS_IDENT_SLAVE: /* LSS Identify Slave */
+   			if(d->lss_transfer.command==LSS_IDENT_FASTSCAN){
+   				/* A message arrived during the timer period */
+   				d->lss_transfer.LSSanswer=1;
+   				return 0;
+  			}
+  			else
+			if(d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_VENDOR && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_PRODUCT && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_REV_LOW && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_REV_HIGH && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_SERIAL_LOW && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_SERIAL_HIGH )
+ 					goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+  		break;
+ 		case LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_RESP: /* Switch Mode Selective response */
+ 			if(d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_VENDOR && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_PRODUCT && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_REVISION && \
+ 				d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_SERIAL )
+ 					goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+ 			break;
+   		case LSS_IDENT_NON_CONF_SLAVE: /* LSS identify non-configured remote slave */
+   			if(d->lss_transfer.command!=LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_NON_CONF)goto ErrorProcessMaster;
+   			break;
+   		default:
+   			MSG_ERR(0x1D1F, "Master LSS command not implemented", msg_cs);
+  			return 0xFF;
+   	}
+    d->lss_transfer.state = LSS_FINISHED;
+	d->lss_transfer.dat1=Dat1;
+	d->lss_transfer.dat2=Dat2;
+ 	/* If there is a callback, it is responsible of the received response */
+	if(d->lss_transfer.Callback)
+    	(*d->lss_transfer.Callback)(d,d->lss_transfer.command);
+   return 0;
+    MSG_WAR(0x3D20, "MasterLSS proceedLSS; unexpected message arrived;command ", m->data[0]);
+	return 0xFF;
+** @param d                                                                                        
+** @param m                                                                                        
+** @return                                                                                         
+UNS8 proceedLSS_Slave(CO_Data* d, Message* m )
+	UNS8 msg_cs;
+  	MSG_WAR(0x3D21, "SlaveLSS proceedLSS; command ", m->data[0]);
+   	switch(msg_cs=m->data[0]){
+   	case LSS_SM_GLOBAL:		/* Switch Mode Global */
+   		/* if there is not a mode change break*/
+   		if(m->data[1] == d->lss_transfer.mode){
+   			MSG_WAR(0x3D22, "SlaveLSS already in the mode ", m->data[1]);
+   			break;
+   		}
+		if(m->data[1]==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE)	{
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D23, "SlaveLSS switching to configuration mode ", 0);
+			/* Store the NodeId in case it will be changed */
+			//d->lss_transfer.nodeID=getNodeId(d);
+			d->lss_transfer.mode=LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE;
+		}
+		else if(m->data[1]==LSS_WAITING_MODE){
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D24, "SlaveLSS switching to operational mode ", 0);
+			/* If the nodeID has changed update it and put the node state to Initialisation. */
+			if(d->lss_transfer.nodeID!=getNodeId(d)){
+				if(getNodeId(d)==0xFF){/* The nodeID was 0xFF; initialize the application*/
+					MSG_WAR(0x3D25, "The node Id has changed. Reseting to Initialisation state",0);
+					setNodeId(d, d->lss_transfer.nodeID);
+					setState(d, Initialisation);
+				}
+				else{/* The nodeID will be changed on NMT_Reset_Comunication Request*/
+				}
+			}
+			d->lss_transfer.mode=LSS_WAITING_MODE;
+		}
+	break;
+	case LSS_CONF_NODE_ID: /* Configure Node-ID */
+	{ 
+		UNS8 error_code=0;
+		UNS8 spec_error=0;
+		if(d->lss_transfer.mode==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE){
+			if(m->data[1]>127 && m->data[1]!=0xFF){
+				MSG_ERR(0x1D26, "NodeID out of range",0);
+				error_code=1; /* NodeID out of range */
+			}
+			else{
+				d->lss_transfer.nodeID=m->data[1];
+			}
+		}
+		else{
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D27, "SlaveLSS not in configuration mode",0);
+			//error_code=0xFF;
+			break;
+		}
+		sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,msg_cs,&error_code,&spec_error);
+	}	
+	break;
+	case LSS_CONF_BIT_TIMING: /* Configure Bit Timing Parameters */
+	{
+		UNS8 error_code=0;
+		UNS8 spec_error=0;
+		if(d->lss_transfer.mode==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE){
+			/* If a baud rate is not supported just comment the line. */
+			switch(m->data[2]){
+			case 0x00:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="1M";break;
+			case 0x01:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="800K";break;
+			case 0x02:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="500K";break;
+			case 0x03:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="250K";break;
+			case 0x04:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="125K";break;
+			case 0x05:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="100K";break;
+			case 0x06:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="50K";break;
+			case 0x07:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="20K";break;
+			case 0x08:d->lss_transfer.baudRate="10K";break;
+			default:
+				MSG_ERR(0x1D28, "Baud rate not supported",0);
+				error_code=0xFF; /* Baud rate not supported*/
+				break; 		
+			}
+		}
+		else{
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D2A, "SlaveLSS not in configuration mode",0);
+			//error_code=0xFF;
+			break;
+		}
+		/* if bit timing is not supported comment the previous code and uncomment the following */
+		/*{
+			MSG_ERR(0x1D29, "Bit timing not supported",0);
+			error_code=0x01; // bit timing not supported 
+		}*/
+		sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,msg_cs,&error_code,&spec_error);
+	}
+	break;
+	case LSS_CONF_ACT_BIT_TIMING: /* Activate Bit Timing Parameters */
+		if(d->lss_transfer.mode!=LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE){
+			MSG_ERR(0x3D2B, "SlaveLSS not in configuration mode",0);
+			break;
+		}
+		if(d->lss_transfer.baudRate!="none"){
+			d->lss_transfer.switchDelay=getLSSDelay(m);
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D2C, "Slave Switch Delay set to: ",d->lss_transfer.switchDelay);
+			d->lss_transfer.switchDelayState=SDELAY_FIRST;
+			//d->lss_transfer.currentState=getState(d);
+			//setState(d, LssTimingDelay);
+			d->lss_transfer.canHandle_t=d->canHandle;
+			d->canHandle=NULL;
+		}
+	break;
+	case LSS_CONF_STORE: /* Store Configured Parameters */
+	{
+		UNS8 error_code=0;
+		UNS8 spec_error=0;
+		if(d->lss_transfer.mode==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE){ 
+			if(d->lss_StoreConfiguration){
+				 /* call lss_StoreConfiguration with NodeId */
+	  			(*d->lss_StoreConfiguration)(d,&error_code,&spec_error);
+			}
+			else{
+				MSG_ERR(0x1D2E, "Store configuration not supported",0);
+				error_code=1; /* store configuration is not supported */
+			}	
+		}
+		else{
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D2F, "SlaveLSS not in configuration mode",0);
+			//error_code=0xFF;
+			break;
+		}
+		sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,msg_cs,&error_code,&spec_error);
+	}
+	break;
+	case LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_VENDOR:	/* Switch Mode Selective */
+	{
+		UNS32 errorCode;
+  		const indextable *ptrTable;
+  		ODCallback_t *Callback;
+  		UNS32 _SpecificNodeInfo;
+  		if(d->lss_transfer.mode==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE)
+  		{
+  			MSG_ERR(0x1D30, "Switch Mode Selective only supported in operational mode",0);
+  			break;
+  		}
+		_SpecificNodeInfo=getLSSIdent(m);
+		ptrTable = (*d->scanIndexOD)(0x1018, &errorCode, &Callback);
+		if(_SpecificNodeInfo==*(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[msg_cs-(LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_VENDOR-1)].pObject){
+			d->lss_transfer.addr_sel_match|=(0x01<<(msg_cs-LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_VENDOR));
+			/* If all the fields has been set */
+			if(d->lss_transfer.addr_sel_match==0x0F){
+				MSG_WAR(0x3D31, "SlaveLSS switching to configuration mode ", 0);
+				d->lss_transfer.addr_sel_match=0;
+				d->lss_transfer.nodeID=getNodeId(d);
+				d->lss_transfer.mode=LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE;
+				sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_RESP,0,0);
+			}
+		}	
+		else {
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D32, "LSS identity field doesn't match ", _SpecificNodeInfo);
+			d->lss_transfer.addr_sel_match=0;
+		}	
+	}	
+	break;
+	case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_VENDOR: /* LSS Identify Remote Slaves */
+	{
+		UNS32 errorCode;
+  		const indextable *ptrTable;
+  		ODCallback_t *Callback;
+  		UNS32 _SpecificNodeInfo;
+		_SpecificNodeInfo=getLSSIdent(m);
+		ptrTable = (*d->scanIndexOD)(0x1018, &errorCode, &Callback);
+		/* Check if the data match the identity object. */
+		switch(msg_cs){
+		case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_VENDOR:d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=(_SpecificNodeInfo == *(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[1].pObject)? d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match|0x01:0;	break;
+		case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_PRODUCT:d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=(_SpecificNodeInfo == *(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[2].pObject)? d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match|0x02:0;	break;
+		case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_REV_LOW:d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=(_SpecificNodeInfo <= *(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[3].pObject)? d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match|0x04:0; break;
+		case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_REV_HIGH:d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=(_SpecificNodeInfo >= *(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[3].pObject)? d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match|0x08:0;	break;
+		case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_SERIAL_LOW:d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=(_SpecificNodeInfo <= *(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[4].pObject)? d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match|0x10:0;	break;
+		case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_SERIAL_HIGH:d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=(_SpecificNodeInfo >= *(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[4].pObject)? d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match|0x20:0;	break;
+		}
+		/* If all the fields has been set.. */
+		if(d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match==0x3F){
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D33, "SlaveLSS identified ", 0);
+			d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match=0;
+			sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_SLAVE,0,0);
+		}
+		else if(d->lss_transfer.addr_ident_match==0){
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D34, "LSS identify field doesn't match ", _SpecificNodeInfo);
+		}
+	}
+	break;
+	case LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_NON_CONF: /* LSS identify non-configured remote slave */
+	{
+		if(getNodeId(d)==0xFF){		
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D35, "SlaveLSS non-configured ", 0);
+			sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_NON_CONF_SLAVE,0,0);
+		}
+		else{
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D36, "SlaveLSS already configured ", 0);
+		}
+	}
+	break;
+	case LSS_INQ_VENDOR_ID: /* Inquire Identity Vendor-ID */
+	case LSS_INQ_PRODUCT_CODE: /* Inquire Identity Product-Code */
+	case LSS_INQ_REV_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Revision-Number */
+	case LSS_INQ_SERIAL_NUMBER: /* Inquire Identity Serial-Number */
+	if(d->lss_transfer.mode==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE)
+	{
+		UNS32 errorCode;
+  		const indextable *ptrTable;
+  		ODCallback_t *Callback;
+  		UNS32 _SpecificNodeInfo;
+  		ptrTable = (*d->scanIndexOD)(0x1018, &errorCode, &Callback);
+  		_SpecificNodeInfo=*(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[msg_cs-(LSS_INQ_VENDOR_ID-1)].pObject;
+  		MSG_WAR(0x3D37, "SlaveLSS identity field inquired ", _SpecificNodeInfo);
+		sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,msg_cs,&_SpecificNodeInfo,0);
+	}
+	break;
+	case LSS_INQ_NODE_ID: /* Inquire Node-ID */
+		if(d->lss_transfer.mode==LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE)
+		{
+			UNS8 NodeID;
+			NodeID=getNodeId(d);
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D38, "SlaveLSS Node ID inquired ", NodeID);
+			sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,msg_cs,&NodeID,0);
+		}
+		else{
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D39, "SlaveLSS not in configuration mode",0);
+		}
+	break;
+	{
+		/* If the nodeID isn't 0xFF the slave shall not participate  */
+		if(getNodeId(d)!=0xFF)break;
+		if(getLSSBitCheck(m)==128)d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_RESET;
+   		switch(d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM){
+   		case LSS_FS_RESET:
+   		{
+   			UNS32 errorCode;
+  			const indextable *ptrTable;
+  			ODCallback_t *Callback;
+			MSG_WAR(0x3D3A, "SlaveLSS Reseting LSSPos", 0);
+			d->lss_transfer.LSSPos=0;
+			d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_PROCESSING;
+  			ptrTable = (*d->scanIndexOD)(0x1018, &errorCode, &Callback);
+  			d->lss_transfer.IDNumber=*(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[d->lss_transfer.LSSPos+1].pObject;
+			sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_SLAVE,0,0);
+   		}
+		break;
+		case LSS_FS_PROCESSING:/*if(getLSSBitCheck(m)<32)*/
+			if(d->lss_transfer.LSSPos==getLSSSub(m))
+			{
+				UNS32 Mask=0xFFFFFFFF<<getLSSBitCheck(m);
+				MSG_WAR(0x3D3B, "SlaveLSS FastScan IDNumber", getLSSIdent(m));
+				MSG_WAR(0x3D3C, "SlaveLSS FastScan BitMask ", Mask);
+				MSG_WAR(0x3D3D, "SlaveLSS FastScan LSS-ID  ", d->lss_transfer.IDNumber);
+				if((getLSSIdent(m) & Mask)==(d->lss_transfer.IDNumber & Mask))
+				{
+					sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_SLAVE,0,0);
+				}
+				if(getLSSBitCheck(m)==0)
+				{
+					d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_CONFIRMATION;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+			if(d->lss_transfer.LSSPos==getLSSSub(m))
+			{
+				if(getLSSIdent(m)==d->lss_transfer.IDNumber)
+				{
+					/* Current LSS-ID[sub] confirmed correctly */
+					MSG_WAR(0x3D3E, "SlaveLSS FastScan IDNumber and LSS-ID match=>", d->lss_transfer.IDNumber);
+					if(d->lss_transfer.LSSPos==3)
+					{
+						/* All LSS-ID[sub] identified correctly, switching to configuration mode */
+						MSG_WAR(0x3D3F, "SlaveLSS switching to configuration mode ", 0);
+			   			d->lss_transfer.nodeID=getNodeId(d);
+			   			d->lss_transfer.mode=LSS_CONFIGURATION_MODE;
+			    		d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_RESET;
+			    		d->lss_transfer.LSSPos=0xFF;
+					}		
+					else
+					{
+						/* Switch to the next LSS-ID[sub] */
+						UNS32 errorCode;
+  						const indextable *ptrTable;
+  						ODCallback_t *Callback;
+						d->lss_transfer.LSSPos=getLSSNext(m);
+						ptrTable = (*d->scanIndexOD)(0x1018, &errorCode, &Callback);
+  						d->lss_transfer.IDNumber=*(UNS32*)ptrTable->pSubindex[d->lss_transfer.LSSPos+1].pObject;
+						d->lss_transfer.FastScan_SM=LSS_FS_PROCESSING;						
+					}
+					sendSlaveLSSMessage(d,LSS_IDENT_SLAVE,0,0);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}	
+	break;
+   	default:
+   		MSG_ERR(0x1D40, "SlaveLSS command not implemented", msg_cs);
+  		return 0xFF;
+   	}
+    return 0;
+/*UNS8 configNetworkNode(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command, void *dat1, void* dat2)
+	return sendMasterLSSMessage(d,command,dat1,dat2);
+UNS8 configNetworkNode (CO_Data* d, UNS8 command, void *dat1, void* dat2, LSSCallback_t Callback)
+	//d->lss_transfer.state=LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS;
+	d->lss_transfer.Callback=Callback;
+	d->lss_transfer.command=command;
+  	//StartLSS_MSG_TIMER();
+	return sendMasterLSSMessage(d,command,dat1,dat2);
+UNS8 getConfigResultNetworkNode (CO_Data* d, UNS8 command, UNS32* dat1, UNS8* dat2)
+  *dat1=d->lss_transfer.dat1;
+  *dat2=d->lss_transfer.dat2;
+  return d->lss_transfer.state;
+//void _lss_StoreConfiguration(UNS8 *error, UNS8 *spec_error){printf("_lss_StoreConfiguration\n");}