
Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/framework/include/lss.h	Mon May 30 07:36:47 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+This file is part of CanFestival, a library implementing CanOpen Stack. 
+Copyright (C): Jorge Berzosa
+See COPYING file for copyrights details.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+/** @defgroup lss Layer Setting Services Object
+ * @brief LSS offers the possibility to inquire and change the settings of certain parameters of the local layers on
+ * a CANopen module with LSS Slave capabilities by a CANopen module with LSS Master capabilities via the
+ * CAN Network.
+ * The following parameters can be inquired and/or changed by the use of LSS:
+ *               - Node-ID of the CANopen Slave
+ *               - Bit timing parameters of the physical layer (baud rate)
+ *               - LSS address (/2/ Identity Object, Index 1018H)
+ *  @ingroup comobj
+ */
+#ifndef __LSS_h__
+#define __LSS_h__
+#define SLSS_ADRESS    0x7E4
+#define MLSS_ADRESS    0x7E5
+#define SDELAY_OFF        0
+#define SDELAY_FIRST     1
+#define SDELAY_SECOND     2
+/* Switch mode services */
+#define LSS_SM_GLOBAL                  4
+#define LSS_SM_SELECTIVE_RESP         68
+/* Configuration services */
+#define LSS_CONF_NODE_ID             17
+#define LSS_CONF_BIT_TIMING         19
+#define LSS_CONF_ACT_BIT_TIMING     21
+#define LSS_CONF_STORE                 23
+/* Inquire services */
+#define LSS_INQ_VENDOR_ID         90
+#define LSS_INQ_PRODUCT_CODE     91
+#define LSS_INQ_REV_NUMBER         92
+#define LSS_INQ_SERIAL_NUMBER     93
+#define LSS_INQ_NODE_ID         94
+/* Identification services */
+#define LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_VENDOR         70
+#define LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_PRODUCT         71
+#define LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_REV_LOW         72
+#define LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_REV_HIGH         73
+#define LSS_IDENT_REMOTE_NON_CONF         76
+#define LSS_IDENT_SLAVE                 79
+#define LSS_IDENT_NON_CONF_SLAVE         80
+#define LSS_IDENT_FASTSCAN                81
+/*FastScan State Machine*/
+#define LSS_FS_RESET    0
+typedef void (*LSSCallback_t)(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command); 
+typedef void (*lss_StoreConfiguration_t)(CO_Data* d,UNS8*,UNS8*);
+//void _lss_StoreConfiguration(UNS8 *error, UNS8 *spec_error);
+//typedef void (*lss_ChangeBaudRate_t)(CO_Data* d,char*);
+//void _lss_ChangeBaudRate(char *BaudRate);
+struct struct_lss_transfer;
+//#include "timer.h"
+struct struct_lss_fs_transfer {
+    UNS32 FS_LSS_ID[4];
+    UNS8 FS_BitChecked[4];
+typedef struct struct_lss_fs_transfer lss_fs_transfer_t;
+/* The Transfer structure
+* Used to store the different fields of the internal state of the LSS  
+struct struct_lss_transfer {
+  UNS8          state;      /* state of the transmission : Takes the values LSS_... */
+  UNS8             command;     /* the LSS command of the transmision */
+  UNS8            mode;       /* LSS mode */
+  UNS32         dat1;        /* the data from the last msg received */
+  UNS8            dat2; 
+  UNS8 nodeID;              /* the new nodeid stored to update the nodeid when switching to LSS operational*/
+  UNS8 addr_sel_match;        /* the matching mask for the LSS Switch Mode Selective service */
+  UNS8 addr_ident_match;    /* the matching mask for the LSS Identify Remote Slaves service*/
+  char *baudRate;           /* the new baudrate stored to update the node baudrate when a Activate Bit 
+                               * Timing Parameters is received*/
+  UNS16 switchDelay;        /* the period of the two delay */
+  UNS8  switchDelayState;   /* the state machine for the switchDelay */
+  CAN_PORT canHandle_t;
+                              /* Time counters to implement a timeout in milliseconds.*/
+  TIMER_HANDLE timerMSG;      /* timerMSG is automatically incremented whenever 
+                              * the lss state is in LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS, and reseted to 0 
+                              * when the response LSS have been received.
+                              */
+  TIMER_HANDLE timerSDELAY;      /* timerSDELAY is automatically incremented whenever 
+                              * the lss switchDelayState is in SDELAY_FIRST or SDELAY_SECOND, and reseted to 0 
+                              * when the two periods have been expired.
+                              */
+  LSSCallback_t Callback;   /* The user callback func to be called at LSS transaction end */
+  UNS8 LSSanswer;            /* stores if a message has been received during a timer period */
+  UNS32 IDNumber;            /* in the master, the LSS address parameter which it currently tries to identify.
+                               * in the slave, the LSS address parameter which is being checked (LSS-ID[sub]). */
+  UNS8 BitChecked;            /* bits of the current IDNumber that are currently checked */
+  UNS8 LSSSub;                /* which part of the LSS-ID is currently checked in IDNumber */
+  UNS8 LSSNext;                /* which LSSSub value will be used in the next request */
+  UNS8 LSSPos;                /* in the slave, which part of the LSS-ID is currently processed*/
+  UNS8 FastScan_SM;            /* the state machine for the FastScan protocol */
+  TIMER_HANDLE timerFS;        /* timerFS is automatically incremented when the FastScan service
+                               * has been requested and reseted to 0 when the protocol ends.
+                              */
+  lss_fs_transfer_t lss_fs_transfer;
+typedef struct struct_lss_transfer lss_transfer_t;
+typedef UNS8 lss_transfer_t;
+void startLSS(CO_Data* d);
+void stopLSS(CO_Data* d);
+/** transmit a LSS message 
+ * command is the LSS command specifier
+ * dat1 and dat2 are pointers to optional data (depend on command)
+ * return sendLSSMessage(d,command,dat1,dat2)
+ */
+UNS8 sendLSS (CO_Data* d, UNS8 command,void *dat1, void *dat2);
+/** transmit a LSS message on CAN bus
+ * comamnd is the LSS command specifier
+ * bus_id is MLSS_ADRESS or SLSS_ADRESS depending in d->iam_a_slave. 
+ * dat1 and dat2 are pointers to optional data (depend on command).
+ * return canSend(bus_id,&m)
+ */
+UNS8 sendLSSMessage(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command,  void *dat1, void *dat2);
+/** This function is called when the node is receiving a Master LSS message (cob-id = 0x7E5).
+ *  - Check if there is a callback which will take care of the response. If not return 0 but does nothing.
+ *  - Stops the timer so the alarm wont raise an error.
+ *  - return 0 if OK
+ */
+UNS8 proceedLSS_Master (CO_Data* d, Message* m );
+/** This function is called when the node is receiving a Slave LSS message (cob-id = 0x7E4).
+ *  - Call the callback function or send the response message depending on the LSS comand within m.
+ *  - return 0 if OK
+ */
+UNS8 proceedLSS_Slave (CO_Data* d, Message* m );
+/** Used by the Master application to send a LSS command, WITHOUT response, to the slave. 
+ * command: the LSS command. LSS_...
+ * dat1 and dat2: pointers to optional data (depend on command).
+ * return sendLSS(d,command,dat1,dat2)
+ */
+//UNS8 configNetworkNode(CO_Data* d, UNS8 command, void *dat1, void* dat2);
+ * @ingroup lss
+ * @brief Used by the Master application to send a LSS command, WITH response, to the slave. 
+ * @param *d Pointer on a CAN object data structure
+ * @param command
+ * @param *dat1
+ * @param *dat2
+ * @param Callback The function Callback, which must be defined in the user code, is called at the
+ * end of the exchange (on succes or abort) and can be NULL.
+ * @return sendLSS(d,command,dat1,dat2)
+ * The LSS_MSG_TIMER timer is started to control the timeout
+ */
+UNS8 configNetworkNode (CO_Data* d, UNS8 command, void *dat1, void* dat2, LSSCallback_t Callback);
+ * @ingroup lss 
+ * @brief Use this function after a configNetworkNode or configNetworkNodeCallBack to get the result.
+ * @param *d Pointer on a CAN object data structure
+ * @param command The LSS command (unused).
+ * @param *dat1
+ * @param *dat2
+ * @return : 
+ *          - LSS_RESET                // Transmission not started. Init state.
+ *          - LSS_FINISHED            // data are available                           
+ *          - LSS_ABORTED_INTERNAL    // Aborted but not because of an abort message. 
+ *          - LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS    // Data not yet available
+ * @code
+ * example:
+ * UNS32 dat1;
+ * UNS8 dat2;
+ * res=configNetworkNodeCallBack(&_Data,LSS_INQ_NODE_ID,0,0,NULL); // inquire the nodeID
+ * while (getConfigResultNetworkNode (&_Data, LSS_INQ_NODE_ID, &dat1, &dat2) != LSS_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS);
+ * @endcode
+UNS8 getConfigResultNetworkNode (CO_Data* d, UNS8 command, UNS32* dat1, UNS8* dat2);