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Thu Oct 17 07:17:04 2019 +0000
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Changed in this revision

main_test_0314.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
sMotor.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main_test_0314.cpp	Thu Oct 17 07:17:04 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+##           sMotor v0.1 Test Program     ##
+##          created by Samuel Matildes    ##
+        ---- sam.naeec@gmail.com -----
+This library was made for 4-Phase Stepper Motors
+I don't take any resposability for the damage caused to your equipment.
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "sMotor.h"
+#include "UIPEthernet.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+sMotor motor(A0, A1, A2, A3); // set the pin  sMotor motor(pin1--blueline ,pin2--pinkline ,pin3--yellowline ,pin4--orangeline)
+DigitalIn Button(D10);
+DigitalIn set_zero_point(D11);
+DigitalOut LED(D12);
+int step_speed = 1200 ; // set default motor speed
+int numstep = 512 ; // defines full turn of 360 degree
+int zerocount = 0 ;
+int old_zerocount = 0 ;
+int set_zero_step = 0 ;
+//int delaytime = 1200;
+//you might want to calibrate this value according to your motor
+const uint8_t   MY_MAC[6] = { 0x74,0x69,0x69,0x2D,0x30,0x31 };
+// IP address must be unique and compatible with your network.
+const IPAddress MY_IP(192, 168, 1, 181);
+const uint16_t  MY_PORT = 7;
+const char*     message = "Response successed!";
+UIPEthernet     uIPEthernet(A6, A5, A4, D3);    // mosi, miso, sck, cs
+UIPUDP          udp;
+int b=0;   //要到度數
+//const char* mesg;
+int e=0;   //b的記憶體
+//const char* message[3]; 
+int c=0; //現在整數步數
+int vardegree;//度數變化量
+int memory=1;//記憶度數
+int memorydegree=0;//記憶上次度數
+void scan_int(int);//讀取函數
+int trans(int);//轉換函數
+int main(void) 
+    LED = 1 ;                                   // if don't setzero LED is lighting
+    printf("Haven't set_zero_point\n\r");
+    pc.readable();
+    motor.setzerostep(numstep,0,step_speed);
+    while(LED ==1)                                              //LED歸零指式燈
+    {
+        if( Button == 1 && old_zerocount == zerocount)          //按下按鈕進行手動歸零
+        {
+            motor.setzerostep(numstep,0,step_speed);
+        }
+        if(old_zerocount != zerocount)
+        {
+            printf("Press the botton to set the zero point \n\r");
+            old_zerocount = zerocount;
+        }
+    }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       
+    uIPEthernet.begin(MY_MAC, MY_IP);
+    IPAddress   localIP = uIPEthernet.localIP();
+    pc.printf("Local IP = %s\r\n", localIP.toString());
+    pc.printf("Initialization ");
+    //馬達初始化
+    printf("4 Phase Stepper Motor v0.1 - Set zero Program\r\n");
+    printf("\n\r");    
+    //motor.setzerostep(SetZeroStep,0,step_speed); // number of steps, direction, speed
+    //printf("Already Set to Zero\n\r");
+    printf("Enter a number:0~+-180 degree\r\n"); 
+    if (udp.begin(MY_PORT))
+        pc.printf("succeeded.\r\n");
+    else
+        pc.printf("failed.\r\n");
+    while (1) 
+    {
+        int success;
+        int size = udp.parsePacket();           //Returns the size of the packet in bytes
+        if (size > 0) 
+        {
+            do                                                      
+            {
+                char*   msg = (char*)malloc(size + 1);              //malloc() 運算子會配置一個 int 需要的空間,並傳回該空間的位址,所以使用指標 ptr 來儲存這個位址
+                int     len = udp.read(msg, size + 1);
+                msg[len] = 0;//??不懂
+                //mesg=msg;
+                b = atoi((char*)msg);                               //字串轉數字
+                pc.printf("Integer number: %d\r\n",b);
+                //printf("received mesg: '%s", mesg);
+                printf("received: '%s", msg);                
+                free(msg);
+            } while ((size = udp.available()) > 0);
+            //finish reading this packet:
+            udp.flush();
+            printf("'\r\n");
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            do 
+            {
+                //send new packet back to ip/port of client. This also
+                //configures the current connection to ignore packets from
+                //other clients!
+                success = udp.beginPacket(udp.remoteIP(), udp.remotePort());
+                if (success)
+                    pc.printf("beginPacket: succeeded%\r\n");
+                else
+                    pc.printf("beginPacket: failed%\r\n");
+                //beginPacket fails if remote ethaddr is unknown. In this case an
+                //arp-request is send out first and beginPacket succeeds as soon
+                //the arp-response is received.
+            } while (!success);
+            success = udp.write((uint8_t*)message, strlen(message));//response
+            if (success)
+                pc.printf("bytes written: %d\r\n", success);
+            success = udp.endPacket();
+            if (success)
+                pc.printf("endPacket: succeeded%\r\n");
+            else
+                pc.printf("endPacket: failed%\r\n");
+            udp.stop();
+            //restart with new connection to receive packets from other clients
+            if (udp.begin(MY_PORT))
+                pc.printf("restart connection: succeeded%\r\n");
+            else
+                pc.printf("restart connection: failed%\r\n");
+                //馬達開始
+            if(b>180|b<-180)
+            {
+                printf("Enter a number:0~+-180 degree\r\n");
+            }    
+            else if (b>=-180 & b<=180)
+            {    
+                if(b!=memory)
+                {
+                    printf("Now b: %d\n\r", b);
+                    scan_int(b);
+                    c=trans(vardegree);
+                    if (b > memorydegree)
+                    {     
+                        motor.step(c,0,step_speed); // dir=0; 順時鐘
+                        //printf("Current b: %d\n\r", b);
+                    }
+                    if (b < memorydegree)
+                    {
+                        motor.step(c,1,step_speed);//dir=1;逆時鐘
+                        //printf("Current b: %d\n\r", b);                              
+                    }
+                        printf("Enter a number:0~+-180 degree\r\n");
+                    memorydegree=b;
+                    //printf("memorydegree: %d\n\r",memorydegree);
+                    memory=b;
+                }  
+                //wait(1);         
+            } 
+        }
+    }
+        printf("Default Speed: %d\n\r",step_speed);
+        printf("1- 360 degree clockwise step\n\r");
+        printf("2- 360 degree anticlockwise step\n\r");
+        printf("3- 180 degree clockwise step\n\r");
+        printf("4- 180 degree anticlockwise step\n\r");
+        printf("5- Change Speed\n\r");
+        while(1)
+        {
+             if (pc.readable()) 
+                    { // checks for serial
+                        if (pc.getc()=='1')
+                            motor.step(numstep,0,step_speed); // number of steps, direction, speed
+                        if (pc.getc()=='2')
+                            motor.step(numstep,1,step_speed);
+                        if (pc.getc()=='3')
+                            motor.step(numstep/2,0,step_speed);
+                        if (pc.getc()=='4')
+                            motor.step(numstep/2,1,step_speed);
+                        if (pc.getc()=='5') 
+                            {
+                                printf("Current Speed: %d\n\r", step_speed);
+                                printf("New speed: \n\r");
+                                pc.scanf("%d",&step_speed); // sets new speed
+                            }
+                    }           
+        }
+void sMotor::setzerostep(int SetZeroSteps, int direction, int step_speed) 
+{// steper function: number of steps, direction (0- right, 1- left), speed (default 1200)
+    //printf("test\r\n");
+    int count=0; // initalize step count
+    if (direction==0) // turn clockwise
+    {
+       printf("test");
+      do 
+        {
+           SetZeroClockWise();
+           count++;
+        }while (count<numstep & set_zero_point==0); // turn number of steps applied  
+        if (set_zero_point==1) // 如果光遮斷器訊號被中斷則LED亮起。
+        {
+            LED=0;
+            printf("Already Set to Zero\n\r");            
+        }   
+        //printf("test\r\n");
+    }   
+    zerocount++;             
+void sMotor::SetZeroClockWise()
+    //set_zero_step = setzeroclockwise;
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++)
+    {
+        //i = set_zero_step%8;
+        switch (i) 
+        {
+            case 0: 
+            {
+                _A0=1;
+                _A1=0;
+                _A2=0;
+                _A3=1;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 1: 
+            {
+                _A0=1;
+                _A1=0;
+                _A2=0;
+                _A3=0;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 2: 
+            {
+                _A0=1;
+                _A1=1;
+                _A2=0;
+                _A3=0;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 3: 
+            {
+                _A0=0;
+                _A1=1;
+                _A2=0;
+                _A3=0;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 4: 
+            {
+                _A0=0;
+                _A1=1;
+                _A2=1;
+                _A3=0;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 5: 
+            {
+                _A0=0;
+                _A1=0;
+                _A2=1;
+                _A3=0;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 6: 
+            {
+                _A0=0;
+                _A1=0;
+                _A2=1;
+                _A3=1;
+            }
+            break;
+            case 7: 
+            {
+                _A0=0;
+                _A1=0;
+                _A2=0;
+                _A3=1;
+            }
+            break;
+        }//switch
+        wait_us(step_speed); // wait time defines the speed          
+    }//for
+ void scan_int(int scan)//變化量函數
+    //scanf("%d",&b);
+    //printf("Enter b: %d\n\r",b);
+    vardegree=b-memorydegree;//變化量=輸入度數-上次度數
+    printf("vardegree: %d\n\r",vardegree);    
+    fflush(stdout);
+int trans(int trans)//度數轉步數
+    float numstep = 0 ; // defines full turn of 360 degree
+    int d=0;
+    numstep=1.422222*trans;//取實際步數值
+    if(numstep<0)
+    {
+        numstep=-numstep;
+    }
+    d=int(numstep+0.5);//四捨五入整數步數
+    //printf("Real steps d: %d\n\r",d);    
+    return d;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sMotor.h	Thu Mar 14 10:14:28 2019 +0000
+++ b/sMotor.h	Thu Oct 17 07:17:04 2019 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     void anticlockwise();
     void clockwise();
     void setzerostep(int SetZeroSteps, int direction, int speed);
-    void SetZeroClockWise(int setzeroclockwise);
+    void SetZeroClockWise();