This software setup a central node of a star topology network

Dependencies:   MQTT target_st_bluenrg

Fork of ble-star-mbed by Lorenzo Invidia

diff -r 000000000000 -r 1902469bdd2d source/BleMasterService.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/source/BleMasterService.cpp	Tue Feb 20 11:21:41 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3081 @@
+#include <BleMasterService.h>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "../inc/BleMasterService.h"
+#include "../inc/BleSlaveService.h"
+EventQueue eventQ(/* event count */ 128 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
+/* This var defines the central role
+ * 0 if master
+ * 1 if slave                     */
+uint8_t role = 1;
+/* Flag to indicate that the characteristic read is completed successful
+ * 1                        successful
+ * 0 or anything else       failed                                      */
+uint8_t readCompleted;
+/* Flag to indicate if the device discovery is completed successful
+ * 1                        successful
+ * 0 or anything else       failed                                      */
+uint8_t discoveryCompleted;
+/* Flag to indicate if the ch descriptor write is completed successful
+ * 1                        successful
+ * 0 or anything else       failed                                      */
+uint8_t writeDescriptorCompleted = 1;
+/* Flag to indicate if the advertising is completed
+ * 1                        completed
+ * 0 or anything else       not completed                               */
+uint8_t advEnds = 1;
+/* Flag to indicate if a change of notification is pending
+ * 1                        pending
+ * 0 or anything else       not pending                                 */
+uint8_t notificationPending = 0;
+/* Header pointer of the DiscoveredCharacteristic list */
+DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * headCharacteristic[MAX_NUM_OF_NODES];
+DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * tmp[MAX_NUM_OF_NODES];
+/* Primary Service UUID expected from Sensor demo peripherals */
+/* Services UUID */
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t HARDWARE_SERVICE_UUID             = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0xb4,0x9a,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t CONFIG_SERVICE_UUID               = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0xb4,0x9a,0xe1,0x11,0x0F,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t SOFTWARE_SERVICE_UUID             = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0xb4,0x9a,0xe1,0x11,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
+/* Characteristics UUID */
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t ENVIRONMENTAL_CHAR_UUID           = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1d,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t ENVIRONMENTAL_ST_CHAR_UUID        = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x14,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t ACCGYROMAG_CHAR_UUID              = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xE0,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t SFUSION_CHAR_UUID                 = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t LED_CHAR_UUID                     = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t WAKEUP_EVENT_CHAR_UUID            = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t MIC_EVENT_CHAR_UUID               = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t PROXIMITY_CHAR_UUID               = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t LUX_CHAR_UUID                     = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01};
+UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t CONFIG_CHAR_UUID                  = {0x1b,0xc5,0xd5,0xa5,0x02,0x00,0x36,0xac,0xe1,0x11,0x0F,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00};
+/*-----  -----*/
+uint8_t wifi_data[256];
+uint8_t new_data = 0;
+uint8_t *data;
+uint8_t wifi_present;
+char print_msg_buff[512];
+//UART_HandleTypeDef UartMsgHandle;
+//uint16_t connection_handle = 0;
+uint8_t attribute_value[20];
+uint8_t star_attr_value[256];
+PeripheralDevices_t perDevs;
+extern SlaveDevice_t slaveDev;
+extern ChangeNotificationQueue notifyQ, *notifyP;
+/* Private variable set in discoveryTerminationCallback and used
+ * in connectionProcess for enabling notification */
+uint8_t customDev_v;
+/* Initialize the struct where all peripheral devices are stored */
+void initProcess(void) {
+  //printf("\rinitProcess\n");//DEBUG
+    //Init the lists of characteristics
+    for(int i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++){
+        headCharacteristic[i] = NULL;
+        tmp[i] = NULL;
+    }
+  /* The first char read */
+  readCompleted = 1;
+  /* No discovery started */
+  discoveryCompleted = 1;
+  perDevs.discovery_enabled                                             = true;
+  perDevs.device_found                                                  = false;
+  perDevs.connDevices                                                   = 0;
+  perDevs.discDevices                                                   = 0;
+  perDevs.connDeviceIdx                                                 = 0;
+  perDevs.readDeviceIdx                                                 = 0;
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES;i++){
+    perDevs.devInfo[i].dev_v                                            = 0;
+    perDevs.connection_handle[i]                                        = 0;
+    perDevs.is_connected[i]                                             = false;
+    perDevs.is_disconnected[i]                                          = true;
+    perDevs.is_unconnectable[i]                                         = false;
+    perDevs.gen_access_profile_handle[i].start_h                        = 0;
+    perDevs.gen_access_profile_handle[i].end_h                          = 0;
+    perDevs.gen_attribute_profile_handle[i].start_h                     = 0;
+    perDevs.gen_attribute_profile_handle[i].end_h                       = 0;
+    perDevs.hardware_service_handle[i].start_h                          = 0;
+    perDevs.hardware_service_handle[i].end_h                            = 0;
+    perDevs.software_service_handle[i].start_h                          = 0;
+    perDevs.software_service_handle[i].end_h                            = 0;
+    perDevs.led_char_read[i]                                            = 0;
+    perDevs.wup_char_read[i]                                            = 0;
+    perDevs.mic_char_read[i]                                            = 0;
+    perDevs.prx_char_read[i]                                            = 0;
+    perDevs.agm_char_read[i]                                            = 0;
+    perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i]                                        = 0;
+    perDevs.wup_event[i]                                                = 0;
+    perDevs.mic_event[i]                                                = 0;
+    perDevs.prx_on[i]                                                   = 0;
+    perDevs.agm_on[i]                                                   = 0;
+    perDevs.sfusion_on[i]                                               = 0;
+  }
+  perDevs.mic_event_enabled                                             = 0;
+  perDevs.prx_event_enabled                                             = 0;
+  perDevs.agm_event_enabled                                             = 0;
+  perDevs.sfusion_event_enabled                                         = 0;
+  perDevs.acc_event_enabled                                             = 0;
+  perDevs.gyr_event_enabled                                             = 0;
+  perDevs.mag_event_enabled                                             = 0;
+  perDevs.status                                                        = CONN_INIT;
+/* Called every 10 seconds to return the current status */
+void checkStatus(){
+    if ((perDevs.status != 10) && (perDevs.status != 11) && (perDevs.status != 12) && (perDevs.status != 13) && (perDevs.status != 14)
+        && (perDevs.status != 15) && (perDevs.status != 16) && (perDevs.status != 17) && (perDevs.status != 18)
+        && (perDevs.status != 19) && (perDevs.status != 20) && (perDevs.status != 21)){
+            printf("\r\nCurrent Status (status: %d) (read: %s) (write: %s)\n", perDevs.status, (readCompleted == 1 ? "completed" : "pending"),(writeDescriptorCompleted == 1 ? "completed" : "pending"));
+    }
+/* Print out device MAC address to the console*/
+void printMacAddress()
+    Gap::AddressType_t addr_type;
+    Gap::Address_t address;
+    BLE::Instance().gap().getAddress(&addr_type, address);
+    printf("\rBLE CENTRAL MAC ADDRESS: ");
+    for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--){
+        printf("%02x:", address[i]);
+    }
+    printf("%02x\n\n", address[0]);
+void connectionProcess(void){
+    //printf("\r\nconnectionProcess(%d)\n", perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+    if ( perDevs.status == CONN_INIT ) {
+        if ( (perDevs.connDevices < MAX_NUM_OF_NODES) && (perDevs.discovery_enabled) ) {
+         //printf("\r\nIF 1\n");//DEBUG
+            /* Start discovery of new peripheral nodes and connect them */
+            startDiscovery();
+        }
+        else {
+            perDevs.status = DEVICE_CONNECTED;
+            //printf("\r\nstatus: DEVICE_CONNECTED\n");//DEBUG
+        }
+    }//if
+    if ( perDevs.status == DEVICE_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE ) {
+        //printf("\r\nDEVICE_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE\n");//DEBUG
+        if ( perDevs.device_found == true ) {
+            /* Establishing connection with a peripheral device */
+            perDevs.status = START_DEVICE_CONNECTION;
+            //printf("\r\n\nstatus: START_DEVICE_CONNECTION\n");//DEBUG
+            connectPeripheral();
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
+            //printf("\r\n\nstatus: DEVICE_NOT_FOUND (%d)\n", DEVICE_NOT_FOUND);//DEBUG
+        }
+    }//if
+    // if all devices are connected or no devices are discovered start reading
+    if ((perDevs.status == DEVICE_CONNECTED) || (perDevs.status == DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) ){
+        //printf("\r\nDEVICE_CONNECTED or DEVICE_NOT_FOUND\n");//DEBUG
+        if (perDevs.device_found == true) {
+            perDevs.status = DISCOVERABLE_MODE_SET;
+            perDevs.device_found = false;
+        }
+        //perDevs.device_found == false -- start reading
+        else {
+            perDevs.readDeviceIdx = perDevs.connDevices+perDevs.discDevices-1;
+            perDevs.status = READ_INIT;
+            //printf("\r\nstatus: READ_INIT (%u)\n", READ_INIT);
+        }
+    }//if-main
+    if (perDevs.status == DISCOVERABLE_MODE_SET) {
+        /* Search for all services */
+        perDevs.status = START_SERVICE_DISCOVERY;
+    }//if
+     if ( ((perDevs.status == ENABLE_ME1_LED_NOTIFICATIONS) ||
+         (perDevs.status == ENABLE_ME1_WUP_NOTIFICATIONS)) && (writeDescriptorCompleted == 1) ) {
+        writeDescriptorCompleted =0;
+        /* Enabling notifications on peripheral node */
+        uint8_t i = perDevs.connDeviceIdx;
+        uint16_t connection_handle = perDevs.connection_handle[i];
+        enableNotifications(connection_handle, i, customDev_v, 1);
+    }//if
+    if (perDevs.status == NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED) {
+        if (!perDevs.is_disconnected[perDevs.connDeviceIdx]) {
+            perDevs.is_connected[perDevs.connDeviceIdx] = true;
+            perDevs.connDeviceIdx++;
+            perDevs.connDevices++;
+            //printf("\r\nConnected Devices %d\n", perDevs.connDevices);//DEBUG
+        }
+        perDevs.readDeviceIdx = perDevs.connDevices-1;
+        perDevs.status = READ_INIT;
+    }//if
+    /* Start reading process */
+    //;//DEBUG_ONLY /* Call in loop coonnectionProcess */
+/* Method called in advertingCallback when a device is found */
+void saveDeviceFound (uint8_t adv_type, BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t addr,
+                                                 uint8_t data_length, const uint8_t* data_RSSI, uint8_t pos, uint8_t dev_v,
+                                                 uint8_t wup_event, uint8_t mic_event, uint8_t prx_event,
+                                                 uint8_t agm_event, uint8_t sfusion_event){
+  perDevs.devInfo[pos].dev_v = dev_v;
+  perDevs.wup_event[pos] = wup_event;
+  perDevs.mic_event[pos] = mic_event;
+  perDevs.prx_event[pos] = prx_event;
+  perDevs.agm_event[pos] = agm_event;
+  perDevs.sfusion_event[pos] = sfusion_event;
+  memcpy(perDevs.devInfo[pos].bdaddr, addr, 6);
+/* Function called to connect a peripheral */
+void connectPeripheral(void){
+    ble_error_t e0, e1;
+    BLE& ble = BLE::Instance();
+/* if 1 to enable */
+#if 1
+    e0 =;
+    if (e0 != BLE_ERROR_NONE){
+         printf("\r\nError while stopping scan\n");
+    }
+    uint8_t index;
+    index = perDevs.connDeviceIdx;
+    printf("\r\nClient create connection with peripheral %d at pos %d\n",
+           perDevs.connDevices+1, index+1);
+    //Connect as master (0)
+    role = 0;
+    e1 =[index].bdaddr, Gap::ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC, NULL, NULL);
+    if (e1 != BLE_ERROR_NONE){
+        printf("Error while starting connection with peripheral %d (%02x%02x).\n",
+                index+1, perDevs.devInfo[index].bdaddr[NODE_ID_B2], perDevs.devInfo[index].bdaddr[NODE_ID_B1]);
+        perDevs.is_unconnectable[index] = true;
+    }
+/* Function called on disconnection event */
+void disconnectionCallback(const Gap::DisconnectionCallbackParams_t *params) {
+  //printf("\r\ndisconnectionCallback (%d)\n", perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+  BLE& ble = BLE::Instance();
+  uint8_t i;
+  // current handle
+  uint16_t handle = params->handle;
+  for (unsigned i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++) {
+    //if-MAIN
+    if (handle == perDevs.connection_handle[i]){
+        //printf("\r\n\nif (handle == perDevs.connection_handle[i]) - BleMasterService.cpp\n\n");//DEBUG
+        //Delete its DCList
+        deleteDCNList(headCharacteristic[i]);
+        headCharacteristic[i] = NULL;
+        tmp[i] = NULL;
+        if (perDevs.is_disconnected[i] == true){
+            perDevs.is_unconnectable[i] = true;
+            printf("\r\nPeripheral 0x%02x%02x disconnected (%d Ch in DCList)\n",
+                                perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr[NODE_ID_B2], perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr[NODE_ID_B1], countElements(headCharacteristic[i]));
+        }else {
+            perDevs.is_disconnected[i] = true;
+            perDevs.is_unconnectable[i] = false;
+            if (perDevs.is_connected[i] == true){
+                //printf("\r\nperDevs.is_connected[i] = true - connDevices: %d\n", perDevs.connDevices);//DEBUG
+                perDevs.connDevices--;
+                //disconnected_devices
+                perDevs.discDevices++;
+                perDevs.is_connected[i] = false;
+            }
+            /* Notify device disconnection to client */
+            perDevs.status = READING_DISCONNECTION;
+            readCharacteristicCallback(nullGattReadCallbackP(perDevs.connection_handle[i]));
+            notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                         slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+            perDevs.status = CONN_INIT;
+            printf("\r\nPeripheral 0x%02x%02x disconnected (%d still connected) (%d Ch in DCList)\n",
+                        perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr[NODE_ID_B2], perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr[NODE_ID_B1],
+                        perDevs.connDevices, countElements(headCharacteristic[i]));
+        }//if-else
+        break;
+    }//if-MAIN
+  }//for
+  /* SLAVE ROLE */
+  if (handle == slaveDev.conn_handle) {
+    printf("\r\nMaster disconnected (adv: %d - status %d)\n",, perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+    slaveDev.is_discoverable         = true;
+    slaveDev.is_connected            = false;
+    slaveDev.conn_handle             = 0;
+    slaveDev.star_data_char_notify   = 0;
+    for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++) {
+      perDevs.led_char_read[i]       = 0;
+      perDevs.wup_char_read[i]       = 0;
+      perDevs.mic_char_read[i]       = 0;
+      perDevs.prx_char_read[i]       = 0;
+      perDevs.agm_char_read[i]       = 0;
+      perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i]   = 0;
+      perDevs.prx_on[i]              = 0;
+      perDevs.agm_on[i]              = 0;
+      perDevs.sfusion_on[i]          = 0;
+    }//for
+    perDevs.discovery_enabled        = true;
+    perDevs.status = DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS;
+    //setSlaveDiscoverable();//DEBUG_only
+/* Function called on connection */
+void connectionCallback(const Gap::ConnectionCallbackParams_t *params) {
+      //printf("\r\n----> connectionCallback\n\n");//DEBUG
+      BLE& ble = BLE::Instance();
+      static const size_t ADDR_LEN = 6;
+      //the current address
+      BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t tempAddr;
+      //fill the address
+      for(unsigned i=0;i<ADDR_LEN;i++) {
+        tempAddr[i]=params->peerAddr[i];
+      }
+      // connection handle
+      uint16_t handle = params ->handle;
+      //ROLE    uint8_t role
+      //        0 = master
+      //        1 = slave
+      uint8_t index = perDevs.connDeviceIdx;
+    /* MASTER ROLE */
+    if (role == 0) {
+      if (perDevs.is_unconnectable[index] == false) {
+        perDevs.connection_handle[index] = handle;
+        perDevs.is_disconnected[index] = false;
+        printf("\r\n\nConnected to peripheral: [%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x] (%d/%d - 0x%04x) (role: %s)\n",
+                      tempAddr[5], tempAddr[4], tempAddr[3], tempAddr[2],
+                      tempAddr[1], tempAddr[0], index+1, perDevs.connDevices+1, handle, (role == 1 ? "slave" : "master"));
+        perDevs.status = DEVICE_CONNECTED;
+      } else {
+        perDevs.is_unconnectable[index] = false;
+        perDevs.device_found = false;
+        perDevs.status = DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
+      }
+    }//if-MASTER
+    /* SLAVE ROLE */
+    if (role == 1) {
+    //When connected the adv seams disabled
+        slaveDev.conn_handle = handle;
+        slaveDev.is_connected = true;
+        slaveDev.is_discoverable = false;
+        printf("\r\n\nConnected to master: [%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x] (role: %s) (adv: %d)\n",
+                      tempAddr[5], tempAddr[4], tempAddr[3], tempAddr[2],
+                      tempAddr[1], tempAddr[0], (role == 1 ? "slave" : "master"),;
+    }//if-SLAVE
+    role = 1;
+/* Service discovery */
+void discoverServices(void){
+    BLE& ble = BLE::Instance();
+    uint8_t  index = perDevs.connDeviceIdx;
+    uint16_t conn_handle = perDevs.connection_handle[index];
+    ble_error_t e0;
+    printf("\r\nDiscovering services for peripheral %d (0x%04x)\n", index+1, conn_handle);
+    if (perDevs.is_disconnected[index]){
+        printf("\r\nPeripheral %d (0x%04x) disconnected\n", index+1, conn_handle);
+    }else {
+        ble.gattClient().onServiceDiscoveryTermination(discoveryTerminationCallback);
+        e0 = ble.gattClient().launchServiceDiscovery(conn_handle, serviceDiscoveryCallback,
+                                                 characteristicDiscoveryCallback);
+        if (e0 != BLE_ERROR_NONE){
+            printf("\r\nError while discovering primary services (error: %d)\n", e0);
+  ;
+        }
+    }//if-else
+void onStopScan(Gap::TimeoutSource_t t){
+    //printf("\r\nScanning ends\n");//DEBUG
+      if (perDevs.status == DEVICE_FOUND) {
+        perDevs.device_found = true;
+      }
+      else {
+        perDevs.device_found = false;
+      }
+      perDevs.status = DEVICE_DISCOVERY_COMPLETE;
+      printf("\r\nDevice Discovery Complete (%d)\n", perDevs.status);
+      //HAL_Delay(100);
+      discoveryCompleted = 1;
+void startDiscovery(void) {
+  //printf("\r\nstartDiscovery - status: %d\n", perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+  BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
+  ble_error_t e1;
+ if ((perDevs.status == CONN_INIT) && (discoveryCompleted == 1) && (advEnds == 1)){
+  discoveryCompleted = 0;
+ /* if 1 to enable
+  * if 0 default because of the adv timer setup  */
+#if 0
+  if ((slaveDev.is_connected == false) && (slaveDev.is_discoverable == true)){
+    //printf("\r\nslaveDev.is_discoverable == true\n");//DEBUG
+        ble_error_t e0;
+        e0=;
+        if ( e0 == BLE_ERROR_NONE ) {
+        }else {
+            printf("\r\nERROR stopping advertising\n");//DEBUG
+        }
+        slaveDev.is_discoverable = false;
+  }//stopAdv
+  /* MASTER ROLE */
+  perDevs.status = START_DEVICE_DISCOVERY;
+  printf("\r\nStart Device Discovery (%d)\n", perDevs.status);
+    e1 =;
+    if ( e1 == BLE_ERROR_NONE ) {
+        //printf("\r\nScan started correctly\n");//DEBUG
+    }else {
+        printf("\r\nERROR starting scan (err: %d stat: %d)\n", e1, perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+        //doing something
+        return;
+    }
+ }//if-MAIN
+/* Function called as response of advertising */
+void advertisementCallback(const Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params) { //defined in Gap.h
+    //printf("\r----> advertisementCallback\n");//DEBUG
+        static const size_t ADDR_LEN = 6;
+        //the current address
+        BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t tempAddr;
+        //fill the address
+        for(unsigned i=0;i<ADDR_LEN;i++) {
+            tempAddr[i]=params->peerAddr[i];
+        }
+        uint8_t alreadyIn = 1;
+        uint8_t index;
+        //uint8_t i;
+        uint8_t found_zero_pos = 0;
+        BLEProtocol::AddressBytes_t zeroAddr;
+        memset(zeroAddr, 0, 6);
+if (perDevs.status != DEVICE_FOUND) {
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < params->advertisingDataLen; ++i) {
+        const uint8_t record_length = params->advertisingData[i];
+        if (record_length == 0) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        const uint8_t type = params->advertisingData[i + 1];
+        const uint8_t* value = params->advertisingData + i + 2;
+        const uint8_t value_length = record_length - 1;
+        /* Switch because per NAMES */
+        if(type == GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME) {
+        /* Switch the peripheral nodes */
+          // M O T E N V
+            if (((value_length == sizeof(NODE_MOTENV)-1) && (memcmp(value, NODE_MOTENV, value_length) == 0))) {
+                //printf("\r(If statement 1)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                //initial per data
+                uint8_t peripheral_v;
+                uint8_t wup_event = 0;
+                uint8_t mic_event = 0;
+                uint8_t prx_event = 0;
+                uint8_t agm_event = 0;
+                uint8_t sfusion_event = 0;
+                uint8_t peripheral_name_len = params->advertisingData[3];
+                const uint8_t * manuf_data = params->advertisingData+4+peripheral_name_len;
+                uint32_t features = 0;
+                features = (manuf_data[4]<<24) | (manuf_data[5]<<16) | (manuf_data[6]<<8) | manuf_data[7];
+                wup_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_WAKEUP_EVENTS) >> WUP_POS;
+                mic_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_MIC) >> MIC_POS;
+                prx_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_PROX) >> PRX_POS;
+                agm_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_ACC) >> ACC_POS;
+                sfusion_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_SENSORFUSION) >> SFUS_POS;
+                peripheral_v = NODE_ME1;//MOTENV
+                for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++) {
+                    if (perDevs.is_disconnected[i]) {
+                      if (memcmp(zeroAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0) {
+                        if (!found_zero_pos) {
+                          index = i;
+                          perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                          found_zero_pos = 1;
+                          alreadyIn = 0;
+                        }
+                      }
+                      else if (memcmp(tempAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0) {
+                        index = i;
+                        perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                        alreadyIn = 0;
+                        perDevs.discDevices--;
+                        break;
+                      }
+                      else {
+                        if (!found_zero_pos) {
+                          index = i;
+                          perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                          alreadyIn = 0;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                }//for
+                if ((!alreadyIn) && (perDevs.connDevices < MAX_NUM_OF_NODES)) {
+                    /* Save the found peripheral device in the struct containing all the found peripheral devices */
+                    saveDeviceFound(params->type, tempAddr, params->advertisingDataLen, params->advertisingData, index,
+                                    peripheral_v, wup_event, mic_event, prx_event, agm_event, sfusion_event);
+                    perDevs.status = DEVICE_FOUND;
+                    printf("\r\nPeripheral %d inserted (%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x) \n", perDevs.connDevices+1,
+                           tempAddr[5], tempAddr[4], tempAddr[3], tempAddr[2], tempAddr[1], tempAddr[0]);
+                }//if-alreadyIn
+            }//IF-MOTENV
+          // F L I G H T
+            if ((value_length == sizeof(NODE_FLIGHT)-1) && (memcmp(value, NODE_FLIGHT, value_length) == 0)) {
+                //printf("\r(If statement 2)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                //initial per data
+                uint8_t peripheral_v;
+                uint8_t wup_event = 0;
+                uint8_t mic_event = 0;
+                uint8_t prx_event = 0;
+                uint8_t agm_event = 0;
+                uint8_t sfusion_event = 0;
+                uint8_t peripheral_name_len = params->advertisingData[3];
+                const uint8_t * manuf_data = params->advertisingData+4+peripheral_name_len;
+                uint32_t features = 0;
+                features = (manuf_data[4]<<24) | (manuf_data[5]<<16) | (manuf_data[6]<<8) | manuf_data[7];
+                wup_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_WAKEUP_EVENTS) >> WUP_POS;
+                mic_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_MIC) >> MIC_POS;
+                prx_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_PROX) >> PRX_POS;
+                agm_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_ACC) >> ACC_POS;
+                sfusion_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_SENSORFUSION) >> SFUS_POS;
+                peripheral_v = NODE_FL1;//FLIGHT
+                for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++) {
+                    if (perDevs.is_disconnected[i]) {
+                      if (memcmp(zeroAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0) {
+                        if (!found_zero_pos) {
+                          index = i;
+                          perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                          found_zero_pos = 1;
+                          alreadyIn = 0;
+                        }
+                      }
+                      else if (memcmp(tempAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0) {
+                        index = i;
+                        perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                        alreadyIn = 0;
+                        perDevs.discDevices--;
+                        break;
+                      }
+                      else {
+                        if (!found_zero_pos) {
+                          index = i;
+                          perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                          alreadyIn = 0;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                }//for
+                if ((!alreadyIn) && (perDevs.connDevices < MAX_NUM_OF_NODES)) {
+                    /* Save the found peripheral device in the struct containing all the found peripheral devices */
+                    saveDeviceFound(params->type, tempAddr, params->advertisingDataLen, params->advertisingData, index,
+                                    peripheral_v, wup_event, mic_event, prx_event, agm_event, sfusion_event);
+                    perDevs.status = DEVICE_FOUND;
+                    printf("\r\nPeripheral %d inserted (%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x) \n", perDevs.connDevices+1,
+                           tempAddr[5], tempAddr[4], tempAddr[3], tempAddr[2], tempAddr[1], tempAddr[0]);
+                }//if-alreadyIn
+            }//IF-FLIGHT
+          // A L L M E M S
+             if ((value_length == sizeof(NODE_ALLMEMS)-1) && (memcmp(value, NODE_ALLMEMS, value_length) == 0)){
+               //printf("\r(If statement 3)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                //initial per data
+                uint8_t peripheral_v;
+                uint8_t wup_event = 0;
+                uint8_t mic_event = 0;
+                uint8_t prx_event = 0;
+                uint8_t agm_event = 0;
+                uint8_t sfusion_event = 0;
+                uint8_t peripheral_name_len = params->advertisingData[3];
+                const uint8_t * manuf_data = params->advertisingData+4+peripheral_name_len;
+                uint32_t features = 0;
+                features = (manuf_data[4]<<24) | (manuf_data[5]<<16) | (manuf_data[6]<<8) | manuf_data[7];
+                wup_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_WAKEUP_EVENTS) >> WUP_POS;
+                mic_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_MIC) >> MIC_POS;
+                prx_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_PROX) >> PRX_POS;
+                agm_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_ACC) >> ACC_POS;
+                sfusion_event = (features & FEATURE_MASK_SENSORFUSION) >> SFUS_POS;
+                peripheral_v = NODE_AM1;//ALLMEMS
+                for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++) {
+                    if (perDevs.is_disconnected[i]) {
+                      //printf("\r\n\n  if(perDevs.is_disconnected[i])\n\n");//DEBUG
+                      if (memcmp(zeroAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0) {
+                        //printf("\r\n\n  if(memcmp(zeroAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                        if (!found_zero_pos) {
+                          //printf("\r\n\n  if(!found_zero_pos)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                          index = i;
+                          perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                          found_zero_pos = 1;
+                          alreadyIn = 0;
+                        }
+                      }
+                      else if (memcmp(tempAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0) {
+                        //printf("\r\n\n  else if(memcmp(tempAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6)==0)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                        index = i;
+                        perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                        alreadyIn = 0;
+                        perDevs.discDevices--;
+                        break;
+                      }
+                      else {
+                        //printf("\r\n\n  else - ROW 514\n\n");//DEBUG
+                        if (!found_zero_pos) {
+                          //printf("\r\n\n  if(!found_zero_pos)\n\n");//DEBUG
+                          index = i;
+                          perDevs.connDeviceIdx = i;
+                          alreadyIn = 0;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                }//for
+                if ((!alreadyIn) && (perDevs.connDevices < MAX_NUM_OF_NODES)) {
+                    /* Save the found peripheral device in the struct containing all the found peripheral devices */
+                    saveDeviceFound(params->type, tempAddr, params->advertisingDataLen, params->advertisingData, index,
+                                    peripheral_v, wup_event, mic_event, prx_event, agm_event, sfusion_event);
+                    perDevs.status = DEVICE_FOUND;
+                    printf("\r\nPeripheral %d inserted (%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x) \n", perDevs.connDevices+1,
+                           tempAddr[5], tempAddr[4], tempAddr[3], tempAddr[2], tempAddr[1], tempAddr[0]);
+                }//if-alreadyIn
+            }//IF-ALLMEMS
+        }//IF-typeCOMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME
+        i += record_length;
+    }//for-MAIN
+}//if status != DEVICE_FOUND
+/* Function called after the discovery of a service */
+void serviceDiscoveryCallback(const DiscoveredService *service) {
+  //printf("\r\n\n----> serviceDiscoveryCallback\n\n");//DEBUG
+  printf("\r\n");
+  //printf("\r\nstatus: SERVICE_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+  perDevs.status = SERVICE_DISCOVERED;
+  //length of the long uuid
+  unsigned uuidLength = UUID::LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID; //16
+  //pointer to the current service uuid
+  const uint8_t * pointerToUUID = service->getUUID().getBaseUUID();
+  //temp long array
+  UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t tempUUID;
+  //temp short array
+  UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t shortTempUUID;
+  /*  Switch the known services */
+    //create the temp array
+    for (unsigned i=0;i<uuidLength;i++){
+      tempUUID[i]=pointerToUUID[i];
+    }
+  /* Switch the known services */
+    if ((memcmp(tempUUID, HARDWARE_SERVICE_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+      printf("\r\nHARDWARE service:  [ ");
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+        printf("%02x ", tempUUID[i]);
+      }
+      //handles
+      perDevs.hardware_service_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].start_h = service->getStartHandle();
+      perDevs.hardware_service_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].end_h = service->getEndHandle();
+      //status HW
+      //prinft("\r\nstatus = START_HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERY\n");
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, CONFIG_SERVICE_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+      printf("\r\nCFG service:  [ ");
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+        printf("%02x ", tempUUID[i]);
+      }
+      //handles
+      perDevs.configuration_service_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].start_h = service->getStartHandle();
+      perDevs.configuration_service_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].end_h = service->getEndHandle();
+      //status CFG
+      //prinft("\r\nstatus = START_CONFIGURATION_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERY\n");
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, SOFTWARE_SERVICE_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+      printf("\r\nSOFTWARE service:  [ ");
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+        printf("%02x ", tempUUID[i]);
+      }
+      //handles
+      perDevs.software_service_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].start_h = service->getStartHandle();
+      perDevs.software_service_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].end_h = service->getEndHandle();
+      //status SW
+      //prinft("\r\nstatus = START_SOFTWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERY\n");
+    // Short UUID services
+    } else if (service->getUUID().shortOrLong() == UUID::UUID_TYPE_SHORT) {
+        //get the short uuid
+        shortTempUUID = service->getUUID().getShortUUID();
+//        printf("\r\n\n\nS UUID [ %x ", service->getUUID().getShortUUID());//DEBUG
+        if (shortTempUUID == GENERIC_ACCESS_PROFILE_UUID) {
+          printf("\r\nGeneric Access Profile (GAP):  [ %x ", shortTempUUID);
+          //handles
+          perDevs.gen_access_profile_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].start_h = service->getStartHandle();
+          perDevs.gen_access_profile_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].end_h = service->getEndHandle();
+        } else if (shortTempUUID == GENERIC_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE_UUID) {
+          printf("\r\nGeneric Attribute Profile (GATT):  [ %x ", shortTempUUID);
+          //handles
+          perDevs.gen_attribute_profile_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].start_h = service->getStartHandle();
+          perDevs.gen_attribute_profile_handle[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].end_h = service->getEndHandle();
+        // UNKNOWN short service
+        } else {
+          printf("\r\nUNKNOWN service:  [ %x", shortTempUUID);
+        }
+      // UNKNOWN long service
+      } else {
+        printf("\r\nUNKNOWN service:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", tempUUID[i]);
+        }
+      }
+    printf("]");
+    printf("\r\n\n");
+/* Function called after the discovery of a characteristic */
+void characteristicDiscoveryCallback(const DiscoveredCharacteristic *characteristicP) {
+    //printf("\r----> characteristicDiscoveryCallback\n\n");//DEBUG
+  //current characteristic handles
+  uint16_t declHandle = characteristicP->getDeclHandle(); //identify chars
+  uint16_t valueHandle = characteristicP->getValueHandle();
+  //-----> index of current device
+  uint8_t  idx = perDevs.connDeviceIdx;
+  //printf("\r\nconnDeviceIdx: %d\n", idx);//DEBUG
+  //Prepend the DiscoveredCharacteristic into the list
+  headCharacteristic[idx] = prependDCNode(headCharacteristic[idx], characteristicP);
+  //length of the long uuid
+  unsigned uuidLength = UUID::LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID; //16
+  //pointer to the current service uuid
+  const uint8_t * pointerToUUID = characteristicP->getUUID().getBaseUUID();
+  //temp array
+  UUID::LongUUIDBytes_t tempUUID;
+  //create the temp uuid array
+    for (unsigned i=0;i<uuidLength;i++){
+      tempUUID[i]=pointerToUUID[i];
+    }
+  /* switch the known characteristic */
+    if (((memcmp(tempUUID, ENVIRONMENTAL_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0) ||
+        ((memcmp(tempUUID, ENVIRONMENTAL_ST_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0)){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.environmental_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        printf("\r\n - Enviromental Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+      }
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, ACCGYROMAG_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.agm_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        printf("\r\n - Acc-Gyro-Mag Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, SFUSION_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //SW
+        perDevs.status = SOFTWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = SOFTWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        //Set the handle
+        perDevs.sfusion_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        //Init value
+        perDevs.sfusion_char_read[idx]   = 0;
+        perDevs.sfusion_on[idx]          = 0;
+        printf("\r\n - SFusion Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+     // LED_CHAR_UUID
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, LED_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.led_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        // Init value
+        perDevs.led_char_read[idx]   = 0;
+        printf("\r\n - Led Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, WAKEUP_EVENT_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.wup_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        // Init value
+        perDevs.wup_char_read[idx]   = 0;
+        printf("\r\n - Wakeup Event Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, MIC_EVENT_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.mic_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        // Init value
+        perDevs.mic_char_read[idx]   = 0;
+        printf("\r\n - Mic Event Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, PROXIMITY_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.prx_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        // Init value
+        perDevs.prx_char_read[idx]   = 0;
+        perDevs.prx_on[idx]          = 0;
+        printf("\r\n - Proximity Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+     // LUX_CHAR_UUID
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, LUX_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //HW
+        perDevs.status = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = HARDWARE_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.lux_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        printf("\r\n - Lux Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+    }else if ((memcmp(tempUUID, CONFIG_CHAR_UUID, uuidLength)) == 0){
+        //CFG
+        //printf("\r\nstatus = CONFIGURATION_SERV_CHARS_DISCOVERED\n\n");
+        // Set the handle
+        perDevs.cfg_char_handle[idx] = declHandle;
+        printf("\r\n - Config Ch:  [ ");
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+     // UNKNOWN
+    }else {
+      printf("\r\n - Unknown Ch:  [ ");
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < uuidLength; i++) {
+          printf("%02x ", pointerToUUID[i]);
+        }
+    }
+  printf("] ");
+  printf("(declH 0x%04x), r: %x\n", declHandle, (uint8_t)characteristicP->getProperties().read());
+/* Function called when discovery is terminated */
+void discoveryTerminationCallback(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle) {
+    //printf("\r----> discoveryTerminationCallback\n\n");//DEBUG
+    uint8_t * pointerToCustomDev_v;
+    pointerToCustomDev_v = &customDev_v;
+    uint8_t idx = perDevs.connDeviceIdx; //idx
+    printf("\r\n\n%d characteristics discovered and added into the DCList \n", countElements(headCharacteristic[idx]));
+    printf("\r\nTerminated SERVICE DISCOVERY for Handle 0x%04x\n\n", connectionHandle);
+////Enable notifications after the discovery of the configuration characteristics
+    if (!perDevs.is_disconnected[perDevs.connDeviceIdx]) {
+        *pointerToCustomDev_v = perDevs.devInfo[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].dev_v;
+        if (perDevs.devInfo[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].dev_v == NODE_ME1) {
+            perDevs.status = ENABLE_ME1_LED_NOTIFICATIONS;
+        }else if (perDevs.devInfo[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].dev_v == NODE_AM1) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED;
+        }else if (perDevs.devInfo[perDevs.connDeviceIdx].dev_v == NODE_FL1) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED;
+        }
+    } else {
+        perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED;
+    }
+/* Method called when there is a notification from the sever */
+void onNotificationCallback(const GattHVXCallbackParams* event){
+     //printf("\r\nonNotificationCallback\n");//DEBUG
+    /* GATT Notification params */
+    uint16_t conn_handle = event->connHandle;
+    uint16_t attr_handle = event->handle;
+    uint8_t attr_len = event->len;
+    uint8_t *attr_value = (uint8_t *)event->data;
+    int32_t  tmp = 0;
+    uint8_t  tmp_data[256];
+    uint8_t  notify = 0;
+    tBDAddr  devAddr;
+    uint8_t  index;
+    uint16_t slave_attr_handle;
+    static uint8_t wupevt_value = 0;
+    /* Retrieving the peripheral device index and address from the connection handle */
+    getDeviceFromConnHandle(conn_handle, &index, devAddr);
+    slave_attr_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+    /* Build buffer in JSON format */
+    if (attr_handle == perDevs.wup_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /**
+        * The motion is detected when a WakeUp event notification is received.
+        * The received data is composed by 2 bytes for the tstamp + 2 bytes
+        * for the value. Since we transmit only information about the detected
+        * motion, we don't care of the last 2 bytes.
+        */
+        if (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+2)
+            printf("\r\n(NC)WUP Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+2));
+        wupevt_value = !wupevt_value;
+        tmp = wupevt_value;
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"WUpEvt_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | WakeUp Type ID |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte         |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, WUP_TYPE_ID, NULL, WUP_DATA_LEN);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+WUP_DATA_LEN, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.mic_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /* The level in dB (the mic level is detected when a mic event notification is received) */
+        /* The Sensor Tile board has only Mic1 so it sends 3 bytes */
+        if ((attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+(2*MIC_DATA_LEN)) && (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+MIC_DATA_LEN))
+            printf("\r\n(NC)MIC Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d or %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+MIC_DATA_LEN), (TSTAMP_LEN+(2*MIC_DATA_LEN)));
+        tmp = attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"Mic1_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        /* We do not send the audio level from Mic2 anyway */
+        //tmp = attr_value[3];
+        //sprintf((char *)tmp_data,  ",\"Mic2_0x%02x%02x\":%d",  devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        //strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | MIC Event Type ID | value  |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte            | 1 byte |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, MICLEVEL_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, MIC_DATA_LEN);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+MIC_DATA_LEN, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.prx_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /* the distance value (in mm) */
+        if (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+PRX_DATA_LEN)
+            printf("\r\n(NC)PRX Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+PRX_DATA_LEN));
+        tmp = (attr_value[3]<<8) | attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"PRX_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | Proximity Type ID | value   |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte            | 2 bytes |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, PRX_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, PRX_DATA_LEN); /* Timestamp, Node ID, Proximity Type ID, data, len */
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+PRX_DATA_LEN, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.agm_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        uint8_t type_id;
+        uint8_t data_len;
+        uint8_t value_offset;
+        /* Acc values in mg, Gyro values in dps, Mag values in mGa */
+        if (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+MEMS_DATA_LEN)
+            printf("\r\n(NC)AGM Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+MEMS_DATA_LEN));
+        if (perDevs.acc_event_enabled) {
+            Build_MEMS_Packet(attr_value+2, "Acc", devAddr, INT_VALUE);
+            type_id = ACC_TYPE_ID;
+            data_len = ACC_DATA_LEN;
+            value_offset = TSTAMP_LEN;
+        } else if (perDevs.gyr_event_enabled) {
+            Build_MEMS_Packet(attr_value+8, "Gyr", devAddr, FLOAT_VALUE);
+            type_id = GYR_TYPE_ID;
+            data_len = GYR_DATA_LEN;
+            value_offset = TSTAMP_LEN+ACC_DATA_LEN;
+        } else if (perDevs.mag_event_enabled) {
+            Build_MEMS_Packet(attr_value+14, "Mag", devAddr, INT_VALUE);
+            type_id = MAG_TYPE_ID;
+            data_len = MAG_DATA_LEN;
+            value_offset = TSTAMP_LEN+ACC_DATA_LEN+GYR_DATA_LEN;
+        }
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | Acc/Gyro/Mag Type ID | value   |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte               | 6 bytes |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, type_id, attr_value+value_offset, data_len);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) && (perDevs.agm_on[index])) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_DATA_READ;
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+data_len, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        } else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.sfusion_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /* Quaternion values */
+        tmp = (int8_t)attr_value[3]<<8 | attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"Q1_0x%02x%02x\":%s0.%.4d; ", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], (tmp<0 ? "-" : ""), (tmp<0 ? -tmp : tmp));
+        tmp = (int8_t)attr_value[5]<<8 | attr_value[4];
+        sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Q2_0x%02x%02x\":%s0.%.4d; ", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], (tmp<0 ? "-" : ""), (tmp<0 ? -tmp : tmp));
+        strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        tmp = (int8_t)attr_value[7]<<8 | attr_value[6];
+        sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Q3_0x%02x%02x\":%s0.%.4d; ", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], (tmp<0 ? "-" : ""), (tmp<0 ? -tmp : tmp));
+        strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | SFusion Type ID |  value  |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes |     1 byte      | 6 bytes |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, SFUSION_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, SFUSION_DATA_LEN);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) && (perDevs.sfusion_on[index])) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_DATA_READ;
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+SFUSION_DATA_LEN, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+            perDevs.sfusion_char_read[index] = 1;
+        } else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.environmental_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /* P value in mBar, H value in percentage, T2 and T1 values in Celtius degree */
+        if (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+ENV_DATA_LEN)
+            printf("\r\n(NC)SFUSION Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+ENV_DATA_LEN));
+        tmp = (attr_value[5]<<24) | (attr_value[4]<<16) | (attr_value[3]<<8) | attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"Pressure_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld,", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/100, tmp%100);
+        tmp = (attr_value[7]<<8) | attr_value[6];
+        sprintf((char *)tmp_data,  "\"Humidity_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld,", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+        strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        /* Showing only one Temperature from the same peripheral node */
+        //tmp = (attr_value[9]<<8) | attr_value[8];
+        //sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Temperature2_0x%02x%02x\":%d.%d,", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+        //strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        tmp = (attr_value[11]<<8) | attr_value[10];
+        sprintf((char *)tmp_data,  "\"Temperature1_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+        strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Tstamp  | Node ID | P Type ID | value   | H Type ID | value   | T Type ID | value   | T Type ID | value   |
+        * 2 bytes | 2 bytes | 1 byte    | 4 bytes | 1 byte    | 2 bytes | 1 byte    | 2 bytes | 1 byte    | 2 bytes |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, PRESS_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, attr_len-TSTAMP_LEN);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+                    star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.led_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /* the status (0x01 = ON, 0x00 = OFF) */
+        if (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+LED_DATA_LEN)
+            printf("\r\n(NC)LED Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+LED_DATA_LEN));
+        tmp = attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"LED_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | LED Type ID | value  |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte      | 1 byte |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, LED_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, LED_DATA_LEN);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            if (perDevs.led_char_read[index]==1) {
+                perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            }
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+LED_DATA_LEN, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        }
+    } else if (attr_handle == perDevs.lux_char_handle[index]+1) {
+        /* Lux value */
+        if (attr_len != TSTAMP_LEN+LUX_DATA_LEN)
+            printf("\r\n(NC)LUX Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d)\n", attr_len, (TSTAMP_LEN+LUX_DATA_LEN));
+        tmp = (attr_value[3]<<8) | attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"LUX_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        notify = 1;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | LUX Type ID | value   |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte      | 2 bytes |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, LUX_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, LUX_DATA_LEN);
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            notifyMaster(ATTR_HEAD_LEN+LUX_DATA_LEN, star_attr_value, slave_attr_handle);
+        }
+    }//if-else-MAIN
+    if (notify == 1) {
+        strcat((char *)wifi_data, "\n");
+        if (discoveryCompleted == 1){
+            printf("\r\nNOTIFICATION => %s", (char *)wifi_data); /* print locally the buffer in JSON format */
+        }
+        data = wifi_data;
+        if ((attr_handle!=perDevs.sfusion_char_handle[index]+1) && (attr_handle!=perDevs.agm_char_handle[index]+1))
+            new_data = 1;
+    }//notify=1
+    if (readCompleted != 1){
+        readCompleted = 1;
+    }
+ * @brief  Enable characteristic notifications
+ * @param  Connection Handle
+ * @param  Position of the peripheral in the struct containing all peripherals
+ * @param  Peripheral node type
+ * @param  uint8_t indicating if the notification has to be enabled (1) or disabled (0)
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void enableNotifications(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t index, uint8_t dev_v, uint8_t set_mode) {
+    uint16_t attr_handle;
+    uint8_t  attr_value[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0};
+    uint8_t  attr_len;
+    const char * event_type;
+    switch (perDevs.status) {
+      {
+        event_type = "LED";
+        attr_handle = perDevs.led_char_handle[index] + 2;
+      }
+        break;
+      {
+        event_type = "WUPEVT";
+        // Enable/Disable the WakeUp notifications on the Motenv1
+        setNotificationProperty(conn_handle, index, FEATURE_MASK_WAKEUP_EVENTS, WAKEUP_NOTIFICATION_CMD, set_mode);
+        attr_handle = perDevs.wup_char_handle[index] + 2;
+      }
+      break;
+      default:
+      break;
+    }
+    attr_value[0] = set_mode;
+    attr_len = 2;
+    if (perDevs.status == ENABLE_ME1_LED_NOTIFICATIONS){
+        writeDescriptorCompleted=0;
+        printf("\r\n%s notifications set to %d for periph %d (0x%04x)\n", event_type, set_mode, index+1, conn_handle);
+        writeCharacDescriptor(conn_handle, attr_handle, attr_len, attr_value);
+    }
+    if ((perDevs.status == ENABLE_ME1_WUP_NOTIFICATIONS)/* && (writeDescriptorCompleted == 1)*/){
+        writeDescriptorCompleted=0;
+        printf("\r\n%s notifications set to %d for periph %d (0x%04x)\n", event_type, set_mode, index+1, conn_handle);
+        writeCharacDescriptor(conn_handle, attr_handle, attr_len, attr_value);
+    }
+/* Method called after a periph descriptor is written */
+void perDescriptorWrittenCallback(const GattWriteCallbackParams* event){
+    //printf("\r\nperDescriptorWrittenCallback\n");//DEBUG
+    setNewStatus();
+    writeDescriptorCompleted = 1;
+/* Write a characteristic descriptor */
+//cmd == GattClient::GATT_OP_WRITE_REQ
+void writeCharacDescriptor(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle, uint8_t attr_len,
+                           uint8_t* attr_value){
+    ble_error_t error = BLE::Instance().gattClient().write( GattClient::GATT_OP_WRITE_REQ,
+                                                            conn_handle,
+                                                            attr_handle,
+                                                            attr_len,
+                                                            attr_value );
+    if (error != BLE_ERROR_NONE){
+        printf("\r\nWrite charac descriptor failed!\n");
+        writeDescriptorCompleted = 1;
+    }
+/* Get error */
+ble_error_t writeCharacDescriptorWithError(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle, uint8_t attr_len,
+                                                 uint8_t* attr_value){
+    ble_error_t error = BLE::Instance().gattClient().write( GattClient::GATT_OP_WRITE_REQ,
+                                                            conn_handle,
+                                                            attr_handle,
+                                                            attr_len,
+                                                            attr_value );
+    return error;
+/* Write a characteristic value without waiting for any response */
+void writeCharacValueWithoutResp(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle, uint8_t attr_len,
+                                 uint8_t* attr_value){
+    ble_error_t error = BLE::Instance().gattClient().write( GattClient::GATT_OP_WRITE_CMD,
+                                                            conn_handle,
+                                                            attr_handle,
+                                                            attr_len,
+                                                            attr_value );
+    if (error != BLE_ERROR_NONE){
+        printf("\r\nWrite charac descriptor wo resp failed!\n");
+        writeDescriptorCompleted = 1;
+    }
+/* Get error */
+ble_error_t writeCharacValueWithoutRespWithError(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t attr_handle, uint8_t attr_len,
+                                                 uint8_t* attr_value){
+    ble_error_t error = BLE::Instance().gattClient().write( GattClient::GATT_OP_WRITE_CMD,
+                                                            conn_handle,
+                                                            attr_handle,
+                                                            attr_len,
+                                                            attr_value );
+    return error;
+ * @brief  This function builds a Jason format string
+ * @param  attribute value
+ * @param  string indicating the data type (Acc, Gyr or Mag)
+ * @param  address of the device
+ * @param  data type (integer or float)
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void Build_MEMS_Packet(uint8_t *attr_value, char *data_type, tBDAddr devAddr, uint8_t num_type){
+    int32_t tmp = 0;
+    uint8_t tmp_data[256];
+    const char* sign = "";
+    char axes[3] = {'X','Y','Z'};
+    uint8_t i, j = 0;
+    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+        tmp = ((int8_t)attr_value[i+1]<<8) | attr_value[i];
+        if (num_type==1) {
+            if (i==0) {
+                sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"%s%c_0x%02x%02x\":%ld; ", data_type, axes[j], devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+            } else {
+                sprintf((char *)tmp_data,  "\"%s%c_0x%02x%02x\":%ld; ", data_type, axes[j], devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+                strcat ((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+            }
+        } else {
+            sign = (tmp < 0) ? "-" : "";
+            tmp = (tmp < 0) ? (-tmp) : (tmp);
+            if (i==0) {
+                sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"%s%c_0x%02x%02x\":%s%ld.%ld; ", data_type, axes[j], devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], sign, tmp/10, tmp%10);
+            } else {
+                sprintf((char *)tmp_data,  "\"%s%c_0x%02x%02x\":%s%ld.%ld; ", data_type, axes[j], devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], sign, tmp/10, tmp%10);
+                strcat ((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+            }
+        }//if-MAIN
+        i++;
+        j++;
+    }//for
+ * @brief  This function creates, from an attribute value received from a
+ *         peripheral node, a new attribute value to be sent to the client
+ * @param  tstamp        Timestamp
+ * @param  data_type_id  Data Type ID
+ * @param  devAddr       Device address
+ * @param  data_length   Data Length
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void Create_New_Attr_Value (uint8_t *tstamp, tBDAddr  devAddr, uint8_t data_type_id, uint8_t *data, uint8_t data_length){
+    //printf("\r\nCreate_New_Attr_Value\n");//DEBUG
+    uint8_t* new_attr_value = star_attr_value;
+    memcpy(new_attr_value, tstamp, TSTAMP_LEN); /* Timestamp */
+    new_attr_value += TSTAMP_LEN;
+    memcpy(new_attr_value, devAddr+NODE_ID_OFFSET, NODE_ID_LEN); /* Node ID */
+    new_attr_value += NODE_ID_LEN;
+    memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN); /* Data Type ID */
+    new_attr_value += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+  switch(data_type_id)
+  {
+  //
+  case PRESS_TYPE_ID:
+    {
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, PRESS_DATA_LEN); /* Pressure value */
+      new_attr_value  += PRESS_DATA_LEN;
+      data += PRESS_DATA_LEN;
+      if (data_length == ENV_DATA_LEN_LONG-TSTAMP_LEN) {
+        data_type_id = HUM_TYPE_ID;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN);   /* Humidity Type ID */
+        new_attr_value  += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data,          HUM_DATA_LEN);  /* Humidity value */
+        new_attr_value  += HUM_DATA_LEN;
+        data += HUM_DATA_LEN;
+        data_type_id = TEMP_TYPE_ID;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN);   /* Temperature Type ID */
+        new_attr_value  += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data,          TEMP_DATA_LEN); /* Temperature value */
+        new_attr_value  += TEMP_DATA_LEN;
+        data += TEMP_DATA_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN);   /* Temperature Type ID */
+        new_attr_value  += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data,          TEMP_DATA_LEN); /* Temperature value */
+      }
+      else { /* Sensor Tile */
+        data_type_id = TEMP_TYPE_ID;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN);   /* Temperature Type ID */
+        new_attr_value  += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data,          TEMP_DATA_LEN); /* Temperature value */
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case LED_TYPE_ID:
+    {
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, ONE_BYTE_LEN); /* LED or MIC value */
+    }
+    break;
+  case PRX_TYPE_ID:
+  case LUX_TYPE_ID:
+    {
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, TWO_BYTES_LEN); /* LUX or PRX value */
+    }
+    break;
+  case ACC_TYPE_ID:
+    {
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, X_DATA_LEN); /* ACC value */
+      new_attr_value += X_DATA_LEN;
+      data += X_DATA_LEN;
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Y_DATA_LEN);
+      new_attr_value += Y_DATA_LEN;
+      data += Y_DATA_LEN;
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Z_DATA_LEN);
+      new_attr_value += Z_DATA_LEN;
+      data += Z_DATA_LEN;
+      if (data_length == MEMS_DATA_LEN) {
+        data_type_id = GYR_TYPE_ID;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN); /* GYR Type ID */
+        new_attr_value += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data, X_DATA_LEN);           /* GYR value */
+        new_attr_value += X_DATA_LEN;
+        data += X_DATA_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Y_DATA_LEN);
+        new_attr_value += Y_DATA_LEN;
+        data += Y_DATA_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Z_DATA_LEN);
+        new_attr_value += Z_DATA_LEN;
+        data += Z_DATA_LEN;
+        data_type_id = MAG_TYPE_ID;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, &data_type_id, TYPE_ID_LEN); /* MAG Type ID */
+        new_attr_value += TYPE_ID_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data, X_DATA_LEN);           /* MAG value */
+        new_attr_value += X_DATA_LEN;
+        data += X_DATA_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Y_DATA_LEN);
+        new_attr_value += Y_DATA_LEN;
+        data += Y_DATA_LEN;
+        memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Z_DATA_LEN);
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case GYR_TYPE_ID:
+  case MAG_TYPE_ID:
+    {
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, X_DATA_LEN); /* X or Q1 value */
+      new_attr_value += X_DATA_LEN;
+      data += X_DATA_LEN;
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Y_DATA_LEN); /* Y or Q2 value */
+      new_attr_value += Y_DATA_LEN;
+      data += Y_DATA_LEN;
+      memcpy(new_attr_value, data, Z_DATA_LEN); /* Z or Q3 value */
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+/* Method called after the reading of a characteristic */
+void readCharacteristicCallback(const GattReadCallbackParams *response) {
+  //printf("\r\nreadCharacteristicCallback - status (%d)\n\n", perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+  uint16_t handle = response->connHandle;
+  uint8_t data_length = response->len;
+  uint8_t * attr_value = (uint8_t *)response->data;
+  int32_t  tmp = 0;
+  uint8_t  tmp_data[256];
+  uint8_t  index;
+  tBDAddr  devAddr;
+  uint16_t attribute_handle; //slave
+  uint8_t  new_buffer = 0;
+  getDeviceFromConnHandle(handle, &index, devAddr);
+  /* Building the buffer in JSON format */
+  switch (perDevs.status) {
+    {
+      /* P in mBar, H in percentage, T2 and T1 value in Celtius degree */
+      if ((data_length != ENV_DATA_LEN_LONG) && (data_length != ENV_DATA_LEN_SHORT)) {
+        printf("\rENV Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d or %d) - status=%d\n\n", data_length, (ENV_DATA_LEN_LONG), (ENV_DATA_LEN_SHORT), perDevs.status);
+      }
+      else {
+        tmp = (attr_value[5]<<24) | (attr_value[4]<<16) | (attr_value[3]<<8) | attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"Pressure_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld,", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/100, tmp%100);
+        if (data_length == ENV_DATA_LEN_LONG) {
+          tmp = (attr_value[7]<<8) | attr_value[6];
+          sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Humidity_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld,", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+          strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+          //Showing only one Temperature from the same peripheral node
+          //tmp = (attr_value[9]<<8) | attr_value[8];
+          //sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Temperature2_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld,", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+          //strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+          tmp = (attr_value[11]<<8) | attr_value[10];
+          sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Temperature1_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+          strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        }
+        else { /* ENV_DATA_LEN_SHORT (that is when using the Sensor Tile) */
+          tmp = (attr_value[7]<<8) | attr_value[6];
+          sprintf((char *)tmp_data, "\"Temperature1_0x%02x%02x\":%ld.%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp/10, tmp%10);
+          strcat((char *)wifi_data, (char *)tmp_data);
+        }
+        attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+          /*
+          * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+          * Tstamp  | Node ID | P Type ID | value   | H Type ID | value   | T Type ID | value   | T Type ID | value   |
+          * 2 bytes | 2 bytes | 1 byte    | 4 bytes | 1 byte    | 2 bytes | 1 byte    | 2 bytes | 1 byte    | 2 bytes |
+          */
+          Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, PRESS_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, data_length-TSTAMP_LEN);
+          if (data_length == ENV_DATA_LEN_LONG) {
+            slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+PRESS_DATA_LEN+(3*TYPE_ID_LEN)+HUM_DATA_LEN+(2*TEMP_DATA_LEN);
+          }
+          else { /* ENV_DATA_LEN_SHORT (that is when using the Sensor Tile) */
+            slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+PRESS_DATA_LEN+TYPE_ID_LEN+TEMP_DATA_LEN;
+          }
+          slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+          memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+          slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+        }
+        new_buffer = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case READING_LED:
+    {
+      /* the status (0=OFF, 1=ON) */
+      if (data_length != TSTAMP_LEN+LED_DATA_LEN) {
+        printf("\rLED Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d) - status=%d\n\n", data_length, (TSTAMP_LEN+LED_DATA_LEN), perDevs.status);
+      }
+      else {
+        tmp = attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"LED_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+          /*
+          * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+          * Timestamp | Node ID | LED Type ID | value  |
+          * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte      | 1 byte |
+          */
+          Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, LED_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, LED_DATA_LEN);
+          slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+LED_DATA_LEN;
+          slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+          memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+          slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+        }
+        new_buffer = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case READING_MIC:
+    {
+      tmp = 0; /* fake value used to just notify the mic presence */
+      sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"Mic1_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+      attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+      if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+        uint8_t val = tmp;
+        /*
+         * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+         * Timestamp | Node ID | MIC Type ID | value  |
+         * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte      | 1 byte |
+         */
+        // STORE_LE_16(star_attr_value, (HAL_GetTick()>>3)); /* Timestamp */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, MICLEVEL_TYPE_ID, &val, MIC_DATA_LEN);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+MIC_DATA_LEN;
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+        memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+      }
+      new_buffer = 1;
+    }
+    break;
+  case READING_LUX:
+    {
+      /* Lux value */
+      if (data_length != TSTAMP_LEN+LUX_DATA_LEN) {
+        printf("\rLUX Warning: received data length is %d (while expecting %d) - status=%d\n\n", data_length, (TSTAMP_LEN+LUX_DATA_LEN), perDevs.status);
+      }
+      else {
+        tmp = (attr_value[3]<<8) | attr_value[2];
+        sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"LUX_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+        attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+          /*
+          * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+          * Timestamp | Node ID | LUX Type ID | value   |
+          * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte      | 2 bytes |
+          */
+          Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, LUX_TYPE_ID, attr_value+TSTAMP_LEN, LUX_DATA_LEN);
+          slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+LUX_DATA_LEN;
+          slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+          memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+          slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+        }
+        new_buffer = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case READING_PRX:
+    {
+      /* the distance value in mm */
+      tmp = 0; /* fake value used to just notify the prx presence */
+      sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"PRX_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+//      if (attr_value == NULL){
+//        printf("\r\nattr_value == NULL\n");
+//      }else{
+//        printf("\r\nattr_value != NULL\n");
+//      }
+      attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+      if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+        uint8_t val[PRX_DATA_LEN];
+        memcpy((void *)val, (void *)tmp, sizeof(val));
+        /*
+         * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+         * Timestamp | Node ID | Proximity Type ID | value   |
+         * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte            | 2 bytes |
+         */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, PRX_TYPE_ID, val, PRX_DATA_LEN);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+PRX_DATA_LEN;
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+        memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+      }
+      new_buffer = 1;
+    }
+    break;
+    {
+      /* Device disconnected */
+        attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+        /*
+        * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+        * Timestamp | Node ID | Status Type ID  |
+        * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes |     1 byte      |
+        */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, STATUS_TYPE_ID, NULL, STATUS_DATA_LEN);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+STATUS_DATA_LEN;
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+        memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+        new_buffer = 1;
+    }
+    break;
+  case READING_AGM:
+    {
+      /* the acceleration value in mg */
+      tmp = 0; /* fake value used to just notify the agm presence */
+      sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"AGM_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+      attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+      if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+        uint8_t val[MEMS_DATA_LEN];
+        memcpy((void *)val, (void *)tmp, sizeof(val));
+        /*
+         * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+         * Timestamp | Node ID | ACC Type ID | value   | GYR Type ID | value   | MAG Type ID | value   |
+         * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes | 1 byte      | 6 bytes | 1 byte      | 6 bytes | 1 byte      | 6 bytes |
+         */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, ACC_TYPE_ID, val, MEMS_DATA_LEN);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+ACC_DATA_LEN+(2*TYPE_ID_LEN)+GYR_DATA_LEN+MAG_DATA_LEN;
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+        memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+      }
+      new_buffer = 1;
+    }
+    break;
+    {
+      /* the mems sensor fusion value */
+      tmp = 0; /* fake value used to just notify the sensor fusion presence */
+      sprintf((char *)wifi_data, "\"SFUSION_0x%02x%02x\":%ld", devAddr[NODE_ID_B2], devAddr[NODE_ID_B1], tmp);
+      attribute_handle = slaveDev.star_data_char_handle;
+      if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+        uint8_t val[3];
+        memcpy((void *)val, (void *)tmp, sizeof(val));
+        /*
+         * Modify the attribute value according to the following format:
+         * Timestamp | Node ID | SFUSION Type ID |  value  |
+         * 2 bytes   | 2 bytes |     1 byte      | 6 bytes |
+         */
+        Create_New_Attr_Value(attr_value, devAddr, SFUSION_TYPE_ID, val, SFUSION_DATA_LEN);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.data_length = ATTR_HEAD_LEN+SFUSION_DATA_LEN;
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value = star_attr_value;
+        memcpy(slaveDev.notification_data.devAddr, devAddr, 6);
+        slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle = attribute_handle;
+      }
+      new_buffer = 1;
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  if (new_buffer == 1){
+    strcat((char *)wifi_data, "\n");
+    printf("\r\n%s", (char *)wifi_data); /* print locally the buffer in JSON format */
+    data = wifi_data;
+    new_data = 1;
+  }
+  if (notificationPending == 1){
+    readCompleted = 1;
+    Change_Notification_Status(notifyP->att_data, notifyP->attr_value, notifyP->conn_handle, notifyP->i, notifyP->feature_mask, notifyP->frequency);
+    notificationPending = 0;
+  }
+  setNewStatus();
+  readCompleted = 1;
+/* This function retrieves the peripheral device index and address
+ * from the connection handle */
+void getDeviceFromConnHandle(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *index, tBDAddr devAddr){
+  //printf("\r\ngetDeviceFromConnHandle\n\n");//DEBUG
+  uint8_t i;
+  for (i=0; i<MAX_NUM_OF_NODES; i++){
+    if (perDevs.connection_handle[i] == handle){
+      memcpy(devAddr, perDevs.devInfo[i].bdaddr, 6);
+      *index = i;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+/* Create a null gatt read pointer */
+GattReadCallbackParams * nullGattReadCallbackP(uint16_t connection_handle){
+    GattReadCallbackParams gattReadCallbackParamsStruct, *pointer;
+    pointer = &gattReadCallbackParamsStruct;
+    pointer->connHandle = connection_handle;
+    pointer->len        = 0;
+    pointer->data       = NULL;
+    return pointer;
+void readingProcess(void) {
+    //printf("\r\nreadingProcess - status: %d - connDevices: %d\n", perDevs.status, perDevs.connDevices);//DEBUG
+    /* This index defines which peripheral is going to be read */
+    uint8_t i = perDevs.readDeviceIdx;
+    //fetch the current connection handle
+    uint16_t connHandle = perDevs.connection_handle[i];
+    if ((perDevs.status == NOTIFICATIONS_DATA_READ) && (perDevs.sfusion_event_enabled) && (!perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i])){
+        perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+    }
+    //READ_INIT
+    if ((perDevs.status == READ_INIT)) {
+        if (perDevs.connDevices > 0) {
+            slaveDev.is_discoverable = true;
+            //printf("\r\nperDevs.connDevices > 0 (i=%d)\n", i);//DEBUG
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            if (!perDevs.is_disconnected[i]) {
+                //printf("\r\n!perDevs.is_disconnected\n");//DEBUG
+                switch (perDevs.devInfo[i].dev_v) {
+                    case NODE_ME1:
+                    case NODE_AM1:
+                    case NODE_FL1:
+                    /* start to read sensors data from environmental */
+                    if ((perDevs.mic_event_enabled) || (perDevs.prx_event_enabled) || (perDevs.agm_event_enabled)
+                        || (perDevs.sfusion_event_enabled)){
+                        //printf("\r\nNotification event enabled, skip reading\n");//DEBUG
+                    } else {
+                        perDevs.status = READING_ENVIRONMENTAL;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    default:
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            //printf("\r\nconnDevices: %d - status = CONN_INIT - ELSE readingProces\n", perDevs.connDevices);//DEBUG
+            perDevs.status = CONN_INIT;
+        }
+    }//if-READ_INIT
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_ENVIRONMENTAL) && (readCompleted == 1)) {
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        //fetch the characteristic declHandle
+        uint16_t declHandle = perDevs.environmental_char_handle[i];
+        //current data pointer
+        DiscoveredCharacteristic c = searchDCNode(headCharacteristic[i], declHandle)->data;
+        //pass characteristic and connection handle
+        readSensorData(c, connHandle, i);
+    if ((perDevs.status == NOTIFY_ENV_TO_CLIENT) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        //printf("\r\nNOTIFY_ENV_TO_CLIENT\n");//DEBUG
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_LED) && (readCompleted == 1)) {
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        //fetch the characteristic declHandle
+        uint16_t declHandle = perDevs.led_char_handle[i];
+        //current data pointer
+        DiscoveredCharacteristic c = searchDCNode(headCharacteristic[i], declHandle)->data;
+        //pass characteristic and connection handle
+        readSensorData(c, connHandle, i);
+    }
+    if ((perDevs.status == NOTIFY_LED_TO_CLIENT) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_LUX) && (readCompleted == 1)) {
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        //fetch the characteristic declHandle
+        uint16_t declHandle = perDevs.lux_char_handle[i];
+        //current data pointer
+        DiscoveredCharacteristic c = searchDCNode(headCharacteristic[i], declHandle)->data;
+        //pass characteristic and connection handle
+        readSensorData(c, connHandle, i);
+    }//if-READING_LUX
+    if ((perDevs.status == NOTIFY_LUX_TO_CLIENT) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_MIC) && (readCompleted == 1)){
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        HAL_Delay(300);
+        /* Sending a 0 value to master just to notify the MIC sensor presence */
+        readCharacteristicCallback(nullGattReadCallbackP(connHandle));
+        perDevs.status = NOTIFY_MIC_TO_CLIENT;
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+    }//if-READING_MIC
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_PRX) && (readCompleted == 1) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        HAL_Delay(300);
+        /* Sending a 0 value to master just to notify the PRX sensor presence */
+        readCharacteristicCallback(nullGattReadCallbackP(connHandle));
+        perDevs.status = NOTIFY_PRX_TO_CLIENT;
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+  }//if-READING_PRX
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_AGM) && (readCompleted == 1) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        HAL_Delay(300);
+        /* Sending a 0 value to master just to notify the AGM sensors presence */
+        readCharacteristicCallback(nullGattReadCallbackP(connHandle));
+        perDevs.status = NOTIFY_AGM_TO_CLIENT;
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+    }//if-READING_AGM
+    if ((perDevs.status == READING_SFUSION) && (readCompleted == 1) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        //reading is starting
+        readCompleted = 0;
+        HAL_Delay(300);
+        /* Sending a 0 value to master just to notify the SFusion feature presence */
+        readCharacteristicCallback(nullGattReadCallbackP(connHandle));
+        perDevs.status = NOTIFY_SFUSION_TO_CLIENT;
+        notifyMaster(slaveDev.notification_data.data_length, slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_value,
+                     slaveDev.notification_data.attribute_handle);
+    if ((perDevs.status == ALL_DATA_READ) && (readCompleted == 1) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        //printf("\r\nstatus: ALL_DATA_READ (%d)\n", perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+        if (i>0) {
+            perDevs.readDeviceIdx--;
+        }
+        perDevs.status = READ_INIT;
+        //printf("\r\nstatus: READ_INIT (%d) - readingProcess\n", perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+        // All peripherals are read!
+        if (i==0) {
+            if ((slaveDev.is_connected == false) && (slaveDev.is_discoverable == true)) {
+                disableAllNotifications(); /* Called here to disable the SFUSION notifications */
+                setSlaveDiscoverable();
+            } else {
+                perDevs.status = CONN_INIT;
+            }//if-else-adv
+        }//if-i=0
+    }//if-ALL_DATA_READ
+    if ((perDevs.status == DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS) && (readCompleted == 1) && (writeDescriptorCompleted ==1)) {
+        //printf("\r\nperDevs.status == DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS\n");//DEBUG
+        disableAllNotifications();
+        perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        perDevs.readDeviceIdx = i;
+    /* Start connection process */
+/* This method reads the characteristic in input */
+void readSensorData(const DiscoveredCharacteristic &characteristic, uint16_t connection_handle, uint8_t index){
+    //printf("\r\nreadSensorData\n");//DEBUG
+    ble_error_t error;
+        if (!perDevs.is_disconnected[index] && characteristic.getDeclHandle()){
+//          printf("\r\n\nReading sensor data from periph %d (0x%04x - 0x%04x) - status=%d\n", index+1,
+//                      connection_handle, characteristic.getDeclHandle(), perDevs.status);//DEBUG
+            error =;
+            if (error != BLE_ERROR_NONE){
+                printf("\r\n\nUnable to read data from periph %d (err %d, cHndl 0x%04x - dHdl 0x%04x)\n", index+1,
+                        error, connection_handle, characteristic.getDeclHandle());
+      ;
+                readCompleted = 1;
+            }//if-failed
+        } else {
+  ;
+        }//if-else-isConnected
+/* Set the new status */
+void setNewStatus(void) {
+  //printf("\r\nsetNewStatus\n");//DEBUG
+  uint8_t i = perDevs.readDeviceIdx;
+  //Switch status
+  switch (perDevs.status) {
+    //
+        if (perDevs.wup_event[perDevs.connDeviceIdx]) {
+            perDevs.status = ENABLE_ME1_WUP_NOTIFICATIONS;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED;
+        }
+    break;
+    //
+        perDevs.status = NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED;
+    break;
+    //
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFY_ENV_TO_CLIENT;
+        }else {
+            if ((perDevs.devInfo[i].dev_v == NODE_FL1) && (perDevs.prx_on[i]==0)) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_LUX;
+            }else {
+                //printf("\r\nstatus = ALL_DATA_READ (setNewStatus)\n");
+                perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            }
+        }//if-MAIN
+    break;
+    //
+        //NODE_FL1
+        if (perDevs.devInfo[i].dev_v == NODE_FL1) {
+            if (perDevs.prx_on[i]==0) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_LUX;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+               (perDevs.prx_event[i]) && (!perDevs.prx_char_read[i])) {
+                //printf("\r\n----->if\n");//DEBUG
+                perDevs.status = READING_PRX;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+               (perDevs.agm_event[i]) && (!perDevs.agm_char_read[i])) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_AGM;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+               (perDevs.sfusion_event[i]) && (!perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i])) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_SFUSION;
+            }
+            else {
+                perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            }
+        }//if-NODE_FL1
+        //NODE_ME1
+        else if (perDevs.devInfo[i].dev_v == NODE_ME1) {
+            if (!perDevs.led_char_read[i]) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_LED;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+                   (perDevs.agm_event[i]) && (!perDevs.agm_char_read[i])) {
+                    perDevs.status = READING_AGM;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+                   (perDevs.sfusion_event[i]) && (!perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i])) {
+                    perDevs.status = READING_SFUSION;
+            }
+            else {
+                perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            }
+        }//if-NODE_ME1
+        //NODE_AM1
+        else if (perDevs.devInfo[i].dev_v == NODE_AM1) {
+            if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+            (perDevs.mic_event[i]) && (!perDevs.mic_char_read[i])) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_MIC;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+               (perDevs.agm_event[i]) && (!perDevs.agm_char_read[i])) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_AGM;
+            }
+            else if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+               (perDevs.sfusion_event[i]) && (!perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i])) {
+                perDevs.status = READING_SFUSION;
+            }
+            else {
+                perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+            }
+        }//if-NODE_AM1
+    break;
+    //
+    case READING_LED:
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFY_LED_TO_CLIENT;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    break;
+    //
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+            (!perDevs.led_char_read[i])) {
+            perDevs.led_char_read[i] = 1;
+        }
+        else if (perDevs.agm_event[i]) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_AGM;
+        }
+        else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    break;
+    //
+    case READING_LUX:
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify)) {
+            perDevs.status = NOTIFY_LUX_TO_CLIENT;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    break;
+    //
+        //printf("NOTIFY_LUX_TO_CLIENT");//DEBUG
+        if ((slaveDev.is_connected) && (slaveDev.star_data_char_notify) &&
+            (perDevs.prx_event[i]) && (!perDevs.prx_char_read[i])) {
+            //printf("IF-LUX");//DEBUG
+            perDevs.status = READING_PRX;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    break;
+    //
+        perDevs.mic_char_read[i] = 1;
+        if (perDevs.agm_event[i]) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_AGM;
+        }
+        else if (perDevs.sfusion_event[i]) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_SFUSION;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+        perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+    break;
+    //
+        perDevs.prx_char_read[i] = 1;
+        if (perDevs.agm_event[i]) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_AGM;
+        }
+        else if (perDevs.sfusion_event[i]) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_SFUSION;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+        perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+    break;
+    //
+        perDevs.agm_char_read[i] = 1;
+        if (perDevs.sfusion_event[i]) {
+            perDevs.status = READING_SFUSION;
+        }else {
+            perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+        }
+    break;
+    //
+        perDevs.sfusion_char_read[i] = 1;
+        perDevs.status = ALL_DATA_READ;
+    break;
+    //
+    default:
+    break;
+  }
+/* Creating a new DiscoveredCharacteristicNode */
+DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * createDCNode(const DiscoveredCharacteristic &ch, DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *next){
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *newNode = (DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *)malloc(sizeof(DiscoveredCharacteristicNode));
+    if(newNode == NULL){
+        printf("\r\nError creating a new node\n\n");
+    }
+    newNode->data = ch;
+    newNode->next = next;
+    return newNode;
+/* Prepend a DiscoveredCharacteristicNode */
+DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * prependDCNode(DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *head, const DiscoveredCharacteristic *characteristic){
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * newNode = createDCNode(*characteristic, head);
+    head = newNode;
+    return head;
+/* Append a DiscoveredCharacteristicNode */
+DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * appendDCNode(DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *head, const DiscoveredCharacteristic *characteristic){
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * cursor = head;
+    // find the last node
+    while(cursor->next != NULL){
+        cursor = cursor->next;
+    }
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * newNode = createDCNode(*characteristic, NULL);
+    cursor->next = newNode;
+    return head;
+/* Number of DiscoveredCharacteristic nodes */
+int countElements(DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *head){
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * cursor = head;
+    int c=0;
+    //cursor because starts from 0
+    while (cursor != NULL){
+        c++;
+        cursor = cursor->next;
+    }
+    return c;
+/* Search for a DiscoveredCharacteristic node by declaration handle */
+DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * searchDCNode(DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *head, uint16_t declHandle) {
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * cursor = head;
+    while(cursor != NULL){
+        // search for declaration handle
+        if(cursor->data.getDeclHandle() == declHandle){
+            return cursor;
+        }
+        cursor = cursor->next;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+/* Delete the DCN list */
+void deleteDCNList(DiscoveredCharacteristicNode *head){
+    DiscoveredCharacteristicNode * cursor, *tmp;
+    if (head != NULL){
+        cursor = head->next;
+        head->next = NULL;
+        while(cursor != NULL) {
+            tmp = cursor->next;
+            free(cursor);
+            cursor = tmp;
+        }
+    }