Example of Mbed filesystem using HeapBlockDevice

Dependents:   TemperatureButtonFile AccelleratorRead

--- a/README.md	Thu Sep 06 20:15:17 2018 +0100
+++ b/README.md	Wed Sep 26 15:01:07 2018 +0100
@@ -261,6 +261,32 @@
+The pins macros define above can be override at the application configuration file using the driver prefix before the parameter name.
+   "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "spif-driver.SPI_MOSI": "PC_12",
+             "spif-driver.SPI_MISO": "PC_11",
+             "spif-driver.SPI_CLK":  "PC_10",
+             "spif-driver.SPI_CS":   "PA_15"
+         },
+         ...
+     }
+   "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "sd.SPI_MOSI": "PC_12",
+             "sd.SPI_MISO": "PC_11",
+             "sd.SPI_CLK":  "PC_10",
+             "sd.SPI_CS":   "PA_15"
+         },
+         ...
+     }
 Mbed OS has several options for the block device:
@@ -277,6 +303,18 @@
+  Starting mbed-os 5.10 the SPIFBlockDevice is a component under mbed-os. In order to add a component to the application use the following `target_overrides` configuration at the application configuration file:
+  "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "target.components_add": ["SPIF"],
+             ...
+         },
+         ...
+  }
 - **DataFlashBlockDevice** - Block device driver for NOR-based SPI flash devices
   that support the DataFlash protocol, such as the Adesto AT45DB series of
   devices. DataFlash is a memory protocol that combines flash with SRAM buffers
@@ -293,6 +331,18 @@
+  Starting mbed-os 5.10 the DataFlashBlockDevice is a component under mbed-os. In order to add a component to the application use the following `target_overrides` configuration at the application configuration file:
+  "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "target.components_add": ["DATAFLASH"],
+             ...
+         },
+         ...
+  }
 - **SDBlockDevice** - Block device driver for SD cards and eMMC memory chips. SD
   cards or eMMC chips offer a full FTL layer on top of NAND flash. This makes the
   storage well-suited for systems that require a about 1GB of memory.
@@ -307,6 +357,18 @@
+  Starting mbed-os 5.10 the SDBlockDevice is a component under mbed-os. In order to add a component to the application use the following `target_overrides` configuration at the application configuration file:
+  "target_overrides": {
+         ...
+         "NUCLEO_F429ZI": {
+             "target.components_add": ["SD"],
+             ...
+         },
+         ...
+  }
 - [**HeapBlockDevice**](https://os.mbed.com/docs/v5.6/reference/heapblockdevice.html) -
   Block device that simulates storage in RAM using the heap. Do not use the heap
   block device for storing data persistently because a power loss causes