
Dependencies:   Blynk mbed



File content as of revision 3:4cd9171ba989:

 * @file ESP8266.h
 * @brief The definition of class ESP8266. 
 * @author Wu Pengfei<> 
 * @date 2015.02
 * @par Copyright:
 * Copyright (c) 2015 ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. \n\n
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n\n
#ifndef __ESP8266_H__
#define __ESP8266_H__

//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "mbed.h"
#include "WString.h"

extern Timer g_Timer;
extern Serial pc;
//#define LOG_ESP8266
#ifdef LOG_ESP8266
#define ESP8266_LOG pc.printf
#define LOG_ENTER ESP8266_LOG("Enter %s\r\n", __func__);
#define ESP8266_LOG(...)
#define LOG_ENTER 


//#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
#define SoftwareSerial Serial
#define HardwareSerial Serial

#define  VERSION_18   		0X18
#define  VERSION_22   		0X22

 * You can modify the macro to choose a different version

#define  USER_SEL_VERSION         VERSION_22

 * Provide an easy-to-use way to manipulate ESP8266. 
class ESP8266 {

    typedef void (*onData)(uint8_t mux_id, uint32_t len, void* ptr);

     * Constuctor. 
     * @param uart - an reference of SoftwareSerial object. 
     * @warning parameter baud depends on the AT firmware. 9600 is an common value. 

    ESP8266(SoftwareSerial &uart);
    SoftwareSerial* getUart() { return m_puart; }

#else /* HardwareSerial */
     * Constuctor. 
     * @param uart - an reference of HardwareSerial object. 
     * @warning parameter baud depends on the AT firmware. 9600 is an common value. 

    ESP8266(HardwareSerial &uart);
    HardwareSerial* getUart() { return m_puart; }

#endif /* #ifdef ESP8266_USE_SOFTWARE_SERIAL */

    void setOnData(onData cbk, void* ptr) {
        m_onData = cbk;
        m_onDataPtr = ptr;
    void run();
     * Verify ESP8266 whether live or not. 
     * Actually, this method will send command "AT" to ESP8266 and waiting for "OK". 
     * @retval true - alive.
     * @retval false - dead.
    bool kick(void);
     * Restart ESP8266 by "AT+RST". 
     * This method will take 3 seconds or more. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool restart(void);
     * Get the version of AT Command Set.  
     * @return the string of version.  
    String getVersion(void);
     * Start function of deep sleep.  
     *  @param time - the sleep time. 
     *  @retval true - success.
     *  @retval false - failure.
     *  @note the feature requires hardware support. 
    bool deepSleep(uint32_t time);
     * Switch the echo function.    
     *  @param mode - 1 start echo -0 stop echo
     *  @retval true - success. 
     *  @retval false - failure. 
    bool setEcho(uint8_t mode);
      *  Restore factory.   
      *  @retval true - success.  
      *  @retval false - failure.  
      *  @note  The operation can lead to restart the machine.  
    bool restore(void);
     * Set up a serial port configuration.  
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+UART=", -2 send "AT+UART_CUR=", -3 send "AT+UART_DEF=". 
     * @param baudrate - the uart baudrate. 
     * @retval true - success. 
     * @retval false - failure. 
     * @note  Only allows baud rate design, for the other parameters:databits- 8,stopbits -1,parity -0,flow control -0 . 
    bool setUart(uint32_t baudrate,uint8_t pattern);
     * Set operation mode to station. 
     * @param   pattern1 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF?",-2,send "AT+CWMODE_CUR?",-3,send "AT+CWMODE?". 
     * @param   pattern2 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF=",-2,send "AT+CWMODE_CUR=",-3,send "AT+CWMODE=". 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool setOprToStation(uint8_t pattern1=DEFAULT_PATTERN,uint8_t pattern2=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Get the model values list.  
     * @return the list of model.  
    String getWifiModeList(void);
     * Set operation mode to softap.  
     * @param   pattern1 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF?",-2,send "AT+CWMODE_CUR?",-3,send "AT+CWMODE?". 
     * @param   pattern2 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF=",-2,send "AT+CWMODE_CUR=",-3,send "AT+CWMODE=". 
     * @retval true - success. 
     * @retval false - failure. 
    bool setOprToSoftAP(uint8_t pattern1=DEFAULT_PATTERN,uint8_t pattern2=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Set operation mode to station + softap.  
     * @param   pattern1 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF?",-2,send  "AT+CWMODE_CUR?",-3,send "AT+CWMODE?". 
     * @param   pattern2 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF=",-2,send "AT+CWMODE_CUR=",-3,send "AT+CWMODE=". 
     * @retval true - success. 
     * @retval false - failure. 
    bool setOprToStationSoftAP(uint8_t pattern1=DEFAULT_PATTERN,uint8_t pattern2=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Get the operation mode.  
     * @param   pattern1 -1, send "AT+CWMODE_DEF?",-2,send  "AT+CWMODE_CUR?",-3,send "AT+CWMODE?". 
     * @retval 0 - failure.
     * @retval 1 - mode Station.
     * @retval 2 - mode AP. 
     * @retval 3 - mode AP + station. 
    uint8_t getOprMode(uint8_t pattern1=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Search available AP list and return it.
     * @return the list of available APs. 
     * @note This method will occupy a lot of memeory(hundreds of Bytes to a couple of KBytes). 
     *  Do not call this method unless you must and ensure that your board has enough memery left.
    String getAPList(void);
     * Search and returns the current connect AP. 
     * @param pattern -1, send "AT+CWJAP_DEF?",-2,send "AT+CWJAP_CUR?",-3,send "AT+CWJAP?". 
     * @return the ssid of AP connected now. 
    String getNowConecAp(uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Join in AP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CWJAP_DEF=" -2 send "AT+CWJAP_CUR=" -3 send "AT+CWJAP=". 
     * @param ssid - SSID of AP to join in. 
     * @param pwd - Password of AP to join in. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     * @note This method will take a couple of seconds. 
    bool joinAP(String ssid, String pwd,uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Leave AP joined before. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool leaveAP(void);
     * Set SoftAP parameters. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CWSAP_DEF=" -2 send "AT+CWSAP_CUR=" -3 send "AT+CWSAP=". 
     * @param ssid - SSID of SoftAP. 
     * @param pwd - PASSWORD of SoftAP. 
     * @param chl - the channel (1 - 13, default: 7). 
     * @param ecn - the way of encrypstion (0 - OPEN, 1 - WEP, 
     *  2 - WPA_PSK, 3 - WPA2_PSK, 4 - WPA_WPA2_PSK, default: 4). 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     * @note This method should not be called when station mode. 
    bool setSoftAPParam(String ssid, String pwd, uint8_t chl = 7, uint8_t ecn = 4,uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * get SoftAP parameters. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CWSAP_DEF?" -2 send "AT+CWSAP_CUR?" -3 send "AT+CWSAP?". 
     * @note This method should not be called when station mode. 
    String getSoftAPParam(uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Get the IP list of devices connected to SoftAP. 
     * @return the list of IP.
     * @note This method should not be called when station mode. 
    String getJoinedDeviceIP(void);
     * Get the current state of DHCP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CWDHCP_DEF?" -2 send "AT+CWDHCP_CUR?"  -3 send "AT+CWDHCP?". 
     * @return the state of DHCP.
    String getDHCP(uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Set the  state of DHCP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CWDHCP_DEF=" -2 send "AT+CWDHCP_CUR=" -3 send "AT+CWDHCP=". 
     * @param mode - set ap or set station or set ap + station. 
     * @param en - 0 disable DHCP  - 1 enable DHCP. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     bool setDHCP(uint8_t mode, uint8_t en, uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * make boot automatically connected. 
     * @param en -1 enable  -0 disable. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     bool setAutoConnect(uint8_t en);
     * Get the station's MAC address. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CIPSTAMAC_DEF?=" -2 send "AT+CIPSTAMAC_CUR?" -3 send "AT+CIPSTAMAC?". 
     * @return mac address. 
     * @note This method should not be called when ap mode. 
     String getStationMac(uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Set the station's MAC address. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CIPSTAMAC_DEF=" -2 send "AT+CIPSTAMAC_CUR=" -3 send "AT+CIPSTAMAC=". 
     * @param mac - the mac address of station. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     bool setStationMac(String mac,uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Get the station's IP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CIPSTA_DEF?" -2 send "AT+CIPSTA_CUR?" -3 send "AT+CIPSTA?". 
     * @return the station's IP. 
     * @note This method should not be called when ap mode. 
     String getStationIp(uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Set the station's IP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CIPSTA_DEF=" -2 send "AT+CIPSTA_CUR=" -3 send "AT+CIPSTA=". 
     * @param ip - the ip of station. 
     * @param gateway -the gateway of station. 
     * @param netmask -the netmask of station.  
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     * @note This method should not be called when ap mode. 
     bool setStationIp(String ip,String gateway,String netmask,uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Get the AP's IP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CIPAP_DEF?" -2 send "AT+CIPAP_CUR?" -3 send "AT+CIPAP?". 
     * @return ap's ip. 
     * @note This method should not be called when station mode. 
     String getAPIp(uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * Set the AP IP. 
     * @param pattern -1 send "AT+CIPAP_DEF=" -2 send "AT+CIPAP_CUR=" -3 send "AT+CIPAP=". 
     * @param ip - the ip of AP. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     * @note This method should not be called when station mode.
     bool setAPIp(String ip,uint8_t pattern=DEFAULT_PATTERN);
     * start smartconfig. 
     * @param type -1:ESP_TOUCH  -2:AirKiss. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     bool startSmartConfig(uint8_t type);
     * stop smartconfig. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     bool stopSmartConfig(void); 
     * Get the current status of connection(UDP and TCP). 
     * @return the status. 
    String getIPStatus(void);
     * Get the IP address of ESP8266. 
     * @return the IP list. 
    String getLocalIP(void);
     * Enable IP MUX(multiple connection mode). 
     * In multiple connection mode, a couple of TCP and UDP communication can be builded. 
     * They can be distinguished by the identifier of TCP or UDP named mux_id. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool enableMUX(void);
     * Disable IP MUX(single connection mode). 
     * In single connection mode, only one TCP or UDP communication can be builded. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool disableMUX(void);
     * Create TCP connection in single mode. 
     * @param addr - the IP or domain name of the target host. 
     * @param port - the port number of the target host. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool createTCP(String addr, uint32_t port);
     * Release TCP connection in single mode. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool releaseTCP(void);
     * Register UDP port number in single mode.
     * @param addr - the IP or domain name of the target host. 
     * @param port - the port number of the target host. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool registerUDP(String addr, uint32_t port);
     * Unregister UDP port number in single mode. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool unregisterUDP(void);
     * Create TCP connection in multiple mode. 
     * @param mux_id - the identifier of this TCP(available value: 0 - 4). 
     * @param addr - the IP or domain name of the target host. 
     * @param port - the port number of the target host. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool createTCP(uint8_t mux_id, String addr, uint32_t port);
     * Release TCP connection in multiple mode. 
     * @param mux_id - the identifier of this TCP(available value: 0 - 4). 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool releaseTCP(uint8_t mux_id);
     * Register UDP port number in multiple mode.
     * @param mux_id - the identifier of this TCP(available value: 0 - 4). 
     * @param addr - the IP or domain name of the target host. 
     * @param port - the port number of the target host. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool registerUDP(uint8_t mux_id, String addr, uint32_t port);
     * Unregister UDP port number in multiple mode. 
     * @param mux_id - the identifier of this TCP(available value: 0 - 4). 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool unregisterUDP(uint8_t mux_id);

     * Set the timeout of TCP Server. 
     * @param timeout - the duration for timeout by second(0 ~ 28800, default:180). 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool setTCPServerTimeout(uint32_t timeout = 180);
     * Start TCP Server(Only in multiple mode). 
     * After started, user should call method: getIPStatus to know the status of TCP connections. 
     * The methods of receiving data can be called for user's any purpose. After communication, 
     * release the TCP connection is needed by calling method: releaseTCP with mux_id. 
     * @param port - the port number to listen(default: 333).
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     * @see String getIPStatus(void);
     * @see uint32_t recv(uint8_t *coming_mux_id, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout);
     * @see bool releaseTCP(uint8_t mux_id);
    bool startTCPServer(uint32_t port = 333);

     * Stop TCP Server(Only in multiple mode). 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool stopTCPServer(void);
     *Set the module transfer mode
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool setCIPMODE(uint8_t mode);
     * Start Server(Only in multiple mode). 
     * @param port - the port number to listen(default: 333).
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
     * @see String getIPStatus(void);
     * @see uint32_t recv(uint8_t *coming_mux_id, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len, uint32_t timeout);
    bool startServer(uint32_t port = 333);

     * Stop Server(Only in multiple mode). 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool stopServer(void);
     * Save the passthrough links
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool saveTransLink (uint8_t mode,String ip,uint32_t port);
    * @retval true - success.
    * @retval false - failure.
    bool setPing(String ip);

     * Send data based on TCP or UDP builded already in single mode. 
     * @param buffer - the buffer of data to send. 
     * @param len - the length of data to send. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool send(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
     * Send data based on one of TCP or UDP builded already in multiple mode. 
     * @param mux_id - the identifier of this TCP(available value: 0 - 4). 
     * @param buffer - the buffer of data to send. 
     * @param len - the length of data to send. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool send(uint8_t mux_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
     * Send data based on TCP or UDP builded already in single mode. 
     * @param buffer - the buffer of data to send from flash memeory. 
     * @param len - the length of data to send. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool sendFromFlash(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
     * Send data based on one of TCP or UDP builded already in multiple mode. 
     * @param mux_id - the identifier of this TCP(available value: 0 - 4). 
     * @param buffer - the buffer of data to send from flash memeory. 
     * @param len - the length of data to send. 
     * @retval true - success.
     * @retval false - failure.
    bool sendFromFlash(uint8_t mux_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);


     * Empty the buffer or UART RX.
    void rx_empty(void);
     * Recvive data from uart. Return all received data if target found or timeout. 
    String recvString(String target, uint32_t timeout = 1000);
     * Recvive data from uart. Return all received data if one of target1 and target2 found or timeout. 
    String recvString(String target1, String target2, uint32_t timeout = 1000);
     * Recvive data from uart. Return all received data if one of target1, target2 and target3 found or timeout. 
    String recvString(String target1, String target2, String target3, uint32_t timeout = 1000);
     * Recvive data from uart and search first target. Return true if target found, false for timeout.
    bool recvFind(String target, uint32_t timeout = 1000);
     * Recvive data from uart and search first target and cut out the substring between begin and end(excluding begin and end self). 
     * Return true if target found, false for timeout.
    bool recvFindAndFilter(String target, String begin, String end, String &data, uint32_t timeout = 1000);
     * Receive a package from uart. 
     * @param buffer - the buffer storing data. 
     * @param buffer_size - guess what!
     * @param data_len - the length of data actually received(maybe more than buffer_size, the remained data will be abandoned).
     * @param timeout - the duration waitting data comming.
     * @param coming_mux_id - in single connection mode, should be NULL and not NULL in multiple. 
    uint32_t checkIPD(String& data);
    bool eAT(void);
    bool eATRST(void);
    bool eATGMR(String &version);
    bool eATGSLP(uint32_t time); 
    bool eATE(uint8_t mode);
    bool eATRESTORE(void);
    bool eATSETUART(uint32_t baudrate,uint8_t pattern);
    bool qATCWMODE(uint8_t *mode,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCWMODE(String &list) ;
    bool sATCWMODE(uint8_t mode,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool qATCWJAP(String &ssid,uint8_t pattern=3) ;
    bool sATCWJAP(String ssid, String pwd,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCWLAP(String &list);
    bool eATCWQAP(void);
    bool qATCWSAP(String &List,uint8_t pattern=3); 
    bool sATCWSAP(String ssid, String pwd, uint8_t chl, uint8_t ecn,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCWLIF(String &list);
    bool qATCWDHCP(String &List,uint8_t pattern=3); 
    bool sATCWDHCP(uint8_t mode, uint8_t en, uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCWAUTOCONN(uint8_t en);
    bool qATCIPSTAMAC(String &mac,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCIPSTAMAC(String mac,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool qATCIPSTAIP(String &ip,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCIPSTAIP(String ip,String gateway,String netmask,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool qATCIPAP(String &ip,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eATCIPAP(String ip,uint8_t pattern=3);
    bool eCWSTARTSMART(uint8_t type);
    bool eCWSTOPSMART(void);

    bool eATCIPSTATUS(String &list);
    bool sATCIPSTARTSingle(String type, String addr, uint32_t port);
    bool sATCIPSTARTMultiple(uint8_t mux_id, String type, String addr, uint32_t port);
    bool sATCIPSENDSingle(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
    bool sATCIPSENDMultiple(uint8_t mux_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
    bool sATCIPSENDSingleFromFlash(const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
    bool sATCIPSENDMultipleFromFlash(uint8_t mux_id, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len);
    bool sATCIPCLOSEMulitple(uint8_t mux_id);
    bool eATCIPCLOSESingle(void);
    bool eATCIFSR(String &list);
    bool sATCIPMUX(uint8_t mode);
    bool sATCIPSERVER(uint8_t mode, uint32_t port = 333);
    bool sATCIPMODE(uint8_t mode);
    bool eATSAVETRANSLINK(uint8_t mode,String ip,uint32_t port);
    bool eATPING(String ip);
    bool sATCIPSTO(uint32_t timeout);
     * +IPD,len:data
     * +IPD,id,len:data
    SoftwareSerial *m_puart; /* The UART to communicate with ESP8266 */
    HardwareSerial *m_puart; /* The UART to communicate with ESP8266 */
    onData m_onData;
    void*  m_onDataPtr;

#endif /* #ifndef __ESP8266_H__ */