projet d'environment

Dependencies:   mbed projet_embarque SigfoxToiture DHT DS1820

diff -r 000000000000 -r 8fc2f1479292 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 01 13:23:57 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include "TCS34725.h"
+#include "Sigfox.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#define GROVE_MOIST_MIN     0
+#define GROVE_MOIST_MAX     0.55
+#define LOG_RANGE           5
+#define RAW_RANGE           1024
+float Temp_Sol;
+float Temp_Air;
+float Humi_Air;
+float Humi_Sol;
+float Lumiere;
+uint16_t r;
+uint16_t g;
+uint16_t b;
+uint16_t c;
+DHT dht22(D6,DHT22);//pin,type
+DS1820  ds1820(A0);//pin
+TCS34725 tcs34725(D4,D5); //I2C sda and scl
+AnalogIn humigrove(A1);
+AnalogIn lumiere(A5);
+void ReadTempHumiAir(){
+  int err=1;
+  while(err!=0){
+    err=dht22.readData();
+    wait(1);
+   }
+  if(err==0){
+     Temp_Air= dht22.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS);
+     Humi_Air=dht22.ReadHumidity();
+     }
+ }
+void ReadTempSol(){
+  if (ds1820.begin()) {
+        ds1820.startConversion();   // start temperature conversion from analog to digital
+        wait(1);                  // let DS1820 complete the temperature conversion
+        Temp_Sol =; 
+   }
+void ReadRGBC(){
+    if(tcs34725.init(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_101MS, TCS34725_GAIN_60X)){
+         tcs34725.getColor(r,g,b,c);
+         r/=256;
+         g/=256;
+         b/=256;
+         c/=256;
+    }
+void ReadHumiSol(){
+    float;
+    Humi_Sol= ((grove_moist-GROVE_MOIST_MIN) / (GROVE_MOIST_MAX - GROVE_MOIST_MIN)) * 100;
+void ReadLumi(){
+    int;
+    float loglux=raw*LOG_RANGE/RAW_RANGE;
+    Lumiere=pow(10,loglux);
+int main(){
+    //Serial at(D1,D0);
+    Sigfox sigfox(D1,D0);
+    DigitalOut led(LED1);//test
+    while(1){
+        ReadTempHumiAir();
+        ReadTempSol();
+        ReadRGBC();
+        ReadHumiSol();
+        led=1;//test
+        wait(1);
+        led=0;//test
+        ReadLumi();
+        wait(1);               
+        printf("R:%d, G:%d, B:%d\n\r", r, g, b);  
+        sigfox.send((s16)(Temp_Air*10.0),(u16)(Humi_Air*10.0),(s16)(Temp_Sol*10.0),(u16)(Humi_Sol*10.0),
+            (u8)Lumiere,(u8)r,(u8)g,(u8)b);
+        wait(120);
+    }