Implementation of the WifiPlusClick hardware module.

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Wifi Class Reference

Wifi Class Reference

Class Wifi encapsulates communication and access to Wifi Plus Click module. More...

#include <Wifi.h>

Inherited by WifiPlusClick.

Public Member Functions

bool ResetMsg ()
 Function to reset the Wifi Plus Click Device.
bool GetVersionMsg (char &sw_ver_lo, char &sw_ver_hi, char &rad_ver_lo, char &rad_ver_hi)
 Function retrieves the software and radio version of the Wifi Plus Click Board.
bool GpioMsg (GPIO_IDX_t pin, GPIO_OP_t operation, GPIO_RES_t &result)
 Function will set a GPIO pin to a specific output level or will set it to input.
bool SetIpAddress (bool bUseDHCP, IPADDRESS_t *IPAddress)
 Function to set the IP address of the Wifi Plus Click device.
bool SetSubnetMask (IPADDRESS_t *NetworkMask)
 Function to set the network mask of the Wifi Plus Click device.
bool SetGatewayIpAddress (IPADDRESS_t *IPAddress)
 Function to set the gateway ip address to use.
bool GetNetworkStatus (char *MacAddress, IPADDRESS_t *IPAddress, IPADDRESS_t *NetworkMask, IPADDRESS_t *GatewayAddress, NET_STAT_t &stat)
 Function to retrieve the current network status of the Wifi Plus Click device.
bool SetMACAddress (char MacAddress[6])
 Function to set the MAC Address of the device.
bool SetARPTime (unsigned short ARPTime)
 Function to set the address resolution time from 1 to 65535 seconds.
bool SetNetworkMode (char Profile, NETW_MODE_t NetMode)
 Function to set the network mode for one of two available profiles.
bool SetSSID (char Profile, const char *ssid)
 Function to set the SSID for one of two profiles.
bool SetPowerSaveMode (POWERSAVE_MODE_t pwrsave, short DTIM_Listen)
 Function switches device into one of 3 power saving modes, or sets it into awake mode.
bool SetRegionalDomain (DOMAIN_COUNTRY_CODE_t dcode)
 Function to set the regional domain for all CPs.
bool SetChannelList (char numListItems, char ListItems[])
 Function to set the channels on which to scan.
bool SetRetryCount (char infrastructureRetryCount=255, char adhocRetryCount=5)
 Function to specify the connection managaer retry count.
bool SetSecurityOpen (char Profile)
 Function to set the Security mode to OPN.
bool SetSecurityWEP40 (char Profile, bool bSharedKey, char DefaultWEPKeyIdx, char SecurityKeys[20])
 Function to set the WEP40 security mode.
bool SetSecurityWEP104 (char Profile, bool bSharedKey, char DefaultWEPKeyIdx, char SecurityKeys[52])
 Function to set the WEP104 security mode.
bool SetSecurityWPA (char Profile, WPA_SECURITY_t sec, int len, const char *secKeyOrPSK)
 Function to set the WPA security mode.
bool GetWPAKey (char Profile, char Key[32])
 Function to retrieve the WPA Key from the Wifi Plus Click device for a selected profile.
bool ScanStartMsg (char Profile)
 Function to initiate the scan on one or both Profiles using the settings downloaded to the Wifi Plus Click.
bool ScanGetResults (char index, char ssid[32], AP_CONFIG_t &apCfg, short &beaconInterval, short &ATIMWindow, char &RSSI, NETW_MODE_t &bssType, char &channelNo)
 Function to retrieve a specific scan result.
bool Connect (char Profile)
 Function to connect using the specified profile and the settings previously downloaded to the device.
bool Disconnect ()
 Function to disconnect from any connected AP.
void Poll ()
 This is the main cyclic function, which needs to be called as often as possible.
Socket Functions

In the following section, all socket relevant functions are contained.

bool SocketAllocate (char nTCPSvr, char nTCPClnt, unsigned short TCPSvrRxBuf, unsigned short TCPSvrTxBuf, unsigned short TCPClntRxBuf, unsigned short TCPClntTxBuf)
 Function to allocate the internal memory of the device and the number of sockets (which in total is limited to 8).
SOCKET_HANDLE_t SocketCreate (SOCKET_TYPE_t sockType)
 Function to create a new socket object of the given type.
bool SocketClose (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock)
 Function to close a previously created socket.
bool SocketBind (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, int Port)
 Function to bind to a specific port using the given socket.
bool SocketListen (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, int &Backlog)
 Function to prepare the a number of sockets for accepting remote connections.
bool SocketAccept (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, SOCKET_HANDLE_t &client, int &remotePort, IPADDRESS_t &remoteAddress)
 Function to accept a new remote connection.
SOCKET_HANDLE_t SocketConnect (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, IPADDRESS_t *IpAddress, int Port)
 Function to connect the socket to a remote socket specified by IpAddress and Port.
int SocketSend (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, char *data, int length)
 Function to send data on the connected socket.
int SocketRecv (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, char *data, int length)
 Function to receive data from the connected socket.
int SocketSendTo (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, IPADDRESS_t *remoteAddress, int remotePort, char *data, int length)
 Function to send data over a connectionless socket.
int SocketRecvFrom (SOCKET_HANDLE_t hSock, IPADDRESS_t *remoteAddress, int *remotePort, char *data, int length)
 Function to receive data over a connectionless socket.

Detailed Description

Class Wifi encapsulates communication and access to Wifi Plus Click module.

{ Henry Leinen }

Definition at line 245 of file Wifi.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool Connect ( char  Profile )

Function to connect using the specified profile and the settings previously downloaded to the device.

Please Note that the connection state will be transmitted asynchroneously be the device. You need to monitor the connected state.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
: true if successfully submitted, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 780 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool Disconnect (  )

Function to disconnect from any connected AP.

: true if successful, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 802 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool GetNetworkStatus ( char *  MacAddress,
IPADDRESS_t *  IPAddress,
IPADDRESS_t *  NetworkMask,
IPADDRESS_t *  GatewayAddress,
NET_STAT_t &  stat 

Function to retrieve the current network status of the Wifi Plus Click device.

MacAddress: pointer to an array of 6 Bytes to retrieve the MAC Address. Set to NULL if not required.
IPAddress: pointer to an IPADDRESS_t structure which receives the IP address. Set to NULL if not required. NetworkMask : pointer to an IPADDRESS_t structure which receives the network mask. Set to NULL if not requried.
GatewayAddress: pointer to an IPADDRESS_t structure which receives the gateway address. Set to NULL if no required.
stat: will receive the actual status.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 442 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool GetVersionMsg ( char &  sw_ver_lo,
char &  sw_ver_hi,
char &  rad_ver_lo,
char &  rad_ver_hi 

Function retrieves the software and radio version of the Wifi Plus Click Board.

sw_ver_lo: receives the low WiComm Socket Version number
sw_ver_hi: recevies the high WiComm Socket Version number
rad_ver_lo,:receives the low Radio version number
rad_ver_hi,:receives the high Radio version number
true if successful or false otherwise

Definition at line 332 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool GetWPAKey ( char  Profile,
char  Key[32] 

Function to retrieve the WPA Key from the Wifi Plus Click device for a selected profile.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
Key: will receive the key.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 705 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool GpioMsg ( GPIO_IDX_t  pin,
GPIO_OP_t  operation,
GPIO_RES_t &  result 

Function will set a GPIO pin to a specific output level or will set it to input.

The function will return the result of the operation.

pin: Reference to the GPIO pin of interest
operation,:the operation to perform on the GPIO pin. Set to specific output level or read as input
result: a reference to a variable which receives the actual status of the GPIO pin

Definition at line 359 of file Wifi.cpp.

void Poll (  )

This is the main cyclic function, which needs to be called as often as possible.

The function will check if a new message has been received and will decode and dispatch it.

bool ResetMsg (  )

Function to reset the Wifi Plus Click Device.

PLEASE NOTE, it will loose all its current settings

true if successful or false otherwise

Definition at line 307 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool ScanGetResults ( char  index,
char  ssid[32],
AP_CONFIG_t &  apCfg,
short &  beaconInterval,
short &  ATIMWindow,
char &  RSSI,
NETW_MODE_t &  bssType,
char &  channelNo 

Function to retrieve a specific scan result.

Will only work after scan has been started and finished.

index: specify the result item to return. When this index is too high the function returns with a false return value.
ssid: will receive the SSID of the item.
apCfg: will receive the access points configuration.
beaconInterval: will receive the beacon interval time.
ATIMWindow: will receive the ATIM Window.
RSSI: will receive the RSSI level.
bssType: will receive information about the BSS type (INFRASTRUCTURE oR ADHOC).
channelNo: will receive on which channel the AP transmits.
: true if successfull, false otherwise.

Definition at line 747 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool ScanStartMsg ( char  Profile )

Function to initiate the scan on one or both Profiles using the settings downloaded to the Wifi Plus Click.

Please NOTE that the device will only accept the REBOOT message while a scan is active. A scan can only be started if the device is not connected.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 723 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetARPTime ( unsigned short  ARPTime )

Function to set the address resolution time from 1 to 65535 seconds.

ARPTime: either 0 to disable ARP or time in seconds.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 487 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetChannelList ( char  numListItems,
char  ListItems[] 

Function to set the channels on which to scan.

numListItems: the number of channels given in the list.
ListItems: array consisting of numListItems channel numbers.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise
bool SetGatewayIpAddress ( IPADDRESS_t *  IPAddress )

Function to set the gateway ip address to use.

If the gateway ip address is set to the Wifi Plus Click will not use a gateway.

IPAddress: Pointer to an IPADDRESS specifying the IP Address of the gateway to use.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 423 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetIpAddress ( bool  bUseDHCP,
IPADDRESS_t *  IPAddress 

Function to set the IP address of the Wifi Plus Click device.

bUseDHCP: set to true if DHCP shall be used, or set to false if you want to specify a static IP address
IPAddress,:pointer to an IP address. Please note that the IP adress will only be used if bUseDHCP is set to false
: true if successfull, or false otherwise. The function will not check for any asynchroneous result.

Definition at line 377 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetMACAddress ( char  MacAddress[6] )

Function to set the MAC Address of the device.

This command should only be used during initialization

MacAddress: the MAC address to use.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 471 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetNetworkMode ( char  Profile,
NETW_MODE_t  NetMode 

Function to set the network mode for one of two available profiles.

Profile: can be profile number one or 2
NetMode: can be either INFRASTRUCTURE or ADHOC
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 505 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetPowerSaveMode ( POWERSAVE_MODE_t  pwrsave,
short  DTIM_Listen 

Function switches device into one of 3 power saving modes, or sets it into awake mode.

pwrsave: specifies which powersaving mode to set.
DTIM_Listen: if pwrsave is in mode PSPOLL_SELF_DTIM uses this value as the DTIM listen interval. Value is given in units of 100ms.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise

Definition at line 522 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetRegionalDomain ( DOMAIN_COUNTRY_CODE_t  dcode )

Function to set the regional domain for all CPs.

dcode: domain country code valid for all CPs.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 567 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetRetryCount ( char  infrastructureRetryCount = 255,
char  adhocRetryCount = 5 

Function to specify the connection managaer retry count.

There are separate values for infrastructure and ad hoc mode. Please note that a number of 0 means no retries and 255 means retry forever.

infrastructureRetryCount: number of retries in infrastructure mode
adhocRetryCount: number of retries in ad-hoc mode.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise

Definition at line 601 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetSecurityOpen ( char  Profile )

Function to set the Security mode to OPN.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 618 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetSecurityWEP104 ( char  Profile,
bool  bSharedKey,
char  DefaultWEPKeyIdx,
char  SecurityKeys[52] 

Function to set the WEP104 security mode.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
bShareKey: set to true for shared key, or false for open key
DefaultWEPKeyIdx: the index (0-3) into the key array
SecurityKeys: array or 4 security keys with 13 bytes each
: true if successfull, or false otherwise

Definition at line 656 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetSecurityWEP40 ( char  Profile,
bool  bSharedKey,
char  DefaultWEPKeyIdx,
char  SecurityKeys[20] 

Function to set the WEP40 security mode.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
bShareKey: set to true for shared key, or false for open key
DefaultWEPKeyIdx: the index (0-3) into the key array
SecurityKeys: array or 4 security keys with 5 bytes each
: true if successfull, or false otherwise

Definition at line 635 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetSecurityWPA ( char  Profile,
int  len,
const char *  secKeyOrPSK 

Function to set the WPA security mode.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
sec: can be one of the define security types.
len: length of the security key or passphrase.
secKeyOrPSK: security key or passphrase.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 677 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetSSID ( char  Profile,
const char *  ssid 

Function to set the SSID for one of two profiles.

Profile: can be profile number one or two.
ssid: a string descibing the ssid.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 540 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SetSubnetMask ( IPADDRESS_t *  NetworkMask )

Function to set the network mask of the Wifi Plus Click device.

NetworkMask: the Network mask to use.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 404 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SocketAccept ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
SOCKET_HANDLE_t &  client,
int &  remotePort,
IPADDRESS_t &  remoteAddress 

Function to accept a new remote connection.

Will work asynchroneously, means if no new connection was accepted, will return immediately.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
client: reference to a variable which receives the new socket handle of the connection socket or InvalidSocketHandle if no connection could be made at this time.
remotePort: receives the remote port of the remote connection.
remoteAddress: receives the remote address of the remote connection.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise. PLEASE NOTE that even if no connection was made, the return result may be true.

Definition at line 949 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SocketAllocate ( char  nTCPSvr,
char  nTCPClnt,
unsigned short  TCPSvrRxBuf,
unsigned short  TCPSvrTxBuf,
unsigned short  TCPClntRxBuf,
unsigned short  TCPClntTxBuf 

Function to allocate the internal memory of the device and the number of sockets (which in total is limited to 8).

nTCPSvr: Number of server sockets to allocate.
nTCPClnt,:Number of client sockets to allocate.
TCPSvrRxBuf: Size (in bytes) to allocate for the receive buffer for each server socket.
TCPSvrTxBuf: Size (in bytes) to allocate for the transmit buffer for each server socket.
TCPClntRxBuf,:Size (in bytes) to allocate for the receive buffer for each client socket.
TCPClntTxBuf,:Size (in bytes) to allocate for the transmit buffer for each client socket.
: true if successful, or false otherwise. Can return false if the requestet internal memory exceededs the total of 8192 internal byte orif the maximum number of 8 sockets is exceeded.

Definition at line 824 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SocketBind ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
int  Port 

Function to bind to a specific port using the given socket.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
Port: local port to bind to.
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 902 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SocketClose ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock )

Function to close a previously created socket.

hSock,:Valid socket handle, which has been created by a previous call to SocketCreate.
: true if successful, or false if an error occured

Definition at line 879 of file Wifi.cpp.

SOCKET_HANDLE_t SocketConnect ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
IPADDRESS_t *  IpAddress,
int  Port 

Function to connect the socket to a remote socket specified by IpAddress and Port.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
IpAddress: valid IP Address of the remote host to connect with.
Port: Port of the remote host to connect with.
: true if a connection has been made successfully or false otherwise.

Definition at line 969 of file Wifi.cpp.

SOCKET_HANDLE_t SocketCreate ( SOCKET_TYPE_t  sockType )

Function to create a new socket object of the given type.

sockType: Specifies the type of socket to create (UDP or TCP).
: Either a valid socket handle or InvalidSocketHandle or UnknownSocketType.

Definition at line 855 of file Wifi.cpp.

bool SocketListen ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
int &  Backlog 

Function to prepare the a number of sockets for accepting remote connections.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
Backlog: Number of sockets to set in listening mode, will receive the number of new unassigned backlog count
: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 923 of file Wifi.cpp.

int SocketRecv ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
char *  data,
int  length 

Function to receive data from the connected socket.

hSock: Valid socket handle of a socket which is already connected.
data: Pointer to a valid buffer which shall receive the data.
length: Maximum number of bytes which can be received and stored in the provided buffer.
: Number of bytes actually received over the connection or -1 if a fault occured.

Definition at line 1003 of file Wifi.cpp.

int SocketRecvFrom ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
IPADDRESS_t *  remoteAddress,
int *  remotePort,
char *  data,
int  length 

Function to receive data over a connectionless socket.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
remoteAddress: The ip address of the remote origin from where to receive the data.
remotePort: Point to receive the port of the remote origin from where to receive the data or NULL if not needed.
data: Pointer to a buffer which will receive the data.
length: Number of bytes to receive and which fit into the provided buffer.
: Number of bytes actually received or -1 if a fault occured.

Definition at line 1041 of file Wifi.cpp.

int SocketSend ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
char *  data,
int  length 

Function to send data on the connected socket.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
data: Pointer to a buffer containing the data to send.
length: Number of bytes in the buffer to send.
: Number of bytes actually sent over the connection.

Definition at line 986 of file Wifi.cpp.

int SocketSendTo ( SOCKET_HANDLE_t  hSock,
IPADDRESS_t *  remoteAddress,
int  remotePort,
char *  data,
int  length 

Function to send data over a connectionless socket.

hSock: Valid socket handle.
remoteAddress: The ip address of the remote destination to send the data to.
remotePort: The port of the remote destination to send the data to.
data: Pointer to a buffer which contains the data to send.
length: The number of bytes to sent to the specified address.
: Number of bytes actually sent or -1 if a fault occured.

Definition at line 1021 of file Wifi.cpp.