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UDPSocket Class Reference

UDPSocket Class Reference

Class UDPSocket, inherits from class Socket and implements the functionality of a UDP Socket when using a WifiPlusClick module. More...

#include <UDPSocket.h>

Inherits Socket.

Public Member Functions

 UDPSocket ()
 UDPSocket constructor to instantiate a UDPSocket object.
int init (void)
 Function init provides initialization of the UDPSocket object.
int bind (unsigned int port=0)
 Function bind will bind a UDPSocket to a local port.
int join_multicast_group (const char *address)
 Function join_multicast_group.
int set_broadcasting (bool broadcast=true)
 Function set_broadcasting.
int sendTo (Endpoint &remote, char *packet, int length)
 Function sendTo implements sending of a packet to a specific endpoint.
int receiveFrom (Endpoint &remote, char *packet, int length)
 Function receiveFrom implements receiving a packet of data on a socket.
void set_blocking (bool blocking, unsigned int timeout=1500)
 Function set_blocking sets the socket into a blocking or non-blocking status.
int set_option (int level, int optname, const void *optval, int socklen)
 Function set_option is not working as expected, because there this functionality is not supported by the WifiPlusClick module.
int close (bool shutdown=true)
 Function close will close the socket.

Detailed Description

Class UDPSocket, inherits from class Socket and implements the functionality of a UDP Socket when using a WifiPlusClick module.

Please note that the functionality provided by a WifiPlusClick module is limited. Neither broadcasting nor multicasting functionality is possible.

Definition at line 27 of file UDPSocket.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UDPSocket (  )

UDPSocket constructor to instantiate a UDPSocket object.

Definition at line 23 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int bind ( unsigned int  port = 0 )

Function bind will bind a UDPSocket to a local port.

The socket object should not already have been used for other purposes before.

Please note that there is currently no check implemented as to wheather or not the socket has already been used before. port : The port to which to bind the UDPSocket to. If the port is specified as zero, a non-zero value beginning with 1024 will be selected.
: 0 if successfull, or -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 37 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int close ( bool  shutdown = true ) [inherited]

Function close will close the socket.

shutdown: This parameter will actually be ignored by the implementation.
: -1 if not successfull >=0 if successfull

Definition at line 38 of file Socket.cpp.

int init ( void   )

Function init provides initialization of the UDPSocket object.

: true if successfull, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 27 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int join_multicast_group ( const char *  address )

Function join_multicast_group.

This function is not implemented as the WifiPlusClick module does not support this functionality.
int receiveFrom ( Endpoint remote,
char *  packet,
int  length 

Function receiveFrom implements receiving a packet of data on a socket.

The remote address will be provided on return. Make sure to use it on an initialized or bound socket.

remote: a reference to an endpoint, which will receive the remote ip-address and the remote port from where data was returned.
packet: a data buffer which will receive the received data. The buffer must be at least as larget as length bytes.
length: The maximum number of bytes to receive. Please make sure that the buffer packet is large enough to hold this data completely.
: the number of databytes actually received or -1 on failure.
there may be more data received than what the buffer can store. Any data that does not fit in the buffer is discarded !

Definition at line 62 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

int sendTo ( Endpoint remote,
char *  packet,
int  length 

Function sendTo implements sending of a packet to a specific endpoint.

Make sure to use it on an initialized or bound socket.

remote: a reference to a valid endpoint specifying the remote ip-address and the remote port where to send the packet.
packet: a pointer to a valid buffer containing the packet data to send.
length: Specifies the number of data bytes to send.
: the number of databytes actually sent or -1 on failure.

Definition at line 52 of file UDPSocket.cpp.

void set_blocking ( bool  blocking,
unsigned int  timeout = 1500 
) [inherited]

Function set_blocking sets the socket into a blocking or non-blocking status.

In case of a blocking socket a timeout can be specified.

blocking: set to true if time consuming socket operations shall block execution until they are finished or until a timeout occurs. If set to false, socket operations will terminated immediately.
timeout: a timeout value in milliseconds for use in blocking operations.

Definition at line 31 of file Socket.cpp.

int set_broadcasting ( bool  broadcast = true )

Function set_broadcasting.

This fnction is not implemented as the WifiPlusClick module does not support this functionality.
int set_option ( int  level,
int  optname,
const void *  optval,
int  socklen 
) [inherited]

Function set_option is not working as expected, because there this functionality is not supported by the WifiPlusClick module.

This functionality is just kept for compatibility reasons.