Simple IoT boardと電力計測モジュールINA226PRCを使ったサンプルプログラムです。計測したデータをIFTTTのMakerチャネルに送っています。 サンプリングは0.1秒刻みで、10秒間(100回計測)したら電圧、電流、電力それぞれについて平均、最大値、最小値を計算してIFTTTに送る仕様になっています。

Dependencies:   INA226PRC SimpleIoTBoardLib mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 09 16:02:42 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ESP8266Interface.h"
+#include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
+#include "ifttt.h"
+#include "INA226.hpp"
+#include "float.h"
+#include "SoftSerialSendOnry.h"
+// ROOP_CNT * SAMPLING[sec] = 1ROOP_TIME[sec]
+#define ROOP_CNT 100
+#define SAMPLING 0.1
+// Please change your enviroment.
+const char WIFI_SSID[] = "ssid";
+const char WIFI_PASSWORD[] = "password";
+const char IFTTT_EVENT_NAME[] = "event_name";
+const char IFTTT_SECRET_KEY[] = "secret_key";
+// WIFI setting
+ESP8266Interface wifi(dp16, dp15, dp4, WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD, 115200); // TX,RX,Reset,SSID,Password,Baud
+TCPSocketConnection socket;
+IFTTT *ifttt;
+//Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+SoftSerialSendOnry pc(dp10);
+I2C i2c(dp5, dp27);
+INA226 VCmonitor(i2c);
+// Timer
+Timer timer;
+float nextUpdateTime = 0.0f;
+// Data params
+double minW = DBL_MAX, maxW = 0.0, totalW = 0.0; // Power[mW]
+double minV = DBL_MAX, maxV = 0.0, totalV = 0.0; // Voltage[mV]
+double minC = DBL_MAX, maxC = 0.0, totalC = 0.0; // Current[mA]
+unsigned int count = 0;
+void postIFTTT(){
+    char postData[128];
+    sprintf(postData, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", totalV/ROOP_CNT, maxV, minV, totalC/ROOP_CNT, maxC, minC, totalW/ROOP_CNT, maxW, minW);
+    pc.printf("postData:%s\r\n",postData);
+    ifttt->addIngredients(postData);
+    ifttt->trigger(IFTTT_POST);
+void record(){
+    nextUpdateTime += SAMPLING;
+    double V,C,W;
+    if((VCmonitor.getVoltage(&V) != 0) || (VCmonitor.getCurrent(&C) != 0)){
+        pc.printf("Error:VCmonitor does not get voltage or current.\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    count++;
+    // Calculate power.
+    W = V * C * 0.001;//[mW]
+//    pc.printf("%7.2f [mV],%7.2f [mA], %f [mW]\r\n",V ,C ,W);
+    // update Max ,Min and Average
+    if(maxW < W){maxW = W;}
+    if(maxV < V){maxV = V;}
+    if(maxC < C){maxC = C;}
+    if(minW > W){minW = W;}
+    if(minV > V){minV = V;}
+    if(minC > C){minC = C;}
+    totalW += W;
+    totalV += V;
+    totalC += C;
+    if(count >= ROOP_CNT){ // 0.1[sec] * 1000 = 10[sec]
+        pc.printf("AVG %7.2f [mV],%7.2f [mA], %f [mW]\r\n",totalV/ROOP_CNT ,totalC/ROOP_CNT ,totalW/ROOP_CNT);
+        pc.printf("MIN %7.2f [mV],%7.2f [mA], %f [mW]\r\n",minV, minC, minW);
+        pc.printf("MAX %7.2f [mV],%7.2f [mA], %f [mW]\r\n",maxV, maxC, maxW);
+        postIFTTT();
+        // clear params.
+        minW = DBL_MAX, maxW = 0.0, totalW = 0.0;
+        minV = DBL_MAX, maxV = 0.0, totalV = 0.0;
+        minC = DBL_MAX, maxC = 0.0, totalC = 0.0;
+        count = 0;
+        nextUpdateTime = 0.0f;
+        timer.reset();
+    }
+void initIFTTT(){
+    wifi.init(); //Reset
+    wifi.connect(); //Use DHCP
+    pc.printf("IP Address is %s \n\r", wifi.getIPAddress());
+    // Initialize ifttt object, add up to 3 optional values, trigger event. 
+    ifttt = new IFTTT(IFTTT_EVENT_NAME, IFTTT_SECRET_KEY, &socket); // EventName, Secret Key, socket to use    
+void initINA226PRC(){
+    pc.printf("VCmonitor INA226 TEST Program. (BUILD:[" __DATE__ "/" __TIME__ "])\r\n");
+    if(!VCmonitor.isExist()){
+        pc.printf("VCmonitor NOT FOUND\r\n");
+        while(1){}
+    }
+    pc.printf("VCmonitor FOUND\r\n");
+    unsigned short val = 0;
+    if(VCmonitor.rawRead(0x00,&val) != 0){
+        pc.printf("VCmonitor READ ERROR\r\n");
+        while(1){}
+    }
+    pc.printf("VCmonitor Reg 0x00 : 0x%04x\r\n",val);
+    VCmonitor.setCurrentCalibration();
+void init(){
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    initIFTTT();
+    initINA226PRC();
+    timer.start();
+int main() {
+    init();
+    while(1){
+        // wait
+        while( < nextUpdateTime){}
+        record();
+    }