Fork of mbed-dsp by mbed official

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cmsis_dsp/ControllerFunctions/arm_sin_cos_q31.c	Wed Nov 28 12:30:09 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------    
+* Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.    
+* $Date:        15. February 2012  
+* $Revision:     V1.1.0  
+* Project:         CMSIS DSP Library    
+* Title:        arm_sin_cos_q31.c    
+* Description:    Cosine & Sine calculation for Q31 values.   
+* Target Processor: Cortex-M4/Cortex-M3/Cortex-M0
+* Version 1.1.0 2012/02/15 
+*    Updated with more optimizations, bug fixes and minor API changes.  
+* Version 1.0.10 2011/7/15  
+*    Big Endian support added and Merged M0 and M3/M4 Source code.   
+* Version 1.0.3 2010/11/29   
+*    Re-organized the CMSIS folders and updated documentation.    
+* Version 1.0.2 2010/11/11    
+*    Documentation updated.     
+* Version 1.0.1 2010/10/05     
+*    Production release and review comments incorporated.    
+* Version 1.0.0 2010/09/20     
+*    Production release and review comments incorporated.    
+* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "arm_math.h"
+ * @ingroup groupController    
+ */
+ /**    
+ * @addtogroup SinCos    
+ * @{    
+ */
+* \par    
+* Sine Table is generated from following loop    
+* <pre>for(i = 0; i < 360; i++)    
+* {    
+*    sinTable[i]= sin((i-180) * PI/180.0);    
+* } </pre>   
+* Convert above coefficients to fixed point 1.31 format.    
+static const int32_t sinTableQ31[360] = {
+  0x0, 0xfdc41e9b, 0xfb8869ce, 0xf94d0e2e, 0xf7123849, 0xf4d814a4, 0xf29ecfb2,
+  0xf06695da,
+  0xee2f9369, 0xebf9f498, 0xe9c5e582, 0xe7939223, 0xe5632654, 0xe334cdc9,
+  0xe108b40d, 0xdedf047d,
+  0xdcb7ea46, 0xda939061, 0xd8722192, 0xd653c860, 0xd438af17, 0xd220ffc0,
+  0xd00ce422, 0xcdfc85bb,
+  0xcbf00dbe, 0xc9e7a512, 0xc7e3744b, 0xc5e3a3a9, 0xc3e85b18, 0xc1f1c224,
+  0xc0000000, 0xbe133b7c,
+  0xbc2b9b05, 0xba4944a2, 0xb86c5df0, 0xb6950c1e, 0xb4c373ee, 0xb2f7b9af,
+  0xb1320139, 0xaf726def,
+  0xadb922b7, 0xac0641fb, 0xaa59eda4, 0xa8b4471a, 0xa7156f3c, 0xa57d8666,
+  0xa3ecac65, 0xa263007d,
+  0xa0e0a15f, 0x9f65ad2d, 0x9df24175, 0x9c867b2c, 0x9b2276b0, 0x99c64fc5,
+  0x98722192, 0x9726069c,
+  0x95e218c9, 0x94a6715d, 0x937328f5, 0x92485786, 0x9126145f, 0x900c7621,
+  0x8efb92c2, 0x8df37f8b,
+  0x8cf45113, 0x8bfe1b3f, 0x8b10f144, 0x8a2ce59f, 0x89520a1a, 0x88806fc4,
+  0x87b826f7, 0x86f93f50,
+  0x8643c7b3, 0x8597ce46, 0x84f56073, 0x845c8ae3, 0x83cd5982, 0x8347d77b,
+  0x82cc0f36, 0x825a0a5b,
+  0x81f1d1ce, 0x81936daf, 0x813ee55b, 0x80f43f69, 0x80b381ac, 0x807cb130,
+  0x804fd23a, 0x802ce84c,
+  0x8013f61d, 0x8004fda0, 0x80000000, 0x8004fda0, 0x8013f61d, 0x802ce84c,
+  0x804fd23a, 0x807cb130,
+  0x80b381ac, 0x80f43f69, 0x813ee55b, 0x81936daf, 0x81f1d1ce, 0x825a0a5b,
+  0x82cc0f36, 0x8347d77b,
+  0x83cd5982, 0x845c8ae3, 0x84f56073, 0x8597ce46, 0x8643c7b3, 0x86f93f50,
+  0x87b826f7, 0x88806fc4,
+  0x89520a1a, 0x8a2ce59f, 0x8b10f144, 0x8bfe1b3f, 0x8cf45113, 0x8df37f8b,
+  0x8efb92c2, 0x900c7621,
+  0x9126145f, 0x92485786, 0x937328f5, 0x94a6715d, 0x95e218c9, 0x9726069c,
+  0x98722192, 0x99c64fc5,
+  0x9b2276b0, 0x9c867b2c, 0x9df24175, 0x9f65ad2d, 0xa0e0a15f, 0xa263007d,
+  0xa3ecac65, 0xa57d8666,
+  0xa7156f3c, 0xa8b4471a, 0xaa59eda4, 0xac0641fb, 0xadb922b7, 0xaf726def,
+  0xb1320139, 0xb2f7b9af,
+  0xb4c373ee, 0xb6950c1e, 0xb86c5df0, 0xba4944a2, 0xbc2b9b05, 0xbe133b7c,
+  0xc0000000, 0xc1f1c224,
+  0xc3e85b18, 0xc5e3a3a9, 0xc7e3744b, 0xc9e7a512, 0xcbf00dbe, 0xcdfc85bb,
+  0xd00ce422, 0xd220ffc0,
+  0xd438af17, 0xd653c860, 0xd8722192, 0xda939061, 0xdcb7ea46, 0xdedf047d,
+  0xe108b40d, 0xe334cdc9,
+  0xe5632654, 0xe7939223, 0xe9c5e582, 0xebf9f498, 0xee2f9369, 0xf06695da,
+  0xf29ecfb2, 0xf4d814a4,
+  0xf7123849, 0xf94d0e2e, 0xfb8869ce, 0xfdc41e9b, 0x0, 0x23be165, 0x4779632,
+  0x6b2f1d2,
+  0x8edc7b7, 0xb27eb5c, 0xd61304e, 0xf996a26, 0x11d06c97, 0x14060b68,
+  0x163a1a7e, 0x186c6ddd,
+  0x1a9cd9ac, 0x1ccb3237, 0x1ef74bf3, 0x2120fb83, 0x234815ba, 0x256c6f9f,
+  0x278dde6e, 0x29ac37a0,
+  0x2bc750e9, 0x2ddf0040, 0x2ff31bde, 0x32037a45, 0x340ff242, 0x36185aee,
+  0x381c8bb5, 0x3a1c5c57,
+  0x3c17a4e8, 0x3e0e3ddc, 0x40000000, 0x41ecc484, 0x43d464fb, 0x45b6bb5e,
+  0x4793a210, 0x496af3e2,
+  0x4b3c8c12, 0x4d084651, 0x4ecdfec7, 0x508d9211, 0x5246dd49, 0x53f9be05,
+  0x55a6125c, 0x574bb8e6,
+  0x58ea90c4, 0x5a82799a, 0x5c13539b, 0x5d9cff83, 0x5f1f5ea1, 0x609a52d3,
+  0x620dbe8b, 0x637984d4,
+  0x64dd8950, 0x6639b03b, 0x678dde6e, 0x68d9f964, 0x6a1de737, 0x6b598ea3,
+  0x6c8cd70b, 0x6db7a87a,
+  0x6ed9eba1, 0x6ff389df, 0x71046d3e, 0x720c8075, 0x730baeed, 0x7401e4c1,
+  0x74ef0ebc, 0x75d31a61,
+  0x76adf5e6, 0x777f903c, 0x7847d909, 0x7906c0b0, 0x79bc384d, 0x7a6831ba,
+  0x7b0a9f8d, 0x7ba3751d,
+  0x7c32a67e, 0x7cb82885, 0x7d33f0ca, 0x7da5f5a5, 0x7e0e2e32, 0x7e6c9251,
+  0x7ec11aa5, 0x7f0bc097,
+  0x7f4c7e54, 0x7f834ed0, 0x7fb02dc6, 0x7fd317b4, 0x7fec09e3, 0x7ffb0260,
+  0x7fffffff, 0x7ffb0260,
+  0x7fec09e3, 0x7fd317b4, 0x7fb02dc6, 0x7f834ed0, 0x7f4c7e54, 0x7f0bc097,
+  0x7ec11aa5, 0x7e6c9251,
+  0x7e0e2e32, 0x7da5f5a5, 0x7d33f0ca, 0x7cb82885, 0x7c32a67e, 0x7ba3751d,
+  0x7b0a9f8d, 0x7a6831ba,
+  0x79bc384d, 0x7906c0b0, 0x7847d909, 0x777f903c, 0x76adf5e6, 0x75d31a61,
+  0x74ef0ebc, 0x7401e4c1,
+  0x730baeed, 0x720c8075, 0x71046d3e, 0x6ff389df, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x6db7a87a,
+  0x6c8cd70b, 0x6b598ea3,
+  0x6a1de737, 0x68d9f964, 0x678dde6e, 0x6639b03b, 0x64dd8950, 0x637984d4,
+  0x620dbe8b, 0x609a52d3,
+  0x5f1f5ea1, 0x5d9cff83, 0x5c13539b, 0x5a82799a, 0x58ea90c4, 0x574bb8e6,
+  0x55a6125c, 0x53f9be05,
+  0x5246dd49, 0x508d9211, 0x4ecdfec7, 0x4d084651, 0x4b3c8c12, 0x496af3e2,
+  0x4793a210, 0x45b6bb5e,
+  0x43d464fb, 0x41ecc484, 0x40000000, 0x3e0e3ddc, 0x3c17a4e8, 0x3a1c5c57,
+  0x381c8bb5, 0x36185aee,
+  0x340ff242, 0x32037a45, 0x2ff31bde, 0x2ddf0040, 0x2bc750e9, 0x29ac37a0,
+  0x278dde6e, 0x256c6f9f,
+  0x234815ba, 0x2120fb83, 0x1ef74bf3, 0x1ccb3237, 0x1a9cd9ac, 0x186c6ddd,
+  0x163a1a7e, 0x14060b68,
+  0x11d06c97, 0xf996a26, 0xd61304e, 0xb27eb5c, 0x8edc7b7, 0x6b2f1d2,
+  0x4779632, 0x23be165,
+* \par    
+* Cosine Table is generated from following loop    
+* <pre>for(i = 0; i < 360; i++)    
+* {    
+*    cosTable[i]= cos((i-180) * PI/180.0);    
+* } </pre>   
+* \par    
+* Convert above coefficients to fixed point 1.31 format.    
+static const int32_t cosTableQ31[360] = {
+  0x80000000, 0x8004fda0, 0x8013f61d, 0x802ce84c, 0x804fd23a, 0x807cb130,
+  0x80b381ac, 0x80f43f69,
+  0x813ee55b, 0x81936daf, 0x81f1d1ce, 0x825a0a5b, 0x82cc0f36, 0x8347d77b,
+  0x83cd5982, 0x845c8ae3,
+  0x84f56073, 0x8597ce46, 0x8643c7b3, 0x86f93f50, 0x87b826f7, 0x88806fc4,
+  0x89520a1a, 0x8a2ce59f,
+  0x8b10f144, 0x8bfe1b3f, 0x8cf45113, 0x8df37f8b, 0x8efb92c2, 0x900c7621,
+  0x9126145f, 0x92485786,
+  0x937328f5, 0x94a6715d, 0x95e218c9, 0x9726069c, 0x98722192, 0x99c64fc5,
+  0x9b2276b0, 0x9c867b2c,
+  0x9df24175, 0x9f65ad2d, 0xa0e0a15f, 0xa263007d, 0xa3ecac65, 0xa57d8666,
+  0xa7156f3c, 0xa8b4471a,
+  0xaa59eda4, 0xac0641fb, 0xadb922b7, 0xaf726def, 0xb1320139, 0xb2f7b9af,
+  0xb4c373ee, 0xb6950c1e,
+  0xb86c5df0, 0xba4944a2, 0xbc2b9b05, 0xbe133b7c, 0xc0000000, 0xc1f1c224,
+  0xc3e85b18, 0xc5e3a3a9,
+  0xc7e3744b, 0xc9e7a512, 0xcbf00dbe, 0xcdfc85bb, 0xd00ce422, 0xd220ffc0,
+  0xd438af17, 0xd653c860,
+  0xd8722192, 0xda939061, 0xdcb7ea46, 0xdedf047d, 0xe108b40d, 0xe334cdc9,
+  0xe5632654, 0xe7939223,
+  0xe9c5e582, 0xebf9f498, 0xee2f9369, 0xf06695da, 0xf29ecfb2, 0xf4d814a4,
+  0xf7123849, 0xf94d0e2e,
+  0xfb8869ce, 0xfdc41e9b, 0x0, 0x23be165, 0x4779632, 0x6b2f1d2, 0x8edc7b7,
+  0xb27eb5c,
+  0xd61304e, 0xf996a26, 0x11d06c97, 0x14060b68, 0x163a1a7e, 0x186c6ddd,
+  0x1a9cd9ac, 0x1ccb3237,
+  0x1ef74bf3, 0x2120fb83, 0x234815ba, 0x256c6f9f, 0x278dde6e, 0x29ac37a0,
+  0x2bc750e9, 0x2ddf0040,
+  0x2ff31bde, 0x32037a45, 0x340ff242, 0x36185aee, 0x381c8bb5, 0x3a1c5c57,
+  0x3c17a4e8, 0x3e0e3ddc,
+  0x40000000, 0x41ecc484, 0x43d464fb, 0x45b6bb5e, 0x4793a210, 0x496af3e2,
+  0x4b3c8c12, 0x4d084651,
+  0x4ecdfec7, 0x508d9211, 0x5246dd49, 0x53f9be05, 0x55a6125c, 0x574bb8e6,
+  0x58ea90c4, 0x5a82799a,
+  0x5c13539b, 0x5d9cff83, 0x5f1f5ea1, 0x609a52d3, 0x620dbe8b, 0x637984d4,
+  0x64dd8950, 0x6639b03b,
+  0x678dde6e, 0x68d9f964, 0x6a1de737, 0x6b598ea3, 0x6c8cd70b, 0x6db7a87a,
+  0x6ed9eba1, 0x6ff389df,
+  0x71046d3e, 0x720c8075, 0x730baeed, 0x7401e4c1, 0x74ef0ebc, 0x75d31a61,
+  0x76adf5e6, 0x777f903c,
+  0x7847d909, 0x7906c0b0, 0x79bc384d, 0x7a6831ba, 0x7b0a9f8d, 0x7ba3751d,
+  0x7c32a67e, 0x7cb82885,
+  0x7d33f0ca, 0x7da5f5a5, 0x7e0e2e32, 0x7e6c9251, 0x7ec11aa5, 0x7f0bc097,
+  0x7f4c7e54, 0x7f834ed0,
+  0x7fb02dc6, 0x7fd317b4, 0x7fec09e3, 0x7ffb0260, 0x7fffffff, 0x7ffb0260,
+  0x7fec09e3, 0x7fd317b4,
+  0x7fb02dc6, 0x7f834ed0, 0x7f4c7e54, 0x7f0bc097, 0x7ec11aa5, 0x7e6c9251,
+  0x7e0e2e32, 0x7da5f5a5,
+  0x7d33f0ca, 0x7cb82885, 0x7c32a67e, 0x7ba3751d, 0x7b0a9f8d, 0x7a6831ba,
+  0x79bc384d, 0x7906c0b0,
+  0x7847d909, 0x777f903c, 0x76adf5e6, 0x75d31a61, 0x74ef0ebc, 0x7401e4c1,
+  0x730baeed, 0x720c8075,
+  0x71046d3e, 0x6ff389df, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x6db7a87a, 0x6c8cd70b, 0x6b598ea3,
+  0x6a1de737, 0x68d9f964,
+  0x678dde6e, 0x6639b03b, 0x64dd8950, 0x637984d4, 0x620dbe8b, 0x609a52d3,
+  0x5f1f5ea1, 0x5d9cff83,
+  0x5c13539b, 0x5a82799a, 0x58ea90c4, 0x574bb8e6, 0x55a6125c, 0x53f9be05,
+  0x5246dd49, 0x508d9211,
+  0x4ecdfec7, 0x4d084651, 0x4b3c8c12, 0x496af3e2, 0x4793a210, 0x45b6bb5e,
+  0x43d464fb, 0x41ecc484,
+  0x40000000, 0x3e0e3ddc, 0x3c17a4e8, 0x3a1c5c57, 0x381c8bb5, 0x36185aee,
+  0x340ff242, 0x32037a45,
+  0x2ff31bde, 0x2ddf0040, 0x2bc750e9, 0x29ac37a0, 0x278dde6e, 0x256c6f9f,
+  0x234815ba, 0x2120fb83,
+  0x1ef74bf3, 0x1ccb3237, 0x1a9cd9ac, 0x186c6ddd, 0x163a1a7e, 0x14060b68,
+  0x11d06c97, 0xf996a26,
+  0xd61304e, 0xb27eb5c, 0x8edc7b7, 0x6b2f1d2, 0x4779632, 0x23be165, 0x0,
+  0xfdc41e9b,
+  0xfb8869ce, 0xf94d0e2e, 0xf7123849, 0xf4d814a4, 0xf29ecfb2, 0xf06695da,
+  0xee2f9369, 0xebf9f498,
+  0xe9c5e582, 0xe7939223, 0xe5632654, 0xe334cdc9, 0xe108b40d, 0xdedf047d,
+  0xdcb7ea46, 0xda939061,
+  0xd8722192, 0xd653c860, 0xd438af17, 0xd220ffc0, 0xd00ce422, 0xcdfc85bb,
+  0xcbf00dbe, 0xc9e7a512,
+  0xc7e3744b, 0xc5e3a3a9, 0xc3e85b18, 0xc1f1c224, 0xc0000000, 0xbe133b7c,
+  0xbc2b9b05, 0xba4944a2,
+  0xb86c5df0, 0xb6950c1e, 0xb4c373ee, 0xb2f7b9af, 0xb1320139, 0xaf726def,
+  0xadb922b7, 0xac0641fb,
+  0xaa59eda4, 0xa8b4471a, 0xa7156f3c, 0xa57d8666, 0xa3ecac65, 0xa263007d,
+  0xa0e0a15f, 0x9f65ad2d,
+  0x9df24175, 0x9c867b2c, 0x9b2276b0, 0x99c64fc5, 0x98722192, 0x9726069c,
+  0x95e218c9, 0x94a6715d,
+  0x937328f5, 0x92485786, 0x9126145f, 0x900c7621, 0x8efb92c2, 0x8df37f8b,
+  0x8cf45113, 0x8bfe1b3f,
+  0x8b10f144, 0x8a2ce59f, 0x89520a1a, 0x88806fc4, 0x87b826f7, 0x86f93f50,
+  0x8643c7b3, 0x8597ce46,
+  0x84f56073, 0x845c8ae3, 0x83cd5982, 0x8347d77b, 0x82cc0f36, 0x825a0a5b,
+  0x81f1d1ce, 0x81936daf,
+  0x813ee55b, 0x80f43f69, 0x80b381ac, 0x807cb130, 0x804fd23a, 0x802ce84c,
+  0x8013f61d, 0x8004fda0,
+ * @brief  Q31 sin_cos function.   
+ * @param[in]  theta    scaled input value in degrees    
+ * @param[out] *pSinVal points to the processed sine output.    
+ * @param[out] *pCosVal points to the processed cosine output.    
+ * @return none.   
+ *    
+ * The Q31 input value is in the range [-1 0.999999] and is mapped to a degree value in the range [-180 179].   
+ *    
+ */
+void arm_sin_cos_q31(
+  q31_t theta,
+  q31_t * pSinVal,
+  q31_t * pCosVal)
+  q31_t x0;                                      /* Nearest input value */
+  q31_t y0, y1;                                  /* Nearest output values */
+  q31_t xSpacing = INPUT_SPACING;                /* Spaing between inputs */
+  int32_t i;                                     /* Index */
+  q31_t oneByXSpacing;                           /* 1/ xSpacing value */
+  q31_t out;                                     /* temporary variable */
+  uint32_t sign_bits;                            /* No.of sign bits */
+  uint32_t firstX = 0x80000000;                  /* First X value */
+  /* Calculation of index */
+  i = ((uint32_t) theta - firstX) / (uint32_t) xSpacing;
+  /* Checking min and max index of table */
+  if(i < 0)
+  {
+    i = 0;
+  }
+  else if(i >= 359)
+  {
+    i = 358;
+  }
+  /* Calculation of first nearest input value */
+  x0 = (q31_t) firstX + ((q31_t) i * xSpacing);
+  /* Reading nearest sine output values from table */
+  y0 = sinTableQ31[i];
+  y1 = sinTableQ31[i + 1u];
+  /* Calculation of 1/(x1-x0) */
+  /* (x1-x0) is xSpacing which is fixed value */
+  sign_bits = 8u;
+  oneByXSpacing = 0x5A000000;
+  /* Calculation of (theta - x0)/(x1-x0) */
+  out =
+    (((q31_t) (((q63_t) (theta - x0) * oneByXSpacing) >> 32)) << sign_bits);
+  /* Calculation of y0 + (y1 - y0) * ((theta - x0)/(x1-x0)) */
+  *pSinVal = __QADD(y0, ((q31_t) (((q63_t) (y1 - y0) * out) >> 30)));
+  /* Reading nearest cosine output values from table */
+  y0 = cosTableQ31[i];
+  y1 = cosTableQ31[i + 1u];
+  /* Calculation of y0 + (y1 - y0) * ((theta - x0)/(x1-x0)) */
+  *pCosVal = __QADD(y0, ((q31_t) (((q63_t) (y1 - y0) * out) >> 30)));
+ * @} end of SinCos group    
+ */