a library to use GPRS like ethernet or wifi, which makes it possible to connect to the internet with your GPRS module

Dependents:   Seeed_GPRS_Library_HelloWorld Seeed_GPRS_Xively_HelloWorld Seeed_ARCH_GPRS_V2_Xively_HelloWorld Seeed_ARCH_GPRS_V2_ThingSpeak_HelloWorld ... more

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
GPRS.cpp [code]
GPRS.h [code]
GPRSInterface.cpp [code]
GPRSInterface.h [code]
modem.cpp [code]
modem.h [code]
Socket.cpp [code]
Socket.h [code]
TCPSocketConnection.cpp [code]
TCPSocketConnection.h [code]
TCPSocketServer.h [code]