
Dependents of HX711

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

A simple loadcell calibration program based on a load cell and HX711 amp. Using HX711 by Bertrand Bouvier. Calibration code comes from SparkFun example at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/load-cell-amplifier-hx711-breakout-hookup-guide?_ga=1.169212841.987765858.1442369657. HX711, Load Cell
2.74 Bio-Inspired Robotics robot for LGO group. This is the vertical dolphin tail Bio, bio-inspired, dolphin, inspired, robot, Tail
2.131 test rig DAQ for MTB suspension characterization project bike, fork, front, MATLAB, mountain, mtb, shock, stochastic, suspension
Celda de Carga HX711 HX711
Banco de pruebas RPM
Stepper motor control for KYPHOS rig KYPHOS
Combines a working system to save force, acceleration and gyro data to an SD card in a MAX32630 with BLE_Heartrate taken from the mbed site.
Uso de Librería para pantallas LCD de varias dimensiones.
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float impossible dans RPC donc weight1 et 2 en float > f0 et f1 en int pour sa: f0 = (int) weight1;....
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