RTC et Timers

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of APP2 by Laurent m

Mon Jan 25 18:01:51 2016 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 1 #include "mbed.h"
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 2 #include "rtos.h"
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 3
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 4 /*
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 5 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 6 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 7 DigitalIn sw1(p15);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 8 DigitalIn sw2(p16);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 9
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 10 Mutex mute;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 11 Queue<string, 5> mb;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 12
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 13
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 14 void producer_Thread(void const *args)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 15 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 16 while (true) {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 17 mute.lock();
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 18 mb.alloc
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 19 mute.unlock();
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 20 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 21 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 22 void consumer_Thread(void const *args)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 23 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 24 while (true) {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 25 mute.lock();
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 26 led1 = 0;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 27 led2 = 0;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 28 wait(0.5);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 29 mute.unlock();
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 30 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 31 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 32
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 33 int main()
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 34 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 35 Thread thread1(producer_Thread);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 36 Thread thread2(consumer_Thread);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 37 while (true) {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 38 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 39 } */
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 40
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 41 //Pins
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 42 DigitalIn en_1(p15);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 43 DigitalIn en_2(p16);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 44 AnalogIn ea_1(p19);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 45 AnalogIn ea_2(p20);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 46
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 47 //Constantes
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 48 #define FREQ_NUM_MS 100
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 49 #define FREQ_ANAL_MS 250
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 50 #define FREQ_NUM_STAB_MS 50
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 51
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 52 #define SIGNAL_NUM 0x1
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 53 #define SIGNAL_ANAL 0x2
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 54
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 55 #define NIVEAU_DC_ANAL 3.3
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 56 #define SEUIL_ANAL 1.125
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 57
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 58 void lecture_analog(void const *args) {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 59 bool premiereLectureDispo = false;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 60 int echantillonsAnal[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 61 int compteur = 0;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 62 float moyenneCourante = 0;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 63
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 64 while (true)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 65 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 66 // lecture des échantillons analogiques
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 67 //TODO soit inclure ea_2, soit rendre la méthode réutilisable (plus nice)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 68 echantillonsAnal[compteur] = ea_1;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 69 // calcul de la nouvelle moyenne courante
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 70 if(premiereLectureDispo == true)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 71 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 72 moyenneCourante = 0;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 73 for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 74 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 75 moyenneCourante += echantillonsAnal[i];
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 76 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 77 moyenneCourante = moyenneCourante / 5;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 78 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 79
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 80 compteur++;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 81 if(compteur >= 5)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 82 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 83 compteur = 0;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 84 premiereLectureDispo = true;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 85 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 86 // génération éventuelle d'un événement
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 87 if(moyenneCourante > SEUIL_ANAL * NIVEAU_DC_ANAL)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 88 {
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 89 //Générer un évènement
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 90 time_t seconds = time(NULL);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 91 char buffer[32];
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 92 strftime(buffer, 32, "%I:%M %p\n", localtime(&seconds));
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 93 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 94 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 95 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 96
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 97
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 98 void lecture_num(void const *args) {
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 99 bool lecture, lecturePrecedente, lectureDebut;
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 100 while (true)
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 101 {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 102 // lecture des échantillons numériques
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 103 //TODO, généralisé la fonction
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 104 lectureDebut = en_1.read();
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 105 wait_ms(FREQ_NUM_STAB_MS);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 106 if(lectureDebut != en_1.read())
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 107 {
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 108 time_t seconds = time(NULL);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 109 char buffer[32];
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 110 strftime(buffer, 32, "%I:%M %p\n", localtime(&seconds));
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 111 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 112
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 113 // prise en charge du phénomène de rebond
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 114 // génération éventuelle d'un événement
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 115 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 116 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 117
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 118 void collection(void const *args) {
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 119 while (true)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 120 {
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 121 // attente et lecture d'un événement
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 122 // écriture de l'événement en sortie (port série)
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 123 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 124 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 125
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 126
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 127
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 128 void signaler() {
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 129 RtosTimer anal_timer(lecture_num, osTimerPeriodic, NULL);
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 130 RtosTimer num_timer(lecture_analog, osTimerPeriodic, NULL);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 131
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 132 anal_timer.start(FREQ_ANAL_MS);
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 133 num_timer.start(FREQ_NUM_MS);
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 134
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 135 //Thread thread_Anal(lecture_analog);
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 136 //Thread thread_Num(lecture_num);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 137 //Transitionner vers RTOS_TImer
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 138 //while (true)
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 139 //{
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 140 // thread_Anal.signal_set(SIGNAL_ANAL);
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 141 // thread_Num.signal_set(SIGNAL_NUM);
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 142 //}
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 143 }
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 144
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 145 int main() {
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 146 // initialisation du RTC
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 147 set_time(1453667014);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 148
larryspaghetti 1:7b379ec59b5d 149 // démarrage des tâches
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 150 RtosTimer anal_timer(lecture_num, osTimerPeriodic, NULL);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 151 RtosTimer num_timer(lecture_analog, osTimerPeriodic, NULL);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 152
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 153 anal_timer.start(FREQ_ANAL_MS);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 154 num_timer.start(FREQ_NUM_MS);
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 155
larryspaghetti 2:28fd10eccd74 156 while(1);
manl2003 0:b4d43279883c 157 }