suu pen さんのライブラリをフォークしました。 このライブラリは1桁から8桁までのSeven segment Numeric LEDを制御します。 LEDはanode commonとcathode common を使用することができます。 LEDの表示は1秒で表示をスムースに切り替えるモードと、直ぐに切り替えるモードの2つのモードを選択することができます。 This library to control the Seven segment Numeric LED 8 digit of 1. You can use the LED cathode common and anode common. Switch mode LED display and a second displayed a smooth, you can choose two modes to switch modes quickly.

Dependents:   HumidifierController_LPC824

Fork of SevenSegLed by suu pen

--- a/SevenSegLed.h	Sun Nov 20 00:22:05 2011 +0000
+++ b/SevenSegLed.h	Fri Dec 02 13:53:34 2011 +0000
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@
-/*                                                                     */
-/*    ledDynamic.h                                                         */
-/*                                                                     */
+//*                                                                     */
+//*    ledDynamic.h                                                     */
+//* V1.0 : 4digit(4com) display                                         */
+//* V2.0 : 8digit(8com) display                                         */
+//*                                                                     */
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@
  * //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * //sevenSegmentLed Library Example
  * //
- * //This program by one every second counts, do a 4-digit seven-segment LED display.
+ * //This program by one every second counts, do a 8-digit seven-segment LED display.
  * //
  * //seven segment numeric LED Display : LTC4627P
  * //
@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@
  * //                     | 
  * //                     |  display mode (0:smooth 1:hard)
  * //                     |  |
- * //                     |  |    segA segB segC segD segE segF segG segP com1 com2 com3 com4                           
+ * //                     |  |    segA segB segC segD segE segF segG segP com1 com2 com3 com4 (com5,com6,com7,com8 = NC)                          
  * //                     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | 
  * SevenSegLed segmentled(0, 0, p14, p20, p17, p22, p24, p16, p19, p30, p29, p13, p25, p27);
@@ -132,7 +134,9 @@
     * @param seg_a - seg_p DigitalOut pin to connect to.    To provide members with an array of uint8_t digit minutes. 4 digits maximum
     * @param com_1 - com_4 DigitalOut pin to connect to.    To provide members with an array of uint8_t digit minutes. 4 digits maximum   
-    SevenSegLed(uint8_t commonPole, uint8_t smooth, PinName seg_a, PinName seg_b, PinName seg_c, PinName seg_d, PinName seg_e, PinName seg_f, PinName seg_g, PinName seg_p, PinName com_1 = NC, PinName com_2 = NC, PinName com_3 = NC, PinName com_4 = NC);
+    SevenSegLed(uint8_t commonPole, uint8_t smooth, PinName seg_a, PinName seg_b, PinName seg_c, PinName seg_d, PinName seg_e, PinName seg_f, PinName seg_g, PinName seg_p,
+                PinName com_1 = NC, PinName com_2 = NC, PinName com_3 = NC, PinName com_4 = NC,
+                PinName com_5 = NC, PinName com_6 = NC, PinName com_7 = NC, PinName com_8 = NC);
     /** Data set to the seven segment LED display
     * @param number Array variable address pointer of Numerical data 0 - 9,A - F : The figures show, 0x10:off
@@ -149,11 +153,11 @@
 //  pin set_seg, _com;
     DigitalOut _seg_a, _seg_b, _seg_c, _seg_d, _seg_e, _seg_f, _seg_g, _seg_p;
-    DigitalOut _com_1, _com_2, _com_3, _com_4;
+    DigitalOut _com_1, _com_2, _com_3, _com_4, _com_5, _com_6, _com_7, _com_8;
     Ticker timer;
-#define Z_ketaSuu (4)   // 7segment no keta suu
+#define Z_ketaSuu (8)   // 7segment no keta suu
 #define Z_segSuu  (8)   // 7segmetn no segment suu (a,b,...,g,Dp)
 #define Z_grayMax (100)  // grayData max 100 kaicho
 #define Z_pwmGrayMax (100) // pwm max (led heno pwm syuturyoku no max)