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ATCmdParser Class Reference

ATCmdParser Class Reference
[ATCmdParser class]

Parser class for parsing AT commands. More...

#include <ATCmdParser.h>

Public Member Functions

 ATCmdParser (FileHandle *fh, const char *output_delimiter="\r", int buffer_size=256, int timeout=8000, bool debug=false)
 ~ATCmdParser ()
void set_timeout (int timeout)
 Allows timeout to be changed between commands.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.5.0","Replaced with set_timeout for consistency") void setTimeout(int timeout)
 For backward compatibility.
void set_delimiter (const char *output_delimiter)
 Sets string of characters to use as line delimiters.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.5.0","Replaced with set_delimiter for consistency") void setDelimiter(const char *output_delimiter)
 For backwards compatibility.
void debug_on (uint8_t on)
 Allows traces from modem to be turned on or off.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.5.0","Replaced with debug_on for consistency") void debugOn(uint8_t on)
 For backward compatibility.
bool send (const char *command,...) MBED_PRINTF_METHOD(1
 Sends an AT command.
bool recv (const char *response,...) MBED_SCANF_METHOD(1
 Receive an AT response.
int putc (char c)
 Write a single byte to the underlying stream.
int getc ()
 Get a single byte from the underlying stream.
int write (const char *data, int size)
 Write an array of bytes to the underlying stream.
int read (char *data, int size)
 Read an array of bytes from the underlying stream.
int printf (const char *format,...) MBED_PRINTF_METHOD(1
 Direct printf to underlying stream.
int scanf (const char *format,...) MBED_SCANF_METHOD(1
 Direct scanf on underlying stream.
void oob (const char *prefix, mbed::Callback< void()> func)
 Attach a callback for out-of-band data.
void flush ()
 Flushes the underlying stream.
void abort ()
 Abort current recv.
bool process_oob (void)
 Process out-of-band data.

Detailed Description

Parser class for parsing AT commands.

Here are some examples:

 UARTSerial serial = UARTSerial(D1, D0);
 ATCmdParser at = ATCmdParser(&serial, "\r\n");
 int value;
 char buffer[100];

 at.send("AT") && at.recv("OK");
 at.send("AT+CWMODE=%d", 3) && at.recv("OK");
 at.send("AT+CWMODE?") && at.recv("+CWMODE:%d\r\nOK", &value);
 at.recv("+IPD,%d:", &value);
 at.read(buffer, value);

Definition at line 57 of file ATCmdParser.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ATCmdParser ( FileHandle fh,
const char *  output_delimiter = "\r",
int  buffer_size = 256,
int  timeout = 8000,
bool  debug = false 


fhA FileHandle to the digital interface, used for AT commands
output_delimiterEnd of command-line termination
buffer_sizeSize of internal buffer for transaction
timeoutTimeout of the connection
debugTurns on/off debug output for AT commands

Definition at line 94 of file ATCmdParser.h.

~ATCmdParser (  )


Definition at line 107 of file ATCmdParser.h.

Member Function Documentation

void abort (  )

Abort current recv.

Can be called from out-of-band handler to interrupt the current recv operation.

void debug_on ( uint8_t  on )

Allows traces from modem to be turned on or off.

onSet as 1 to turn on traces and 0 to disable traces.

Definition at line 176 of file ATCmdParser.h.

void flush (  )

Flushes the underlying stream.

int getc (  )

Get a single byte from the underlying stream.

The byte that was read or -1 during a timeout
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.5.0"  ,
"Replaced with set_timeout for consistency"   

For backward compatibility.

Please use set_timeout(int) API only from now on. Allows timeout to be changed between commands

timeoutATCmdParser APIs (read/write/send/recv ..etc) throw an error if no response is received in `timeout` duration

Definition at line 139 of file ATCmdParser.h.

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.5.0"  ,
"Replaced with set_delimiter for consistency"   
) const

For backwards compatibility.

Please use set_delimiter(const char *) API only from now on. Sets string of characters to use as line delimiters

output_delimiterstring of characters to use as line delimiters

Definition at line 165 of file ATCmdParser.h.

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.5.0"  ,
"Replaced with debug_on for consistency"   

For backward compatibility.

Allows traces from modem to be turned on or off

onSet as 1 to turn on traces and 0 to disable traces.

Definition at line 189 of file ATCmdParser.h.

void oob ( const char *  prefix,
mbed::Callback< void()>  func 

Attach a callback for out-of-band data.

prefixString on when to initiate callback
funcCallback to call when string is read
out-of-band data is only processed during a scanf call
int printf ( const char *  format,

Direct printf to underlying stream.

See also:
formatFormat string to pass to printf
...Variable arguments to printf
number of bytes written or -1 on failure
bool process_oob ( void   )

Process out-of-band data.

Process out-of-band data in the receive buffer. This function returns immediately if there is no data to process.

true if out-of-band data processed, false otherwise
int putc ( char  c )

Write a single byte to the underlying stream.

cThe byte to write
The byte that was written or -1 during a timeout
int read ( char *  data,
int  size 

Read an array of bytes from the underlying stream.

dataThe buffer for filling the read bytes
sizeNumber of bytes to read
number of bytes read or -1 on failure
bool recv ( const char *  response,

Receive an AT response.

Receives a formatted response using scanf style formatting

See also:

Responses are parsed line at a time. Any received data that does not match the response is ignored until a timeout occurs.

responsescanf-like format string of response to expect
...all scanf-like arguments to extract from response
true only if response is successfully matched
int scanf ( const char *  format,

Direct scanf on underlying stream.

See also:
formatFormat string to pass to scanf
...Variable arguments to scanf
number of bytes read or -1 on failure
bool send ( const char *  command,

Sends an AT command.

Sends a formatted command using printf style formatting

See also:
commandprintf-like format string of command to send which is appended with a newline
...all printf-like arguments to insert into command
true only if command is successfully sent
void set_delimiter ( const char *  output_delimiter )

Sets string of characters to use as line delimiters.

output_delimiterString of characters to use as line delimiters

Definition at line 150 of file ATCmdParser.h.

void set_timeout ( int  timeout )

Allows timeout to be changed between commands.

timeoutATCmdParser APIs (read/write/send/recv ..etc) throw an error if no response is received in `timeout` duration

Definition at line 123 of file ATCmdParser.h.

int write ( const char *  data,
int  size 

Write an array of bytes to the underlying stream.

dataThe array of bytes to write
sizeNumber of bytes to write
number of bytes written or -1 on failure