Wheel control software for satellite microcontroller running the motors on the Karbor

Dependencies:   mbed ros_lib_melodic

--- a/src/MotorControl.h	Tue Jun 08 15:04:33 2021 +0000
+++ b/src/MotorControl.h	Tue Jun 08 20:55:08 2021 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+ * @file MotorControl.h
+ *
+ * Class to control a motor with an encoder, inherits from the encoder class.
+ *
+ * @author Simon Krogedal
+ *
+ * @version 0.1
+ */
@@ -13,13 +23,30 @@
  #include "encoder.h"
  #include "motor.h"
-/* This class controls the speed of an individual motor, helping the system keep
+ /** Motor Controller Class
+ *
+ * This class controls the speed of an individual motor, helping the system keep
  * symmetric with asymmetric components. It is based on the encoder class
  * and contains a pointer to a motor object. With two of these the motion
  * controller can drive the robot to the desired points.
+ *
+ * @author Simon Krogedal
+ *
+ * Written by Simon Krogedal
+ *
+ *
+ * Team 9 4th Year project
+ * 
+ *
+ * for NUCLEO-F401RE
+ * 
+ * @version 0.1
+ *
 class MotorControl : public encoder {
         motor*      mot;            // motor object
         double      Kp,             // Proportional gain
@@ -33,22 +60,76 @@
         bool        dir,            // Drivign direction (not used)
                     max_out;        // Flag triggered when output is saturated (not used)
-        double getError(void);      // Calculate current error
+        /** Get the current tracking error
+         * @return Current tracking error
+         */
+        double getError(void);
-        void algorithm(void);       // Control algorithm
+        /// Control algorithm, called intermittedly by ticker object
+        void algorithm(void);
-        // Constructor takes encoder pins and constants, and a motor object and contorller gains
-        MotorControl(PinName a, PinName b, int r, bool c, double p, motor* m, double ms, double kp, double ti, double diameter);
+        /** Creates an instance
+         *
+         * @param EncoderChanA Encoder channel A pin, set up using internal pullup
+         * @param EncoderChanB Encoder channel B pin, set up using internal pullup
+         * @param CPR Encoder counts per revolution
+         * @param side Left side or right side motor, defines whether counter-clockwise rotation is forwards (left) or backwards (right) (when looking at the robot from outside)
+         * @param period Sampling period for control algorithm and speed calculation from encoder readings
+         * @param Motor Pointer to the motor object to be controlled
+         * @param MaxSpeed Maximum speed of the motor, no set points above this value will be accepted
+         * @param kp Proportional control gain
+         * @param ti Integral control time
+         * @param diameter Wheel diameter in meters
+         */
+        MotorControl(PinName EncoderChanA, PinName EncoderChanB, int CPR, encoder::Side side, double period, motor* Motor, double MaxSpeed, double kp, double ti, double diameter);
+        /** Set the speed set point of the controller
+         * This can be done while driving or while stopped, though the update will only be reflected while driving.
+         * @param speed Speed set point in m/s
+         */
+        void setSpeed(double speed);
+        /** Start driving
+         * Attaches a ticker object to the control algorithm, running it at the frequency specified in the constructor
+         */
+        void drive(void);
+        /** Stops the control algorithm
+         * Stops the motors and detaches the ticker callback
+         */
+        void stop(void);
-        void setSpeed(double s);    // Set the speed of the wheel
-        void drive(void);           // Drive at set speet
-        void stop(void);            // Stop motor
-        void driveManual(void);     // Drive at set speed in open loop
-        void samplecall(void);      // Sample encoder and update read speed value
+        /** Drives the motor in open loop
+         * No ticket object is attaced, the motors are just activated.
+         * Note that this also means new speed set points will not be passed to the motor unless this function is called again!
+         */
+        void driveManual(void);
+        /** Sample the encoders to read speed value
+         * This function does not return anything, the speed must then be obtained through getSpeed()
+         */
+        void samplecall(void);
+        /** Set proportional gain
+         * This function is useful for Ziegler-Nichols tuning
+         *
+         * @param k Controller proportional gain
+         */
         void setK(double k);        // Set gain (used for Z-N tuning
         //void start(void);           // This function is overridden to avoid bugs
+        /** Returns the current duty cycle, useful for debugging
+         * @return Current duty cycle
+         */
         double getOutput(void);     // Returns current duty cycle
+        /** Checks whether the output saturation flag is set
+         *
+         * @return True: Output is saturated
+         * @return False: Output is not saturated
+         */
         bool checkFlag(void);       // Check whether max out flag is set