The KPN SenML library helps you create and parse senml documents in both json and cbor format. The library can be used for sending sensor data and receiving actuator commands.

Fork of kpn_senml by KPN IoT



File content as of revision 0:a9259748d982:

/*  _  __  ____    _   _ 
 * | |/ / |  _ \  | \ | |
 * | ' /  | |_) | |  \| |
 * | . \  |  __/  | |\  |
 * |_|\_\ |_|     |_| \_|
 * (c) 2018 KPN
 * License: MIT License.
 * Author: Jan Bogaerts
 * pack (document) without base values headers


#ifdef __MBED__
    #include "mbed.h"
    #include <string> 
    using namespace std;
    #define String string

#include <senml_base.h>

#define PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE void (*callback)(const char*, const char*, const void*, int, SenMLDataType)

 * SenMLPack represents a single senml document that can be sent or received. 
 * A senmlPack object has SenMLRecords and/or other SenMLPack objects as children. These
 * represent the data that the object contains.
 * A SenMLRecord represents a single value, while child SenMLPacks represent data of other 
 * devices. When a SenMLPack contains other SenMLPack objects, the root object represents a
 * gateway.
 * A SenMLPack object is able to render and parse the data to/from a json string or to/from binary 
 * CBOR data. Both rendering and parsing can be done either directly from a stream (like an UART 
 * connected to a modem), or from a memory buffer. 
 * Rendering to and parsing from a stream is useful for devices that have extreme low memory available. 
 * Almost no buffers are used in this case. Error handling is limited in this case though.
 * The parser and generator are able to render in the native format (strings for json, binary data for
 * cbor) and as a hex string. This is especially useful when directly working on a stream: some modems 
 * (ex lora) accept instructions with data in HEX format.
 * example:
 * @code
 * #include <kpn_senml.h>
 * SenMLPack doc("device_name");
 * void setup(){
 *     Serial.begin(57600);
 *     senMLSetLogger(&Serial);
 *     delay(1000);
 *     Serial.println("start");
 * }

 * void loop(){
 *     int val = 10;                                   //just give it some value
 *     SenMLFloatRecord rec("temp", SENML_UNIT_DEGREES_CELSIUS, val);
 *     doc.add(&rec);                      
 *     doc.toJson(&Serial);                            //as text
 *     Serial.println();
 *     doc.toJson(&Serial, SENML_HEX);                 //in hex format (often used in communication with lora modems)
 *     Serial.println();
 *     delay(1000);
 * }

 * @endcode
class SenMLPack: public SenMLBase
    friend class SenMLJsonListener; 
    friend class SenMLCborParser;
    friend class SenMLBase;

         * create a SenMLPack object.
        SenMLPack():  _bu(SENML_UNIT_NONE), 
                      _end(NULL) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param baseName the string that will be prepended to all records in this pack. 
         *                 Is used to represent the name of the device.
        SenMLPack(const char* baseName):  _bn(baseName),                                                    //mbed compiler doesnt support delegating constructors
                                          _end(NULL) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param baseName the string that will be prepended to all records in this pack. 
         *                 Is used to represent the name of the device.
         * @param baseUnit the unit name that will be used by default if the record doesnt
         *                 not define one.
        SenMLPack(const char* baseName, SenMLUnit baseUnit):  _bn(baseName),                               
                                                              _end(NULL) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param baseName the string that will be prepended to all records in this pack. 
         *                 Is used to represent the name of the device.
         * @param baseUnit the unit name that will be used by default if the record doesnt
         *                 not define one.
         * @param baseTime the time that will be added to each record. When specified, each
         *                 record that does not specify a time, will receive this time. When
         *                 the record does have a time, the baseTime of the pack is added to it,
         *                 so the time of the record becomes relative to that of the pack.
        SenMLPack(const char* baseName, SenMLUnit baseUnit, double baseTime): _bn(baseName),                
                                                                              _end(NULL) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param callback a function that will be called while parsing incomming data, when no
         *                 record can be found that matches any of the defined ones in the object.
         *                 The parameters of the callback must be: 
         *                    const char* packName the name of the pack that the record belongs to.
         *                                         The data is for a child SenMLPack when this
         *                                         field is different then the name of the root pack.
         *                    const char* recordName the name of the record 
         *                    const void* value a pointer to the memory blob that contains the actual value.
         *                    int size the size of the memory blobl
         *                    SenMLDataType dataType: defines how to interprete the memory blob (ex: pointer to integer,..)                
        SenMLPack(PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE): _bn(""),                                  
                                            callback(callback) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param baseName the string that will be prepended to all records in this pack. 
         *                 Is used to represent the name of the device.
         * @param callback a function that will be called while parsing incomming data, when no
         *                 record can be found that matches any of the defined ones in the object.
         *                 The parameters of the callback must be: 
         *                    const char* packName the name of the pack that the record belongs to.
         *                                         The data is for a child SenMLPack when this
         *                                         field is different then the name of the root pack.
         *                    const char* recordName the name of the record 
         *                    const void* value a pointer to the memory blob that contains the actual value.
         *                    int size the size of the memory blobl
         *                    SenMLDataType dataType: defines how to interprete the memory blob (ex: pointer to integer,..)                
        SenMLPack(const char* baseName, PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE): _bn(baseName), 
                                                                  callback(callback) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param baseName the string that will be prepended to all records in this pack. 
         *                 Is used to represent the name of the device.
         * @param baseUnit the unit name that will be used by default if the record doesnt
         *                 not define one.
         * @param callback a function that will be called while parsing incomming data, when no
         *                 record can be found that matches any of the defined ones in the object.
         *                 The parameters of the callback must be: 
         *                    const char* packName the name of the pack that the record belongs to.
         *                                         The data is for a child SenMLPack when this
         *                                         field is different then the name of the root pack.
         *                    const char* recordName the name of the record 
         *                    const void* value a pointer to the memory blob that contains the actual value.
         *                    int size the size of the memory blobl
         *                    SenMLDataType dataType: defines how to interprete the memory blob (ex: pointer to integer,..)                
        SenMLPack(const char* baseName, SenMLUnit baseUnit, PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE): _bn(baseName), 
                                                                                      callback(callback) {};

         * create a SenMLPack object.
         * @param baseName the string that will be prepended to all records in this pack. 
         *                 Is used to represent the name of the device.
         * @param baseUnit the unit name that will be used by default if the record doesnt
         *                 not define one.
         * @param baseTime the time that will be added to each record. When specified, each
         *                 record that does not specify a time, will receive this time. When
         *                 the record does have a time, the baseTime of the pack is added to it,
         *                 so the time of the record becomes relative to that of the pack.
         * @param callback a function that will be called while parsing incomming data, when no
         *                 record can be found that matches any of the defined ones in the object.
         *                 The parameters of the callback must be: 
         *                    const char* packName the name of the pack that the record belongs to.
         *                                         The data is for a child SenMLPack when this
         *                                         field is different then the name of the root pack.
         *                    const char* recordName the name of the record 
         *                    const void* value a pointer to the memory blob that contains the actual value.
         *                    int size the size of the memory blobl
         *                    SenMLDataType dataType: defines how to interprete the memory blob (ex: pointer to integer,..)   
        SenMLPack(const char* baseName, SenMLUnit baseUnit, double baseTime, PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE): _bn(baseName), 
                                                                                                       callback(callback) {};

         * destroys the SenMLPack object.

         * render the content of the current object to json data (string).
         * This function is ideal for devices with low memory usage but offers less control over the rendering process.
         * @param dest the destination stream to where the data will be rendered without buffering it in memory
         * @param format determins how the data will be rendered. See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns none
        void toJson(Stream* dest, SenMLStreamMethod format=SENML_RAW);

         * render the content of the current object to json data (string).
         * This function renders the data to a memory buffer. If the buffer is full before the entire object is 
         * rendered, an error will be written to the debug stream.
         * @param dest a memory buffer to which the data will be rendred.
         * @param length the length of the memory buffer.
         * @param format determins how the data will be rendered. See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns none
        void toJson(char *dest, int length, SenMLStreamMethod format=SENML_RAW);

         * render the content of the current object to cbor data (binary).
         * This function is ideal for devices with low memory usage but offers less control over the rendering process.
         * @param dest the destination stream to where the data will be rendered without buffering it in memory
         * @param format determins how the data will be rendered. See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns nr of bytes that were rendered
        int toCbor(Stream* dest, SenMLStreamMethod format=SENML_RAW);

         * render the content of the current object to cbor data (binary).
         * This function renders the data to a memory buffer. If the buffer is full before the entire object is 
         * rendered, an error will be written to the debug stream.
         * @param dest a memory buffer to which the data will be rendred.
         * @param length the length of the memory buffer.
         * @param format determins how the data will be rendered. See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns nr of bytes that were rendered
        int toCbor(char *dest, int length, SenMLStreamMethod format=SENML_RAW);

         * read and parse a senml json string from the specified source and, for each registered actuator, call the
         * appropriate event on the actuator itself, for others, the callback function PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE 
         * will be called, if present.
         * This method is ideal for devices with very littel ram memory. It will block on most devices if there is 
         * no more input to be read from the stream and the end of the json structure is not yet reached.
         * Note: on mbed systems, the blocking nature is not garanteed. Instead, if no more data is available before
         * the end is reached, parsing will fail.
         * @param source the source stream to read the data from.
         * @param format determins how the data will be read (ex: as normal text or in HEX format). 
         *               See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns none
        void fromJson(Stream* source, SenMLStreamMethod format=SENML_RAW);

         * parse a senml json string from the specified source and, for each registered actuator, call the
         * appropriate event on the actuator itself, for others, the callback function PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE 
         * will be called, if present.
         * This method takes a string stored in memory as input. The json must be fully defined. It is up to the
         * caller to transform it to a regular text string, if needed (ex: lora devices might send it in hex format).
         * @param source the source string to use as input. This must be null terminated.
         * @returns none
        void fromJson(const char* source);

         * read and parse senml cbor from the specified source and, for each registered actuator, call the
         * appropriate event on the actuator itself, for others, the callback function PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE 
         * will be called, if present.
         * This method is ideal for devices with very littel ram memory. It will block on most decices if there is no 
         * more input to be read from the stream and the end of the cbor structure is not yet reached.
         * Note: on mbed systems, the blocking nature is not garanteed. Instead, if no more data is available before
         * the end is reached, parsing will fail.
         * @param source the source stream to read the data from.
         * @param format determins how the data will be read (ex: as normal binary or in HEX format). 
         *               See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns none
        void fromCbor(Stream* source, SenMLStreamMethod format=SENML_RAW);
         * parse senml cbor from the specified memory and, for each registered actuator, call the
         * appropriate event on the actuator itself, for others, the callback function PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE 
         * will be called, if present.
         * This method takes a memory blob as input. The data must be fully defined. 
         * @param source the source data to use as input.
         * @param length the length of the source data.
         * @param format determins how the data will be read (ex: as normal binary or in HEX format). 
         *               See SenMLStreamMethod for possible methods.
         * @returns none
        void fromCbor(char* source, int length, SenMLStreamMethod format);

         * assign a basename to the SenMLPack object. This represents the name of the device.
         * see the spec on [base fields]( for more info.
         * Every SenMLPack object must have a basename. This field will always be rendered in the output, even if the
         * string is empty.
         * @param name an immutable string that will be used to represent the name of the device. An internal
         * copy of the value will be made.
         * @returns none
        void setBaseName(const char* name);

         * Get the base name. see the spec on [base fields]( for more info.
         * @returns the name of the device as an immutable string.
        const char* getBaseName();

         * Set the base unit that will be used as the default unit for all records that don't define their own unit. 
         * see the spec on [base fields]( for more info.
         * Set to SENML_UNIT_NONE for ommiting the base unit from the output (default).
         * @param unit the unit to use as default. See SenMLUnit for all supported unit names.
         * @returns none
        void setBaseUnit(SenMLUnit unit);

         * Get the base unit. see the spec on [base fields]( for more info.
         * @returns a SenMLUnit enum value that is used as the default unit for records that don't define a unit of their own.
        inline SenMLUnit getBaseUnit() { return this->_bu; };

         * Set the base time. see the spec on [base fields]( for more info.
         * @param time the value to use as base time. set bt to NaN if the field should not be included in the output.
         * @returns none
        void setBaseTime(double time);

         * Get the base time. see the spec on [base fields]( for more info.
         * @returns a double value that is used as the default unit for records that don't define a unit of their own. 
         *          if no base time is set, NaN will be returned.
        inline double getBaseTime() { return this->_bt; };

         * Adds the specified SenML object to the document. The item will be appended to the end of the linked list. 
         * The item being added, can be a regular SenMLRecord or another SenMLPack object if you want to send data 
         * for multiple devices in 1 SenML message.
         * Check the result of the function to see if the operation was successful or not. Possible reasons for failure:
         * - if the item being added is already part of a document.
         * @param item a pointer to a SenMlRecord or SenMLPack that needs to be added to the document.
         * @returns true upon success, otherwise false.
        bool add(SenMLBase* item);

         * Clear out the document and remove all the children. Children aren't destroyed, this is up to the developer.
         * @returns true (at the moment, the function does not yet return false as it doesn't detect any errors)
        bool clear();
         * get the first recrod of in this pack element. 
         * @returns null when this object is empty (has no children), otherwise, the first item (SenMLRecord or SenMLPack)
         * of the list.
        inline SenMLBase* getFirst() { return this->_start; };

         * renders all the fields to json, without the starting and ending brackets.
         * Inheriters can extend this function if they want to add extra fields to the json output
         * note: this is public so that custom implementations for the record object can use other objects 
         * internally and render to json using this function (ex: coordinatesRecord using 3 floatRecrods for lat, lon & alt.
         * @returns: None
        virtual void fieldsToJson();

         * renders all the fields to cbor format. renders all the fields of the object without the length info 
         * at the beginning
         * note: this is public so that custom implementations for the record object can use other objects 
         * internally and render to json using this function (ex: coordinatesRecord using 3 floatRecrods for 
         * lat, lon & alt.
         * @returns: The number of bytes that were written.
        virtual int fieldsToCbor();


        //derived classes can use this function to see if the root object (getRoot) is a SenMLPack
        //class or not.
        virtual bool isPack() { return true; }

        //when the user did not register a specific record actuator, this will be called.
        inline void actuate(const char* pack, const char* record, const void* value, int valueLength, SenMLDataType dataType)
                this->callback(pack, record, value, valueLength, dataType);

        //store a ref to the last item in the list for quick link operations
        void setLast(SenMLBase* value);

        //renders the content of the pack object without []
        virtual int contentToCbor();    

        //calculates the nr of items that there will be in the json array in senml representation
        //this is used for rendering cbor which needs to declare the nr of elements in an array.
        virtual int getArrayLength();

        virtual void setupStreamCtx(char *dest, int length, SenMLStreamMethod format);

        virtual void setupStreamCtx(Stream *dest, SenMLStreamMethod format);

        String _bn;
        SenMLUnit _bu;
        double _bt;
        SenMLBase *_end;                                //keeps track of the end of the list
        SenMLBase *_start;                              //keeps track of the start of the list
        PACK_ACTUATOR_SIGNATURE;                        //for registering actuator callbacks.
        //renders the content of the pack object without []
        virtual void contentToJson();              

        //calculates the nr of json fields that this object uses in a senml structure
        virtual int getFieldLength();

        void internalToJson();

        inline char readHexChar(Stream *source){
            #ifdef __MBED__
                unsigned char first = source->getc();
                unsigned char second = source->getc();
                unsigned char first = source->read();
                unsigned char second = source->read();
            first = (first < '9') ? first - '0' : first - '7';
            second = (second < '9') ? second - '0' : second - '7';
            return (16 * first) + second;

#endif // SENMLPACK