The KPN SenML library helps you create and parse senml documents in both json and cbor format. The library can be used for sending sensor data and receiving actuator commands.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/senml_record.cpp	Sat May 19 17:35:20 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/*  _  __  ____    _   _ 
+ * | |/ / |  _ \  | \ | |
+ * | ' /  | |_) | |  \| |
+ * | . \  |  __/  | |\  |
+ * |_|\_\ |_|     |_| \_|
+ * 
+ * (c) 2018 KPN
+ * License: MIT License.
+ * Author: Jan Bogaerts
+ * 
+ * record base class 
+ */
+#include <senml_record.h>
+#include <senml_helpers.h>
+#include <senml_pack.h>
+#include <cbor.h>
+#include <senml_logging.h>
+SenMLRecord::SenMLRecord(const char* name): _name(name), _unit(SENML_UNIT_NONE), _time(NAN), _updateTime(0)
+SenMLRecord::SenMLRecord(const char* name, SenMLUnit unit): _name(name), _unit(unit), _time(NAN), _updateTime(0)
+bool SenMLRecord::setTime(double value, bool absolute)
+    SenMLBase* root = this->getRoot();
+    if(absolute){
+        if(root){
+            if(root->isPack()){
+                double baseTime = ((SenMLPack*)root)->getBaseTime();
+                if(!isnan(baseTime))
+                    value -= baseTime;
+            }
+            else{
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if(root == NULL){
+        return false;
+    }
+    this->_time = value;
+    return true;
+bool SenMLRecord::setUpdateTime(double value, bool absolute)
+    SenMLBase* root = this->getRoot();
+    if(absolute){
+        if(root){
+            if(root->isPack()){
+                double baseTime = ((SenMLPack*)root)->getBaseTime();
+                if(!isnan(baseTime))
+                    value -= baseTime;
+            }
+            else{
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if(root == NULL){
+        return false;
+    }
+    this->_updateTime = value;
+    return true;
+void SenMLRecord::contentToJson()
+    printText("{", 1);
+    this->fieldsToJson();
+    printText("}", 1);
+void SenMLRecord::adjustToBaseTime(double prev, double time)
+    if(!isnan(this->_time)){
+        if(!isnan(prev))
+        this->_time += prev;
+        if(!isnan(time))
+            this->_time -= time;
+    }
+    if(!isnan(this->_updateTime)){
+        if(!isnan(prev))
+        this->_updateTime += prev;
+        if(!isnan(time))
+            this->_updateTime -= time;
+    }
+void SenMLRecord::fieldsToJson()
+    int bnLength = this->_name.length();
+    if(bnLength){
+        printText("\"n\":\"", 5);
+        printText(this->_name.c_str(), bnLength);
+        printText("\"", 1);
+    }
+    if(!isnan(this->_time)){
+        printText(",\"t\":", 5);
+        printDouble(this->_time, SENML_MAX_DOUBLE_PRECISION);
+    }
+    if(this->_unit != SENML_UNIT_NONE){
+        printText(",\"u\":\"", 6);
+        printUnit(this->_unit);
+        printText("\"", 1);
+    }
+    if(this->_updateTime != 0){
+        printText(",\"ut\":", 5);
+        #ifdef __MBED__
+            char buf[10];
+            sprintf(buf, "%d", this->_updateTime);
+            String val = buf;
+        #else
+            String val(this->_updateTime);
+        #endif
+        printText(val.c_str(), val.length());
+    }
+void SenMLRecord::actuate(const void* value, int dataLength, SenMLDataType dataType)
+    log_debug(this->getName());
+    log_debug("no actuator");
+int SenMLRecord::contentToCbor()
+    int res = cbor_serialize_map(this->getFieldLength());
+    res += this->fieldsToCbor();
+    return res;
+int SenMLRecord::getFieldLength()
+    int result = 1;                                 //always have 1 item for the value
+    if(this->_name.length() > 0) result++;
+    if(!isnan(this->_time)) result++;
+    if(this->_unit != SENML_UNIT_NONE) result++;
+    if(this->_updateTime != 0) result ++;
+    return result;
+int SenMLRecord::fieldsToCbor()
+    int res = 0;
+    if(this->_name.length() > 0){
+        res += cbor_serialize_int(SENML_CBOR_N_LABEL);
+        res += cbor_serialize_unicode_string(this->_name.c_str());
+    }
+    if(!isnan(this->_time)){
+        res += cbor_serialize_int(SENML_CBOR_T_LABEL);
+        res += cbor_serialize_double(this->_time);
+    }
+    if(this->_unit != SENML_UNIT_NONE){
+        res += cbor_serialize_int(SENML_CBOR_U_LABEL);
+        res += cbor_serialize_unicode_string(senml_units_names[this->_unit]);
+    }
+    if(this->_updateTime != 0){
+        res += cbor_serialize_int(SENML_CBOR_UT_LABEL);
+        res += cbor_serialize_int(this->_updateTime);
+    }
+    return res;