Test software for SatChat prototype hardware Platform - MAX32630FTHR

Dependencies:   USBDevice max32630fthr



File content as of revision 15:7d75ecaeabdb:

An EPIRB is a crucial piece of safety equipment.  Someone's life could be placed at risk if it fails or behaves in an unpredictable manner.
An open EPIRB encourages development and feature enhancement which is a good thing but is potentially at odds with safety.  What if you
change the user interface and the user can't figure out how to send an SOS?  What if you introduce a bug and unit crashes?

To address this issue, open EPIRB uses a two phase start up.  When you initially power on the device it enters a minimum functionality mode
during which one of two messages can be sent.  A routine positional update which logs the operator's current GPS location via the Iridium
Satellite constellation or an SOS message.  After a brief period the minimum functionality phase ends and the full functionality begins.
In the full functionality phase it is possible to do everything that can be done in the minimum functionality mode as well as sending and
receiving short text messages, regularly logging position and any other functions that are yet to be thought of.

Every piece of configuration and code necessary to achieve minimum functionality is known as BLACK CODE. To achieve reliability BLACK CODE
changes are not made trivially.  They should be limited to bug fixes, usability and perhaps improving readibility and understanding of the code.
Before making a change to BLACK CODE, ask yourself how this enhances the reliability of the unit.  This is an area of minimum functionality and
not a place to add new features.  Adding a new feature increases the chance of failure and consequently increases the risk that a needed SOS 
won't be sent.  When it is necessary to make BLACK CODE changes it is essential the changes are thoroughly thought through, tested and approved
by the client. Any additional libraries, functions or variables must be labelled as BLACK if any BLACK CODE relies on it. 

Only BLACK CODE should run until the end of the minimum functionality period.  In fact, a good test of the code base is to delete everything that
isn't BLACK and show that an SOS can still be sent.

After the minimum functionality period expires, functionality is deliverd by regular code (non BLACK).  Here careful coding and rigourous testing
should also occur but development and functionality are encouraged.

The full functionality program space is encouraged to reuse BLACK code as this serves to further exercise and test these crucial components. If there is a
proposal for substantial changes to be made to BLACK CODE functions, it is recommended that the BLACK CODE functions be replicated in their new form
and labelled as RED CODE. The full functionality code should then call on the experimental RED CODE to allow debugging and field evaluation to
occur without jeapordising the stability of the BLACK CODE code base.  Once the RED CODE is thouroughly debugged, tested and documented it can
be considered for inclusion as BLACK CODE.  Thus the full functionality code becomes a testing environment for the minimum functionality code base.