Library to use Arduino USB host shield on mbed
ArduinoのUSB Host Shield 2.0をmbedで使えるようにしたライブラリです。
Arduino UNOやMega用のホストシールド以外にもミニサイズのホストシールドでも使用可能です
- Arduinoのmillis関数、micros関数の移植のために内部でTimerクラスを使用しています。
#include "mbed.h" #include <PS3BT.h> #include <usbhub.h> Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200); //Nucleo f303k8用 USB Usb(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel, intr BTD Btd(&Usb); PS3BT PS3(&Btd); int main() { bool printAngle = false; if (Usb.Init() == -1) { pc.printf("\r\nOSC did not start"); while (1); // Halt } pc.printf("\r\nPS3 USB Library Started"); while (1) { Usb.Task(); if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { if (PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) < 117) { pc.printf("\r\nLeftHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); pc.printf("\tLeftHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); if (PS3.PS3Connected) { // The Navigation controller only have one joystick pc.printf("\tRightHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX)); pc.printf("\tRightHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY)); } } // Analog button values can be read from almost all buttons if (PS3.getAnalogButton(L2) || PS3.getAnalogButton(R2)) { pc.printf("\r\nL2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(L2)); if (!PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { pc.printf("\tR2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(R2)); } } if (PS3.getButtonClick(PS)) { PS3.disconnect(); pc.printf("\r\nPS"); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(TRIANGLE)) pc.printf("\r\nTriangle"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(CIRCLE)) pc.printf("\r\nCircle"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(CROSS)) pc.printf("\r\nCross"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(SQUARE)) pc.printf("\r\nSquare"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(UP)) { pc.printf("\r\nUp"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED4); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(RIGHT)) { pc.printf("\r\nRight"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED1); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(DOWN)) { pc.printf("\r\nDown"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED2); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(LEFT)) { pc.printf("\r\nLeft"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED3); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(L1)) pc.printf("\r\nL1"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(L3)) pc.printf("\r\nL3"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(R1)) pc.printf("\r\nR1"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(R3)) pc.printf("\r\nR3"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(SELECT)) { pc.printf("\r\nSelect - "); PS3.printStatusString(); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(START)) { pc.printf("\r\nStart"); printAngle = !printAngle; } if (printAngle) { pc.printf("\r\nPitch: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Pitch)); pc.printf("\tRoll: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Roll)); } } else { pc.printf("not connect\n"); } } }
- Committer:
- robo_ichinoseki_a
- Date:
- 2020-05-02
- Revision:
- 1:da31140f2a1c
- Parent:
- 0:b1ce54272580
File content as of revision 1:da31140f2a1c:
#include "Usb.h" #include "usbhost.h" //#define DEBUGMODE #ifdef DEBUGMODE #define DEBUG(x, ...) printf("[%s:%d]" x "\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); #else #define DEBUG(...) while (0); #endif /* constructor */ MAX3421E::MAX3421E(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel, PinName intr) : SPI(mosi, miso, sclk), _ss(ssel), _intr(intr) { _ss = 1; //_spi.mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; format(8, 0); frequency(26000000); } /* write single byte into MAX3421 register */ void MAX3421E::regWr(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) { uint8_t c[2]; _ss = 0; c[0] = reg | 0x02; c[1] = data; SPI::write(c[0]); SPI::write(c[1]); //HAL_SPI_Transmit(&SPI_Handle, c, 2, HAL_MAX_DELAY); DEBUG("- wirte %2x, %2x\n", c[0], c[1]); //DEBUG("w %d, %d\n", c[0], c[1]); _ss = 1; } /* multiple-byte write */ /* returns a pointer to memory position after last written */ uint8_t *MAX3421E::bytesWr(uint8_t reg, uint8_t nbytes, uint8_t *data_p) { //uint8_t data = reg | 0x02; _ss = 0; uint8_t data = reg | 0x02; SPI::write(data); while (nbytes) { SPI::write(*data_p); nbytes--; data_p++; // advance data pointer } _ss = 1; return data_p; } /* GPIO write */ /*GPIO byte is split between 2 registers, so two writes are needed to write one byte */ /* GPOUT bits are in the low nibble. 0-3 in IOPINS1, 4-7 in IOPINS2 */ void MAX3421E::gpioWr(uint8_t data) { regWr(rIOPINS1, data); data >>= 4; regWr(rIOPINS2, data); return; } /* single host register read */ uint8_t MAX3421E::regRd(uint8_t reg) { _ss = 0; SPI::write(reg); uint8_t rv = SPI::write(0); DEBUG("- read %2x\n", rv); _ss = 1; return rv; } /* multiple-byte register read */ /* returns a pointer to a memory position after last read */ uint8_t *MAX3421E::bytesRd(uint8_t reg, uint8_t nbytes, uint8_t *data_p) { _ss = 0; SPI::write(reg); memset(data_p, 0, nbytes); while (nbytes) { *data_p = SPI::write(0); data_p++; nbytes--; } _ss = 1; return data_p; } /* GPIO read. See gpioWr for explanation */ /** @brief Reads the current GPI input values * @retval uint8_t Bitwise value of all 8 GPI inputs */ /* GPIN pins are in high nibbles of IOPINS1, IOPINS2 */ uint8_t MAX3421E::gpioRd() { uint8_t gpin = 0; gpin = regRd(rIOPINS2); //pins 4-7 gpin &= 0xf0; //clean lower nibble gpin |= (regRd(rIOPINS1) >> 4); //shift low bits and OR with upper from previous operation. return (gpin); } /** @brief Reads the current GPI output values * @retval uint8_t Bitwise value of all 8 GPI outputs */ /* GPOUT pins are in low nibbles of IOPINS1, IOPINS2 */ uint8_t MAX3421E::gpioRdOutput() { uint8_t gpout = 0; gpout = regRd(rIOPINS1); //pins 0-3 gpout &= 0x0f; //clean upper nibble gpout |= (regRd(rIOPINS2) << 4); //shift high bits and OR with lower from previous operation. return (gpout); } /* reset MAX3421E. Returns number of cycles it took for PLL to stabilize after reset or zero if PLL haven't stabilized in 65535 cycles */ uint16_t MAX3421E::reset() { uint16_t i = 0; regWr(rUSBCTL, bmCHIPRES); regWr(rUSBCTL, 0x00); while (++i) { if ((regRd(rUSBIRQ) & bmOSCOKIRQ)) { break; } } return (i); } /* initialize MAX3421E. Set Host mode, pullups, and stuff. Returns 0 if success, -1 if not */ int8_t MAX3421E::Init() { XMEM_ACQUIRE_SPI(); // Moved here. // you really should not init hardware in the constructor when it involves locks. // Also avoids the vbus flicker issue confusing some devices. /* pin and peripheral setup */ _ss = 1; XMEM_RELEASE_SPI(); /* MAX3421E - full-duplex SPI, level interrupt */ // GPX pin on. Moved here, otherwise we flicker the vbus. regWr(rPINCTL, (bmFDUPSPI | bmINTLEVEL)); if (reset() == 0) { //OSCOKIRQ hasn't asserted in time return (-1); } regWr(rMODE, bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST); // set pull-downs, Host regWr(rHIEN, bmCONDETIE | bmFRAMEIE); //connection detection /* check if device is connected */ regWr(rHCTL, bmSAMPLEBUS); // sample USB bus while (!(regRd(rHCTL) & bmSAMPLEBUS)) ; //wait for sample operation to finish busprobe(); //check if anything is connected regWr(rHIRQ, bmCONDETIRQ); //clear connection detect interrupt regWr(rCPUCTL, 0x01); //enable interrupt pin return (0); } /* initialize MAX3421E. Set Host mode, pullups, and stuff. Returns 0 if success, -1 if not */ int8_t MAX3421E::Init(int mseconds) { XMEM_ACQUIRE_SPI(); // Moved here. // you really should not init hardware in the constructor when it involves locks. // Also avoids the vbus flicker issue confusing some devices. /* pin and peripheral setup */ _ss = 1; XMEM_RELEASE_SPI(); /* MAX3421E - full-duplex SPI, level interrupt, vbus off */ regWr(rPINCTL, (bmFDUPSPI | bmINTLEVEL | GPX_VBDET)); if (reset() == 0) { //OSCOKIRQ hasn't asserted in time return (-1); } // Delay a minimum of 1 second to ensure any capacitors are drained. // 1 second is required to make sure we do not smoke a Microdrive! if (mseconds < 1000) mseconds = 1000; delay(mseconds); regWr(rMODE, bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST); // set pull-downs, Host regWr(rHIEN, bmCONDETIE | bmFRAMEIE); //connection detection /* check if device is connected */ regWr(rHCTL, bmSAMPLEBUS); // sample USB bus while (!(regRd(rHCTL) & bmSAMPLEBUS)) ; //wait for sample operation to finish busprobe(); //check if anything is connected regWr(rHIRQ, bmCONDETIRQ); //clear connection detect interrupt regWr(rCPUCTL, 0x01); //enable interrupt pin // GPX pin on. This is done here so that busprobe will fail if we have a switch connected. regWr(rPINCTL, (bmFDUPSPI | bmINTLEVEL)); return (0); } /* probe bus to determine device presence and speed and switch host to this speed */ void MAX3421E::busprobe() { uint8_t bus_sample; DEBUG("busprobe()\n"); bus_sample = regRd(rHRSL); //Get J,K status bus_sample &= (bmJSTATUS | bmKSTATUS); //zero the rest of the byte switch (bus_sample) { //start full-speed or low-speed host case (bmJSTATUS): if ((regRd(rMODE) & bmLOWSPEED) == 0) { regWr(rMODE, MODE_FS_HOST); //start full-speed host vbusState = FSHOST; } else { regWr(rMODE, MODE_LS_HOST); //start low-speed host vbusState = LSHOST; } break; case (bmKSTATUS): if ((regRd(rMODE) & bmLOWSPEED) == 0) { regWr(rMODE, MODE_LS_HOST); //start low-speed host vbusState = LSHOST; } else { regWr(rMODE, MODE_FS_HOST); //start full-speed host vbusState = FSHOST; } break; case (bmSE1): //illegal state vbusState = SE1; break; case (bmSE0): //disconnected state regWr(rMODE, bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST | bmSEPIRQ); vbusState = SE0; break; } //end switch( bus_sample ) } /* MAX3421 state change task and interrupt handler */ uint8_t MAX3421E::Task(void) { uint8_t rcode = 0; uint8_t pinvalue; //USB_HOST_SERIAL.print("Vbus state: "); //USB_HOST_SERIAL.println( vbusState, HEX ); pinvalue =; //pinvalue = digitalRead( MAX_INT ); if (pinvalue == 0) { rcode = IntHandler(); } // pinvalue = digitalRead( MAX_GPX ); // if( pinvalue == LOW ) { // GpxHandler(); // } // usbSM(); //USB state machine return (rcode); } uint8_t MAX3421E::IntHandler() { uint8_t HIRQ; uint8_t HIRQ_sendback = 0x00; DEBUG("IntHandler\n"); HIRQ = regRd(rHIRQ); //determine interrupt source //if( HIRQ & bmFRAMEIRQ ) { //->1ms SOF interrupt handler // HIRQ_sendback |= bmFRAMEIRQ; //}//end FRAMEIRQ handling if (HIRQ & bmCONDETIRQ) { busprobe(); HIRQ_sendback |= bmCONDETIRQ; } // End HIRQ interrupts handling, clear serviced IRQs regWr(rHIRQ, HIRQ_sendback); return (HIRQ_sendback); }