Library to use Arduino USB host shield on mbed
ArduinoのUSB Host Shield 2.0をmbedで使えるようにしたライブラリです。
Arduino UNOやMega用のホストシールド以外にもミニサイズのホストシールドでも使用可能です
- Arduinoのmillis関数、micros関数の移植のために内部でTimerクラスを使用しています。
#include "mbed.h" #include <PS3BT.h> #include <usbhub.h> Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200); //Nucleo f303k8用 USB Usb(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel, intr BTD Btd(&Usb); PS3BT PS3(&Btd); int main() { bool printAngle = false; if (Usb.Init() == -1) { pc.printf("\r\nOSC did not start"); while (1); // Halt } pc.printf("\r\nPS3 USB Library Started"); while (1) { Usb.Task(); if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { if (PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) < 117) { pc.printf("\r\nLeftHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); pc.printf("\tLeftHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); if (PS3.PS3Connected) { // The Navigation controller only have one joystick pc.printf("\tRightHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX)); pc.printf("\tRightHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY)); } } // Analog button values can be read from almost all buttons if (PS3.getAnalogButton(L2) || PS3.getAnalogButton(R2)) { pc.printf("\r\nL2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(L2)); if (!PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { pc.printf("\tR2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(R2)); } } if (PS3.getButtonClick(PS)) { PS3.disconnect(); pc.printf("\r\nPS"); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(TRIANGLE)) pc.printf("\r\nTriangle"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(CIRCLE)) pc.printf("\r\nCircle"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(CROSS)) pc.printf("\r\nCross"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(SQUARE)) pc.printf("\r\nSquare"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(UP)) { pc.printf("\r\nUp"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED4); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(RIGHT)) { pc.printf("\r\nRight"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED1); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(DOWN)) { pc.printf("\r\nDown"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED2); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(LEFT)) { pc.printf("\r\nLeft"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED3); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(L1)) pc.printf("\r\nL1"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(L3)) pc.printf("\r\nL3"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(R1)) pc.printf("\r\nR1"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(R3)) pc.printf("\r\nR3"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(SELECT)) { pc.printf("\r\nSelect - "); PS3.printStatusString(); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(START)) { pc.printf("\r\nStart"); printAngle = !printAngle; } if (printAngle) { pc.printf("\r\nPitch: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Pitch)); pc.printf("\tRoll: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Roll)); } } else { pc.printf("not connect\n"); } } }
- Committer:
- robo_ichinoseki_a
- Date:
- 2020-05-02
- Revision:
- 1:da31140f2a1c
- Parent:
- 0:b1ce54272580
File content as of revision 1:da31140f2a1c:
/* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved. This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of the GPL2 ("Copyleft"). Contact information ------------------- Circuits At Home, LTD Web : e-mail : */ #if !defined(__USBHID_H__) #define __USBHID_H__ #include "Usb.h" #include "hidusagestr.h" #define MAX_REPORT_PARSERS 2 #define HID_MAX_HID_CLASS_DESCRIPTORS 5 #define DATA_SIZE_MASK 0x03 #define TYPE_MASK 0x0C #define TAG_MASK 0xF0 #define DATA_SIZE_0 0x00 #define DATA_SIZE_1 0x01 #define DATA_SIZE_2 0x02 #define DATA_SIZE_4 0x03 #define TYPE_MAIN 0x00 #define TYPE_GLOBAL 0x04 #define TYPE_LOCAL 0x08 #define TAG_MAIN_INPUT 0x80 #define TAG_MAIN_OUTPUT 0x90 #define TAG_MAIN_COLLECTION 0xA0 #define TAG_MAIN_FEATURE 0xB0 #define TAG_MAIN_ENDCOLLECTION 0xC0 #define TAG_GLOBAL_USAGEPAGE 0x00 #define TAG_GLOBAL_LOGICALMIN 0x10 #define TAG_GLOBAL_LOGICALMAX 0x20 #define TAG_GLOBAL_PHYSMIN 0x30 #define TAG_GLOBAL_PHYSMAX 0x40 #define TAG_GLOBAL_UNITEXP 0x50 #define TAG_GLOBAL_UNIT 0x60 #define TAG_GLOBAL_REPORTSIZE 0x70 #define TAG_GLOBAL_REPORTID 0x80 #define TAG_GLOBAL_REPORTCOUNT 0x90 #define TAG_GLOBAL_PUSH 0xA0 #define TAG_GLOBAL_POP 0xB0 #define TAG_LOCAL_USAGE 0x00 #define TAG_LOCAL_USAGEMIN 0x10 #define TAG_LOCAL_USAGEMAX 0x20 /* HID requests */ #define bmREQ_HID_OUT USB_SETUP_HOST_TO_DEVICE|USB_SETUP_TYPE_CLASS|USB_SETUP_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE #define bmREQ_HID_IN USB_SETUP_DEVICE_TO_HOST|USB_SETUP_TYPE_CLASS|USB_SETUP_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE #define bmREQ_HID_REPORT USB_SETUP_DEVICE_TO_HOST|USB_SETUP_TYPE_STANDARD|USB_SETUP_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE /* HID constants. Not part of chapter 9 */ /* Class-Specific Requests */ #define HID_REQUEST_GET_REPORT 0x01 #define HID_REQUEST_GET_IDLE 0x02 #define HID_REQUEST_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03 #define HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT 0x09 #define HID_REQUEST_SET_IDLE 0x0A #define HID_REQUEST_SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B /* Class Descriptor Types */ #define HID_DESCRIPTOR_HID 0x21 #define HID_DESCRIPTOR_REPORT 0x22 #define HID_DESRIPTOR_PHY 0x23 /* Protocol Selection */ #define USB_HID_BOOT_PROTOCOL 0x00 #define HID_RPT_PROTOCOL 0x01 /* HID Interface Class Code */ #define HID_INTF 0x03 /* HID Interface Class SubClass Codes */ #define HID_BOOT_INTF_SUBCLASS 0x01 /* HID Interface Class Protocol Codes */ #define USB_HID_PROTOCOL_NONE 0x00 #define USB_HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD 0x01 #define USB_HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE 0x02 #define HID_ITEM_TYPE_MAIN 0 #define HID_ITEM_TYPE_GLOBAL 1 #define HID_ITEM_TYPE_LOCAL 2 #define HID_ITEM_TYPE_RESERVED 3 #define HID_LONG_ITEM_PREFIX 0xfe // Long item prefix value #define bmHID_MAIN_ITEM_TAG 0xfc // Main item tag mask #define bmHID_MAIN_ITEM_INPUT 0x80 // Main item Input tag value #define bmHID_MAIN_ITEM_OUTPUT 0x90 // Main item Output tag value #define bmHID_MAIN_ITEM_FEATURE 0xb0 // Main item Feature tag value #define bmHID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION 0xa0 // Main item Collection tag value #define bmHID_MAIN_ITEM_END_COLLECTION 0xce // Main item End Collection tag value #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_PHYSICAL 0 #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_APPLICATION 1 #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_LOGICAL 2 #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_REPORT 3 #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_NAMED_ARRAY 4 #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_USAGE_SWITCH 5 #define HID_MAIN_ITEM_COLLECTION_USAGE_MODIFIER 6 struct HidItemPrefix { uint8_t bSize : 2; uint8_t bType : 2; uint8_t bTag : 4; }; struct MainItemIOFeature { uint8_t bmIsConstantOrData : 1; uint8_t bmIsArrayOrVariable : 1; uint8_t bmIsRelativeOrAbsolute : 1; uint8_t bmIsWrapOrNoWrap : 1; uint8_t bmIsNonLonearOrLinear : 1; uint8_t bmIsNoPreferedOrPrefered : 1; uint8_t bmIsNullOrNoNull : 1; uint8_t bmIsVolatileOrNonVolatile : 1; }; class USBHID; class HIDReportParser { public: virtual void Parse(USBHID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf) = 0; }; class USBHID : public USBDeviceConfig, public UsbConfigXtracter { protected: USB *pUsb; // USB class instance pointer uint8_t bAddress; // address protected: static const uint8_t epInterruptInIndex = 1; // InterruptIN endpoint index static const uint8_t epInterruptOutIndex = 2; // InterruptOUT endpoint index static const uint8_t maxHidInterfaces = 3; static const uint8_t maxEpPerInterface = 2; static const uint8_t totalEndpoints = (maxHidInterfaces * maxEpPerInterface + 1); // We need to make room for the control endpoint void PrintEndpointDescriptor(const USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR* ep_ptr); void PrintHidDescriptor(const USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR *pDesc); virtual HIDReportParser* GetReportParser(uint8_t id __attribute__((unused))) { return NULL; }; public: USBHID(USB *pusb) : pUsb(pusb) { }; const USB* GetUsb() { return pUsb; }; virtual bool SetReportParser(uint8_t id __attribute__((unused)), HIDReportParser *prs __attribute__((unused))) { return false; }; uint8_t SetProtocol(uint8_t iface, uint8_t protocol); uint8_t GetProtocol(uint8_t iface, uint8_t* dataptr); uint8_t GetIdle(uint8_t iface, uint8_t reportID, uint8_t* dataptr); uint8_t SetIdle(uint8_t iface, uint8_t reportID, uint8_t duration); uint8_t GetReportDescr(uint16_t wIndex, USBReadParser *parser = NULL); uint8_t GetHidDescr(uint8_t ep, uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t* dataptr); uint8_t GetReport(uint8_t ep, uint8_t iface, uint8_t report_type, uint8_t report_id, uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t* dataptr); uint8_t SetReport(uint8_t ep, uint8_t iface, uint8_t report_type, uint8_t report_id, uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t* dataptr); }; #endif // __USBHID_H__