Library to use Arduino USB host shield on mbed
ArduinoのUSB Host Shield 2.0をmbedで使えるようにしたライブラリです。
Arduino UNOやMega用のホストシールド以外にもミニサイズのホストシールドでも使用可能です
- Arduinoのmillis関数、micros関数の移植のために内部でTimerクラスを使用しています。
#include "mbed.h" #include <PS3BT.h> #include <usbhub.h> Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200); //Nucleo f303k8用 USB Usb(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel, intr BTD Btd(&Usb); PS3BT PS3(&Btd); int main() { bool printAngle = false; if (Usb.Init() == -1) { pc.printf("\r\nOSC did not start"); while (1); // Halt } pc.printf("\r\nPS3 USB Library Started"); while (1) { Usb.Task(); if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { if (PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) < 117) { pc.printf("\r\nLeftHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); pc.printf("\tLeftHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); if (PS3.PS3Connected) { // The Navigation controller only have one joystick pc.printf("\tRightHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX)); pc.printf("\tRightHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY)); } } // Analog button values can be read from almost all buttons if (PS3.getAnalogButton(L2) || PS3.getAnalogButton(R2)) { pc.printf("\r\nL2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(L2)); if (!PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) { pc.printf("\tR2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(R2)); } } if (PS3.getButtonClick(PS)) { PS3.disconnect(); pc.printf("\r\nPS"); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(TRIANGLE)) pc.printf("\r\nTriangle"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(CIRCLE)) pc.printf("\r\nCircle"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(CROSS)) pc.printf("\r\nCross"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(SQUARE)) pc.printf("\r\nSquare"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(UP)) { pc.printf("\r\nUp"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED4); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(RIGHT)) { pc.printf("\r\nRight"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED1); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(DOWN)) { pc.printf("\r\nDown"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED2); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(LEFT)) { pc.printf("\r\nLeft"); PS3.setLedOff(); PS3.setLedOn(CONTROLLER_LED3); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(L1)) pc.printf("\r\nL1"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(L3)) pc.printf("\r\nL3"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(R1)) pc.printf("\r\nR1"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(R3)) pc.printf("\r\nR3"); if (PS3.getButtonClick(SELECT)) { pc.printf("\r\nSelect - "); PS3.printStatusString(); } if (PS3.getButtonClick(START)) { pc.printf("\r\nStart"); printAngle = !printAngle; } if (printAngle) { pc.printf("\r\nPitch: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Pitch)); pc.printf("\tRoll: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Roll)); } } else { pc.printf("not connect\n"); } } }
- Committer:
- robo_ichinoseki_a
- Date:
- 2020-05-02
- Revision:
- 1:da31140f2a1c
- Parent:
- 0:b1ce54272580
File content as of revision 1:da31140f2a1c:
/* arStream.h - base class for character-based streams. Copyright (c) 2010 David A. Mellis. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA parsing functions based on TextFinder library by Michael Margolis */ #ifndef Stream_h #define Stream_h #include <inttypes.h> #include "Print.h" // compatability macros for testing /* #define getInt() parseInt() #define getInt(skipChar) parseInt(skipchar) #define getFloat() parseFloat() #define getFloat(skipChar) parseFloat(skipChar) #define getString( pre_string, post_string, buffer, length) readBytesBetween( pre_string, terminator, buffer, length) */ class arStream : public Print { protected: unsigned long _timeout; // number of milliseconds to wait for the next char before aborting timed read unsigned long _startMillis; // used for timeout measurement int timedRead(); // private method to read stream with timeout int timedPeek(); // private method to peek stream with timeout int peekNextDigit(); // returns the next numeric digit in the stream or -1 if timeout public: virtual int available() = 0; virtual int read() = 0; virtual int peek() = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; arStream() {_timeout=1000;} // parsing methods void setTimeout(unsigned long timeout); // sets maximum milliseconds to wait for stream data, default is 1 second bool find(char *target); // reads data from the stream until the target string is found bool find(uint8_t *target) { return find ((char *)target); } // returns true if target string is found, false if timed out (see setTimeout) bool find(char *target, size_t length); // reads data from the stream until the target string of given length is found bool find(uint8_t *target, size_t length) { return find ((char *)target, length); } // returns true if target string is found, false if timed out bool findUntil(char *target, char *terminator); // as find but search ends if the terminator string is found bool findUntil(uint8_t *target, char *terminator) { return findUntil((char *)target, terminator); } bool findUntil(char *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen); // as above but search ends if the terminate string is found bool findUntil(uint8_t *target, size_t targetLen, char *terminate, size_t termLen) {return findUntil((char *)target, targetLen, terminate, termLen); } long parseInt(); // returns the first valid (long) integer value from the current position. // initial characters that are not digits (or the minus sign) are skipped // integer is terminated by the first character that is not a digit. float parseFloat(); // float version of parseInt size_t readBytes( char *buffer, size_t length); // read chars from stream into buffer size_t readBytes( uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) { return readBytes((char *)buffer, length); } // terminates if length characters have been read or timeout (see setTimeout) // returns the number of characters placed in the buffer (0 means no valid data found) size_t readBytesUntil( char terminator, char *buffer, size_t length); // as readBytes with terminator character size_t readBytesUntil( char terminator, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length) { return readBytesUntil(terminator, (char *)buffer, length); } // terminates if length characters have been read, timeout, or if the terminator character detected // returns the number of characters placed in the buffer (0 means no valid data found) // Arduino String functions to be added here String readString(); String readStringUntil(char terminator); protected: long parseInt(char skipChar); // as above but the given skipChar is ignored // as above but the given skipChar is ignored // this allows format characters (typically commas) in values to be ignored float parseFloat(char skipChar); // as above but the given skipChar is ignored struct MultiTarget { const char *str; // string you're searching for size_t len; // length of string you're searching for size_t index; // index used by the search routine. }; // This allows you to search for an arbitrary number of strings. // Returns index of the target that is found first or -1 if timeout occurs. int findMulti(struct MultiTarget *targets, int tCount); }; #endif