Library to use Arduino USB host shield on mbed

Dependents:   USBHOST_PS5

ArduinoのUSB Host Shield 2.0をmbedで使えるようにしたライブラリです。

Arduino UNOやMega用のホストシールド以外にもミニサイズのホストシールドでも使用可能です







  • Arduinoのmillis関数、micros関数の移植のために内部でTimerクラスを使用しています。


#include "mbed.h"
#include <PS3BT.h>
#include <usbhub.h>

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);

//Nucleo f303k8用
USB Usb(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel, intr
BTD Btd(&Usb);
PS3BT PS3(&Btd);

int main()
    bool printAngle = false;

    if (Usb.Init() == -1)
        pc.printf("\r\nOSC did not start");
        while (1); // Halt
    pc.printf("\r\nPS3 USB Library Started");

    while (1)
        if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) {
            if (PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) < 117)
                pc.printf("\r\nLeftHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX));
                pc.printf("\tLeftHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY));
                if (PS3.PS3Connected)
                { // The Navigation controller only have one joystick
                    pc.printf("\tRightHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX));
                    pc.printf("\tRightHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY));
            // Analog button values can be read from almost all buttons
            if (PS3.getAnalogButton(L2) || PS3.getAnalogButton(R2))
                pc.printf("\r\nL2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(L2));
                if (!PS3.PS3NavigationConnected)
                    pc.printf("\tR2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(R2));
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(PS))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(TRIANGLE))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(CIRCLE))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(CROSS))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(SQUARE))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(UP))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(RIGHT))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(DOWN))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(LEFT))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(L1))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(L3))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(R1))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(R3))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(SELECT))
                pc.printf("\r\nSelect - ");
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(START))
                printAngle = !printAngle;
            if (printAngle)
                pc.printf("\r\nPitch: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Pitch));
                pc.printf("\tRoll: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Roll));
            pc.printf("not connect\n");
Sat May 02 05:56:48 2020 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 1 /* Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 2
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 3 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 4 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 5 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 6 (at your option) any later version.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 7
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 11 GNU General Public License for more details.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 12
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 13 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 14 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 15 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 16
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 17 Contact information
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 18 -------------------
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 19
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 20 Circuits At Home, LTD
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 21 Web :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 22 e-mail :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 23 */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 24
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 25 #if !defined(__MASSTORAGE_H__)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 26 #define __MASSTORAGE_H__
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 27
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 28 // Cruft removal, makes driver smaller, faster.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 29 #ifndef MS_WANT_PARSER
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 30 #define MS_WANT_PARSER 0
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 31 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 32
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 33 #include "Usb.h"
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 34
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 37
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 38 // Mass Storage Subclass Constants
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 39 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_SCSI_NOT_REPORTED 0x00 // De facto use
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 40 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_RBC 0x01
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 41 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_ATAPI 0x02 // MMC-5 (ATAPI)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 42 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_OBSOLETE1 0x03 // Was QIC-157
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 43 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_UFI 0x04 // Specifies how to interface Floppy Disk Drives to USB
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 44 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_OBSOLETE2 0x05 // Was SFF-8070i
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 45 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_SCSI 0x06 // SCSI Transparent Command Set
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 46 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_LSDFS 0x07 // Specifies how host has to negotiate access before trying SCSI
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 47 #define MASS_SUBCLASS_IEEE1667 0x08
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 48
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 49 // Mass Storage Class Protocols
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 50 #define MASS_PROTO_CBI 0x00 // CBI (with command completion interrupt)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 51 #define MASS_PROTO_CBI_NO_INT 0x01 // CBI (without command completion interrupt)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 52 #define MASS_PROTO_OBSOLETE 0x02
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 53 #define MASS_PROTO_BBB 0x50 // Bulk Only Transport
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 54 #define MASS_PROTO_UAS 0x62
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 55
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 56 // Request Codes
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 57 #define MASS_REQ_ADSC 0x00
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 58 #define MASS_REQ_GET 0xFC
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 59 #define MASS_REQ_PUT 0xFD
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 60 #define MASS_REQ_GET_MAX_LUN 0xFE
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 61 #define MASS_REQ_BOMSR 0xFF // Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 62
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 63 #define MASS_CBW_SIGNATURE 0x43425355
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 64 #define MASS_CSW_SIGNATURE 0x53425355
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 65
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 66 #define MASS_CMD_DIR_OUT 0 // (0 << 7)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 67 #define MASS_CMD_DIR_IN 0x80 //(1 << 7)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 68
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 69 /*
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 70 * Reference documents from T10 (
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 71 * SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 72 * SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 73 * Multi-Media Commands - 5 (MMC-5)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 74 */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 75
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 76 /* Group 1 commands (CDB's here are should all be 6-bytes) */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 77 #define SCSI_CMD_TEST_UNIT_READY 0x00
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 78 #define SCSI_CMD_REQUEST_SENSE 0x03
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 79 #define SCSI_CMD_FORMAT_UNIT 0x04
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 80 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_6 0x08
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 81 #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_6 0x0A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 82 #define SCSI_CMD_INQUIRY 0x12
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 83 #define SCSI_CMD_MODE_SELECT_6 0x15
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 84 #define SCSI_CMD_MODE_SENSE_6 0x1A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 85 #define SCSI_CMD_START_STOP_UNIT 0x1B
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 86 #define SCSI_CMD_PREVENT_REMOVAL 0x1E
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 87 /* Group 2 Commands (CDB's here are 10-bytes) */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 88 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES 0x23
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 89 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_CAPACITY_10 0x25
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 90 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_10 0x28
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 91 #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_10 0x2A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 92 #define SCSI_CMD_SEEK_10 0x2B
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 93 #define SCSI_CMD_ERASE_10 0x2C
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 94 #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_AND_VERIFY_10 0x2E
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 95 #define SCSI_CMD_VERIFY_10 0x2F
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 96 #define SCSI_CMD_SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE 0x35
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 97 #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_BUFFER 0x3B
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 98 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_BUFFER 0x3C
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 99 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_SUBCHANNEL 0x42
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 100 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_TOC 0x43
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 101 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_HEADER 0x44
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 102 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAY_AUDIO_10 0x45
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 103 #define SCSI_CMD_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x46
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 104 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAY_AUDIO_MSF 0x47
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 105 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAY_AUDIO_TI 0x48
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 106 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAY_TRACK_REL_10 0x49
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 107 #define SCSI_CMD_GET_EVENT_STATUS 0x4A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 108 #define SCSI_CMD_PAUSE_RESUME 0x4B
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 109 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_DISC_INFORMATION 0x51
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 110 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_TRACK_INFORMATION 0x52
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 111 #define SCSI_CMD_RESERVE_TRACK 0x53
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 112 #define SCSI_CMD_SEND_OPC_INFORMATION 0x54
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 113 #define SCSI_CMD_MODE_SELECT_10 0x55
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 114 #define SCSI_CMD_REPAIR_TRACK 0x58
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 115 #define SCSI_CMD_MODE_SENSE_10 0x5A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 116 #define SCSI_CMD_CLOSE_TRACK_SESSION 0x5B
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 117 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_BUFFER_CAPACITY 0x5C
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 118 #define SCSI_CMD_SEND_CUE_SHEET 0x5D
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 119 /* Group 5 Commands (CDB's here are 12-bytes) */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 120 #define SCSI_CMD_REPORT_LUNS 0xA0
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 121 #define SCSI_CMD_BLANK 0xA1
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 122 #define SCSI_CMD_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_IN 0xA2
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 123 #define SCSI_CMD_SEND_KEY 0xA3
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 124 #define SCSI_CMD_REPORT_KEY 0xA4
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 125 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAY_AUDIO_12 0xA5
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 126 #define SCSI_CMD_LOAD_UNLOAD 0xA6
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 127 #define SCSI_CMD_SET_READ_AHEAD 0xA7
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 128 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_12 0xA8
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 129 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAY_TRACK_REL_12 0xA9
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 130 #define SCSI_CMD_WRITE_12 0xAA
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 131 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_MEDIA_SERIAL_12 0xAB
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 132 #define SCSI_CMD_GET_PERFORMANCE 0xAC
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 133 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_DVD_STRUCTURE 0xAD
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 134 #define SCSI_CMD_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_OUT 0xB5
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 135 #define SCSI_CMD_SET_STREAMING 0xB6
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 136 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_MSF 0xB9
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 137 #define SCSI_CMD_SET_SPEED 0xBB
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 138 #define SCSI_CMD_MECHANISM_STATUS 0xBD
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 139 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_CD 0xBE
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 140 #define SCSI_CMD_SEND_DISC_STRUCTURE 0xBF
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 141 /* Vendor-unique Commands, included for completeness */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 142 #define SCSI_CMD_CD_PLAYBACK_STATUS 0xC4 /* SONY unique */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 143 #define SCSI_CMD_PLAYBACK_CONTROL 0xC9 /* SONY unique */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 144 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_CDDA 0xD8 /* Vendor unique */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 145 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_CDXA 0xDB /* Vendor unique */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 146 #define SCSI_CMD_READ_ALL_SUBCODES 0xDF /* Vendor unique */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 147
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 148 /* SCSI error codes */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 149 #define SCSI_S_NOT_READY 0x02
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 150 #define SCSI_S_MEDIUM_ERROR 0x03
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 151 #define SCSI_S_ILLEGAL_REQUEST 0x05
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 152 #define SCSI_S_UNIT_ATTENTION 0x06
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 153 #define SCSI_ASC_LBA_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x21
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 154 #define SCSI_ASC_MEDIA_CHANGED 0x28
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 155 #define SCSI_ASC_MEDIUM_NOT_PRESENT 0x3A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 156
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 157 /* USB error codes */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 158 #define MASS_ERR_SUCCESS 0x00
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 159 #define MASS_ERR_PHASE_ERROR 0x02
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 160 #define MASS_ERR_UNIT_NOT_READY 0x03
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 161 #define MASS_ERR_UNIT_BUSY 0x04
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 162 #define MASS_ERR_STALL 0x05
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 163 #define MASS_ERR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x06
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 164 #define MASS_ERR_INVALID_CSW 0x07
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 165 #define MASS_ERR_NO_MEDIA 0x08
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 166 #define MASS_ERR_BAD_LBA 0x09
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 167 #define MASS_ERR_MEDIA_CHANGED 0x0A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 168 #define MASS_ERR_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED 0x11
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 169 #define MASS_ERR_UNABLE_TO_RECOVER 0x12 // Reset recovery error
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 170 #define MASS_ERR_INVALID_LUN 0x13
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 171 #define MASS_ERR_WRITE_STALL 0x14
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 172 #define MASS_ERR_READ_NAKS 0x15
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 173 #define MASS_ERR_WRITE_NAKS 0x16
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 174 #define MASS_ERR_WRITE_PROTECTED 0x17
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 175 #define MASS_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0xFD
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 176 #define MASS_ERR_GENERAL_SCSI_ERROR 0xFE
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 177 #define MASS_ERR_GENERAL_USB_ERROR 0xFF
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 178 #define MASS_ERR_USER 0xA0 // For subclasses to define their own error codes
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 179
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 180 #define MASS_TRANS_FLG_CALLBACK 0x01 // Callback is involved
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 181 #define MASS_TRANS_FLG_NO_STALL_CHECK 0x02 // STALL condition is not checked
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 182 #define MASS_TRANS_FLG_NO_PHASE_CHECK 0x04 // PHASE_ERROR is not checked
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 183
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 184 #define MASS_MAX_ENDPOINTS 3
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 185
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 186 struct Capacity {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 187 uint8_t data[8];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 188 //uint32_t dwBlockAddress;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 189 //uint32_t dwBlockLength;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 190 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 191
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 192 struct BASICCDB {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 193 uint8_t Opcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 194
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 195 unsigned unused : 5;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 196 unsigned LUN : 3;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 197
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 198 uint8_t info[12];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 199 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 200
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 201 typedef BASICCDB BASICCDB_t;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 202
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 203 struct CDB6 {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 204 uint8_t Opcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 205
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 206 unsigned LBAMSB : 5;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 207 unsigned LUN : 3;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 208
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 209 uint8_t LBAHB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 210 uint8_t LBALB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 211 uint8_t AllocationLength;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 212 uint8_t Control;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 213
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 214 public:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 215
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 216 CDB6(uint8_t _Opcode, uint8_t _LUN, uint32_t LBA, uint8_t _AllocationLength, uint8_t _Control) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 217 Opcode(_Opcode), LBAMSB(BGRAB2(LBA) & 0x1f), LUN(_LUN), LBAHB(BGRAB1(LBA)), LBALB(BGRAB0(LBA)),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 218 AllocationLength(_AllocationLength), Control(_Control) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 219 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 220
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 221 CDB6(uint8_t _Opcode, uint8_t _LUN, uint8_t _AllocationLength, uint8_t _Control) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 222 Opcode(_Opcode), LBAMSB(0), LUN(_LUN), LBAHB(0), LBALB(0),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 223 AllocationLength(_AllocationLength), Control(_Control) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 224 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 225 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 226
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 227 typedef CDB6 CDB6_t;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 228
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 229 struct CDB10 {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 230 uint8_t Opcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 231
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 232 unsigned Service_Action : 5;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 233 unsigned LUN : 3;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 234
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 235 uint8_t LBA_L_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 236 uint8_t LBA_L_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 237 uint8_t LBA_L_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 238 uint8_t LBA_L_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 239
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 240 uint8_t Misc2;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 241
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 242 uint8_t ALC_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 243 uint8_t ALC_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 244
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 245 uint8_t Control;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 246 public:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 247
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 248 CDB10(uint8_t _Opcode, uint8_t _LUN) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 249 Opcode(_Opcode), Service_Action(0), LUN(_LUN),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 250 LBA_L_M_MB(0), LBA_L_M_LB(0), LBA_L_L_MB(0), LBA_L_L_LB(0),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 251 Misc2(0), ALC_MB(0), ALC_LB(0), Control(0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 252 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 253
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 254 CDB10(uint8_t _Opcode, uint8_t _LUN, uint16_t xflen, uint32_t _LBA) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 255 Opcode(_Opcode), Service_Action(0), LUN(_LUN),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 256 LBA_L_M_MB(BGRAB3(_LBA)), LBA_L_M_LB(BGRAB2(_LBA)), LBA_L_L_MB(BGRAB1(_LBA)), LBA_L_L_LB(BGRAB0(_LBA)),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 257 Misc2(0), ALC_MB(BGRAB1(xflen)), ALC_LB(BGRAB0(xflen)), Control(0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 258 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 259 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 260
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 261 typedef CDB10 CDB10_t;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 262
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 263 struct CDB12 {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 264 uint8_t Opcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 265
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 266 unsigned Service_Action : 5;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 267 unsigned Misc : 3;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 268
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 269 uint8_t LBA_L_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 270 uint8_t LBA_L_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 271 uint8_t LBA_L_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 272
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 273 uint8_t ALC_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 274 uint8_t ALC_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 275 uint8_t ALC_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 276 uint8_t Control;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 277 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 278
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 279 typedef CDB12 CDB12_t;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 280
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 281 struct CDB_LBA32_16 {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 282 uint8_t Opcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 283
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 284 unsigned Service_Action : 5;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 285 unsigned Misc : 3;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 286
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 287 uint8_t LBA_L_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 288 uint8_t LBA_L_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 289 uint8_t LBA_L_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 290 uint8_t LBA_L_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 291
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 292 uint8_t A_M_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 293 uint8_t A_M_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 294 uint8_t A_M_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 295 uint8_t A_M_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 296
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 297 uint8_t ALC_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 298 uint8_t ALC_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 299 uint8_t ALC_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 300 uint8_t ALC_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 301
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 302 uint8_t Misc2;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 303 uint8_t Control;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 304 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 305
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 306 struct CDB_LBA64_16 {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 307 uint8_t Opcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 308 uint8_t Misc;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 309
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 310 uint8_t LBA_M_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 311 uint8_t LBA_M_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 312 uint8_t LBA_M_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 313 uint8_t LBA_M_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 314
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 315 uint8_t LBA_L_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 316 uint8_t LBA_L_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 317 uint8_t LBA_L_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 318 uint8_t LBA_L_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 319
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 320 uint8_t ALC_M_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 321 uint8_t ALC_M_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 322 uint8_t ALC_L_MB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 323 uint8_t ALC_L_LB;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 324
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 325 uint8_t Misc2;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 326 uint8_t Control;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 327 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 328
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 329 struct InquiryResponse {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 330 uint8_t DeviceType : 5;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 331 uint8_t PeripheralQualifier : 3;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 332
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 333 unsigned Reserved : 7;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 334 unsigned Removable : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 335
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 336 uint8_t Version;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 337
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 338 unsigned ResponseDataFormat : 4;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 339 unsigned HISUP : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 340 unsigned NormACA : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 341 unsigned TrmTsk : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 342 unsigned AERC : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 343
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 344 uint8_t AdditionalLength;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 345 //uint8_t Reserved3[2];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 346
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 347 unsigned PROTECT : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 348 unsigned Res : 2;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 349 unsigned ThreePC : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 350 unsigned TPGS : 2;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 351 unsigned ACC : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 352 unsigned SCCS : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 353
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 354 unsigned ADDR16 : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 355 unsigned R1 : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 356 unsigned R2 : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 357 unsigned MCHNGR : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 358 unsigned MULTIP : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 359 unsigned VS : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 360 unsigned ENCSERV : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 361 unsigned BQUE : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 362
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 363 unsigned SoftReset : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 364 unsigned CmdQue : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 365 unsigned Reserved4 : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 366 unsigned Linked : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 367 unsigned Sync : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 368 unsigned WideBus16Bit : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 369 unsigned WideBus32Bit : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 370 unsigned RelAddr : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 371
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 372 uint8_t VendorID[8];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 373 uint8_t ProductID[16];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 374 uint8_t RevisionID[4];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 375 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 376
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 377 struct CommandBlockWrapperBase {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 378 uint32_t dCBWSignature;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 379 uint32_t dCBWTag;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 380 uint32_t dCBWDataTransferLength;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 381 uint8_t bmCBWFlags;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 382 public:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 383
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 384 CommandBlockWrapperBase() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 385 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 386
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 387 CommandBlockWrapperBase(uint32_t tag, uint32_t xflen, uint8_t flgs) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 388 dCBWSignature(MASS_CBW_SIGNATURE), dCBWTag(tag), dCBWDataTransferLength(xflen), bmCBWFlags(flgs) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 389 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 390 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 391
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 392 struct CommandBlockWrapper : public CommandBlockWrapperBase {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 393
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 394 struct {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 395 uint8_t bmCBWLUN : 4;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 396 uint8_t bmReserved1 : 4;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 397 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 398
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 399 struct {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 400 uint8_t bmCBWCBLength : 4;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 401 uint8_t bmReserved2 : 4;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 402 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 403
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 404 uint8_t CBWCB[16];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 405
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 406 public:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 407 // All zeroed.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 408
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 409 CommandBlockWrapper() :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 410 CommandBlockWrapperBase(0, 0, 0), bmReserved1(0), bmReserved2(0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 411 for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) CBWCB[i] = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 412 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 413
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 414 // Generic Wrap, CDB zeroed.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 415
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 416 CommandBlockWrapper(uint32_t tag, uint32_t xflen, uint8_t flgs, uint8_t lu, uint8_t cmdlen, uint8_t cmd) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 417 CommandBlockWrapperBase(tag, xflen, flgs),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 418 bmCBWLUN(lu), bmReserved1(0), bmCBWCBLength(cmdlen), bmReserved2(0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 419 for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) CBWCB[i] = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 420 // Type punning can cause optimization problems and bugs.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 421 // Using reinterpret_cast to a dreinterpretifferent object is the proper way to do this.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 422 //(((BASICCDB_t *) CBWCB)->LUN) = cmd;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 423 BASICCDB_t *x = reinterpret_cast<BASICCDB_t *>(CBWCB);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 424 x->LUN = cmd;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 425 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 426
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 427 // Wrap for CDB of 6
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 428
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 429 CommandBlockWrapper(uint32_t tag, uint32_t xflen, CDB6_t *cdb, uint8_t dir) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 430 CommandBlockWrapperBase(tag, xflen, dir),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 431 bmCBWLUN(cdb->LUN), bmReserved1(0), bmCBWCBLength(6), bmReserved2(0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 432 memcpy(&CBWCB, cdb, 6);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 433 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 434 // Wrap for CDB of 10
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 435
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 436 CommandBlockWrapper(uint32_t tag, uint32_t xflen, CDB10_t *cdb, uint8_t dir) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 437 CommandBlockWrapperBase(tag, xflen, dir),
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 438 bmCBWLUN(cdb->LUN), bmReserved1(0), bmCBWCBLength(10), bmReserved2(0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 439 memcpy(&CBWCB, cdb, 10);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 440 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 441 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 442
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 443 struct CommandStatusWrapper {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 444 uint32_t dCSWSignature;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 445 uint32_t dCSWTag;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 446 uint32_t dCSWDataResidue;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 447 uint8_t bCSWStatus;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 448 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 449
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 450 struct RequestSenseResponce {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 451 uint8_t bResponseCode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 452 uint8_t bSegmentNumber;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 453
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 454 uint8_t bmSenseKey : 4;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 455 uint8_t bmReserved : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 456 uint8_t bmILI : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 457 uint8_t bmEOM : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 458 uint8_t bmFileMark : 1;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 459
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 460 uint8_t Information[4];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 461 uint8_t bAdditionalLength;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 462 uint8_t CmdSpecificInformation[4];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 463 uint8_t bAdditionalSenseCode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 464 uint8_t bAdditionalSenseQualifier;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 465 uint8_t bFieldReplaceableUnitCode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 466 uint8_t SenseKeySpecific[3];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 467 } __attribute__((packed));
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 468
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 469 class BulkOnly : public USBDeviceConfig, public UsbConfigXtracter {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 470 protected:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 471 static const uint8_t epDataInIndex; // DataIn endpoint index
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 472 static const uint8_t epDataOutIndex; // DataOUT endpoint index
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 473 static const uint8_t epInterruptInIndex; // InterruptIN endpoint index
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 474
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 475 USB *pUsb;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 476 uint8_t bAddress;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 477 uint8_t bConfNum; // configuration number
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 478 uint8_t bIface; // interface value
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 479 uint8_t bNumEP; // total number of EP in the configuration
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 480 uint32_t qNextPollTime; // next poll time
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 481 bool bPollEnable; // poll enable flag
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 482
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 483 EpInfo epInfo[MASS_MAX_ENDPOINTS];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 484
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 485 uint32_t dCBWTag; // Tag
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 486 //uint32_t dCBWDataTransferLength; // Data Transfer Length
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 487 uint8_t bLastUsbError; // Last USB error
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 488 uint8_t bMaxLUN; // Max LUN
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 489 uint8_t bTheLUN; // Active LUN
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 490 uint32_t CurrentCapacity[MASS_MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN]; // Total sectors
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 491 uint16_t CurrentSectorSize[MASS_MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN]; // Sector size, clipped to 16 bits
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 492 bool LUNOk[MASS_MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN]; // use this to check for media changes.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 493 bool WriteOk[MASS_MAX_SUPPORTED_LUN];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 494 void PrintEndpointDescriptor(const USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR* ep_ptr);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 495
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 496
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 497 // Additional Initialization Method for Subclasses
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 498
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 499 virtual uint8_t OnInit() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 500 return 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 501 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 502 public:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 503 BulkOnly(USB *p);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 504
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 505 uint8_t GetLastUsbError() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 506 return bLastUsbError;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 507 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 508
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 509 uint8_t GetbMaxLUN() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 510 return bMaxLUN; // Max LUN
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 511 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 512
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 513 uint8_t GetbTheLUN() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 514 return bTheLUN; // Active LUN
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 515 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 516
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 517 bool WriteProtected(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 518 uint8_t MediaCTL(uint8_t lun, uint8_t ctl);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 519 uint8_t Read(uint8_t lun, uint32_t addr, uint16_t bsize, uint8_t blocks, uint8_t *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 520 uint8_t Read(uint8_t lun, uint32_t addr, uint16_t bsize, uint8_t blocks, USBReadParser *prs);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 521 uint8_t Write(uint8_t lun, uint32_t addr, uint16_t bsize, uint8_t blocks, const uint8_t *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 522 uint8_t LockMedia(uint8_t lun, uint8_t lock);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 523
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 524 bool LUNIsGood(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 525 uint32_t GetCapacity(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 526 uint16_t GetSectorSize(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 527
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 528 // USBDeviceConfig implementation
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 529 uint8_t Init(uint8_t parent, uint8_t port, bool lowspeed);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 530 uint8_t ConfigureDevice(uint8_t parent, uint8_t port, bool lowspeed);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 531
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 532 uint8_t Release();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 533 uint8_t Poll();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 534
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 535 virtual uint8_t GetAddress() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 536 return bAddress;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 537 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 538
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 539 // UsbConfigXtracter implementation
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 540 void EndpointXtract(uint8_t conf, uint8_t iface, uint8_t alt, uint8_t proto, const USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *ep);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 541
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 542 virtual bool DEVCLASSOK(uint8_t klass) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 543 return (klass == USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 544 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 545
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 546 uint8_t SCSITransaction6(CDB6_t *cdb, uint16_t buf_size, void *buf, uint8_t dir);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 547 uint8_t SCSITransaction10(CDB10_t *cdb, uint16_t buf_size, void *buf, uint8_t dir);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 548
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 549 private:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 550 uint8_t Inquiry(uint8_t lun, uint16_t size, uint8_t *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 551 uint8_t TestUnitReady(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 552 uint8_t RequestSense(uint8_t lun, uint16_t size, uint8_t *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 553 uint8_t ModeSense6(uint8_t lun, uint8_t pc, uint8_t page, uint8_t subpage, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 554 uint8_t GetMaxLUN(uint8_t *max_lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 555 uint8_t SetCurLUN(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 556 void Reset();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 557 uint8_t ResetRecovery();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 558 uint8_t ReadCapacity10(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 559 void ClearAllEP();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 560 void CheckMedia();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 561 bool CheckLUN(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 562 uint8_t Page3F(uint8_t lun);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 563 bool IsValidCBW(uint8_t size, uint8_t *pcbw);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 564 bool IsMeaningfulCBW(uint8_t size, uint8_t *pcbw);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 565
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 566 bool IsValidCSW(CommandStatusWrapper *pcsw, CommandBlockWrapperBase *pcbw);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 567
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 568 uint8_t ClearEpHalt(uint8_t index);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 569 #if MS_WANT_PARSER
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 570 uint8_t Transaction(CommandBlockWrapper *cbw, uint16_t bsize, void *buf, uint8_t flags);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 571 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 572 uint8_t Transaction(CommandBlockWrapper *cbw, uint16_t bsize, void *buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 573 uint8_t HandleUsbError(uint8_t error, uint8_t index);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 574 uint8_t HandleSCSIError(uint8_t status);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 575
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 576 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 577
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 578 #endif // __MASSTORAGE_H__
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 579