Library to use Arduino USB host shield on mbed

Dependents:   USBHOST_PS5

ArduinoのUSB Host Shield 2.0をmbedで使えるようにしたライブラリです。

Arduino UNOやMega用のホストシールド以外にもミニサイズのホストシールドでも使用可能です







  • Arduinoのmillis関数、micros関数の移植のために内部でTimerクラスを使用しています。


#include "mbed.h"
#include <PS3BT.h>
#include <usbhub.h>

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);

//Nucleo f303k8用
USB Usb(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2); // mosi, miso, sclk, ssel, intr
BTD Btd(&Usb);
PS3BT PS3(&Btd);

int main()
    bool printAngle = false;

    if (Usb.Init() == -1)
        pc.printf("\r\nOSC did not start");
        while (1); // Halt
    pc.printf("\r\nPS3 USB Library Started");

    while (1)
        if (PS3.PS3Connected || PS3.PS3NavigationConnected) {
            if (PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) < 117 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) > 137 || PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY) < 117)
                pc.printf("\r\nLeftHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX));
                pc.printf("\tLeftHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY));
                if (PS3.PS3Connected)
                { // The Navigation controller only have one joystick
                    pc.printf("\tRightHatX: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatX));
                    pc.printf("\tRightHatY: %d", PS3.getAnalogHat(RightHatY));
            // Analog button values can be read from almost all buttons
            if (PS3.getAnalogButton(L2) || PS3.getAnalogButton(R2))
                pc.printf("\r\nL2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(L2));
                if (!PS3.PS3NavigationConnected)
                    pc.printf("\tR2: %d", PS3.getAnalogButton(R2));
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(PS))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(TRIANGLE))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(CIRCLE))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(CROSS))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(SQUARE))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(UP))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(RIGHT))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(DOWN))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(LEFT))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(L1))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(L3))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(R1))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(R3))
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(SELECT))
                pc.printf("\r\nSelect - ");
            if (PS3.getButtonClick(START))
                printAngle = !printAngle;
            if (printAngle)
                pc.printf("\r\nPitch: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Pitch));
                pc.printf("\tRoll: %.3lf", PS3.getAngle(Roll));
            pc.printf("not connect\n");
Sat May 02 05:56:48 2020 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 1 /* Copyright (C) 2013 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics. All rights reserved.
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 2
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 3 This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 4 General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 5 Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 6 this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 7 on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 8 the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 9
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 10 Contact information
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 11 -------------------
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 12
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 13 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 14 Web :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 15 e-mail :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 16 */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 17
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 18 #include "XBOXOLD.h"
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 19 // To enable serial debugging see "settings.h"
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 20 //#define EXTRADEBUG // Uncomment to get even more debugging data
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 21 //#define PRINTREPORT // Uncomment to print the report send by the Xbox controller
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 22
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 23 /** Buttons on the controllers */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 24 const uint8_t XBOXOLD_BUTTONS[] PROGMEM = {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 25 0x01, // UP
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 26 0x08, // RIGHT
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 27 0x02, // DOWN
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 28 0x04, // LEFT
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 29
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 30 0x20, // BACK
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 31 0x10, // START
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 32 0x40, // L3
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 33 0x80, // R3
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 34
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 35 // A, B, X, Y, BLACK, WHITE, L1, and R1 are analog buttons
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 36 4, // BLACK
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 37 5, // WHTIE
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 38 6, // L1
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 39 7, // R1
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 40
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 41 1, // B
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 42 0, // A
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 43 2, // X
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 44 3, // Y
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 45 };
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 46
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 47 XBOXOLD::XBOXOLD(USB *p) :
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 48 pUsb(p), // pointer to USB class instance - mandatory
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 49 bAddress(0), // device address - mandatory
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 50 bPollEnable(false) { // don't start polling before dongle is connected
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 51 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < XBOX_MAX_ENDPOINTS; i++) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 52 epInfo[i].epAddr = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 53 epInfo[i].maxPktSize = (i) ? 0 : 8;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 54 epInfo[i].bmSndToggle = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 55 epInfo[i].bmRcvToggle = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 56 epInfo[i].bmNakPower = (i) ? USB_NAK_NOWAIT : USB_NAK_MAX_POWER;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 57 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 58
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 59 if(pUsb) // register in USB subsystem
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 60 pUsb->RegisterDeviceClass(this); //set devConfig[] entry
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 61 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 62
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 63 uint8_t XBOXOLD::Init(uint8_t parent, uint8_t port, bool lowspeed) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 64 uint8_t buf[sizeof (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR)];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 65 USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR * udd = reinterpret_cast<USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR*>(buf);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 66 uint8_t rcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 67 UsbDevice *p = NULL;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 68 EpInfo *oldep_ptr = NULL;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 69 uint16_t PID;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 70 uint16_t VID;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 71
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 72 // get memory address of USB device address pool
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 73 AddressPool &addrPool = pUsb->GetAddressPool();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 74 #ifdef EXTRADEBUG
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 75 Notify(PSTR("\r\nXBOXUSB Init"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 76 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 77 // check if address has already been assigned to an instance
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 78 if(bAddress) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 79 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 80 Notify(PSTR("\r\nAddress in use"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 81 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 82 return USB_ERROR_CLASS_INSTANCE_ALREADY_IN_USE;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 83 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 84
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 85 // Get pointer to pseudo device with address 0 assigned
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 86 p = addrPool.GetUsbDevicePtr(0);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 87
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 88 if(!p) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 89 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 90 Notify(PSTR("\r\nAddress not found"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 91 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 92 return USB_ERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND_IN_POOL;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 93 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 94
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 95 if(!p->epinfo) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 96 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 97 Notify(PSTR("\r\nepinfo is null"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 98 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 99 return USB_ERROR_EPINFO_IS_NULL;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 100 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 101
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 102 // Save old pointer to EP_RECORD of address 0
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 103 oldep_ptr = p->epinfo;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 104
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 105 // Temporary assign new pointer to epInfo to p->epinfo in order to avoid toggle inconsistence
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 106 p->epinfo = epInfo;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 107
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 108 p->lowspeed = lowspeed;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 109
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 110 // Get device descriptor
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 111 rcode = pUsb->getDevDescr(0, 0, sizeof (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR), (uint8_t*)buf); // Get device descriptor - addr, ep, nbytes, data
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 112 // Restore p->epinfo
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 113 p->epinfo = oldep_ptr;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 114
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 115 if(rcode)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 116 goto FailGetDevDescr;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 117
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 118 VID = udd->idVendor;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 119 PID = udd->idProduct;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 120
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 121 if((VID != XBOX_VID && VID != MADCATZ_VID && VID != JOYTECH_VID) || (PID != XBOX_OLD_PID1 && PID != XBOX_OLD_PID2 && PID != XBOX_OLD_PID3 && PID != XBOX_OLD_PID4)) // Check if VID and PID match
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 122 goto FailUnknownDevice;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 123
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 124 // Allocate new address according to device class
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 125 bAddress = addrPool.AllocAddress(parent, false, port);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 126
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 127 if(!bAddress)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 128 return USB_ERROR_OUT_OF_ADDRESS_SPACE_IN_POOL;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 129
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 130 // Extract Max Packet Size from device descriptor
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 131 epInfo[0].maxPktSize = udd->bMaxPacketSize0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 132
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 133 // Assign new address to the device
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 134 rcode = pUsb->setAddr(0, 0, bAddress);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 135 if(rcode) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 136 p->lowspeed = false;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 137 addrPool.FreeAddress(bAddress);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 138 bAddress = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 139 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 140 Notify(PSTR("\r\nsetAddr: "), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 141 D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (rcode, 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 142 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 143 return rcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 144 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 145 #ifdef EXTRADEBUG
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 146 Notify(PSTR("\r\nAddr: "), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 147 D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (bAddress, 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 148 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 149 //delay(300); // Spec says you should wait at least 200ms
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 150
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 151 p->lowspeed = false;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 152
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 153 //get pointer to assigned address record
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 154 p = addrPool.GetUsbDevicePtr(bAddress);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 155 if(!p)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 156 return USB_ERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND_IN_POOL;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 157
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 158 p->lowspeed = lowspeed;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 159
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 160 // Assign epInfo to epinfo pointer - only EP0 is known
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 161 rcode = pUsb->setEpInfoEntry(bAddress, 1, epInfo);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 162 if(rcode)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 163 goto FailSetDevTblEntry;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 164
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 165 /* The application will work in reduced host mode, so we can save program and data
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 166 memory space. After verifying the VID we will use known values for the
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 167 configuration values for device, interface, endpoints and HID for the XBOX controllers */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 168
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 169 /* Initialize data structures for endpoints of device */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 170 epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].epAddr = 0x01; // XBOX report endpoint
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 171 epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].epAttribs = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTERRUPT;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 172 epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 173 epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 174 epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].bmSndToggle = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 175 epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].bmRcvToggle = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 176 epInfo[ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE ].epAddr = 0x02; // XBOX output endpoint
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 177 epInfo[ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE ].epAttribs = USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTERRUPT;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 178 epInfo[ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE ].bmNakPower = USB_NAK_NOWAIT; // Only poll once for interrupt endpoints
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 179 epInfo[ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE ].maxPktSize = EP_MAXPKTSIZE;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 180 epInfo[ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE ].bmSndToggle = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 181 epInfo[ XBOX_OUTPUT_PIPE ].bmRcvToggle = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 182
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 183 rcode = pUsb->setEpInfoEntry(bAddress, 3, epInfo);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 184 if(rcode)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 185 goto FailSetDevTblEntry;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 186
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 187 delay(200); // Give time for address change
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 188
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 189 rcode = pUsb->setConf(bAddress, epInfo[ XBOX_CONTROL_PIPE ].epAddr, 1);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 190 if(rcode)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 191 goto FailSetConfDescr;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 192
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 193 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 194 Notify(PSTR("\r\nXbox Controller Connected\r\n"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 195 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 196 if(pFuncOnInit)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 197 pFuncOnInit(); // Call the user function
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 198 XboxConnected = true;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 199 bPollEnable = true;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 200 return 0; // Successful configuration
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 201
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 202 /* Diagnostic messages */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 203 FailGetDevDescr:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 204 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 205 NotifyFailGetDevDescr();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 206 goto Fail;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 207 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 208
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 209 FailSetDevTblEntry:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 210 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 211 NotifyFailSetDevTblEntry();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 212 goto Fail;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 213 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 214
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 215 FailSetConfDescr:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 216 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 217 NotifyFailSetConfDescr();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 218 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 219 goto Fail;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 220
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 221 FailUnknownDevice:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 222 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 223 NotifyFailUnknownDevice(VID, PID);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 224 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 225 rcode = USB_DEV_CONFIG_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 226
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 227 Fail:
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 228 #ifdef DEBUG_USB_HOST
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 229 Notify(PSTR("\r\nXbox Init Failed, error code: "), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 230 NotifyFail(rcode);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 231 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 232 Release();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 233 return rcode;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 234 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 235
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 236 /* Performs a cleanup after failed Init() attempt */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 237 uint8_t XBOXOLD::Release() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 238 XboxConnected = false;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 239 pUsb->GetAddressPool().FreeAddress(bAddress);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 240 bAddress = 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 241 bPollEnable = false;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 242 return 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 243 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 244
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 245 uint8_t XBOXOLD::Poll() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 246 if(!bPollEnable)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 247 return 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 248 uint16_t BUFFER_SIZE = EP_MAXPKTSIZE;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 249 pUsb->inTransfer(bAddress, epInfo[ XBOX_INPUT_PIPE ].epAddr, &BUFFER_SIZE, readBuf); // input on endpoint 1
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 250 readReport();
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 251 #ifdef PRINTREPORT
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 252 printReport(BUFFER_SIZE); // Uncomment "#define PRINTREPORT" to print the report send by the Xbox controller
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 253 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 254 return 0;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 255 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 256
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 257 void XBOXOLD::readReport() {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 258 ButtonState = readBuf[2];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 259
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 260 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof (buttonValues); i++)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 261 buttonValues[i] = readBuf[i + 4]; // A, B, X, Y, BLACK, WHITE, L1, and R1
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 262
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 263 hatValue[LeftHatX] = (int16_t)(((uint16_t)readBuf[12] << 8) | readBuf[13]);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 264 hatValue[LeftHatY] = (int16_t)(((uint16_t)readBuf[14] << 8) | readBuf[15]);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 265 hatValue[RightHatX] = (int16_t)(((uint16_t)readBuf[16] << 8) | readBuf[17]);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 266 hatValue[RightHatY] = (int16_t)(((uint16_t)readBuf[18] << 8) | readBuf[19]);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 267
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 268 //Notify(PSTR("\r\nButtonState"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 269 //PrintHex<uint8_t>(ButtonState, 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 270
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 271 if(ButtonState != OldButtonState || memcmp(buttonValues, oldButtonValues, sizeof (buttonValues)) != 0) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 272 ButtonClickState = ButtonState & ~OldButtonState; // Update click state variable
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 273 OldButtonState = ButtonState;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 274
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 275 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof (buttonValues); i++) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 276 if(oldButtonValues[i] == 0 && buttonValues[i] != 0)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 277 buttonClicked[i] = true; // Update A, B, X, Y, BLACK, WHITE, L1, and R1 click state
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 278 oldButtonValues[i] = buttonValues[i];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 279 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 280 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 281 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 282
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 283 void XBOXOLD::printReport(uint16_t length __attribute__((unused))) { //Uncomment "#define PRINTREPORT" to print the report send by the Xbox controller
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 284 #ifdef PRINTREPORT
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 285 if(readBuf == NULL)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 286 return;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 287 for(uint8_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 288 D_PrintHex<uint8_t > (readBuf[i], 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 289 Notify(PSTR(" "), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 290 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 291 Notify(PSTR("\r\n"), 0x80);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 292 #endif
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 293 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 294
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 295 uint8_t XBOXOLD::getButtonPress(ButtonEnum b) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 296 uint8_t button = pgm_read_byte(&XBOXOLD_BUTTONS[(uint8_t)b]);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 297 if(b == A || b == B || b == X || b == Y || b == BLACK || b == WHITE || b == L1 || b == R1) // A, B, X, Y, BLACK, WHITE, L1, and R1 are analog buttons
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 298 return buttonValues[button]; // Analog buttons
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 299 return (ButtonState & button); // Digital buttons
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 300 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 301
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 302 bool XBOXOLD::getButtonClick(ButtonEnum b) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 303 uint8_t button = pgm_read_byte(&XBOXOLD_BUTTONS[(uint8_t)b]);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 304 if(b == A || b == B || b == X || b == Y || b == BLACK || b == WHITE || b == L1 || b == R1) { // A, B, X, Y, BLACK, WHITE, L1, and R1 are analog buttons
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 305 if(buttonClicked[button]) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 306 buttonClicked[button] = false;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 307 return true;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 308 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 309 return false;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 310 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 311
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 312 bool click = (ButtonClickState & button);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 313 ButtonClickState &= ~button; // clear "click" event
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 314 return click;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 315 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 316
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 317 int16_t XBOXOLD::getAnalogHat(AnalogHatEnum a) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 318 return hatValue[a];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 319 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 320
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 321 /* Xbox Controller commands */
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 322 void XBOXOLD::XboxCommand(uint8_t* data, uint16_t nbytes) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 323 //bmRequest = Host to device (0x00) | Class (0x20) | Interface (0x01) = 0x21, bRequest = Set Report (0x09), Report ID (0x00), Report Type (Output 0x02), interface (0x00), datalength, datalength, data)
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 324 pUsb->ctrlReq(bAddress, epInfo[XBOX_CONTROL_PIPE].epAddr, bmREQ_HID_OUT, HID_REQUEST_SET_REPORT, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, nbytes, nbytes, data, NULL);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 325 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 326
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 327 void XBOXOLD::setRumbleOn(uint8_t lValue, uint8_t rValue) {
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 328 uint8_t writeBuf[6];
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 329
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 330 writeBuf[0] = 0x00;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 331 writeBuf[1] = 0x06;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 332 writeBuf[2] = 0x00;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 333 writeBuf[3] = rValue; // small weight
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 334 writeBuf[4] = 0x00;
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 335 writeBuf[5] = lValue; // big weight
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 336
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 337 XboxCommand(writeBuf, 6);
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 338 }
kotakku 0:b1ce54272580 339