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mbed Namespace Reference

mbed Namespace Reference

Helpers for rpc handling. More...

Data Structures

class  AnalogIn
 An analog input, used for reading the voltage on a pin. More...
class  AnalogOut
 An analog output, used for setting the voltage on a pin. More...
class  Base
 The base class for most things. More...
class  BusIn
 A digital input bus, used for reading the state of a collection of pins. More...
class  BusInOut
 A digital input output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins. More...
class  BusOut
 A digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins. More...
class  CANMessage
 CANMessage class. More...
class  CAN
 A can bus client, used for communicating with can devices. More...
class  DigitalIn
 A digital input, used for reading the state of a pin. More...
class  DigitalInOut
 A digital input/output, used for setting or reading a bi-directional pin. More...
class  DigitalOut
 A digital output, used for setting the state of a pin. More...
class  DirHandle
 Represents a directory stream. More...
class  Ethernet
 An ethernet interface, to use with the ethernet pins. More...
class  FileHandle
 An OO equivalent of the internal FILEHANDLE variable and associated _sys_* functions. More...
class  FileLike
 A file-like object is one that can be opened with fopen by fopen("/name", mode). More...
class  FileSystemLike
 A filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open files though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode) More...
class  FunctionPointer
 A class for storing and calling a pointer to a static or member void function. More...
class  I2C
 An I2C Master, used for communicating with I2C slave devices. More...
class  I2CSlave
 An I2C Slave, used for communicating with an I2C Master device. More...
class  InterruptIn
 A digital interrupt input, used to call a function on a rising or falling edge. More...
class  LocalFileSystem
 A filesystem for accessing the local mbed Microcontroller USB disk drive. More...
class  PortIn
 A multiple pin digital input. More...
class  PortInOut
 A multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins. More...
class  PortOut
 A multiple pin digital out. More...
class  PwmOut
 A pulse-width modulation digital output. More...
class  Serial
 A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices. More...
class  SerialHalfDuplex
 A serial port (UART) for communication with other devices using Half-Duplex, allowing transmit and receive on a single shared transmit and receive line. More...
class  SPI
 A SPI Master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices. More...
class  SPIHalfDuplex
 A SPI half-duplex master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices over a shared data line. More...
class  SPISlave
 A SPI slave, used for communicating with a SPI Master device. More...
class  Ticker
 A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval. More...
class  Timeout
 A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future. More...
class  Timer
 A general purpose timer. More...
class  TimerEvent
 Base abstraction for timer interrupts. More...


template<typename T >
parse_arg (const char *arg, const char **next)
 Parses and returns a value from a string.
template<typename T >
void write_result (T val, char *result)
 Writes a value in to a result string in an appropriate manner.
template<class T , void(T::*)(const char *, char *) member>
void rpc_method_caller (Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result)
template<class T , typename A1 , void(T::*)(A1) member>
void rpc_method_caller (Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result)
template<class T , typename A1 , typename A2 , void(T::*)(A1, A2) member>
void rpc_method_caller (Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result)
template<class T , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , void(T::*)(A1, A2, A3) member>
void rpc_method_caller (Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result)
template<typename R , class T , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , R(T::*)(A1, A2, A3) member>
void rpc_method_caller (Base *this_ptr, const char *arguments, char *result)
template<typename R , R(*)() func>
void rpc_function_caller (const char *arguments, char *result)
 rpc_function caller
template<typename R , typename A1 , R(*)(A1) func>
void rpc_function_caller (const char *arguments, char *result)
 rpc_function caller
template<typename R , typename A1 , typename A2 , R(*)(A1, A2) func>
void rpc_function_caller (const char *arguments, char *result)
 rpc_function caller
template<typename R , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , R(*)(A1, A2, A3) func>
void rpc_function_caller (const char *arguments, char *result)
 rpc_function caller
template<typename R , typename A1 , typename A2 , typename A3 , typename A4 , R(*)(A1, A2, A3, A4) func>
void rpc_function_caller (const char *arguments, char *result)
 rpc_function caller
bool rpc (const char *buf, char *result=0)
 Parse a string describing a call and then do it.

Detailed Description

Helpers for rpc handling.

Function Documentation

T mbed::parse_arg ( const char *  arg,
const char **  next 

Parses and returns a value from a string.

argThe string to pase
nextIf not NULL a pointer to after the last character parsed is written here
bool mbed::rpc ( const char *  buf,
char *  result = 0 

Parse a string describing a call and then do it.

callA pointer to a string describing the call, which has the form /object/method arg ... argn. Arguments are delimited by space characters, and the string is terminated by a null character.
resultA pointer to an array to write the result into.
void mbed::rpc_function_caller ( const char *  arguments,
char *  result 

rpc_function caller

Definition at line 506 of file rpc.h.

void mbed::rpc_function_caller ( const char *  arguments,
char *  result 

rpc_function caller

Definition at line 539 of file rpc.h.

void mbed::rpc_function_caller ( const char *  arguments,
char *  result 

rpc_function caller

Definition at line 483 of file rpc.h.

void mbed::rpc_function_caller ( const char *  arguments,
char *  result 

rpc_function caller

Definition at line 494 of file rpc.h.

void mbed::rpc_function_caller ( const char *  arguments,
char *  result 

rpc_function caller

Definition at line 522 of file rpc.h.

void rpc_method_caller ( Base *  this_ptr,
const char *  arguments,
char *  result 


Definition at line 407 of file rpc.h.

void rpc_method_caller ( Base *  this_ptr,
const char *  arguments,
char *  result 


Definition at line 376 of file rpc.h.

void rpc_method_caller ( Base *  this_ptr,
const char *  arguments,
char *  result 


Definition at line 357 of file rpc.h.

void rpc_method_caller ( Base *  this_ptr,
const char *  arguments,
char *  result 


Definition at line 391 of file rpc.h.

void mbed::rpc_method_caller ( Base *  this_ptr,
const char *  arguments,
char *  result 


Definition at line 466 of file rpc.h.

void mbed::write_result ( val,
char *  result 

Writes a value in to a result string in an appropriate manner.

valThe value to write
resultA pointer to the array to write the value into