Fork of the official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications. The fork has the documentation converted to Doxygen format

Fork of mbed by -deleted-



File content as of revision 43:aff670d0d510:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library - SerialHalfDuplex
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.


#include "device.h"


#include "Serial.h"
#include "PinNames.h"
#include "PeripheralNames.h"

namespace mbed {

/** A serial port (UART) for communication with other devices using  
 *  Half-Duplex, allowing transmit and receive on a single
 *  shared transmit and receive line. Only one end should be transmitting 
 *  at a time.
 *  Both the tx and rx pin should be defined, and wired together. 
 *  This is in addition to them being wired to the other serial 
 *  device to allow both read and write functions to operate.
 *  For Simplex and Full-Duplex Serial communication, see Serial()
 * Example:
 * @code
 * // Send a byte to a second HalfDuplex device, and read the response
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * // p9 and p10 should be wired together to form "a"
 * // p28 and p27 should be wired together to form "b"
 * // p9/p10 should be wired to p28/p27 as the Half Duplex connection
 * SerialHalfDuplex a(p9, p10);
 * SerialHalfDuplex b(p28, p27);
 * void b_rx() { // second device response
 *     b.putc(b.getc() + 4);
 * }
 * int main() {
 *     b.attach(&b_rx);
 *     for (int c = 'A'; c < 'Z'; c++) {
 *         a.putc(c);
 *         printf("sent [%c]\n", c);
 *         wait(0.5);   // b should respond
 *         if (a.readable()) {
 *             printf("received [%c]\n", a.getc());
 *         }
 *     }
 * }
 * @endcode
class SerialHalfDuplex : public Serial {

    /** Create a half-duplex serial port, connected to the specified transmit
     *  and receive pins.
     *  These pins should be wired together, as well as to the target device
     *  @param tx Transmit pin
     *  @param rx Receive pin
    SerialHalfDuplex(PinName tx, PinName rx, const char *name = NULL);

#if 0       // Inherited from Serial class, for documentation
    /** Set the baud rate of the serial port
     *  @param baudrate The baudrate of the serial port (default = 9600).
    void baud(int baudrate);

    enum Parity {
        None = 0
        , Odd
        , Even
        , Forced1
        , Forced0

    /** Set the transmission format used by the Serial port
     *  @param bits The number of bits in a word (5-8; default = 8)
     *  @param parity The parity used (Serial::None, Serial::Odd, 
     *     Serial::Even, Serial::Forced1, Serial::Forced0; default = Serial::None)
     *  @param stop The number of stop bits (1 or 2; default = 1)
    void format(int bits = 8, Parity parity = Serial::None, int stop_bits 
= 1);

    /** Write a character
     *  @param c The character to write to the serial port
    int putc(int c);

    /** Read a character
     *  Read a character from the serial port. This call will block
     *  until a character is available. For testing if a character is
     *  available for reading, see <readable>.
     *  @returns
     *    The character read from the serial port
    int getc();

    /** Write a formated string
     *  @param format A printf-style format string, followed by the
     *    variables to use in formating the string.
    int printf(const char* format, ...);

    /** Read a formated string
     *  @param format A scanf-style format string,
     *    followed by the pointers to variables to store the results.
    int scanf(const char* format, ...);

    /** Determine if there is a character available to read
     *  @returns
     *    1 if there is a character available to read,
     *    0 otherwise
    int readable();

    /** Determine if there is space available to write a character
     *  @returns
     *    1 if there is space to write a character,
     *    0 otherwise
    int writeable();

    /** Attach a function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated
     *  @param fptr A pointer to a void function, or 0 to set as none
    void attach(void (*fptr)(void));

    /** Attach a member function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated
     *  @param tptr pointer to the object to call the member function on
     *  @param mptr pointer to the member function to be called
    template<typename T>
    void attach(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void));


    PinName     _txpin;

    virtual int _putc(int c);
    virtual int _getc(void);

}; // End class SerialHalfDuplex

} // End namespace

