Simple synthesizer for STM32F401RE/STMstation.

Dependencies:   FastPWM mbed-dsp

This is a basic synthesizer to play music on the STM32F401RE Nucleo/STMstation development board:


Please see the API documentation for further details.

Here's a demo of the synthesizer at work in a music composing program on the STMstation. This one is "Miku" by Anamanaguchi.

diff -r c5ca205c0a80 -r db0c24aebb8a STMstation_synth.h
--- a/STMstation_synth.h	Mon Jul 03 08:16:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/STMstation_synth.h	Mon Jul 03 08:35:31 2017 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,70 @@
 #include "arm_math.h"
 #include "FastPWM.h"
+#define AUDIO_PIN   PB_0
+#define CHANNELS    5
+/** Stores data for a song or sound effect
+ *  @param notes     Note frequency and timbre
+ *  @param durations Duration (from 1/64th to 4 counts)
+ *  @param AR        Attack/Release (bits 7:4 - attack, 3:0 - release)
+ *  @param vol       Volume (0 - muted, 127 - 1x volume, 255 - 2x volume
+ *  @param max       Max index of each channel
+ *  @param ended     Has the channel completed playing?
+ *  @param repeat    Should the channel repeat or stop?
+ *  @param bpm       Tempo, in 1/4th counts per minute
+ */
+struct melody{
+    const uint8_t * notes[CHANNELS];
+    const uint8_t * durations[CHANNELS]; 
+    const uint8_t * AR[CHANNELS]; 
+    const uint8_t * vol[CHANNELS];
+    uint16_t max[CHANNELS];
+    bool ended[CHANNELS], repeat[CHANNELS];
+    uint8_t bpm;
+/** Stores data that is currently being played. So many members! A lot of these are just coefficients for waveform synthesis.
+ *  @param notes        (LOADED FROM MELODY) Note frequency and timbre
+ *  @param durations    (LOADED FROM MELODY) Duration (from 1/64th to 4 counts)
+ *  @param AR           (LOADED FROM MELODY) Attack/Release (bits 7:4 - attack, 3:0 - release)
+ *  @param vol          (LOADED FROM MELODY) Volume (0 - muted, 127 - 1x volume, 255 - 2x volume
+ *  @param index        Note currently being played
+ *  @param max          (LOADED FROM MELODY) Max index of each channel
+ *  @param env          (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Envelope value (between 0~1)
+ *  @param sineCoef     (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Coefficient for sine wave synthesis
+ *  @param vSum         (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Divider to prevent clipping
+ *  @param atkSlope     (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Attack slope for envelope
+ *  @param relSlope     (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Release slope for envelope
+ *  @param relOffset    (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Release offset for envelope
+ *  @param volCoef      (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Volume coefficient to control volume, prevent clipping
+ *  @param halfPeriod   (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Half period for square, triangle functions
+ *  @param triSlope     (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Triangle wave slope
+ *  @param noiseVal     (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Value returned from random noise generation
+ *  @param triVal       (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Value returned from triangle wave calculation
+ *  @param counter      Current sample value
+ *  @param envAtkEnd    (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Counter value at which attack ramp ends
+ *  @param envRelStart  (FOR SYNTHEESIS) Counter value at which release ramp starts
+ *  @param val          8-bit sample value
+ *  @timbre             (FOR SYNTHEESIS) What kind of waveform is playing? 0 - sine, 1 - sq, 2 - tri, 3 - noise
+ *  @freqIndex          (FOR SYNTHEESIS) What frequency is playing? 0 - rest, 1~freqLength frequencies in ascending order
+ *  @param bpm          (LOADED FROM MELODY) Tempo, in 1/4th counts per minute
+ *  @param repeat       (LOADED FROM MELODY) Channel repeat
+ *  @param endptr       (LOADED FROM MELODY) Points to melody end value
+ */
+struct master{
+    const uint8_t * notes[CHANNELS];
+    const uint8_t * durations[CHANNELS]; 
+    const uint8_t * AR[CHANNELS]; 
+    const uint8_t * vol[CHANNELS];
+    uint16_t index[CHANNELS], max[CHANNELS];
+    float env[CHANNELS], sineCoef[CHANNELS], vSum, atkSlope[CHANNELS], relSlope[CHANNELS], relOffset[CHANNELS], volCoef[CHANNELS], halfPeriod[CHANNELS], triSlope[CHANNELS], noiseVal[CHANNELS], triVal[CHANNELS];
+    uint32_t counter[CHANNELS], envAtkEnd[CHANNELS], envRelStart[CHANNELS];
+    uint8_t val, timbre[CHANNELS], freqIndex[CHANNELS], bpm[CHANNELS];
+    bool repeat[CHANNELS];
+    bool* endptr[CHANNELS];
 /** Basic synthesizer library for STM32F401RE Nucleo or STMstation P.1 development boards - may work with
  *  other targets, but not tested yet.
@@ -25,58 +89,49 @@
  *      R1 = 150 Ohms, C1 = 47nF, C2 = 1uF, Speaker = 0.25W, 8 Ohms
  *  @endcode 
-#define AUDIO_PIN   PB_0
-#define CHANNELS    5
-//Audio melody struct
-struct melody{
-    const uint8_t * notes[CHANNELS];
-    const uint8_t * durations[CHANNELS]; 
-    const uint8_t * AR[CHANNELS]; 
-    const uint8_t * vol[CHANNELS];
-    uint16_t max[CHANNELS];
-    bool ended[CHANNELS], repeat[CHANNELS];
-    uint8_t bpm;
-//Audio master struct
-struct master{
-    const uint8_t * notes[CHANNELS];
-    const uint8_t * durations[CHANNELS]; 
-    const uint8_t * AR[CHANNELS]; 
-    const uint8_t * vol[CHANNELS];
-    uint16_t index[CHANNELS], max[CHANNELS];
-    float env[CHANNELS], sineCoef[CHANNELS], vSum, atkSlope[CHANNELS], relSlope[CHANNELS], relOffset[CHANNELS], volCoef[CHANNELS], halfPeriod[CHANNELS], triSlope[CHANNELS], noiseVal[CHANNELS], triVal[CHANNELS];
-    uint32_t counter[CHANNELS], envAtkEnd[CHANNELS], envRelStart[CHANNELS];
-    uint8_t val, timbre[CHANNELS], freqIndex[CHANNELS], bpm[CHANNELS];
-    bool repeat[CHANNELS];
-    bool* endptr[CHANNELS];
 class STMstation_synth{
+        /** Create an instance of STMstation_synth 
+         *  @param audio_pin PWM output
+         */
+        STMstation_synth(PinName audio_pin);
+        /** Create an instance of STMstation_synth
+         *  Use default output for STMstation P.1, PB_0 
+         */
+        /** Play a track
+         *  @param newMelody    Melody to play
+         *  @param refChannel   If starting from nonzero index, specify reference channel
+         *  @param newIndex     Start index
+         */
+        void play(melody &newMelody, uint8_t refChannel = 0, uint16_t newIndex = 0);
+        /** Clear all data from a selected channel
+         *  @param channel      Channel to clear
+         */
+        void clear_channel(uint8_t _channel);
+        /** Stop playing a track
+         *  @param newMelody    Melody to stop
+         */
+        void stop_track(melody &newMelody);
+        /** Check if a track is still playing
+         *  @param newMelody    Melody to check
+         */
+        bool check_track(melody &newMelody);
+        struct master Master;
+    private:
+        void begin();
         void calc_coefs(int i);
-        void calc_vSum2();
+        void calc_vSum();
         void calc_env();
         int8_t square(float _halfperiod, uint16_t _counter);
         void calc_triangle(uint8_t _channel, float _halfperiod, float _trislope, uint32_t _counter);
         void calc_noise(uint8_t _channel, uint8_t _freq, uint32_t _counter);
-        void calc_val2();
-        void clear_channel(uint8_t _channel);
-        void stop_track(melody &newMelody);
-        bool check_track(melody &newMelody);
+        void calc_val();
         void check_end();
         void check_start();
-        void note2();
-        void play(melody &newMelody, uint8_t refChannel = 0, uint16_t newIndex = 0);
+        void note();
-        const uint16_t FSAMP;
-        const float period;
-        struct master Master;
-    private:
         Ticker sample;
         FastPWM tone;