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00001 /**
00002  * Copyright (c) 2015 Digi International Inc.,
00003  * All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
00004  *
00005  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
00006  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
00007  * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
00008  *
00009  * Digi International Inc. 11001 Bren Road East, Minnetonka, MN 55343
00010  * =======================================================================
00011  */
00013 #if !defined(__AT_CMD_FRAME_H_)
00014 #define __AT_CMD_FRAME_H_
00016 #include "ApiFrame.h"
00018 #define REM_AT_CMD_RESP_FRM_ID_OFFSET   0
00019 #define REM_AT_CMD_RESP_STATUS_OFFSET   13
00021 #define REM_AT_CMD_RESP_OVERHEAD        14 /* ID + ADDR64 + ADDR16 + CMD + status */
00023 #define ATCMD_RESP_FRAME_ID_OFFSET      0
00024 #define ATCMD_RESP_CMD_LOW_OFFSET       1
00025 #define ATCMD_RESP_CMD_HIGH_OFFSET      2
00026 #define ATCMD_RESP_STATUS_OFFSET        3
00027 #define ATCMD_RESP_DATA_OFFSET          4
00028 #define ATCMD_RESP_NW_ADDR_H_OFFSET     4
00029 #define ATCMD_RESP_NW_ADDR_L_OFFSET     5
00030 #define ATCMD_RESP_SH_ADDR_L_OFFSET     6
00031 #define ATCMD_RESP_SH_ADDR_H_OFFSET     10
00032 #define ATCMD_RESP_NI_OFFSET            14
00034 #define ATCMD_RESP_OVERHEAD             4 /* ID + CMD + status */
00036 #define ATCMD_802_RESP_SIGN_STR_OFFSET  14
00037 #define ATCMD_802_RESP_NI_OFFSET        15
00039 #define MAX_NI_PARAM_LEN                20
00041 /** Class for the AT command api frames. Derived from ApiFrame */
00042 class AtCmdFrame : public ApiFrame
00043 {
00044     public:
00046         /**
00047          * AtCmdResp
00048          */
00049         enum AtCmdResp {
00050             AtCmdRespOk             = 0,     /**< Ok */
00051             AtCmdRespError          = 1,     /**< Error */
00052             AtCmdRespInvalidCmd     = 2,     /**< Invalid Command */
00053             AtCmdRespInvalidParam   = 3,     /**< Invalid Parameter */
00054             AtCmdRespTxFailure      = 4,     /**< Tx Failure */
00055             AtCmdRespLenMismatch    = 0xfd,  /**< Length Mismatch (Error generated by the library) */
00056             AtCmdRespInvalidAddr    = 0xfe,  /**< Invalid Address (Error generated by the library) */
00057             AtCmdRespTimeout        = 0xff,   /**< Timeout (Error generated by the library) */
00058         };
00060         /**
00061          * ModemStatus
00062          */
00063         enum ModemStatus {
00064             HwReset         = 0,     /**< Hardware reset */
00065             WdReset         = 1,     /**< Watchdog timer reset */
00066             JoinedNW        = 2,     /**< Joined network (routers and end devices) */
00067             Disassociated   = 3,     /**< Disassociated */
00068             SyncLost        = 4,     /**< Synchronization Lost */
00069             CoordRealign    = 5,     /**< Coordinator realignment */
00070             CoordStarted    = 6,     /**< Coordinator started */
00071             NwSecKeyUpdated = 7,     /**< Network security key was updated */
00072             NwWokeUp        = 0x0B,  /**< NwWokeUp */
00073             NwToSleep       = 0x0C,  /**< NwToSleep */
00074             VccExceeded     = 0x0D,  /**< VccExceeded: PRO S2B only? */
00075             ModConfChangeJoinInProg = 0x11, /**< Modem configuration changed while join in progress */
00076         };
00078         /** Class constructor
00079          *
00080          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00081          * @param cmd_param command parameter
00082          * @param param_len length of the command param
00083          */
00084         AtCmdFrame(const char * const cmd, const uint32_t cmd_param);
00086         /** Class constructor
00087          *
00088          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00089          * @param cmd_param pointer to command parameter
00090          * @param param_len length of the command param
00091          */
00092         AtCmdFrame(const char * const cmd, const uint8_t * cmd_param = NULL, uint16_t param_len = 0);
00094         /** Class constructor
00095          *
00096          * @param remote 64 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00097          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00098          * @param cmd_param command parameter
00099          */
00100         AtCmdFrame(uint64_t remote, const char * const cmd, uint32_t cmd_param);
00102         /** Class constructor
00103          *
00104          * @param remote 64 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00105          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00106          * @param cmd_param pointer to command parameter
00107          * @param param_len length of the command param
00108          */
00109         AtCmdFrame(uint64_t remote, const char * const cmd, const uint8_t * cmd_param = NULL, uint16_t param_len = 0);
00111         /** Class constructor
00112          *
00113          * @param remote 16 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00114          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00115          * @param cmd_param command parameter
00116          */
00117         AtCmdFrame(uint16_t remote, const char * const cmd, uint32_t cmd_param);
00119         /** Class constructor
00120          *
00121          * @param remote 16 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00122          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00123          * @param cmd_param pointer to command parameter
00124          * @param param_len length of the command param
00125          */
00126         AtCmdFrame(uint16_t remote, const char * const cmd, const uint8_t * cmd_param = NULL, uint16_t param_len = 0);
00128         /** Class constructor
00129          *
00130          * @param remote 64 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00131          * @param remote 16 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00132          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00133          * @param cmd_param command parameter
00134          */
00135         AtCmdFrame(uint64_t remote64, uint16_t remote16, const char * const cmd, uint32_t cmd_param);
00137         /** Class constructor
00138          *
00139          * @param remote 64 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00140          * @param remote 16 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00141          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00142          * @param cmd_param pointer to command parameter
00143          * @param param_len length of the command param
00144          */
00145         AtCmdFrame(uint64_t remote64, uint16_t remote16, const char * const cmd, const uint8_t * cmd_param = NULL, uint16_t param_len = 0);
00147     protected:
00148         /** build_at_cmd_frame method used by the constructors to create the at command frame
00149          *
00150          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00151          * @param cmd_params pointer to command parameter
00152          * @param param_len length of the command param
00153          */
00154         void build_at_cmd_frame(const char *cmd, const uint8_t *cmd_params, uint8_t payload_len, bool reverse = true);
00156         /** build_at_cmd_remote_frame method used by the constructors to create the at command frame
00157          *
00158          * @param remote64 64 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00159          * @param remote16 16 bit address of the remote device where we want to run the command
00160          * @param cmd at command of the frame
00161          * @param cmd_params pointer to command parameter
00162          * @param param_len length of the command param
00163          */
00164         void build_at_cmd_remote_frame(uint64_t remote64, uint16_t remote16,
00165                 const char *const cmd, const uint8_t *const cmd_params, uint8_t payload_len, bool reverse = true);
00166 };
00168 #endif /* __AT_CMD_FRAME_H_ */