
Fork of MyLib by gaku takasawa

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Methods/methods.h	Wed Oct 25 10:57:13 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+void RX();
+class AnalogInLPF : public AnalogIn
+    private:
+    float alpha;
+    float prevAnalog;
+    float nowAnalog;
+    public : AnalogInLPF(PinName pin,float alpha_) : AnalogIn(pin)
+    {
+        alpha = alpha_;
+        prevAnalog = 0.0;
+    } 
+    float read(){
+        nowAnalog = AnalogIn::read();
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return nowAnalog;
+    }
+    short read_u16(){
+        nowAnalog = AnalogIn::read();
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return short(nowAnalog*0xFFFF);
+    }
+class InLPF
+    private:
+    float alpha;
+    float prevAnalog;
+    float nowAnalog;
+    public : InLPF(float alpha_ = 0.2)
+    {
+        alpha = alpha_;
+        prevAnalog = 0.0;
+    } 
+    float read(float in){
+        nowAnalog = in;
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return nowAnalog;
+    }
+    short read_u16(float in){
+        nowAnalog = in;
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return short(nowAnalog*0xFFFF);
+    }
+class InHPF
+    private:
+    float alpha;
+    float prevAnalog;
+    float nowAnalog;
+    public:float originAnalog;
+    public : InHPF(float alpha_ = 0.2)
+    {
+        alpha = alpha_;
+        prevAnalog = 0.0;
+    } 
+    float read(float in){
+        originAnalog = in;
+        nowAnalog = originAnalog;
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return originAnalog - nowAnalog;
+    }
+    short read_u16(float in){
+        originAnalog = in;
+        nowAnalog = originAnalog;
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return short(originAnalog*0xffff - nowAnalog*0xFFFF);
+    }
+    float read(){
+        return originAnalog - nowAnalog;
+    }
+    short read_u16(){
+        return short(originAnalog*0xFFFF - nowAnalog*0xFFFF);
+    }
+class AccHPF
+    private:
+    float alpha;
+    float prevAnalog;
+    float nowAnalog;
+    public:float originAnalog;
+    public : AccHPF(float alpha_ = 0.2)
+    {
+        alpha = alpha_;
+        prevAnalog = 0.0;
+    }
+    float read(float in){
+        originAnalog = in;
+        nowAnalog = originAnalog;
+        nowAnalog = nowAnalog*alpha + (1-alpha)*prevAnalog;
+        prevAnalog = nowAnalog;
+        return originAnalog - nowAnalog;
+    }
+    float read(){
+        return originAnalog - nowAnalog;
+    }
+#define LP 1
+AnalogInLPF ArmSense[4] = {AnalogInLPF(A6,LP),AnalogInLPF(A5,LP),AnalogInLPF(A4,LP),AnalogInLPF(A3,LP)};
+InLPF ArmSense2[4] = {InLPF(LP),InLPF(LP),InLPF(LP),InLPF(LP)};
+InHPF ArmInputSense[2][4] = {{InHPF(0.2),InHPF(0.2),InHPF(0.2),InHPF(0.2)} , {InHPF(0.01),InHPF(0.005),InHPF(0.01),InHPF(0.01)}};
+AccHPF accSense[2][3] = {{AccHPF(0.2),AccHPF(0.2),AccHPF(0.2)} , {AccHPF(0.2),AccHPF(0.2),AccHPF(0.2)}};
+int8_t map8(int8_t in, int8_t inMin, int8_t inMax, int8_t outMin, int8_t outMax) {
+            // check it's within the range
+            if (inMin<inMax) {
+                if (in <= inMin)
+                    return outMin;
+                if (in >= inMax)
+                    return outMax;
+            } else { // cope with input range being backwards.
+                if (in >= inMin)
+                    return outMin;
+                if (in <= inMax)
+                    return outMax;
+            }
+            // calculate how far into the range we are
+            float scale = float(in-inMin)/float(inMax-inMin);
+            // calculate the output.
+            return int8_t(outMin + scale*float(outMax-outMin));
+        }
+uint16_t map(uint16_t in, uint16_t inMin, uint16_t inMax, uint16_t outMin, uint16_t outMax) {
+  // check it's within the range
+  if (inMin<inMax) { 
+    if (in <= inMin) 
+      return outMin;
+    if (in >= inMax)
+      return outMax;
+  } else {  // cope with input range being backwards.
+    if (in >= inMin) 
+      return outMin;
+    if (in <= inMax)
+      return outMax;
+  }
+  // calculate how far into the range we are
+  float scale = float(in-inMin)/float(inMax-inMin);
+  // calculate the output.
+  return uint16_t(outMin + scale*float(outMax-outMin));
+void waitTime(float ti){
+    Timer t;
+    t.start();
+    while(ti > t.read());
+    t.stop();
+    return;
+int8_t getLAccx(){
+    return (int8_t)RXData[12];
+int8_t getLAccy(){
+    return (int8_t)RXData[13];
+int8_t getLAccz(){
+    return (int8_t)RXData[14];
+int8_t getRAccx(){
+    return (int8_t)ctrl.accx();
+int8_t getRAccy(){
+    return (int8_t)ctrl.accy();
+int8_t getRAccz(){
+    return (int8_t)ctrl.accz();
+int8_t (*getAcc[2][3])(void) = {{getRAccx,getRAccy,getRAccz},{getLAccx,getLAccy,getLAccz}};
+bool motionTriggerFlag = false;
+int motionCount[motionNum] = {0};
+Timer motionTimer;
+int loopCount = 0;
+void initMotion(){
+    motionTimer.reset();
+    loopCount = 0;
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < motionNum ; i++)motionCount[i] = 0;
+    motionTriggerFlag = false;
+int MotionSense(){
+    charInBool data;
+    charInBool data1;
+    //加速度データを取得する。 
+    for(int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i ++ ){
+        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3; j++){
+            accData[i][j] = getAcc[i][j]();
+            accSense[i][j].read(float(accData[i][j])/0xff);
+        }
+    }
+    //モーション認識中にモーション入力がないときTIMEOUTを返す。
+    if(motionTimer.read() > 0.2F && motionTriggerFlag == true){
+        initMotion();
+        return TIMEOUT;
+    }
+    //登録されたモーションと類似しているモーションIDを返す。
+    #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+    if(loopCount == 10){
+        int max_motionCount=0;
+        int ID = NOTINPUT;
+        for(int i = 0 ; i < motionNum ; i ++){
+            max_motionCount = max(max_motionCount,motionCount[i]);
+            if(max_motionCount == motionCount[i])ID = i;
+        }
+        initMotion();
+        return ID;
+    }
+    //加速度が一定の強さを越えるとモーション認識を開始する。
+    if(motionTriggerFlag == false){
+        bool f = false;
+        for(int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i ++ ){
+            for(int j = 0 ; j < 3; j++){
+                f = f | bool(accSense[i][j].read() > 0.3F);
+            }
+        }
+        if(!f)return NOTINPUT;
+        motionTriggerFlag = true;
+        for(int i = 0 ; i < motionNum ; i++)motionCount[i] = 0;
+    }
+    //可変抵抗の値を取得
+    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
+        for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j ++){
+            data.data = (data.data<<1)|bool(fabs(ArmInputSense[i][j].read()) > 0.1F);
+            data1.data = (data1.data<<1)|bool(ArmInputSense[i][j].originAnalog > 0.5F);
+        }
+    }
+    /*sbdbt.printf("\n");
+    for(int i = 7 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+        sbdbt.printf("%d",(data.data>>i)&1);
+    sbdbt.printf("\n");
+    for(int i = 7 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+        sbdbt.printf("%d",(data1.data>>i)&1);
+    sbdbt.printf("\n");*/
+    //可変抵抗に動きがあるかを判定
+    if(data.data != 0){
+        //可変抵抗の値と全モーションデータの比較
+        for(int i = 0 ; i < motionNum ; i++){
+            char d = data1.data & motion[i][loopCount];
+            for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++){
+                motionCount[i] += bool((d>>j)&1);
+            }
+            //等しければモーションカウントを++
+            sbdbt.printf("motionCount[%d] %d",i,motionCount[i]);
+        }
+        //全体ループを++
+        loopCount ++;
+        //タイマーリセット
+        motionTimer.reset();
+        //モーション認識中なのでLOADMOTIONを返す。
+        return LOADMOTION; 
+    }
+    return NOTINPUT;
+int playMotionCount = 0;
+bool playMotionFlag = false;
+void playMotion(int id,uint8_t** copy){
+    if(playMotionFlag == false && playMotionCount == 0 ){
+        playMotionFlag = true;
+    }
+    for(int j = 0; j < 2 ; j++){
+        for(int i = 0 ; i < dataNum-3 ; i++){
+            for(int s = 0; s < 2; s++)
+            {
+               for(int m = 0 ; m < 12 ; m ++)copy[s][m] = PlayMotion[id][playMotionCount][s][m];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+   //         if(!DEBUG)sbdbt.printf("\n");
+   //         dev.putc('L');
+   //         waitTime(0.01);
+    //    }
+   // }
+    playMotionCount ++;
+    if(playMotionCount == playMotionFlame){
+        playMotionCount = 0;
+        playMotionFlag = false;
+    }
+float prevR=0;
+int impulseCount = 0;
+int impulseFlag = false;
+bool impulse(double y){
+    //if(sieta1 > PI/3 && sieta1 < PI*2/3.0)
+    float r = y;
+    float temp = r;
+    r = r*0.1F + (1-0.1F)*prevR;
+    prevR = r;
+    //sbdbt.printf("  %f",temp - r);
+    if(impulseFlag == true)impulseCount++;
+    if((temp - r) > 0.6F && impulseFlag == false){
+        impulseFlag = true;
+    }
+    if((temp - r) < -0.1F && impulseCount <= 5 && impulseFlag == true){
+        impulseCount = 0;
+        impulseFlag = false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    if(impulseCount > 6 && impulseFlag == true){
+        impulseCount = 0;
+        impulseFlag = false;
+    }
+    return false;
\ No newline at end of file