follow wall 1

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r b703833f6795 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 08 13:23:06 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+/*/least updates:
+this program is based on exploration 7 which is PI controller on theta only.
+##done steps:
+1)avoiding obstacle.
+2)switching modes must be in the navigation function.
+3)case if Obs_opp=0.
+4)line 413 if Robs=0 or Lobs=0 must be =1.5
+##next steps to be done:
+1)position of Xtow.
+2)dot product check line 431&459.
+3)exiting conditions check.
+ * this algorithm is Exploration algo.
+ */
+#include "Motor.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+#include "SpaceSensor.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "SHARPIR.h"
+#define RATE_PULSES 0.01        //PID loop timing
+//PID tuning constants.
+#define L_KC 1.5048 //Forward left motor Kc
+#define L_TI 0.1    //Forward left motor Ti
+#define L_TD 0.0    //Forward left motor Td
+#define R_KC 1.2716 //Forward right motor Kc
+#define R_TI 0.1    //Forward right motor Ti
+#define R_TD 0.0    //Forward right motor Td
+//PID input/output limits.
+#define L_INPUT_MIN 0     //Forward left motor minimum input
+#define L_INPUT_MAX 3000  //Forward left motor maximum input
+#define L_OUTPUT_MIN 0.0  //Forward left motor minimum output
+#define L_OUTPUT_MAX 0.9  //Forward left motor maximum output
+#define R_INPUT_MIN 0     //Forward right motor input minimum
+#define R_INPUT_MAX 3000  //Forward right motor input maximum
+#define R_OUTPUT_MIN 0.0  //Forward right motor output minimum
+#define R_OUTPUT_MAX 0.9  //Forward right motor output maximum
+#define PPDFactor 0.83638870665653517347249697967419 //pulse per Distance Factor
+#define LPPD 84.5374/PPDFactor //Left Pulse Per Distance
+#define RPPD 84.0804/PPDFactor //Left Pulse Per Distance
+#define delta 55
+#define navigationtimeinterrupt 1
+//functions identification
+void read_string();
+void motor_intialize();
+void initializePid(void);
+void PID_QEI_calculations();
+void PWM_cal();
+void Distance_calculation();
+void Get_Window(int j,float *vec,float *vec2);
+void Energy_cal(float *Energy,float *W,float Threshold1[3]);
+void angle_cal(float *theta,float *theta_dot,float *E,float Threshold[3]);
+void move(float Lperiod,float Rperiod);
+void navigation_model();
+void RotateLeft(float Lperiod,float Rperiod);
+void RotateRight(float Lperiod,float Rperiod);
+void Stop();
+void rotation();
+void errorfun();
+void GTG_mode();
+void FollowWall();
+void First_FW();
+void Wall_Following();
+void min_Obs_opp();
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+Serial xbee(p9, p10); //Creates a variable for serial comunication through pin 28 and 27
+SHARPIR IR_front(p20); //the output of the sharpIR sensor is connected to the MBEDs pin 10.
+SHARPIR IR_right(p19); //the output of the sharpIR sensor is connected to the MBEDs pin 10.
+SHARPIR IR_left(p18); //the output of the sharpIR sensor is connected to the MBEDs pin 10.
+Motor leftFrontMotor(p21, p16, p15);  //pwm, inB, inA
+Motor rightFrontMotor(p22, p12, p11); //pwm, inA, inB
+Motor leftBackMotor(p23, p8, p7);  //pwm, inB, inA
+Motor rightBackMotor(p24, p6, p5); //pwm, inA, inB
+QEI leftBackQei(p25, p26, NC, 151);  //chanA, chanB, index, ppr
+QEI rightBackQei(p29, p30, NC, 147); //chanB, chanA, index, ppr
+//Tuning parameters calculated from step tests;
+//see for examples.
+PID leftPid(L_KC, L_TI, L_TD, RATE_PULSES);  //Kc, Ti=0.01, Td=0.005
+PID rightPid(R_KC, R_TI, R_TD, RATE_PULSES ); //Kc, Ti, Td
+SpaceSensor SS(p13, p14);
+//Left motor working variables.
+int leftPulses     = 0;
+int leftPrevPulses = 0;
+float leftVelocity = 0.0;
+//Right motor working variables.
+int rightPulses     = 0;
+int rightPrevPulses = 0;
+float rightVelocity = 0.0;
+//angle parameters.
+float sfgyro=2;
+float FIRtheta[3],FIR_W[3],FIR_E[3],sigmoid,error,errorI=0,LTP,RTP;
+float FIR_Thresh[3]= {0.00145,0.000674,0.006452};
+float EulerAngles[3];
+float compass[3];
+bool theta_update;
+float LPWM,RPWM;
+float dis=0,rightDis,leftDis;
+// PID set points parameters.
+int LQEI_SetPoint=3000,RQEI_SetPoint=3000;
+//read string parameters
+float X,Y,R,Theta_base_st,Fobstacles_dis,Lobstacles_dis,Robstacles_dis;
+char Ar_st[30];
+char X_coord[10];
+char Y_coord[10];
+char st[128];
+//navigation model parameters
+float prev_dis[3];
+float post_dis[3];
+float current_theta,rot_theta;
+//Obasticle avoidance Parameters
+float current_Obs_dis,Obs_h,gradient_Obs;
+int Obs_factor;
+bool FWM,GTGM,ccw,cw;
+float Obs_adj,Obs_opp,Obs_hyp,Obs_dis,Obs_alpha_opp,Obs_alpha,FWtheta,Xtow;
+float GTGtheta,dot_product_cond;
+float h_Obsinv,error_inv;
+//time parameters
+Timer t;
+Ticker timer,timer2;
+void get_theta()
+    angle_cal(FIRtheta,FIR_W,FIR_E,FIR_Thresh);
+    SS.ReadfilteredtaredEulerAngles(EulerAngles);
+    SS.Readcompass(compass);
+;//low range will return -1.0& for far range will return 0.
+int main()
+    motor_intialize();
+    initializePid();
+    //Velocity to mantain in pulses per second.
+    leftPid.setSetPoint(LQEI_SetPoint);//set this number by experementally//
+    rightPid.setSetPoint(RQEI_SetPoint);//set this number by experementally//
+    FWM=false;
+    GTGM=true;
+    ccw=false;
+    cw=false;
+    while(1) { //big fat loop
+        char datain;
+        xbee.puts("press B to begin...");
+        datain=xbee.getc();
+        if(datain=='b'||datain=='B') {
+            t.reset();
+            t.start();
+            xbee.puts("enter coordinates in the form of BX'x'Y'y'E...\r\n");
+            read_string();
+            rot_theta=Theta_base_st;
+            navigation_model();
+            timer.attach(&get_theta, 0.2);
+            timer2.attach(&navigation_model, navigationtimeinterrupt);
+            if(theta_update)
+                rotation();
+            rot_theta=0;
+            FIRtheta[0]=FIRtheta[0]-Theta_base_st;
+            errorI=0;
+            while(1) {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////in diffrent modes
+                GTG_mode();
+                if(abs(R-(dis+prev_dis[0]))<3)break;
+            }//whileloop
+            timer.detach();
+            timer2.detach();
+            Stop();
+            sprintf( st ,"final:distance%f lp:%d rp:%d %f\r\n",abs((dis+prev_dis[0])),leftPulses,rightPulses,;
+            xbee.puts(st);
+        }//if condition loop enter b
+    }//big fat loop
+}//main loop
+void read_string()
+    int i=0;
+    char c;
+    c=xbee.getc();
+    if(c=='B') {
+        while(1) {
+            c=xbee.getc();
+            if(c=='E')break;
+            Ar_st[i]=c;
+            i++;
+            myled != myled;
+        }
+        int count=0,j=0;
+        if(Ar_st[j]=='X') {
+            while(1) {
+                j++;
+                if(Ar_st[j]=='Y')break;
+                X_coord[count]=Ar_st[j];
+                count++;
+            }
+            X=atof(X_coord);
+            count=0;
+        }
+        if(Ar_st[j]=='Y') {
+            while(1) {
+                j++;
+                Y_coord[count]=Ar_st[j];
+                count++;
+                if(j==i)break;
+            }
+            Y=atof(Y_coord);
+            count=0;
+        }
+    }
+    xbee.puts("complete");
+    R=sqrt(X*X+Y*Y);
+    Theta_base_st=atan2(X,Y);
+    sprintf( st ,"Rover will move %f cm & %f cm \r\n",X,Y);
+    xbee.puts(st);
+    sprintf( st ,"Rover will move %f cm & %f Degree\r\n",R,Theta_base_st);
+    xbee.puts(st);
+void motor_intialize()
+    leftFrontMotor.period(0.00005);  //Set motor PWM periods to 20KHz.
+    rightFrontMotor.period(0.00005);
+    leftBackMotor.period(0.00005);  //Set motor PWM periods to 20KHz.
+    rightBackMotor.period(0.00005);
+void initializePid(void)
+    leftPid.setInputLimits(L_INPUT_MIN, L_INPUT_MAX);
+    leftPid.setOutputLimits(L_OUTPUT_MIN, L_OUTPUT_MAX);
+    leftPid.setMode(AUTO_MODE);
+    rightPid.setInputLimits(R_INPUT_MIN, R_INPUT_MAX);
+    rightPid.setOutputLimits(R_OUTPUT_MIN, R_OUTPUT_MAX);
+    rightPid.setMode(AUTO_MODE);
+void PID_QEI_calculations()
+    leftPulses = leftBackQei.getPulses();
+    leftVelocity = (leftPulses - leftPrevPulses) / RATE_PULSES;
+    leftPrevPulses = leftPulses;//Use the absolute value of velocity as the PID controller works in the % (unsigned) domain and will get confused with -ve values.
+    leftPid.setProcessValue(fabs(leftVelocity));
+    rightPulses = rightBackQei.getPulses();
+    rightVelocity = (rightPulses - rightPrevPulses) / RATE_PULSES;
+    rightPrevPulses = rightPulses;
+    rightPid.setProcessValue(fabs(rightVelocity));
+void errorfun()
+    error=current_theta-FIRtheta[0];
+    errorI=error+errorI;
+    sprintf( st ,"error:%f errprI:%f\r\n",error,errorI);
+    xbee.puts(st);
+    float h;
+    h=6*error+0.01*errorI;
+    sigmoid=4/(1+exp(h))-2;
+    if(sigmoid<0) {
+        RTP=1+sigmoid;
+        LTP=1;
+    } else if(sigmoid>0) {
+        RTP=1;
+        LTP=1-sigmoid;
+    } else {
+        RTP=1;
+        LTP=1;
+    }
+void PWM_cal()
+    errorfun();
+    RPWM=/*rightPid.compute()*/ 0.9*RTP;
+    LPWM=/*leftPid.compute()*/ 0.9*LTP;
+void Distance_calculation()
+    leftPulses  = leftBackQei.getPulses();
+    rightPulses = rightBackQei.getPulses();
+    leftDis  = (leftPulses)*2*3.14159*3/LPPD;
+    rightDis = (rightPulses)*2*3.14159*3/RPPD;
+    dis= (rightDis+leftDis)/2;
+void Get_Window(int j,float *vec,float *vec2)
+    float vector1[3]= {0,0,0};
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+        vec[i]=0;
+        vec2[i]=0;
+    }
+    int k=0;
+    while(k<j) {
+        SS.Readgyros(vector1);
+        //SS.Readaccelerometer(vector2);
+        for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+            vec[i]=vector1[i]*vector1[i]+vec[i];
+        }
+        for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+            vec2[i]=vector1[i]+vec2[i];
+        }
+        k++;
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+        vec[i]=vec[i]/(j);
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+        vec2[i]=vec2[i]/(j);
+    }
+void Energy_cal(float *Energy,float *W,float Threshold1[3])
+    Get_Window(10,Energy,W);
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+        if(Energy[i]<Threshold1[i]*sfgyro)W[i]=0;
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)W[i]=W[i];
+void angle_cal(float *theta,float *theta_dot,float *E,float Threshold[3])
+    Energy_cal(E,theta_dot,Threshold);
+    theta[0]=theta_dot[0]*(0.2)+theta[0];
+    theta[1]=theta_dot[1]*(0.2)+theta[1];
+    theta[2]=theta_dot[2]*(0.2)+theta[2];
+void move(float Lperiod,float Rperiod)
+    leftFrontMotor.speed(Lperiod);
+    leftBackMotor.speed(Lperiod);
+    rightFrontMotor.speed(Rperiod);
+    rightBackMotor.speed(Rperiod);
+void Stop()
+    leftFrontMotor.brake();
+    rightFrontMotor.brake();
+    leftBackMotor.brake();
+    rightBackMotor.brake();
+void RotateLeft(float Lperiod,float Rperiod)
+    leftFrontMotor.speed(-Lperiod);
+    leftBackMotor.speed(-Lperiod);
+    rightFrontMotor.speed(Rperiod);
+    rightBackMotor.speed(Rperiod);
+void RotateRight(float Lperiod,float Rperiod)
+    leftFrontMotor.speed(Lperiod);
+    leftBackMotor.speed(Lperiod);
+    rightFrontMotor.speed(-Rperiod);
+    rightBackMotor.speed(-Rperiod);
+//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////not used yet
+void rotation()
+    timer2.detach();
+    if(current_theta-FIRtheta[0]>FIR_Thresh[0]) {
+        xbee.puts("rotate right\r\n");
+        while(FIRtheta[0]<current_theta) { //new_disctrete..........................................................
+            PID_QEI_calculations();
+            RotateRight(leftPid.compute(),rightPid.compute());
+            Distance_calculation();
+        }
+    } else if(current_theta-FIRtheta[0]<-1*FIR_Thresh[0]) {
+        xbee.puts("rotate left\r\n");
+        while(FIRtheta[0]>current_theta) {
+            PID_QEI_calculations();
+            RotateLeft(leftPid.compute(),rightPid.compute());
+            Distance_calculation();
+        }
+    } else {
+        xbee.puts("will not rotate\r\n");
+    }
+    theta_update=false;
+    timer2.attach(&navigation_model, navigationtimeinterrupt);
+void GTG_mode()
+    if(FWM)Wall_Following();
+    PID_QEI_calculations();
+    PWM_cal();
+    move(LPWM,RPWM);
+    Distance_calculation();
+/*    sprintf( st ,"\r\n\r\nR:%f prev:%f theta:%f GTG:%f FIR:%f Base:%f S:%f LTP:%f RTP:%f\r\n",R,prev_dis[0],current_theta*180/3.14,(current_theta-GTGtheta)*180/3.14,FIRtheta[0]*180/3.14,Theta_base_st*180/3.14,sigmoid,LTP,RTP);
+    xbee.puts(st);
+    sprintf( st ,"\r\n\r\nF:%f R:%f L:%f OD:%f OA:%f GO:%f ccw:%i cw:%i dot:%f Xtow:%f\r\n",Fobstacles_dis,Robstacles_dis,Lobstacles_dis,Obs_dis,Obs_alpha*180/3.14,gradient_Obs,(int)(dot_product_cond>0),(int)(post_dis[0]<Xtow),dot_product_cond,Xtow);
+    xbee.puts(st);
+    sprintf( st ," theta:%f FIR:%f OA:%f GO:%f 1st:%i 2nd:%i 3rd:%i\r\n",current_theta*180/3.14,FIRtheta[0]*180/3.14,Obs_alpha*180/3.14,gradient_Obs,(int)(dot_product_cond>0),(int)(post_dis[0]<Xtow),(int)(abs(current_Obs_dis)>60));
+    xbee.puts(st);
+    sprintf( st ,"DA:%f GTGA:%f OD:%f F:%f R:%f L:%f COD:%f\r\n",(current_theta-GTGtheta)*180/3.14,GTGtheta*180/3.14,Obs_dis,Fobstacles_dis,Robstacles_dis,Lobstacles_dis,current_Obs_dis);
+    xbee.puts(st);
+void FollowWall()
+    if(Fobstacles_dis<delta&&Fobstacles_dis>0&&!(cw&&Robstacles_dis==-1||ccw&&Lobstacles_dis==-1))First_FW();
+    //else if(FWM)Wall_Following();
+void Wall_Following()
+    xbee.puts("\r\nWF\r\n");
+    if(Obs_dis>0) { //clockwise
+        current_Obs_dis=Robstacles_dis;
+        cw=true;
+        ccw=false;
+        if(current_Obs_dis==0||current_Obs_dis==-1)
+            current_Obs_dis=150;//check conditions in this line
+    } else if(Obs_dis<0) { //anti clock wise
+        current_Obs_dis=-1*Lobstacles_dis;
+        cw=false;
+        ccw=true;
+        if(current_Obs_dis==0||current_Obs_dis==1)current_Obs_dis=-150;//check conditions in this line
+    }
+    Obs_h=current_Obs_dis-Obs_dis;
+    gradient_Obs=2/(1+exp(-0.05*Obs_h))-1;
+    //current_theta=current_theta+3.14*(gradient_Obs);//from here we shall begin.
+    h_Obsinv=-log(4/(gradient_Obs+2)-1);
+    error_inv=(h_Obsinv-0.01*errorI)/6;
+    current_theta=error_inv+current_theta;
+//we should write here exiting condition.
+    GTGtheta=atan2(post_dis[2],post_dis[1]);
+    dot_product_cond=cos(current_theta-GTGtheta);
+    if((dot_product_cond>0)&&(post_dis[0]<Xtow)&&(abs(current_Obs_dis)>60)) {
+        FWM=false;
+        GTGM=true;
+    }
+void First_FW()
+    xbee.puts("\r\nFFW\r\n");
+    Xtow=post_dis[0];//check if there is a proper plase to put Xtow more than this
+    Obs_adj=Fobstacles_dis;
+    min_Obs_opp();
+    Obs_hyp=sqrt(Obs_adj*Obs_adj+Obs_opp*Obs_opp);
+    Obs_dis=Obs_adj*Obs_opp/Obs_hyp;
+    Obs_alpha_opp=sqrt(Obs_adj*Obs_adj-Obs_dis*Obs_dis);
+    Obs_alpha=atan2(Obs_alpha_opp,Obs_dis);
+    if(Obs_alpha<3.1415/2)
+        Obs_alpha= Obs_alpha-1.57079;
+    else if(Obs_alpha>3.1415/2)
+        Obs_alpha= 3.1415-Obs_alpha;
+    if(Obs_alpha<0.0698&&Obs_alpha>-1*0.0698)
+        Obs_alpha=1.57079;
+    current_theta=current_theta+Obs_alpha;//FWtheta;
+    if(Obs_dis==0)Obs_dis=Obs_adj;//done.
+    FWM=true;
+    GTGM=false;
+    //exiting conditions.
+    GTGtheta=atan2(post_dis[2],post_dis[1]);
+    dot_product_cond=cos(current_theta-GTGtheta);//dot product check.
+    if((dot_product_cond>0)&&(post_dis[0]<Xtow)&&(abs(current_Obs_dis)>60)) {
+        FWM=false;
+        GTGM=true;
+    }
+void min_Obs_opp()
+    if(Robstacles_dis<0&&Lobstacles_dis<0)Obs_opp=0;
+    else if(Robstacles_dis<0&&Lobstacles_dis>0)Obs_opp=-1*Lobstacles_dis;
+    else if(Robstacles_dis>0&&Lobstacles_dis<0)Obs_opp=Robstacles_dis;
+    else if(Robstacles_dis>0&&Lobstacles_dis>0)Obs_opp = Lobstacles_dis>Robstacles_dis ? Robstacles_dis : -1*Lobstacles_dis;
+void navigation_model()   //edit here
+    prev_dis[1]=prev_dis[1]+dis*cos(FIRtheta[0]);
+    prev_dis[2]=prev_dis[2]+dis*sin(FIRtheta[0]);
+    prev_dis[0]=sqrt(prev_dis[1]*prev_dis[1]+prev_dis[2]*prev_dis[2]);
+    post_dis[1]=R*cos(rot_theta)-prev_dis[1];
+    post_dis[2]=R*sin(rot_theta)-prev_dis[2];
+    post_dis[0]=sqrt(post_dis[1]*post_dis[1]+post_dis[2]*post_dis[2]);
+    if(FWM&&!GTGM||Fobstacles_dis<delta&&Fobstacles_dis>0&&post_dis[0]>Fobstacles_dis)//check conditions in this line
+        FollowWall();
+    if(GTGM&&!FWM) {
+        current_theta=atan2(post_dis[2],post_dis[1]);
+        Obs_alpha=0;
+        ccw=false;
+        cw=false;
+        xbee.puts("\r\nGTG\r\n");
+    }
+    leftBackQei.reset();
+    rightBackQei.reset();
+    dis=0;
+    theta_update=true;