follow wall 1

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SpaceSensor.h	Tue Apr 08 13:23:06 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#ifndef MBED_SpaceSsensor_H
+#define MBED_SpaceSsensor_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "iostream"
+#include "math.h"
+using namespace std;
+class SpaceSensor {
+    SpaceSensor(PinName p_tx, PinName p_rx);
+    /*4.3.1 Commands for Reading Filtered Sensor Data
+    These commands return sensor data which has been filtered using a Kalman filter. None of these commands take any
+    parameters, they only return data.
+    */
+    void ReadfilteredtaredQuaternion(float *Quaternion);
+    void ReadfilteredtaredEulerAngles(float *EulerAngles);
+    void ReadfilteredtaredRotationMatrix(float *RotationMatrix);
+    void ReadfilteredtaredAxisAngle(float *Axis,float *Angle);
+    void ReadfilteredtaredTwoVector(float *Forward,float *Down);
+    void Readfilteredgyrorates(float *Quaternion);
+    void ReadfiltereduntaredQuaternion(float *Quaternion);
+    void ReadfiltereduntaredEulerAngles(float *EulerAngles);
+    void ReadfiltereduntaredRotationMatrix(float *RotationMatrix);
+    void ReadfiltereduntaredAxisAngle(float *Axis,float *Angle);
+    void ReadfiltereduntaredTwoVector(float *Forward,float *Down);
+    void ReadfilteredtaredForwardandDownVectors(float *Forward,float *Down);
+    void ReadfilteredNorthEarthVectors(float *North,float *Earth);
+    /*4.3.2 Commands for Interfacing with Electronic Systems*/
+    void Setinterrupttype(int mode);
+    void Readinterrupttype(int *interrupttype);
+    void Readinterruptstatus(int *interruptstatus);
+    /*4.3.3 Commands for Reading Normalized Sensor Data
+    These commands return sensor data which has been converted from a raw form. In the case of the normalized
+    accelerometer and compass, the data returned are unit vectors, and as such, have no magnitude data associated with
+    them. For data that represents real world quantities, both the unnormalized accelerometer command and unnormalized
+    compass command return data in units of g and gauss respectively. Normalized gyro data is returned in radians/sec.
+    */
+    void Readall(float *gyro,float *accelerometer,float *compass);
+    void Readgyros(float *gyro);
+    void Readaccelerometer(float *accelerometer);
+    void Readcompass(float *compass);
+    void ReadtemperatureC(float *temp);
+    void ReadtemperatureF(float *temp);
+    void Readconfidencefactor(float *confidencefactor);
+    void Readaccelerometerunnormalized(float *accelunnormalized);
+    void Readcompassunnormalized(float *compassunnormalized);
+    /*4.3.4 Commands for Reading Raw Sensor Data
+    These commands return sensor data just as it was when it was read from each sensor. None of these commands take any
+    parameters, they only return data.
+    */
+    void Readallraw(float *gyro,float *accelerometer,float *compass);
+    void Readgyroraw(float *gyro);
+    void Readaccelerometerraw(float *accelerometer);
+    void Readcompassraw(float *compass);
+    /*4.3.5 Commands for Setting Filter Parameters
+    These commands allow the configuration of parameters associated with the Kalman filter. Most of these commands
+    take parameters, none return any data.
+    */
+    void Tarewithcurrentorientation();
+    void Tarewithquaternion(float Quaternion[4]);
+    void Tarewithrotationmatrix(float RotationMatrix[9]);
+    void SetStaticRhoModeAccelerometer(float rho);
+    void SetConfidenceRhoModeAccelerometer(float min,float max);
+    void SetStaticRhoModeCompass(float rho);
+    void SetConfidenceRhoModeCompass(float min, float max);
+    void SetDesiredUpdateRate(int t);
+    void SetMultiReferenceVectorsWithCurrentOrientation();
+    void SetReferenceVectorMode(int mode);
+    void SetOversampleRate(int rate);
+    void EnableDisablegyros(int mode);
+    void EnableDisableAccelerometer(int mode);
+    void EnableDisableCompass(int mode);
+    void ResetMultiReferenceVectorsToZero();
+    void SetMultiReferenceResolution(int mode);
+    void SetCompassMultiReferenceVector(int Index,float Vector[3]);
+    void SetCompassMultiReferenceCheckVector(int Index,float Vector[3]);
+    void SetAccelMultiReferenceVector(int Index,float Vector[3]);
+    void SetAccelMultiReferenceCheckVector(int Index,float Vector[3]);
+    void SetAxisDirections(int direction);
+    void SetRunningAveragePercent(float Percent);
+    void SetCompassReferenceVector(float Vector[3]);
+    void SetAccelerometerReferenceVector(float Vector[3]);
+    void ResetKalmanFilter();
+    void SetAccelerometerRange(int Accelrange);
+    void SetMultiReferenceWeightPower(float WeightPower);
+    void EnableDisableFilter(int Mode);
+    void SetRunningAverageMode(int Mode);
+    void SetGyroscopeRange(int mode);
+    void SetCompassRange(int mode);
+    /*4.3.6 Commands for Reading Filter Parameters
+    These commands allow the reading of parameters associated with the Kalman filter. All these commands return data,
+    and accept no parameters.
+    */
+    void ReadTareOrientationQuaternion(float *Quaternion);
+    void ReadTareOrientationRotationMatrix(float *RotationMatrix);
+    void ReadRhoDataAccelerometer(int *Rhomode,float *minroh,float *maxroh);
+    void ReadRhoDataCompass(int *Rhomode,float *minroh,float *maxroh);
+    void ReadCurrentUpdateRate(int *rate);
+    void ReadCompassReferenceVector(float *Vector);
+    void ReadAccelerometerReferenceVector(float *Vector);
+    void ReadReferenceVectorMode(int *Mode);
+    void ReadCompassMultiReferenceVector(int Index,float *Vector);
+    void ReadCompassMultiReferenceCheckVector(int Index,float *Vector);
+    void ReadAccelMultiReferenceVector(int Index,float *Vector);
+    void ReadAccelMultiReferenceCheckVector(int Index,float *Vector);
+    void ReadGyroEnabledState(int *Mode);
+    void ReadAccelerometerEnabledState(int *Mode);
+    void ReadCompassEnabledState(int *Mode);
+    void ReadAxisDirections(int *direction);
+    void ReadOversampleRate(int *Rate);
+    void ReadRunningAveragePercent(float *Percent);
+    void ReadDesiredUpdateRate(float *rate);
+    void ReadKalmanFilterCovarianceMatrix(float *CovarianceMatrix);
+    void ReadAccelerometerRange(int *Accelrange);
+    void ReadMultiReferenceWeightPower(float *WeightPower);
+    void ReadMultiReferenceResolution(int *Resolution);
+    void ReadNumberOfmultiReferenceCells(int *NumberOfCells);
+    void ReadFilterEnableState(int *Mode);
+    void ReadRunningAverageMode(int *Mode);
+    void ReadGyroscopeRange(int *mode);
+    void ReadCompassRange(int *mode);
+    /*4.3.7 Commands for Calibration
+    These commands allow the configuration and reading of calibration parameters and enabling of calibration modes.
+    */
+    void SetCompassCalibrationParameters(float Bias[3],float Matrix[9]);
+    void SetAccelerometerCalibrationParameters(float Bias[3],float Matrix[9]);
+    void ReadCompassCalibrationParameters(float *Bias,float *Matrix);
+    void ReadAccelerometerCalibrationParameters(float *Bias,float *Matrix);
+    void ReadGyroCalibrationParameters(float *Bias, float *range);
+    void BeginGyroAutocalibration();
+    void SetGyroCalibrationParameters(float Bias[3], float range[3]);
+    /*4.3.8 General Commands
+    These commands are for the configuration of the sensor as a whole as opposed to configuration of the filter or sensors.
+    */
+    void ReadSoftwareVersion(char *version);
+    void RestoreFactorySettings();
+    void CommitSettings();
+    void SoftwareReset();
+    void EnableWatchdogTimer(int timer);
+    void DisableWatchdogTimer();
+    void EnterFirmwareUpdateMode();
+    void ReadHardwareVersion(char *version);
+    void SetUARTBaudRate(int Baudrate);
+    void GetUARTBaudRate(int *Baudrate);
+    void SetUSBmode(int mode);
+    void GetUSBmode(int *mode);
+    void SetClockSpeed(int clock);
+    void GetClockSpeed(int *clock);
+    void GetSerialnumber(int *serialnum);
+    void SetLEDColor(float color[3]);
+    void GetLEDColor(float *color);
+    void EnableDisableJoystick(int Mode); 
+    void EnableDisablemouse(int Mode);
+    void ReadJoystickEnabledState(int *Mode);
+    void ReadMouseEnabledState(int *Mode);
+    void SetControlMode(float Controlclass,float controlindex,float handlerindex);
+    void SetControlData(float Controlclass,float controlindex,float datapointindex,float datapoint );  
+    void ReadControlMode(float *Handlerindex, float Controlclass,float controlindex);
+    void ReadControlData(float *Datapoint,float ControlClass,float controlIndex,float dataPointIndex);
+    void SetMouseAbsoluteRelative(int Mode);
+    void ReadMouseAbsoluteRelative(int *Mode);
+    void SetjoystickAndMousePresentRemoved(int Mode);
+    void ReadjoystickAndMousePresentRemoved(int *Mode);
+ clases needed to interface with the sensor
+ */
+    private:
+    Serial _SpaceSensor;
+    char *st;
+    float *vecf;
+    char var[10];
+    void begin(long baud);
+    void read_string(float *vector,char *c);
+    };
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