Caching the advertising data and the scan response.

Fork of MaximBLE by Maxim Integrated

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Initial commit of Maxim Integrated Bluetooth LE Library

Changed in this revision

MaximBLE.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximBLE.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximGap.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximGap.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximGattClient.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximGattServer.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximGattServer.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MaximSecurityManager.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/LES-PRE-20767-ARM-Permissive-Binary-License.txt Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/hci/maxwsn/hci_drv.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/hci/maxwsn/hci_vs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/cfg/cfg_stack.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/att_api.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/att_defs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/att_handler.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/att_uuid.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/dm_api.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/dm_handler.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/hci_api.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/hci_defs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/hci_handler.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/l2c_api.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/l2c_defs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/l2c_handler.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/smp_api.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/smp_defs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/stack/include/smp_handler.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/util/bda.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/generic/wsf_os_int.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/generic/wsf_types.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_buf.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_msg.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_os.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_queue.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_sec.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_timer.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximBLE.cpp	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "us_ticker_api.h"
+#include "MaximBLE.h"
+#include "wsf_types.h"
+#include "wsf_msg.h"
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#include "wsf_buf.h"
+#include "wsf_sec.h"
+#include "wsf_timer.h"
+#include "hci_handler.h"
+#include "dm_handler.h"
+#include "l2c_handler.h"
+#include "att_handler.h"
+#include "smp_handler.h"
+#include "l2c_api.h"
+#include "att_api.h"
+#include "smp_api.h"
+#include "hci_drv.h"
+#include "hci_vs.h"
+/* Number of WSF buffer pools */
+#define WSF_BUF_POOLS               4
+/*! Free memory for pool buffers. */
+static uint8_t mainBufMem[768];
+/*! Default pool descriptor. */
+static wsfBufPoolDesc_t mainPoolDesc[WSF_BUF_POOLS] =
+  {  16,  8 },
+  {  32,  4 },
+  {  64,  2 },
+  { 128,  2 }
+/*! WSF handler ID */
+wsfHandlerId_t maximHandlerId;
+static volatile int reset_complete;
+/* Current mbed SPI API does not support HW slave selects. Configured in HCI driver. */
+static DigitalOut _csn(HCI_CSN, 1);
+static SPI _spi(HCI_MOSI, HCI_MISO, HCI_SCK);
+static DigitalOut _rst(HCI_RST, 0);
+static InterruptIn _irq(HCI_IRQ);
+ * The singleton which represents the MaximBLE transport for the BLE.
+ */
+static MaximBLE deviceInstance;
+ * BLE-API requires an implementation of the following function in order to
+ * obtain its transport handle.
+ */
+BLEInstanceBase *createBLEInstance(void)
+    return (&deviceInstance);
+MaximBLE::MaximBLE(void) : initialized(false), instanceID(BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE)
+const char *MaximBLE::getVersion(void)
+    static char versionString[32];
+    strncpy(versionString, "unknown", sizeof(versionString));
+    return versionString;
+static void DmCback(dmEvt_t *pDmEvt)
+    dmEvt_t *pMsg;
+    if ((pMsg = (dmEvt_t*)WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(dmEvt_t))) != NULL)
+    {
+        memcpy(pMsg, pDmEvt, sizeof(dmEvt_t));
+        WsfMsgSend(maximHandlerId, pMsg);
+    }
+static void maximHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
+    if (pMsg != NULL)
+    {
+        switch(pMsg->event)
+        {
+            case DM_RESET_CMPL_IND:
+                reset_complete = 1;
+                break;
+            case DM_ADV_START_IND:
+                break;
+            case DM_ADV_STOP_IND:
+                MaximGap::getInstance().advertisingStopped();
+                break;
+            case DM_SCAN_REPORT_IND:
+                {
+                    hciLeAdvReportEvt_t *scanReport = (hciLeAdvReportEvt_t*)pMsg;
+                    MaximGap::getInstance().processAdvertisementReport( scanReport->addr,
+                                                                        scanReport->rssi,
+                                                                        (scanReport->eventType == DM_ADV_SCAN_RESPONSE) ? true : false,
+                                                                        (GapAdvertisingParams::AdvertisingType_t)scanReport->eventType,
+                                                                        scanReport->len,
+                                                                        scanReport->pData);
+                }
+                break;
+            case DM_CONN_OPEN_IND:
+                {
+                    hciLeConnCmplEvt_t *connOpen = (hciLeConnCmplEvt_t*)pMsg;
+                    MaximGap::getInstance().setConnectionHandle(connOpen->handle);
+                    Gap::ConnectionParams_t params = { connOpen->connInterval, connOpen->connInterval, connOpen->connLatency, connOpen->supTimeout };
+                    Gap::AddressType_t ownAddrType;
+                    Gap::Address_t ownAddr;
+                    MaximGap::getInstance().getAddress(&ownAddrType, ownAddr);
+                    MaximGap::getInstance().processConnectionEvent(connOpen->handle,
+                                                                   Gap::PERIPHERAL,
+                                                                   (Gap::AddressType_t)connOpen->addrType,
+                                                                   connOpen->peerAddr,
+                                                                   ownAddrType,
+                                                                   ownAddr,
+                                                                   &params);
+                }
+                break;
+            case DM_CONN_CLOSE_IND:
+                {
+                    hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t *connClose = (hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t*)pMsg;
+                    MaximGap::getInstance().setConnectionHandle(DM_CONN_ID_NONE);
+                    MaximGap::getInstance().processDisconnectionEvent(connClose->handle, (Gap::DisconnectionReason_t)connClose->reason);
+                }
+                break;
+            case DM_HW_ERROR_IND:
+                {
+                    hciHwErrorEvt_t *error = (hciHwErrorEvt_t*)pMsg;
+                    printf("HCI Hardware Error 0x%02x occurred\n", error->code);
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+static void AppServerConnCback(dmEvt_t *pDmEvt)
+  dmConnId_t connId = (dmConnId_t)pDmEvt->hdr.param;
+  switch (pDmEvt->hdr.event)
+  {
+    case DM_CONN_OPEN_IND:
+      /* set up CCC table with uninitialized (all zero) values */
+      AttsCccInitTable(connId, NULL);
+      break;
+    case DM_CONN_CLOSE_IND:
+      /* clear CCC table on connection close */
+      AttsCccClearTable(connId);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+ble_error_t MaximBLE::init(BLE::InstanceID_t instanceID, FunctionPointerWithContext<BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *> initCallback)
+    wsfHandlerId_t handlerId;
+    /* init OS subsystems */
+    WsfTimerInit(1);
+    WsfBufInit(sizeof(mainBufMem), mainBufMem, WSF_BUF_POOLS, mainPoolDesc);
+    WsfSecInit();
+    /* init stack */
+    handlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(HciHandler);
+    HciHandlerInit(handlerId);
+    handlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(DmHandler);
+    DmAdvInit();
+    DmScanInit();
+    DmConnInit();
+    DmConnSlaveInit();
+    DmSecInit();
+    DmHandlerInit(handlerId);
+    handlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(L2cSlaveHandler);
+    L2cSlaveHandlerInit(handlerId);
+    L2cInit();
+    L2cMasterInit();
+    L2cSlaveInit();
+    handlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(AttHandler);
+    AttHandlerInit(handlerId);
+    AttsInit();
+    AttsIndInit();
+    AttcInit();
+    handlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(SmpHandler);
+    SmpHandlerInit(handlerId);
+    SmpiInit();
+    SmprInit();
+    /* store handler ID */
+    maximHandlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(maximHandler);
+    /* init HCI */
+    _irq.disable_irq();
+    _irq.rise(hciDrvIsr);
+    _irq.fall(NULL);
+    hciDrvInit(HCI_CSN, HCI_RST, HCI_IRQ);
+    /* Register for stack callbacks */
+    DmRegister(DmCback);
+    DmConnRegister(DM_CLIENT_ID_APP, DmCback);
+    AttConnRegister(AppServerConnCback);
+    /* Reset the device */
+    reset_complete = 0;
+    DmDevReset();
+    while (!reset_complete) {
+        callDispatcher();
+    }
+    initialized = true;
+    BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext context = {
+        BLE::Instance(instanceID),
+    };
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximBLE::shutdown(void)
+void MaximBLE::waitForEvent(void)
+    static LowPowerTimeout nextTimeout;
+    timestamp_t nextTimestamp;
+    bool_t pTimerRunning;
+    callDispatcher();
+    if (wsfOsReadyToSleep()) {
+        // setup an mbed timer for the next Wicentric timeout
+        nextTimestamp = (timestamp_t)WsfTimerNextExpiration(&pTimerRunning) * 1000;
+        if (pTimerRunning) {
+            nextTimeout.attach_us(timeoutCallback, nextTimestamp);
+        }
+        // go to sleep
+        if (hciDrvReadyToSleep()) {
+            // go to deep sleep
+            deepsleep();
+            hciDrvResume();
+        }
+        else {
+            sleep();
+        }
+    }
+void MaximBLE::timeoutCallback(void)
+    // do nothing. just an interrupt for wake up.
+void MaximBLE::callDispatcher(void)
+    static uint32_t lastTimeUs = us_ticker_read();
+    uint32_t currTimeUs, deltaTimeMs;
+    // Update the current Wicentric time
+    currTimeUs = us_ticker_read();
+    deltaTimeMs = (currTimeUs - lastTimeUs) / 1000;
+    if (deltaTimeMs > 0) {
+        WsfTimerUpdate(deltaTimeMs);
+        lastTimeUs += deltaTimeMs * 1000;
+    }
+    wsfOsDispatcher();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximBLE.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef _MAXIMBLE_H_
+#define _MAXIMBLE_H_
+#include "ble/BLE.h"
+#include "ble/blecommon.h"
+#include "ble/BLEInstanceBase.h"
+#include "MaximGap.h"
+#include "MaximGattServer.h"
+#include "MaximGattClient.h"
+#include "MaximSecurityManager.h"
+class MaximBLE : public BLEInstanceBase
+    MaximBLE(void);
+    virtual ~MaximBLE(void);
+    virtual ble_error_t init(BLE::InstanceID_t instanceID, FunctionPointerWithContext<BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *> initCallback);
+    virtual bool        hasInitialized(void) const {
+        return initialized;
+    }
+    virtual ble_error_t shutdown(void);
+    virtual const char *getVersion(void);
+    virtual Gap &getGap() {
+        return MaximGap::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual const Gap &getGap() const {
+        return MaximGap::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual GattServer &getGattServer() {
+        return MaximGattServer::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual const GattServer &getGattServer() const {
+        return MaximGattServer::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual GattClient &getGattClient() {
+        return MaximGattClient::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual SecurityManager &getSecurityManager() {
+        return MaximSecurityManager::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual const SecurityManager &getSecurityManager() const {
+        return MaximSecurityManager::getInstance();
+    };
+    virtual void waitForEvent(void);
+    bool              initialized;
+    BLE::InstanceID_t instanceID;
+    static void timeoutCallback(void);
+    void callDispatcher(void);
+#endif /* _MAXIMBLE_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximGap.cpp	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include "MaximGap.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "hci_vs.h"
+MaximGap &MaximGap::getInstance() {
+    static MaximGap m_instance;
+    return m_instance;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::setAdvertisingData(const GapAdvertisingData &advData, const GapAdvertisingData &scanResponse)
+    /* Make sure we don't exceed the advertising payload length */
+    if (advData.getPayloadLen() > GAP_ADVERTISING_DATA_MAX_PAYLOAD) {
+    }
+    /* Make sure we have a payload! */
+    if (advData.getPayloadLen() == 0) {
+    }
+    /* set advertising and scan response data for discoverable mode */
+    DmAdvSetData(DM_DATA_LOC_ADV, advData.getPayloadLen(), (uint8_t*)advData.getPayload());
+    DmAdvSetData(DM_DATA_LOC_SCAN, scanResponse.getPayloadLen(), (uint8_t*)scanResponse.getPayload());
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::startAdvertising(const GapAdvertisingParams &params)
+    /* Make sure we support the advertising type */
+    if (params.getAdvertisingType() == GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED) {
+        /* ToDo: This requires a proper security implementation, etc. */
+    }
+    /* Check interval range */
+    if (params.getAdvertisingType() == GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_NON_CONNECTABLE_UNDIRECTED) {
+        /* Min delay is slightly longer for unconnectable devices */
+        if ((params.getInterval() < GapAdvertisingParams::GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN_NONCON) ||
+            (params.getInterval() > GapAdvertisingParams::GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX)) {
+            return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if ((params.getInterval() < GapAdvertisingParams::GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MIN) ||
+            (params.getInterval() > GapAdvertisingParams::GAP_ADV_PARAMS_INTERVAL_MAX)) {
+            return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check timeout is zero for Connectable Directed */
+    if ((params.getAdvertisingType() == GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED) && (params.getTimeout() != 0)) {
+        /* Timeout must be 0 with this type, although we'll never get here */
+        /* since this isn't implemented yet anyway */
+    }
+    /* Check timeout for other advertising types */
+    if ((params.getAdvertisingType() != GapAdvertisingParams::ADV_CONNECTABLE_DIRECTED) &&
+        (params.getTimeout() > GapAdvertisingParams::GAP_ADV_PARAMS_TIMEOUT_MAX)) {
+    }
+    DmAdvSetInterval(params.getInterval(), params.getInterval());
+    DmAdvStart(params.getAdvertisingType(), params.getTimeout());
+    state.advertising = 1;
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::stopAdvertising(void)
+    DmAdvStop();
+    state.advertising = 0;
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+void MaximGap::advertisingStopped(void)
+    /* If advertising stopped due to a call to stopAdvertising(), state.advertising will
+     * be '0.' Otherwise, advertising must have stopped due to a timeout
+     */
+    if (state.advertising) {
+        processTimeoutEvent(Gap::TIMEOUT_SRC_ADVERTISING);
+    }
+ble_error_t MaximGap::disconnect(DisconnectionReason_t reason)
+    DmConnClose(DM_CLIENT_ID_APP, m_connectionHandle, reason);
+    state.advertising = 0;
+    state.connected = 0;
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::disconnect(Handle_t connectionHandle, DisconnectionReason_t reason)
+    DmConnClose(DM_CLIENT_ID_APP, connectionHandle, reason);
+    state.advertising = 0;
+    state.connected = 0;
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::getPreferredConnectionParams(ConnectionParams_t *params)
+ble_error_t MaximGap::setPreferredConnectionParams(const ConnectionParams_t *params)
+ble_error_t MaximGap::updateConnectionParams(Handle_t handle, const ConnectionParams_t *newParams)
+    if (DmConnCheckIdle(handle) != 0) {
+        return BLE_STACK_BUSY;
+    }
+    hciConnSpec_t connSpec;
+    connSpec.connIntervalMin = newParams->minConnectionInterval;
+    connSpec.connIntervalMax = newParams->maxConnectionInterval;
+    connSpec.connLatency = newParams->slaveLatency;
+    connSpec.supTimeout = newParams->connectionSupervisionTimeout;
+    DmConnUpdate(handle, &connSpec);
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::startRadioScan(const GapScanningParams &scanningParams)
+    DmScanSetInterval(scanningParams.getInterval(), scanningParams.getWindow());
+    uint8_t scanType = scanningParams.getActiveScanning() ? DM_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE : DM_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE;
+    uint32_t duration = (uint32_t)scanningParams.getTimeout() * 1000;
+    if (duration > 0xFFFF) {
+        // saturate to 16-bits
+        duration = 0xFFFF;
+    }
+    DmScanStart(DM_DISC_MODE_NONE, scanType, TRUE, duration);
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::stopScan(void)
+    DmScanStop();
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+void MaximGap::setConnectionHandle(uint16_t connectionHandle)
+    m_connectionHandle = connectionHandle;
+uint16_t MaximGap::getConnectionHandle(void)
+    return m_connectionHandle;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::setAddress(AddressType_t type, const Address_t address)
+    if ((type != ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC) && (type != ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC)) {
+    }
+    m_type = type;
+    HciVsSetPublicAddr((uint8_t*)address);
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::getAddress(AddressType_t *typeP, Address_t address)
+    *typeP = m_type;
+    BdaCpy(address, HciGetBdAddr());
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGap::setDeviceName(const uint8_t *deviceName)
+ble_error_t MaximGap::getDeviceName(uint8_t *deviceName, unsigned *lengthP)
+ble_error_t MaximGap::setAppearance(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance appearance)
+ble_error_t MaximGap::getAppearance(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance *appearanceP)
+ble_error_t MaximGap::setTxPower(int8_t txPower)
+    HciVsSetTxPower(txPower);
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+void MaximGap::getPermittedTxPowerValues(const int8_t **valueArrayPP, size_t *countP)
+    static const int8_t permittedTxValues[] = {
+        -18, -15, -12, -9, -6, -3, 0, 3
+    };
+    *valueArrayPP = permittedTxValues;
+    *countP = sizeof(permittedTxValues) / sizeof(int8_t);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximGap.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef _MAXIM_GAP_H_
+#define _MAXIM_GAP_H_
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ble/blecommon.h"
+#include "ble/GapAdvertisingParams.h"
+#include "ble/GapAdvertisingData.h"
+#include "ble/Gap.h"
+#include "ble/GapScanningParams.h"
+#include "dm_api.h"
+#include "att_api.h"
+    \brief
+class MaximGap : public Gap
+    static MaximGap &getInstance();
+    /* Functions that must be implemented from Gap */
+    virtual ble_error_t setAddress(AddressType_t  type,  const Address_t address);
+    virtual ble_error_t getAddress(AddressType_t *typeP, Address_t address);
+    virtual ble_error_t setAdvertisingData(const GapAdvertisingData &, const GapAdvertisingData &);
+    #define BLE_GAP_ADV_INTERVAL_MIN        0x0020 /**< Minimum Advertising interval in 625 us units, i.e. 20 ms. */
+    #define BLE_GAP_ADV_NONCON_INTERVAL_MIN 0x00A0 /**< Minimum Advertising interval in 625 us units for non connectable mode, i.e. 100 ms. */
+    #define BLE_GAP_ADV_INTERVAL_MAX        0x4000 /**< Maximum Advertising interval in 625 us units, i.e. 10.24 s. */
+    virtual uint16_t getMinAdvertisingInterval(void) const { return BLE_GAP_ADV_INTERVAL_MIN; }
+    virtual uint16_t getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(void) const { return BLE_GAP_ADV_NONCON_INTERVAL_MIN; }
+    virtual uint16_t getMaxAdvertisingInterval(void) const { return BLE_GAP_ADV_INTERVAL_MAX; }
+    virtual ble_error_t startAdvertising(const GapAdvertisingParams &);
+    virtual ble_error_t stopAdvertising(void);
+    virtual ble_error_t disconnect(Handle_t connectionHandle, DisconnectionReason_t reason);
+    virtual ble_error_t disconnect(DisconnectionReason_t reason);
+    virtual ble_error_t setDeviceName(const uint8_t *deviceName);
+    virtual ble_error_t getDeviceName(uint8_t *deviceName, unsigned *lengthP);
+    virtual ble_error_t setAppearance(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance appearance);
+    virtual ble_error_t getAppearance(GapAdvertisingData::Appearance *appearanceP);
+    virtual ble_error_t setTxPower(int8_t txPower);
+    virtual void        getPermittedTxPowerValues(const int8_t **valueArrayPP, size_t *countP);
+    void     setConnectionHandle(uint16_t m_connectionHandle);
+    uint16_t getConnectionHandle(void);
+    virtual ble_error_t getPreferredConnectionParams(ConnectionParams_t *params);
+    virtual ble_error_t setPreferredConnectionParams(const ConnectionParams_t *params);
+    virtual ble_error_t updateConnectionParams(Handle_t handle, const ConnectionParams_t *params);
+    virtual ble_error_t startRadioScan(const GapScanningParams &scanningParams);
+    virtual ble_error_t stopScan(void);
+    void     advertisingStopped(void);
+    uint16_t m_connectionHandle;
+    addr_type_t m_type;
+    MaximGap() {
+        m_connectionHandle = DM_CONN_ID_NONE;
+        m_type = ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC;
+    }
+    MaximGap(MaximGap const &);
+    void operator=(MaximGap const &);
+#endif /* _MAXIM_GAP_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximGattClient.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "ble/GattClient.h"
+class MaximGattClient : public GattClient
+    static MaximGattClient &getInstance() {
+        static MaximGattClient m_instance;
+        return m_instance;
+    }
+    MaximGattClient() {
+        /* empty */
+    }
+#endif /* _MAXIM_GATT_CLIENT_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximGattServer.cpp	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include "MaximGattServer.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MaximGap.h"
+#include "wsf_types.h"
+#include "att_api.h"
+typedef struct mxmChar_s {
+    uint16_t descLen;
+    mxmChar_s() {}
+} mxmChar_t;
+typedef struct mxmService_s mxmService_t;
+struct mxmService_s {
+    uint16_t uuidLen;
+    mxmChar_t *chars;
+    attsGroup_t *attGroup;
+    mxmService_t *next;
+    mxmService_s() {}
+static uint16_t currentHandle = 0x20;
+static const uint16_t cccSize = sizeof(uint16_t);
+MaximGattServer &MaximGattServer::getInstance() {
+    static MaximGattServer m_instance;
+    return m_instance;
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::addService(GattService &service)
+    currentHandle = (currentHandle + 0xF) & ~0xF;
+    uint16_t startHandle = currentHandle;
+    mxmService_t *mxmSvc = new mxmService_t;
+    // Create WiCentric attribute group
+    mxmSvc->attGroup = new attsGroup_t;
+    // Determine the attribute list length
+    unsigned int attListLen = 1;
+    for (int i = 0; i < service.getCharacteristicCount(); i++) {
+        attListLen += 2;
+        GattCharacteristic *p_char = service.getCharacteristic(i);
+        if (p_char->getProperties() & (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE)) {
+            // add a CCCD
+            attListLen++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Create WiCentric attribute list
+    mxmSvc->attGroup->pAttr = (attsAttr_t*)malloc(attListLen * sizeof(attsAttr_t));;
+    if (mxmSvc->attGroup->pAttr == NULL) {
+    }
+    // Create characteristics
+    mxmSvc->chars = new mxmChar_t [service.getCharacteristicCount()];
+    attsAttr_t *currAtt = mxmSvc->attGroup->pAttr;
+    /* Service */
+    currAtt->pUuid = attPrimSvcUuid;
+    if (service.getUUID().shortOrLong() == UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) {
+        mxmSvc->uuidLen = UUID::LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID;
+    } else {
+        mxmSvc->uuidLen = sizeof(UUID::ShortUUIDBytes_t);
+    }
+    currAtt->pValue = (uint8_t*)malloc(mxmSvc->uuidLen);
+    memcpy(currAtt->pValue, service.getUUID().getBaseUUID(), mxmSvc->uuidLen);
+    currAtt->maxLen = mxmSvc->uuidLen;
+    currAtt->pLen = &mxmSvc->uuidLen;
+    currAtt->settings = 0;
+    currAtt->permissions = ATTS_PERMIT_READ;
+    currAtt++;
+    /* Add characteristics to the service */
+    for (int i = 0; i < service.getCharacteristicCount(); i++) {
+        GattCharacteristic *p_char = service.getCharacteristic(i);
+        /* Skip any incompletely defined, read-only characteristics. */
+        if ((p_char->getValueAttribute().getValuePtr() == NULL) &&
+            (p_char->getValueAttribute().getLength() == 0) &&
+            (p_char->getProperties() == GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Create Characteristic Attribute
+        currentHandle += 2;
+        currAtt->pUuid = attChUuid;
+        p_char->getValueAttribute().setHandle(currentHandle);
+        mxmSvc->chars[i].descLen = 1 + sizeof(currentHandle) + p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID().getLen();
+        currAtt->pValue = (uint8_t*)malloc(mxmSvc->chars[i].descLen);
+        uint8_t *pValue = currAtt->pValue;
+        *pValue++ = p_char->getProperties();
+        memcpy(pValue, &currentHandle, sizeof(currentHandle));
+        pValue += sizeof(currentHandle);
+        memcpy(pValue, p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID().getBaseUUID(), p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID().getLen());
+        currAtt->pLen = &mxmSvc->chars[i].descLen;
+        currAtt->maxLen = mxmSvc->chars[i].descLen;
+        currAtt->settings = 0;
+        currAtt->permissions = ATTS_PERMIT_READ;
+        currAtt++;
+        // Create Value Attribute
+        currAtt->pUuid = p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID().getBaseUUID();
+        currAtt->pValue = p_char->getValueAttribute().getValuePtr();
+        currAtt->pLen = p_char->getValueAttribute().getLengthPtr();
+        currAtt->maxLen = p_char->getValueAttribute().getMaxLength();
+        currAtt->settings = ATTS_SET_WRITE_CBACK | ATTS_SET_READ_CBACK;
+        if (p_char->getValueAttribute().getUUID().shortOrLong() == UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) {
+            currAtt->settings |= ATTS_SET_UUID_128;
+        }
+        currAtt->permissions = 0;
+        if (p_char->getProperties() & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ)  { currAtt->permissions |= ATTS_PERMIT_READ; }
+        if (p_char->getProperties() & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE) { currAtt->permissions |= ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE; }
+        currAtt++;
+        bool cccCreated = false;
+        for (int i = 0; i < p_char->getDescriptorCount(); i++) {
+            GattAttribute *p_att = p_char->getDescriptor(i);
+            currentHandle++;
+            currAtt->pUuid = p_att->getUUID().getBaseUUID();
+            currAtt->pValue = p_att->getValuePtr();
+            currAtt->pLen = p_att->getLengthPtr();
+            currAtt->maxLen = p_att->getMaxLength();
+            currAtt->settings = 0;
+            currAtt->permissions = 0;
+            if (p_att->getUUID().shortOrLong() == UUID::UUID_TYPE_LONG) {
+                currAtt->settings |= ATTS_SET_UUID_128;
+            }
+            if (p_att->getUUID() == UUID(BLE_UUID_DESCRIPTOR_CLIENT_CHAR_CONFIG)) {
+                cccCreated = true;
+                currAtt->settings |= ATTS_SET_CCC;
+                currAtt->permissions |= ATTS_PERMIT_READ;
+                currAtt->permissions |= ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE;
+                if (cccCnt < MAX_CCC_CNT) {
+                    cccSet[cccCnt].handle = currentHandle;
+                    cccSet[cccCnt].valueRange = 0;
+                    if (p_char->getProperties() & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY) {
+                        cccSet[cccCnt].valueRange |= ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY;
+                    }
+                    if (p_char->getProperties() & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE) {
+                        cccSet[cccCnt].valueRange |= ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE;
+                    }
+                    cccSet[cccCnt].secLevel = DM_SEC_LEVEL_NONE;
+                    cccHandles[cccCnt] = p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle();
+                    cccCnt++;
+                } else {
+                    return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+                }
+            }
+            currAtt++;
+        }
+        if (!cccCreated && (p_char->getProperties() & (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE))) {
+            /* There was not a CCCD included in the descriptors, but this
+             * characteristic is notifiable and/or indicatable. A CCCD is
+             * required so create one now.
+             */
+            if (cccCnt >= MAX_CCC_CNT) {
+                return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+            }
+            currentHandle++;
+            currAtt->pUuid = cccUUID.getBaseUUID();
+            currAtt->pValue = (uint8_t*)&cccValues[cccCnt];
+            currAtt->pLen = (uint16_t*)&cccSize;
+            currAtt->maxLen = sizeof(uint16_t);
+            currAtt->settings = ATTS_SET_CCC;
+            currAtt->permissions = (ATTS_PERMIT_READ | ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE);
+            cccSet[cccCnt].handle = currentHandle;
+            cccSet[cccCnt].valueRange = 0;
+            if (p_char->getProperties() & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY) {
+                cccSet[cccCnt].valueRange |= ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY;
+            }
+            if (p_char->getProperties() & GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE) {
+                cccSet[cccCnt].valueRange |= ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE;
+            }
+            cccSet[cccCnt].secLevel = DM_SEC_LEVEL_NONE;
+            cccHandles[cccCnt] = p_char->getValueAttribute().getHandle();
+            cccCnt++;
+            currAtt++;
+        }
+    }
+    mxmSvc->attGroup->pNext = NULL;
+    mxmSvc->attGroup->readCback = attsReadCback;
+    mxmSvc->attGroup->writeCback = attsWriteCback;
+    mxmSvc->attGroup->startHandle = startHandle;
+    mxmSvc->attGroup->endHandle = currentHandle;
+    AttsAddGroup(mxmSvc->attGroup);
+    AttRegister(attCback);
+    AttsCccRegister(cccCnt, (attsCccSet_t*)cccSet, cccCback);
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::read(GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *const lengthP)
+    if (AttsGetAttr(attributeHandle, lengthP, &buffer) != ATT_SUCCESS) {
+    }
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::read(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *lengthP)
+    // Check to see if this is a CCCD
+    uint8_t idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < cccCnt; idx++) {
+        if (attributeHandle == cccSet[idx].handle) {
+            if (connectionHandle == DM_CONN_ID_NONE) { // CCCDs are always 16 bits
+                return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+            }
+            *((uint16_t*)buffer) = AttsCccGet(connectionHandle, idx);
+            *lengthP = 2;   // CCCDs are always 16 bits
+            return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+        }
+    }
+    // This is not a CCCD. Use the non-connection specific update method.
+    return read(attributeHandle, buffer, lengthP);
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::write(GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t len, bool localOnly)
+    uint16_t connectionHandle = MaximGap::getInstance().getConnectionHandle();
+    if (AttsSetAttr(attributeHandle, len, (uint8_t*)buffer) != ATT_SUCCESS) {
+    }
+    if (!localOnly) {
+        if (connectionHandle != DM_CONN_ID_NONE) {
+            // Check to see if this characteristic has a CCCD attribute
+            uint8_t idx;
+            for (idx = 0; idx < cccCnt; idx++) {
+                if (attributeHandle == cccHandles[idx]) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (idx < cccCnt) {
+                // This characteristic has a CCCD attribute. Handle notifications and indications.
+                uint16_t cccEnabled = AttsCccEnabled(connectionHandle, idx);
+                if (cccEnabled & ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY) {
+                    AttsHandleValueNtf(connectionHandle, attributeHandle, len, (uint8_t*)buffer);
+                }
+                if (cccEnabled & ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE) {
+                    AttsHandleValueInd(connectionHandle, attributeHandle, len, (uint8_t*)buffer);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::write(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t len, bool localOnly)
+    // Check to see if this is a CCCD
+    uint8_t idx;
+    for (idx = 0; idx < cccCnt; idx++) {
+        if (attributeHandle == cccSet[idx].handle) {
+            if ((connectionHandle == DM_CONN_ID_NONE) || (len != 2)) { // CCCDs are always 16 bits
+                return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+            }
+            AttsCccSet(connectionHandle, idx, *((uint16_t*)buffer));
+            return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+        }
+    }
+    // This is not a CCCD. Use the non-connection specific update method.
+    return write(attributeHandle, buffer, len, localOnly);
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::areUpdatesEnabled(const GattCharacteristic &characteristic, bool *enabledP)
+    uint16_t connectionHandle = MaximGap::getInstance().getConnectionHandle();
+    if (connectionHandle != DM_CONN_ID_NONE) {
+        uint8_t idx;
+        for (idx = 0; idx < cccCnt; idx++) {
+            if (characteristic.getValueHandle() == cccHandles[idx]) {
+                uint16_t cccValue = AttsCccGet(connectionHandle, idx);
+                if (cccValue & ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY) {
+                    *enabledP = true;
+                } else {
+                    *enabledP = false;
+                }
+                return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ble_error_t MaximGattServer::areUpdatesEnabled(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, const GattCharacteristic &characteristic, bool *enabledP)
+    if (connectionHandle != DM_CONN_ID_NONE) {
+        uint8_t idx;
+        for (idx = 0; idx < cccCnt; idx++) {
+            if (characteristic.getValueHandle() == cccHandles[idx]) {
+                uint16_t cccValue = AttsCccGet(connectionHandle, idx);
+                if (cccValue & ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY) {
+                    *enabledP = true;
+                } else {
+                    *enabledP = false;
+                }
+                return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void MaximGattServer::cccCback(attsCccEvt_t *pEvt)
+        getInstance().handleEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_ENABLED, pEvt->handle);
+    } else {
+        getInstance().handleEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_UPDATES_DISABLED, pEvt->handle);
+    }
+void MaximGattServer::attCback(attEvt_t *pEvt)
+    if (pEvt->hdr.status == ATT_SUCCESS) {
+        getInstance().handleEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_DATA_SENT, pEvt->handle);
+    }
+uint8_t MaximGattServer::attsReadCback(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, attsAttr_t *pAttr)
+    GattReadCallbackParams cbParams = {
+        .connHandle = connId,
+        .handle     = handle,
+        .offset     = offset,
+        .len        = *pAttr->pLen,
+        .data       = pAttr->pValue
+    };
+    getInstance().handleDataReadEvent(&cbParams);
+    return ATT_SUCCESS;
+uint8_t MaximGattServer::attsWriteCback(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pValue, attsAttr_t *pAttr)
+    uint8_t err;
+    /* TODO: offset is not handled properly */
+    if ((err = AttsSetAttr(handle, len, pValue)) != ATT_SUCCESS) {
+        return err;
+    }
+    GattWriteCallbackParams::WriteOp_t writeOp;
+    switch (operation) {
+        case ATT_PDU_WRITE_REQ:
+            writeOp = GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_WRITE_REQ;
+            break;
+        case ATT_PDU_WRITE_CMD:
+            writeOp = GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_WRITE_CMD;
+            break;
+            writeOp = GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_SIGN_WRITE_CMD;
+            break;
+        case ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ:
+            writeOp = GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_PREP_WRITE_REQ;
+            break;
+        case ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_REQ:
+            writeOp = GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_NOW;
+            break;
+        default:
+            writeOp = GattWriteCallbackParams::OP_INVALID;
+            break;
+    }
+    GattWriteCallbackParams cbParams = {
+        .connHandle = connId,
+        .handle     = handle,
+        .writeOp    = writeOp,
+        .offset     = offset,
+        .len        = len,
+        .data       = pValue
+    };
+    getInstance().handleDataWrittenEvent(&cbParams);
+    return ATT_SUCCESS;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximGattServer.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "ble/blecommon.h"
+#include "ble/GattServer.h"
+#include "wsf_types.h"
+#include "att_api.h"
+class MaximGattServer : public GattServer
+    static MaximGattServer &getInstance();
+    /* Functions that must be implemented from GattServer */
+    virtual ble_error_t addService(GattService &);
+    virtual ble_error_t read(GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *lengthP);
+    virtual ble_error_t read(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *lengthP);
+    virtual ble_error_t write(GattAttribute::Handle_t, const uint8_t[], uint16_t, bool localOnly = false);
+    virtual ble_error_t write(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t, const uint8_t[], uint16_t, bool localOnly = false);
+    virtual ble_error_t areUpdatesEnabled(const GattCharacteristic &characteristic, bool *enabledP);
+    virtual ble_error_t areUpdatesEnabled(Gap::Handle_t connectionHandle, const GattCharacteristic &characteristic, bool *enabledP);
+    virtual bool isOnDataReadAvailable() const { return true; }
+    static void cccCback(attsCccEvt_t *pEvt);
+    static void attCback(attEvt_t *pEvt);
+    static uint8_t attsReadCback(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, attsAttr_t *pAttr);
+    static uint8_t attsWriteCback(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pValue, attsAttr_t *pAttr);
+    /*! client characteristic configuration descriptors settings */
+    #define MAX_CCC_CNT 20
+    attsCccSet_t cccSet[MAX_CCC_CNT];
+    uint16_t cccValues[MAX_CCC_CNT];
+    uint16_t cccHandles[MAX_CCC_CNT];
+    uint8_t cccCnt;
+    MaximGattServer() : GattServer(), cccSet(), cccValues(), cccHandles(), cccCnt(0) {
+        /* empty */
+    }
+    MaximGattServer(const MaximGattServer &);
+    const MaximGattServer& operator=(const MaximGattServer &);
+#endif /* _MAXIM_GATT_SERVER_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MaximSecurityManager.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated
+ * Products, Inc. Branding Policy.
+ *
+ * The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses
+ * of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents,
+ * trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual
+ * property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all
+ * ownership rights.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "ble/SecurityManager.h"
+class MaximSecurityManager : public SecurityManager
+    static MaximSecurityManager &getInstance() {
+        static MaximSecurityManager m_instance;
+        return m_instance;
+    }
+    MaximSecurityManager() {
+        /* empty */
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/LES-PRE-20767-ARM-Permissive-Binary-License.txt	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Permissive Binary License
+Copyright (c) 2016, ARM, Ltd. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution.  Redistribution and use in binary form, without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+1) Redistributions must reproduce the above copyright notice and the
+   following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+   provided with the distribution.
+2) Unless to the extent explicitly permitted by law, no reverse
+   engineering, decompilation, or disassembly of this software is
+   permitted.
+3) Redistribution as part of a software development kit must include the
+   accompanying file named “DEPENDENCIES” and any dependencies listed in
+   that file.
+4) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+   this software without specific prior written permission.
+Limited patent license. The copyright holders (and contributors) grant a
+worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free patent license to
+make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise
+transfer this software, where such license applies only to those patent
+claims licensable by the copyright holders (and contributors) that are
+necessarily infringed by this software. This patent license shall not
+apply to any combinations that include this software.  No hardware is
+licensed hereunder.
+If you institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
+cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the software
+itself infringes your patent(s), then your rights granted under this
+license shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/hci/maxwsn/hci_drv.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ *  \file   hci_drv.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  HCI driver interface.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2013-01-02 22:19:17 -0800 (Wed, 02 Jan 2013) $
+ *          $Revision: 405 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef HCI_DRV_H
+#define HCI_DRV_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "PinNames.h"
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     hciDrvInit
+ *
+ *  \brief  Initialize the driver.
+ *
+ *  \param  csn      name of the pin connected to CSN
+ *  \param  irq      name of the pin conntected to IRQ
+ */
+void hciDrvInit(PinName csn, PinName rst, PinName irq);
+ *  \fn     hciDrvWrite
+ *
+ *  \brief  Write data to the driver.
+ *
+ *  \param  type     HCI packet type
+ *  \param  len      Number of bytes to write.
+ *  \param  pData    Byte array to write.
+ *
+ *  \return Return actual number of data bytes written.
+ *
+ *  \note   The type parameter allows the driver layer to prepend the data with a header on the
+ *          same write transaction.
+ */
+uint16_t hciDrvWrite(uint8_t type, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+ *  \fn     hciDrvRead
+ *
+ *  \brief  Read data bytes from the driver.
+ *
+ *  \param  len      Number of bytes to read.
+ *  \param  pData    Byte array to store data.
+ *
+ *  \return Return actual number of data bytes read.
+ */
+uint16_t hciDrvRead(uint16_t len, uint8_t *pData, bool_t last);
+ *  \fn     hciDrvIsr
+ *
+ *  \brief  Interrupt service routine for IRQ
+ */
+void hciDrvIsr(void);
+ *  \fn     hciDrvReadyToSleep
+ *
+ *  \brief  Returns TRUE if driver allows MCU to enter low power sleep mode.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if ready to sleep, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t hciDrvReadyToSleep(void);
+void hciDrvResume(void);
+ *  \fn     hciDrvReset
+ *
+ *  \brief  Resets the controller
+ */
+void hciDrvReset(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HCI_DRV_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/hci/maxwsn/hci_vs.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ *  \file   hci_drv.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  HCI vendor specific functions for EM Microelectronic.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2013-01-02 22:19:17 -0800 (Wed, 02 Jan 2013) $
+ *          $Revision: 405 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2012-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef HCI_VS_H
+#define HCI_VS_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ *  \fn     HciVsSetPublicAddr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Vendor-specific set public address function.
+ *
+ *  \param  param    public address
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void HciVsSetPublicAddr(uint8_t *bdAddr);
+ *  \fn     HciVsSetTxPower
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Vendor-specific set RF output power function
+ *
+ *  \param  param    output power in dB
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void HciVsSetTxPower(int txPower);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HCI_VS_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/cfg/cfg_stack.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ *  \file   cfg_stack.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Stack configuration.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef CFG_STACK_H
+#define CFG_STACK_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  HCI
+/*! Vendor specific targets */
+#define HCI_VS_GENERIC        0
+#define HCI_VS_EMM            1
+/*! Vendor specific target configuration */
+#ifndef HCI_VS_TARGET
+  DM
+/*! Maximum number of connections */
+#ifndef DM_CONN_MAX
+#define DM_CONN_MAX 3
+  L2C
+  ATT
+  SMP
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* CFG_STACK_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/att_api.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+ *  \file   att_api.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Attribute protocol client and server API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-05-07 19:54:28 -0700 (Mon, 07 May 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 315 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef ATT_API_H
+#define ATT_API_H
+#include "wsf_timer.h"
+#include "att_defs.h"
+#include "att_uuid.h"
+#include "dm_api.h"
+#include "cfg_stack.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! ATT server attribute settings */
+#define ATTS_SET_UUID_128           0x01    /*! Set if the UUID is 128 bits in length */
+#define ATTS_SET_WRITE_CBACK        0x02    /*! Set if the group callback is executed when
+                                                this attribute is written by a client device */
+#define ATTS_SET_READ_CBACK         0x04    /*! Set if the group callback is executed when
+                                                this attribute is read by a client device */
+#define ATTS_SET_VARIABLE_LEN       0x08    /*! Set if the attribute has a variable length */
+#define ATTS_SET_ALLOW_OFFSET       0x10    /*! Set if writes are allowed with an offset */
+#define ATTS_SET_CCC                0x20    /*! Set if the attribute is a client characteristic
+                                                configuration descriptor */
+#define ATTS_SET_ALLOW_SIGNED       0x40    /*! Set if signed writes are allowed */
+#define ATTS_SET_REQ_SIGNED         0x80    /*! Set if signed writes are required if link
+                                                is not encrypted */
+/*! ATT server attribute permissions */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ            0x01    /*! Set if attribute can be read */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_AUTH       0x02    /*! Set if attribute read requires authentication */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_AUTHORIZ   0x04    /*! Set if attribute read requires authorization */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_ENC        0x08    /*! Set if attribute read requires encryption */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE           0x10    /*! Set if attribute can be written */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE_AUTH      0x20    /*! Set if attribute write requires authentication */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE_AUTHORIZ  0x40    /*! Set if attribute write requires authorization */
+#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE_ENC       0x80    /*! Set if attribute write requires encryption */
+/*! ATT client characteristic discovery and configuration settings */
+#define ATTC_SET_UUID_128           0x01    /*! Set if the UUID is 128 bits in length */
+#define ATTC_SET_REQUIRED           0x02    /*! Set if characteristic must be discovered */
+#define ATTC_SET_DESCRIPTOR         0x04    /*! Set if this is a characteristic descriptor */
+/*! ATT callback events */
+#define ATT_CBACK_START             0x02    /*! ATT callback event starting value */
+enum                                        /*! Internal note: event values match method values */
+  /*! ATT client callback events */
+  ATTC_FIND_INFO_RSP = ATT_CBACK_START,     /*! Find information response */
+  ATTC_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP,              /*! Find by type value response */
+  ATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP,                    /*! Read by type value response */
+  ATTC_READ_RSP,                            /*! Read response */
+  ATTC_READ_LONG_RSP,                       /*! Read long response */
+  ATTC_READ_MULTIPLE_RSP,                   /*! Read multiple response */
+  ATTC_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_RSP,              /*! Read group type response */
+  ATTC_WRITE_RSP,                           /*! Write response */
+  ATTC_WRITE_CMD_RSP,                       /*! Write command response */
+  ATTC_PREPARE_WRITE_RSP,                   /*! Prepare write response */
+  ATTC_EXECUTE_WRITE_RSP,                   /*! Execute write response */
+  ATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF,                    /*! Handle value notification */
+  ATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_IND,                    /*! Handle value indication */
+  /*! ATT server callback events */
+  ATTS_HANDLE_VALUE_CNF,                    /*! Handle value confirmation */
+  ATTS_CCC_STATE_IND                        /*! Client chracteristic configuration state change */
+/*! ATT callback events */
+#define ATT_CBACK_END               ATTS_CCC_STATE_IND  /*! ATT callback event ending value */
+/*! Base value for HCI error status values passed through ATT */
+#define ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE            0x20
+  Data Types
+/*! Configurable parameters */
+typedef struct
+  wsfTimerTicks_t   discIdleTimeout;  /*! ATT server service discovery connection idle timeout in seconds */
+  uint16_t          mtu;              /*! desired ATT MTU */
+  uint8_t           transTimeout;     /*! transcation timeout in seconds */
+  uint8_t           numPrepWrites;    /*! number of queued prepare writes supported by server */
+} attCfg_t;
+ * Attribute server data types
+ */
+/*! Attribute structure */
+typedef struct
+  uint8_t const     *pUuid;           /*! Pointer to the attribute’s UUID */
+  uint8_t           *pValue;          /*! Pointer to the attribute’s value */
+  uint16_t          *pLen;            /*! Pointer to the length of the attribute’s value */
+  uint16_t          maxLen;           /*! Maximum length of attribute’s value */
+  uint8_t           settings;         /*! Attribute settings */
+  uint8_t           permissions;      /*! Attribute permissions */
+} attsAttr_t;
+/*! Attribute group read callback */
+typedef uint8_t (*attsReadCback_t)(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation,
+                                   uint16_t offset, attsAttr_t *pAttr);
+/*! Attribute group write callback */
+typedef uint8_t (*attsWriteCback_t)(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation,
+                                    uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pValue,
+                                    attsAttr_t *pAttr);
+/*! Attribute group */
+typedef struct attsGroup_tag
+  struct attsGroup_tag  *pNext;       /*! For internal use only */
+  attsAttr_t            *pAttr;       /*! Pointer to attribute list for this group */
+  attsReadCback_t       readCback;    /*! Read callback function */
+  attsWriteCback_t      writeCback;   /*! Write callback function */
+  uint16_t              startHandle;  /*! The handle of the first attribute in this group */
+  uint16_t              endHandle;    /*! The handle of the last attribute in this group */
+} attsGroup_t;
+/*! Client characteristc configuration settings */
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t          handle;           /*! Client characteristc configuration descriptor handle */
+  uint16_t          valueRange;       /*! Acceptable value range of the descriptor value */
+  uint8_t           secLevel;         /*! Security level of characteristic value */ 
+} attsCccSet_t;
+/*! ATT client structure for characteristic and descriptor discovery */
+typedef struct attcDiscChar_tag
+  uint8_t const           *pUuid;       /*! Pointer to UUID */
+  uint8_t                 settings;     /*! Characteristic discovery settings */
+} attcDiscChar_t;
+/*! ATT client structure for characteristic and descriptor configuration */
+typedef struct
+  uint8_t const         *pValue;      /*! Pointer to default value or NULL */
+  uint8_t               valueLen;     /*! Default value length */
+  uint8_t               hdlIdx;       /*! Index of its handle in handle list */
+} attcDiscCfg_t;
+/*! ATT client discovery control block */
+typedef struct
+  attcDiscChar_t        **pCharList;  /*! Characterisic list for discovery */
+  uint16_t              *pHdlList;    /*! Characteristic handle list */
+  attcDiscCfg_t         *pCfgList;    /*! Characterisic list for configuration */
+  uint8_t               charListLen;  /*! Characteristic and handle list length */
+  uint8_t               cfgListLen;   /*! Configuration list length */
+  /* the following are for internal use only */
+  uint16_t              svcStartHdl;
+  uint16_t              svcEndHdl;  
+  uint8_t               charListIdx;
+  uint8_t               endHdlIdx;  
+} attcDiscCb_t;
+ * ATT callback parameters:
+ *
+ * \param hdr.event     Callback event
+ * \param hdr.param     DM connection ID
+ * \param hdr.status    Event status:  ATT_SUCCESS or error status
+ * \param pValue        Pointer to value data, valid if valueLen > 0
+ * \param valueLen      Length of value data
+ * \param handle        Attribute handle
+ */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t           hdr;          /*! Header structure */
+  uint8_t               *pValue;      /*! Value */
+  uint16_t              valueLen;     /*! Value length */
+  uint16_t              handle;       /*! Attribute handle */
+  bool_t                continuing;   /*! TRUE if more response packets expected */
+} attEvt_t;
+/*! ATTS client characteristic configuration callback structure */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t           hdr;          /*! Header structure */
+  uint16_t              handle;       /*! CCCD handle */
+  uint16_t              value;        /*! CCCD value */
+  uint8_t               idx;          /*! CCCD settings index */
+} attsCccEvt_t;
+/*! ATT callback type */
+typedef void (*attCback_t)(attEvt_t *pEvt);
+/*! ATTS authorization callback type */
+typedef uint8_t (*attsAuthorCback_t)(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t permit, uint16_t handle);
+/*! ATTS client characteristic configuration callback */
+typedef void (*attsCccCback_t)(attsCccEvt_t *pEvt);
+  Global Variables
+/*! Configuration pointer */
+extern attCfg_t *pAttCfg;
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     AttRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Register a callback with ATT.
+ *
+ *  \param  cback  Client callback function.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttRegister(attCback_t cback);
+ *  \fn     AttConnRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Register a connection callback with ATT.  The callback is typically used to
+ *          manage the attribute server database.
+ *
+ *  \param  cback  Client callback function.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttConnRegister(dmCback_t cback);
+ *  \fn     AttGetMtu
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Get the attribute protocol MTU of a connection.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return MTU of the connection.
+ */
+uint16_t AttGetMtu(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     AttsInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize ATT server.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsInit(void);
+ *  \fn     AttsIndInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize ATT server for indications/notifications.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsIndInit(void);
+ *  \fn     AttsSignInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize ATT server for data signing.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsSignInit(void);
+ *  \fn     AttsAuthorRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Register an authorization callback with the attribute server.
+ *
+ *  \param  cback  Client callback function.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsAuthorRegister(attsAuthorCback_t cback);
+ *  \fn     AttsAddGroup
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Add an attribute group to the attribute server.
+ *
+ *  \param  pGroup    Pointer to an attribute group structure.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsAddGroup(attsGroup_t *pGroup);
+ *  \fn     AttsRemoveGroup
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Remove an attribute group from the attribute server.
+ *
+ *  \param  startHandle  Start handle of attribute group to be removed.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsRemoveGroup(uint16_t startHandle);
+ *  \fn     AttsSetAttr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set an attribute value in the attribute server.
+ *
+ *  \param  handle    Attribute handle.
+ *  \param  valueLen  Attribute length.
+ *  \param  pValue    Attribute value.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_SUCCESS if successful otherwise error.
+ */
+uint8_t AttsSetAttr(uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttsGetAttr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Get an attribute value in the attribute server.
+ *
+ *  \param  handle    Attribute handle.
+ *  \param  pLen      Returned attribute length pointer.
+ *  \param  pValue    Returned attribute value pointer.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_SUCCESS if successful otherwise error.
+ *  \return This function returns the attribute length in pLen and a pointer to the attribute
+ *          value in pValue.
+ */
+uint8_t AttsGetAttr(uint16_t handle, uint16_t *pLen, uint8_t **pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttsHandleValueInd
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle. 
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsHandleValueInd(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttsHandleValueNtf
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle. 
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsHandleValueNtf(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttsCccRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Register the utility service for managing client characteristic
+ *          configuration descriptors.  This function is typically called once on
+ *          system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  setLen  Length of settings array.
+ *  \param  pSet    Array of CCC descriptor settings.
+ *  \param  cback   Client callback function.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsCccRegister(uint8_t setLen, attsCccSet_t *pSet, attsCccCback_t cback);
+ *  \fn     AttsCccInitTable
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize the client characteristic configuration descriptor value table for a
+ *          connection.  The table is initialized with the values from pCccTbl.  If pCccTbl
+ *          is NULL the table will be initialized to zero.
+ * 
+ *          This function must be called when a connection is established or when a
+ *          device is bonded.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCccTbl     Pointer to the descriptor value array.  The length of the array
+ *                      must equal the value of setLen passed to AttsCccRegister().
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsCccInitTable(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t *pCccTbl);
+ *  \fn     AttsCccClearTable
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Clear and deallocate the client characteristic configuration descriptor value
+ *          table for a connection.  This function must be called when a connection is closed.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsCccClearTable(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     AttsCccGet
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Get the value of a client characteristic configuration descriptor by its index.
+ *          If not found, return zero.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  idx         Index of descriptor in CCC descriptor handle table. 
+ *
+ *  \return Value of the descriptor.
+ */
+uint16_t AttsCccGet(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t idx);
+ *  \fn     AttsCccSet
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the value of a client characteristic configuration descriptor by its index.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  idx         Index of descriptor in CCC descriptor handle table. 
+ *  \param  value       Value of the descriptor. 
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsCccSet(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t idx, uint16_t value);
+ *  \fn     AttsCccEnabled
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Check if a client characteristic configuration descriptor is enabled and if
+ *          the characteristic's security level has been met.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  idx         Index of descriptor in CCC descriptor handle table. 
+ *
+ *  \return Value of the descriptor if security level is met, otherwise zero.
+ */
+uint16_t AttsCccEnabled(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t idx);
+ *  \fn     AttsSetCsrk
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the peer's data signing key on this connection.  This function
+ *          is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is
+ *          established.  The caller is responsible for maintaining the memory that
+ *          contains the key.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCsrk       Pointer to data signing key (CSRK). 
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsSetCsrk(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t *pCsrk);
+ *  \fn     AttsSetSignCounter
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the peer's sign counter on this connection.  This function
+ *          is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is
+ *          established.  ATT maintains the value of the sign counter internally and
+ *          sets the value when a signed packet is successfully received.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  signCounter Sign counter. 
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsSetSignCounter(dmConnId_t connId, uint32_t signCounter);
+ *  \fn     AttsGetSignCounter
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Get the current value peer's sign counter on this connection.  This function
+ *          is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is
+ *          closed so the application can store the sign counter for use on future
+ *          connections.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Sign counter.
+ */
+uint32_t AttsGetSignCounter(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     AttcInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize ATT client.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcInit(void);
+ *  \fn     AttcSignInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize ATT client for data signing.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcSignInit(void);
+ *  \fn     AttcFindInfoReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Find Information Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  startHandle Attribute start handle. 
+ *  \param  endHandle   Attribute end handle. 
+ *  \param  continuing  TRUE if ATTC continues sending requests until complete.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcFindInfoReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle, bool_t continuing);
+ *  \fn     AttcFindByTypeValueReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Find By Type Value Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  startHandle Attribute start handle. 
+ *  \param  endHandle   Attribute end handle. 
+ *  \param  uuid16      16-bit UUID to find.
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *  \param  continuing  TRUE if ATTC continues sending requests until complete.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcFindByTypeValueReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle,
+                            uint16_t uuid16, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue, bool_t continuing);
+ *  \fn     AttcReadByTypeReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Read By Type Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  startHandle Attribute start handle. 
+ *  \param  endHandle   Attribute end handle. 
+ *  \param  uuidLen     Length of UUID (2 or 16).
+ *  \param  pUuid       Pointer to UUID data.
+ *  \param  continuing  TRUE if ATTC continues sending requests until complete.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcReadByTypeReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle,
+                       uint8_t uuidLen, uint8_t *pUuid, bool_t continuing);
+ *  \fn     AttcReadReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Read Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle    Attribute handle.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcReadReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle);
+ *  \fn     AttcReadLongReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Read Long Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle.
+ *  \param  offset      Read attribute data starting at this offset.
+ *  \param  continuing  TRUE if ATTC continues sending requests until complete.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcReadLongReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, bool_t continuing);
+ *  \fn     AttcReadMultipleReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Read Multiple Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  numHandles  Number of handles in attribute handle list.
+ *  \param  pHandles    List of attribute handles.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcReadMultipleReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t numHandles, uint16_t *pHandles);
+ *  \fn     AttcReadByGroupTypeReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Read By Group Type Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  startHandle Attribute start handle. 
+ *  \param  endHandle   Attribute end handle. 
+ *  \param  uuidLen     Length of UUID (2 or 16).
+ *  \param  pUuid       Pointer to UUID data.
+ *  \param  continuing  TRUE if ATTC continues sending requests until complete.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcReadByGroupTypeReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle,
+                            uint8_t uuidLen, uint8_t *pUuid, bool_t continuing);
+ *  \fn     AttcWriteReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Write Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle. 
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcWriteReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttcWriteCmd
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Write Command.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle. 
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcWriteCmd(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttcSignedWriteCmd
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol signed Write Command.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle. 
+ *  \param  signCounter Value of the sign counter.
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcSignedWriteCmd(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint32_t signCounter,
+                        uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue);
+ *  \fn     AttcPrepareWriteReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Prepare Write Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  handle      Attribute handle. 
+ *  \param  offset      Write attribute data starting at this offset.
+ *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
+ *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
+ *  \param  valueByRef  TRUE if pValue data is accessed by reference rather than copied.
+ *  \param  continuing  TRUE if ATTC continues sending requests until complete.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcPrepareWriteReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, uint16_t valueLen,
+                         uint8_t *pValue, bool_t valueByRef, bool_t continuing);
+ *  \fn     AttcExecuteWriteReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initiate an attribute protocol Execute Write Request.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  writeAll  TRUE to write all queued writes, FALSE to cancel all queued writes.    
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcExecuteWriteReq(dmConnId_t connId, bool_t writeAll);
+ *  \fn     AttcCancelReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Cancel an attribute protocol request in progress.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcCancelReq(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscService
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function discovers the given service on a peer device.  Function
+ *          AttcFindByTypeValueReq() is called to initiate the discovery procedure.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *  \param  uuidLen     Length of service UUID (2 or 16).
+ *  \param  pUuid       Pointer to service UUID.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcDiscService(dmConnId_t connId, attcDiscCb_t *pCb, uint8_t uuidLen, uint8_t *pUuid);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscServiceCmpl
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function processes a service discovery result.  It should be called
+ *          when an ATTC_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP callback event is received after service
+ *          discovery is initiated by calling AttcDiscService().
+ *
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *  \param  pMsg        ATT callback event message.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_SUCCESS if successful otherwise error.
+ */
+uint8_t AttcDiscServiceCmpl(attcDiscCb_t *pCb, attEvt_t *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscCharStart
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function starts characteristic and characteristic descriptor
+ *          discovery for a service on a peer device.  The service must have been previously
+ *          discovered by calling AttcDiscService() and AttcDiscServiceCmpl().
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcDiscCharStart(dmConnId_t connId, attcDiscCb_t *pCb);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscCharCmpl
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function processes a characteristic discovery result.  It should be
+ *          called when an ATTC_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP or ATTC_FIND_INFO_RSP callback event is 
+ *          received after characteristic discovery is initiated by calling AttcDiscCharStart().
+ *
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *  \param  pMsg        ATT callback event message.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_CONTINUING if successful and the discovery procedure is continuing.
+ *          ATT_SUCCESS if the discovery procedure completed successfully.
+ *          Otherwise the discovery procedure failed.
+ */
+uint8_t AttcDiscCharCmpl(attcDiscCb_t *pCb, attEvt_t *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscConfigStart
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function starts characteristic configuration for characteristics on a
+ *          peer device.  The characteristics must have been previously discovered by calling
+ *          AttcDiscCharStart() and AttcDiscCharCmpl().
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_CONTINUING if successful and configuration procedure is continuing.
+ *          ATT_SUCCESS if nothing to configure.
+ */
+uint8_t AttcDiscConfigStart(dmConnId_t connId, attcDiscCb_t *pCb);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscConfigCmpl
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function initiates the next characteristic configuration procedure.
+ *          It should be called when an ATTC_READ_RSP or ATTC_WRITE_RSP callback event is received
+ *          after characteristic configuration is initiated by calling AttcDiscConfigStart().
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_CONTINUING if successful and configuration procedure is continuing.
+ *          ATT_SUCCESS if configuration procedure completed successfully.
+ */
+uint8_t AttcDiscConfigCmpl(dmConnId_t connId, attcDiscCb_t *pCb);
+ *  \fn     AttcDiscConfigResume
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This utility function resumes the characteristic configuration procedure.  It can
+ *          be called when an ATTC_READ_RSP or ATTC_WRITE_RSP callback event is received
+ *          with failure status to attempt the read or write procedure again.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  pCb         Pointer to discovery control block.
+ *
+ *  \return ATT_CONTINUING if successful and configuration procedure is continuing.
+ *          ATT_SUCCESS if configuration procedure completed successfully.
+ */
+uint8_t AttcDiscConfigResume(dmConnId_t connId, attcDiscCb_t *pCb);
+ *  \fn     AttcMtuReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  mtu       Attribute protocol MTU.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttcMtuReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t mtu);
+ *  \fn     AttsErrorTest
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For testing purposes only.
+ *
+ *  \param  status    ATT status
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttsErrorTest(uint8_t status);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ATT_API_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/att_defs.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ *  \file   att_defs.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Attribute protocol constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-09-11 16:18:57 -0700 (Tue, 11 Sep 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 349 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef ATT_DEFS_H
+#define ATT_DEFS_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Attribute PDU format */
+#define ATT_HDR_LEN                   1         /*! Attribute PDU header length */
+#define ATT_AUTH_SIG_LEN              12        /*! Authentication signature length */
+#define ATT_DEFAULT_MTU               23        /*! Default value of ATT_MTU */
+#define ATT_MAX_MTU                   517       /*! Maximum value of ATT_MTU */
+#define ATT_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_LEN       20        /*! Default maximum payload length for most PDUs */
+/*! Attribute value parameters */
+#define ATT_VALUE_MAX_LEN             512       /*! Maximum attribute value length */
+#define ATT_VALUE_MAX_OFFSET          511       /*! Maximum attribute value offset */
+/*! Transaction timeout */
+#define ATT_MAX_TRANS_TIMEOUT         30        /*! Maximum transaction timeout in seconds */
+/*! Error codes */
+#define ATT_SUCCESS                   0x00      /*! Operation successful */
+#define ATT_ERR_HANDLE                0x01      /*! Invalid handle */
+#define ATT_ERR_READ                  0x02      /*! Read not permitted */
+#define ATT_ERR_WRITE                 0x03      /*! Write not permitted */
+#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU           0x04      /*! Invalid pdu */
+#define ATT_ERR_AUTH                  0x05      /*! Insufficient authentication */
+#define ATT_ERR_NOT_SUP               0x06      /*! Request not supported */
+#define ATT_ERR_OFFSET                0x07      /*! Invalid offset */
+#define ATT_ERR_AUTHOR                0x08      /*! Insufficient authorization */
+#define ATT_ERR_QUEUE_FULL            0x09      /*! Prepare queue full */
+#define ATT_ERR_NOT_FOUND             0x0A      /*! Attribute not found */
+#define ATT_ERR_NOT_LONG              0x0B      /*! Attribute not long */
+#define ATT_ERR_KEY_SIZE              0x0C      /*! Insufficient encryption key size */
+#define ATT_ERR_LENGTH                0x0D      /*! Invalid attribute value length */
+#define ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY              0x0E      /*! Other unlikely error */
+#define ATT_ERR_ENC                   0x0F      /*! Insufficient encryption */
+#define ATT_ERR_GROUP_TYPE            0x10      /*! Unsupported group type */
+#define ATT_ERR_RESOURCES             0x11      /*! Insufficient resources */
+#define ATT_ERR_CCCD                  0xFD      /*! CCCD improperly configured */
+#define ATT_ERR_IN_PROGRESS           0xFE      /*! Procedure already in progress */
+#define ATT_ERR_RANGE                 0xFF      /*! Value out of range */
+/*! Proprietary internal error codes */
+#define ATT_ERR_MEMORY                0x70      /*! Out of memory */
+#define ATT_ERR_TIMEOUT               0x71      /*! Transaction timeout */
+#define ATT_ERR_OVERFLOW              0x72      /*! Transaction overflow */
+#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_RSP           0x73      /*! Invalid response PDU */
+#define ATT_ERR_CANCELLED             0x74      /*! Request cancelled */
+#define ATT_ERR_UNDEFINED             0x75      /*! Other undefined error */
+#define ATT_ERR_REQ_NOT_FOUND         0x76      /*! Required characteristic not found */
+#define ATT_CONTINUING                0x77      /*! Procedure continuing */
+/*! Application error codes */
+#define ATT_ERR_VALUE_RANGE           0x80      /*! Value out of range */
+/*! PDU types */
+#define ATT_PDU_ERR_RSP               0x01      /*! Error response */
+#define ATT_PDU_MTU_REQ               0x02      /*! Exchange mtu request */
+#define ATT_PDU_MTU_RSP               0x03      /*! Exchange mtu response */
+#define ATT_PDU_FIND_INFO_REQ         0x04      /*! Find information request */
+#define ATT_PDU_FIND_INFO_RSP         0x05      /*! Find information response */
+#define ATT_PDU_FIND_TYPE_REQ         0x06      /*! Find by type value request */
+#define ATT_PDU_FIND_TYPE_RSP         0x07      /*! Find by type value response */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_TYPE_REQ         0x08      /*! Read by type request */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_TYPE_RSP         0x09      /*! Read by type response */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_REQ              0x0A      /*! Read request */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_RSP              0x0B      /*! Read response */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_BLOB_REQ         0x0C      /*! Read blob request */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_BLOB_RSP         0x0D      /*! Read blob response */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_REQ         0x0E      /*! Read multiple request */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_RSP         0x0F      /*! Read multiple response */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_GROUP_TYPE_REQ   0x10      /*! Read by group type request */
+#define ATT_PDU_READ_GROUP_TYPE_RSP   0x11      /*! Read by group type response */
+#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_REQ             0x12      /*! Write request */
+#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_RSP             0x13      /*! Write response */
+#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_CMD             0x52      /*! Write command */
+#define ATT_PDU_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD      0xD2      /*! Signed write command */
+#define ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ        0x16      /*! Prepare write request */
+#define ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_RSP        0x17      /*! Prepare write response */
+#define ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_REQ        0x18      /*! Execute write request */
+#define ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_RSP        0x19      /*! Execute write response */
+#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_NTF             0x1B      /*! Handle value notification */
+#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_IND             0x1D      /*! Handle value indication */
+#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_CNF             0x1E      /*! Handle value confirmation */
+#define ATT_PDU_MAX                   0x1F      /*! PDU Maximum */
+/*! Length of PDU fixed length fields */
+#define ATT_ERR_RSP_LEN               5
+#define ATT_MTU_REQ_LEN               3
+#define ATT_MTU_RSP_LEN               3
+#define ATT_FIND_INFO_REQ_LEN         5
+#define ATT_FIND_INFO_RSP_LEN         2
+#define ATT_FIND_TYPE_REQ_LEN         7
+#define ATT_FIND_TYPE_RSP_LEN         1
+#define ATT_READ_TYPE_REQ_LEN         5
+#define ATT_READ_TYPE_RSP_LEN         2
+#define ATT_READ_REQ_LEN              3
+#define ATT_READ_RSP_LEN              1
+#define ATT_READ_BLOB_REQ_LEN         5
+#define ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP_LEN         1
+#define ATT_READ_MULT_REQ_LEN         1
+#define ATT_READ_MULT_RSP_LEN         1
+#define ATT_WRITE_REQ_LEN             3
+#define ATT_WRITE_RSP_LEN             1
+#define ATT_WRITE_CMD_LEN             3
+#define ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN        5
+#define ATT_PREP_WRITE_RSP_LEN        5
+#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_LEN        2
+#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_RSP_LEN        1
+#define ATT_VALUE_NTF_LEN             3
+#define ATT_VALUE_IND_LEN             3
+#define ATT_VALUE_CNF_LEN             1
+/*! Find information response format */
+#define ATT_FIND_HANDLE_16_UUID       0x01      /*! Handle and 16 bit UUID */
+#define ATT_FIND_HANDLE_128_UUID      0x02      /*! Handle and 128 bit UUID */
+/*! Execute write request flags */
+#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_CANCEL         0x00      /*! Cancel all prepared writes */
+#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_ALL            0x01      /*! Write all pending prepared writes */
+/*! PDU masks */
+#define ATT_PDU_MASK_SERVER           0x01      /*! Server bit mask */
+#define ATT_PDU_MASK_COMMAND          0x40      /*! Command bit mask */
+#define ATT_PDU_MASK_SIGNED           0x80      /*! Auth signature bit mask */
+/*! Handles */
+#define ATT_HANDLE_NONE               0x0000
+#define ATT_HANDLE_START              0x0001
+#define ATT_HANDLE_MAX                0xFFFF
+/*! UUID lengths */
+#define ATT_NO_UUID_LEN               0         /*! Length when no UUID is present ;-) */
+#define ATT_16_UUID_LEN               2         /*! Length in bytes of a 16 bit UUID */
+#define ATT_128_UUID_LEN              16        /*! Length in bytes of a 128 bit UUID */
+/*! GATT characteristic properties */
+#define ATT_PROP_BROADCAST            0x01      /*! Permit broadcasts */
+#define ATT_PROP_READ                 0x02      /*! Permit reads */
+#define ATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP         0x04      /*! Permit writes without response */
+#define ATT_PROP_WRITE                0x08      /*! Permit writes with response */
+#define ATT_PROP_NOTIFY               0x10      /*! Permit notifications */
+#define ATT_PROP_INDICATE             0x20      /*! Permit indications */
+#define ATT_PROP_AUTHENTICATED        0x40      /*! Permit signed writes */
+#define ATT_PROP_EXTENDED             0x80      /*! More properties defined in extended properties */
+/*! GATT characteristic extended properties */
+#define ATT_EXT_PROP_RELIABLE_WRITE   0x0001    /*! Permit reliable writes */
+#define ATT_EXT_PROP_WRITEABLE_AUX    0x0002    /*! Permit write to characteristic descriptor */
+/*! GATT client characteristic configuration */
+#define ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY         0x0001    /*! Notify the value */
+#define ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE       0x0002    /*! Indicate the value */
+/*! GATT server characteristic configuration */
+#define ATT_SERVER_CFG_BROADCAST      0x0001    /*! Broadcast the value */
+/*! GATT characteristic format */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_BOOLEAN            0x01      /*! Boolean */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_2BIT               0x02      /*! Unsigned 2 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_NIBBLE             0x03      /*! Unsigned 4 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT8              0x04      /*! Unsigned 8 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT12             0x05      /*! Unsigned 12 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT16             0x06      /*! Unsigned 16 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT24             0x07      /*! Unsigned 24 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT32             0x08      /*! Unsigned 32 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT48             0x09      /*! Unsigned 48 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT64             0x0A      /*! Unsigned 64 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT128            0x0B      /*! Unsigned 128 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT8              0x0C      /*! Signed 8 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT12             0x0D      /*! Signed 12 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT16             0x0E      /*! Signed 16 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT24             0x0F      /*! Signed 24 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT32             0x10      /*! Signed 32 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT48             0x11      /*! Signed 48 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT64             0x12      /*! Signed 64 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT128            0x13      /*! Signed 128 bit integer */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT32            0x14      /*! IEEE-754 32 bit floating point */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT64            0x15      /*! IEEE-754 64 bit floating point */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_SFLOAT             0x16      /*! IEEE-11073 16 bit SFLOAT */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT              0x17      /*! IEEE-11073 32 bit FLOAT */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_DUINT16            0x18      /*! IEEE-20601 format */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UTF8               0x19      /*! UTF-8 string */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_UTF16              0x1A      /*! UTF-16 string */
+#define ATT_FORMAT_STRUCT             0x1B      /*! Opaque structure */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ATT_DEFS_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/att_handler.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *  \file   att_handler.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Interface to ATT event handler.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-03-29 13:24:04 -0700 (Thu, 29 Mar 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 287 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef ATT_HANDLER_H
+#define ATT_HANDLER_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     AttHandlerInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  ATT handler init function called during system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerID  WSF handler ID for ATT.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
+ *  \fn     AttHandler
+ *        
+ *  \brief  WSF event handler for ATT.
+ *
+ *  \param  event   WSF event mask.
+ *  \param  pMsg    WSF message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void AttHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ATT_HANDLER_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/att_uuid.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ *  \file   att_uuid.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Attribute protocol UUIDs from the Bluetooth specification.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2014-08-11 17:41:56 -0500 (Mon, 11 Aug 2014) $
+ *          $Revision: 14613 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef ATT_UUID_H
+#define ATT_UUID_H
+#include "att_defs.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Service UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_GAP_SERVICE                0x1800    /*! Generic Access Profile Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_GATT_SERVICE               0x1801    /*! Generic Attribute Profile Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_IMMEDIATE_ALERT_SERVICE    0x1802    /*! Immediate Alert Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_LINK_LOSS_SERVICE          0x1803    /*! Link Loss Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_TX_POWER_SERVICE           0x1804    /*! Tx Power Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_CURRENT_TIME_SERVICE       0x1805    /*! Current Time Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_REF_TIME_UPDATE_SERVICE    0x1806    /*! Reference Time Update Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_DST_CHANGE_SERVICE         0x1807    /*! Next DST Change Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_GLUCOSE_SERVICE            0x1808    /*! Glucose Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_HEALTH_THERM_SERVICE       0x1809    /*! Health Thermometer Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_DEVICE_INFO_SERVICE        0x180A    /*! Device Information Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_NETWORK_AVAIL_SERVICE      0x180B    /*! Network Availability Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_WATCHDOG_SERVICE           0x180C    /*! Watchdog Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_HEART_RATE_SERVICE         0x180D    /*! Heart Rate Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_PHONE_ALERT_SERVICE        0x180E    /*! Phone Alert Status Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_BATTERY_SERVICE            0x180F    /*! Battery Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_BLOOD_PRESSURE_SERVICE     0x1810    /*! Blood Pressure Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_ALERT_NOTIF_SERVICE        0x1811    /*! Alert Notification Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_HID_SERVICE                0x1812    /*! Human Interface Device Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_SCAN_PARAM_SERVICE         0x1813    /*! Scan Parameter Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_WEIGHT_SCALE_SERVICE       0x181D    /*! Weight Scale Service */
+/*! GATT UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_PRIMARY_SERVICE            0x2800    /*! Primary Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_SECONDARY_SERVICE          0x2801    /*! Secondary Service */
+#define ATT_UUID_INCLUDE                    0x2802    /*! Include */
+#define ATT_UUID_CHARACTERISTIC             0x2803    /*! Characteristic */
+/*! Descriptor UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_CHARACTERISTIC_EXT         0x2900    /*! Characteristic Extended Properties */
+#define ATT_UUID_CHAR_USER_DESC             0x2901    /*! Characteristic User Description */
+#define ATT_UUID_CLIENT_CHAR_CONFIG         0x2902    /*! Client Characteristic Configuration */
+#define ATT_UUID_SERVER_CHAR_CONFIG         0x2903    /*! Server Characteristic Configuration */
+#define ATT_UUID_CHAR_PRES_FORMAT           0x2904    /*! Characteristic Presentation Format */
+#define ATT_UUID_AGGREGATE_FORMAT           0x2905    /*! Characteristic Aggregate Format */
+#define ATT_UUID_VALID_RANGE                0x2906    /*! Valid Range */
+#define ATT_UUID_HID_REPORT_ID_MAPPING      0x2908    /*! HID Report ID Mapping */
+/*! Characteristic UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_DEVICE_NAME                0x2A00    /*! Device Name */
+#define ATT_UUID_APPEARANCE                 0x2A01    /*! Appearance */
+#define ATT_UUID_PERIPH_PRIVACY_FLAG        0x2A02    /*! Peripheral Privacy Flag */
+#define ATT_UUID_RECONN_ADDR                0x2A03    /*! Reconnection Address */
+#define ATT_UUID_PREF_CONN_PARAM            0x2A04    /*! Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters */
+#define ATT_UUID_SERVICE_CHANGED            0x2A05    /*! Service Changed */
+#define ATT_UUID_ALERT_LEVEL                0x2A06    /*! Alert Level */
+#define ATT_UUID_TX_POWER_LEVEL             0x2A07    /*! Tx Power Level */
+#define ATT_UUID_DATE_TIME                  0x2A08    /*! Date Time */
+#define ATT_UUID_DAY_OF_WEEK                0x2A09    /*! Day of Week */
+#define ATT_UUID_DAY_DATE_TIME              0x2A0A    /*! Day Date Time */
+#define ATT_UUID_EXACT_TIME_100             0x2A0B    /*! Exact Time 100 */
+#define ATT_UUID_EXACT_TIME_256             0x2A0C    /*! Exact Time 256 */
+#define ATT_UUID_DST_OFFSET                 0x2A0D    /*! DST Offset */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_ZONE                  0x2A0E    /*! Time Zone */
+#define ATT_UUID_LOCAL_TIME_INFO            0x2A0F    /*! Local Time Information */
+#define ATT_UUID_SECONDARY_TIME_ZONE        0x2A10    /*! Secondary Time Zone */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_WITH_DST              0x2A11    /*! Time with DST */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_ACCURACY              0x2A12    /*! Time Accuracy */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_SOURCE                0x2A13    /*! Time Source */
+#define ATT_UUID_REFERENCE_TIME_INFO        0x2A14    /*! Reference Time Information */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_BROADCAST             0x2A15    /*! Time Broadcast */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_UPDATE_CP             0x2A16    /*! Time Update Control Point */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_UPDATE_STATE          0x2A17    /*! Time Update State */
+#define ATT_UUID_GLUCOSE_MEAS               0x2A18    /*! Glucose Measurement */
+#define ATT_UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL              0x2A19    /*! Battery Level */
+#define ATT_UUID_BATTERY_POWER_STATE        0x2A1A    /*! Battery Power State */
+#define ATT_UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_STATE        0x2A1B    /*! Battery Level State */
+#define ATT_UUID_TEMP_MEAS                  0x2A1C    /*! Temperature Measurement */
+#define ATT_UUID_TEMP_TYPE                  0x2A1D    /*! Temperature Type */
+#define ATT_UUID_INTERMEDIATE_TEMP          0x2A1E    /*! Intermediate Temperature */
+#define ATT_UUID_TEMP_C                     0x2A1F    /*! Temperature Celsius */
+#define ATT_UUID_TEMP_F                     0x2A20    /*! Temperature Fahrenheit */
+#define ATT_UUID_MEAS_INTERVAL              0x2A21    /*! Measurement Interval */
+#define ATT_UUID_HID_BOOT_REPORT_MAP        0x2A22    /*! HID Boot Report Mapping */
+#define ATT_UUID_SYSTEM_ID                  0x2A23    /*! System ID */
+#define ATT_UUID_MODEL_NUMBER               0x2A24    /*! Model Number String */
+#define ATT_UUID_SERIAL_NUMBER              0x2A25    /*! Serial Number String */
+#define ATT_UUID_FIRMWARE_REV               0x2A26    /*! Firmware Revision String */
+#define ATT_UUID_HARDWARE_REV               0x2A27    /*! Hardware Revision String */
+#define ATT_UUID_SOFTWARE_REV               0x2A28    /*! Software Revision String */
+#define ATT_UUID_MANUFACTURER_NAME          0x2A29    /*! Manufacturer Name String */
+#define ATT_UUID_11073_CERT_DATA            0x2A2A    /*! IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List */
+#define ATT_UUID_CURRENT_TIME               0x2A2B    /*! Current Time */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELEVATION                  0x2A2C    /*! Elevation */
+#define ATT_UUID_LATITUDE                   0x2A2D    /*! Latitude */
+#define ATT_UUID_LONGITUDE                  0x2A2E    /*! Longitude */
+#define ATT_UUID_POSITION_2D                0x2A2F    /*! Position 2D */
+#define ATT_UUID_POSITION_3D                0x2A30    /*! Position 3D */
+#define ATT_UUID_VENDOR_ID                  0x2A31    /*! Vendor ID */
+#define ATT_UUID_PRODUCT_ID                 0x2A32    /*! Product ID */
+#define ATT_UUID_HID_VERSION                0x2A33    /*! HID Version */
+#define ATT_UUID_GLUCOSE_MEAS_CONTEXT       0x2A34    /*! Glucose Measurement Context */
+#define ATT_UUID_BP_MEAS                    0x2A35    /*! Blood Pressure Measurement */
+#define ATT_UUID_INTERMEDIATE_BP            0x2A36    /*! Intermediate Cuff Pressure */
+#define ATT_UUID_HR_MEAS                    0x2A37    /*! Heart Rate Measurement */
+#define ATT_UUID_HR_SENSOR_LOC              0x2A38    /*! Body Sensor Location */
+#define ATT_UUID_HR_CP                      0x2A39    /*! Heart Rate Control Point */
+#define ATT_UUID_REMOVABLE                  0x2A3A    /*! Removable */
+#define ATT_UUID_SERVICE_REQ                0x2A3B    /*! Service Required */
+#define ATT_UUID_SCI_TEMP_C                 0x2A3C    /*! Scientific Temperature in Celsius */
+#define ATT_UUID_STRING                     0x2A3D    /*! String */
+#define ATT_UUID_NETWORK_AVAIL              0x2A3E    /*! Network Availability */
+#define ATT_UUID_ALERT_STATUS               0x2A3F    /*! Alert Status */
+#define ATT_UUID_RINGER_CP                  0x2A40    /*! Ringer Control Point */
+#define ATT_UUID_RINGER_SETTING             0x2A41    /*! Ringer Setting */
+#define ATT_UUID_ALERT_CAT_ID_MASK          0x2A42    /*! Alert Category ID Bit Mask */
+#define ATT_UUID_ALERT_CAT_ID               0x2A43    /*! Alert Category ID */
+#define ATT_UUID_ALERT_NOTIF_CP             0x2A44    /*! Alert Notification Control Point */
+#define ATT_UUID_UNREAD_ALERT_STATUS        0x2A45    /*! Unread Alert Status */
+#define ATT_UUID_NEW_ALERT                  0x2A46    /*! New Alert */
+#define ATT_UUID_SUP_NEW_ALERT_CAT          0x2A47    /*! Supported New Alert Category */
+#define ATT_UUID_SUP_UNREAD_ALERT_CAT       0x2A48    /*! Supported Unread Alert Category */
+#define ATT_UUID_BP_FEATURE                 0x2A49    /*! Blood Pressure Feature */
+#define ATT_UUID_HID_INFO                   0x2A4A    /*! HID Information */            
+#define ATT_UUID_REPORT_MAP                 0x2A4B    /*! Report Map */                
+#define ATT_UUID_HID_CP                     0x2A4C    /*! HID Control Point */          
+#define ATT_UUID_REPORT                     0x2A4D    /*! Report */                    
+#define ATT_UUID_PROTOCOL_MODE              0x2A4E    /*! Protocol Mode */              
+#define ATT_UUID_SCAN_INT_WIND              0x2A4F    /*! Scan Interval Window */       
+#define ATT_UUID_PNP_ID                     0x2A50    /*! PnP ID */                     
+#define ATT_UUID_GLUCOSE_FEATURE            0x2A51    /*! Glucose Feature */            
+#define ATT_UUID_RACP                       0x2A52    /*! Record Access Control Point */
+#define ATT_UUID_WEIGHT_MEAS                0x2A9D    /*! Weight Measurement */
+#define ATT_UUID_WEIGHT_SCALE_FEATURE       0x2A9E    /*! Weight Scale Feature */
+/* remove when adopted */
+#define ATT_UUID_COMMAND_ENUM               0xE010    /*! Command Enumeration */
+#define ATT_UUID_GENERIC_COMMAND_CP         0xE011    /*! Generic Command Control Point */
+/*! Unit UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_UNITLESS                   0x2700    /*! unitless */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_M                   0x2701    /*! length metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_MASS_KG                    0x2702    /*! mass kilogram */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_SEC                   0x2703    /*! time second */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMP       0x2704    /*! electric current ampere */
+#define ATT_UUID_THERMO_TEMP_K              0x2705    /*! thermodynamic temperature kelvin */
+#define ATT_UUID_AMOUNT_OF_SUBSTANCE_MOLE   0x2706    /*! amount of substance mole */
+#define ATT_UUID_LUMINOUS_INTENSITY_CAND    0x2707    /*! luminous intensity candela */
+#define ATT_UUID_AREA_SQ_M                  0x2710    /*! area square metres */
+#define ATT_UUID_VOLUME_CU_M                0x2711    /*! volume cubic metres */
+#define ATT_UUID_VELOCITY_MPS               0x2712    /*! velocity metres per second */
+#define ATT_UUID_ACCELERATION_MPS_SQ        0x2713    /*! acceleration metres per second squared */
+#define ATT_UUID_WAVENUMBER_RECIPROCAL_M    0x2714    /*! wavenumber reciprocal metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_DENSITY_KG_PER_CU_M        0x2715    /*! density kilogram per cubic metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_SURFACE_DENS_KG_PER_SQ_M   0x2716    /*! surface density kilogram per square metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_SPECIFIC_VOL_CU_M_PER_KG   0x2717    /*! specific volume cubic metre per kilogram */
+#define ATT_UUID_CURRENT_DENS_AMP_PER_SQ_M  0x2718    /*! current density ampere per square metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_MAG_FIELD_STR_AMP_PER_M    0x2719    /*! magnetic field strength ampere per metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_AMOUNT_CONC_MOLE_PER_CU_M  0x271A    /*! amount concentration mole per cubic metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_MASS_CONC_KG_PER_CU_M      0x271B    /*! mass concentration kilogram per cubic metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_LUM_CAND_PER_SQ_M          0x271C    /*! luminance candela per square metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_REFRACTIVE_INDEX           0x271D    /*! refractive index */
+#define ATT_UUID_RELATIVE_PERMEABILITY      0x271E    /*! relative permeability */
+#define ATT_UUID_PLANE_ANGLE_R              0x2720    /*! plane angle radian */
+#define ATT_UUID_SOLID_ANGLE_STER           0x2721    /*! solid angle steradian */
+#define ATT_UUID_FREQUENCY_HERTZ            0x2722    /*! frequency hertz */
+#define ATT_UUID_FORCE_NEWT                 0x2723    /*! force newton */
+#define ATT_UUID_PRESSURE_PASCAL            0x2724    /*! pressure pascal */
+#define ATT_UUID_ENERGY_J                   0x2725    /*! energy joule */
+#define ATT_UUID_POWER_W                    0x2726    /*! power watt */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELECTRIC_CHG_C             0x2727    /*! electric charge coulomb */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT    0x2728    /*! electric potential difference volt */
+#define ATT_UUID_CAPACITANCE_F              0x2729    /*! capacitance farad */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELECTRIC_RESISTANCE_OHM    0x272A    /*! electric resistance ohm */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELECTRIC_COND_SIEMENS      0x272B    /*! electric conductance siemens */
+#define ATT_UUID_MAGNETIC_FLEX_WEBER        0x272C    /*! magnetic flex weber */
+#define ATT_UUID_MAGNETIC_FLEX_DENS_TESLA   0x272D    /*! magnetic flex density tesla */
+#define ATT_UUID_INDUCTANCE_H               0x272E    /*! inductance henry */
+#define ATT_UUID_C_TEMP_DEG_C               0x272F    /*! Celsius temperature degree Celsius */
+#define ATT_UUID_LUMINOUS_FLUX_LUMEN        0x2730    /*! luminous flux lumen */
+#define ATT_UUID_ILLUMINANCE_LUX            0x2731    /*! illuminance lux */
+#define ATT_UUID_RADIONUCLIDE_BECQUEREL     0x2732    /*! activity referred to a radionuclide becquerel */
+#define ATT_UUID_ABSORBED_DOSE_GRAY         0x2733    /*! absorbed dose gray */
+#define ATT_UUID_DOSE_EQUIVALENT_SIEVERT    0x2734    /*! dose equivalent sievert */
+#define ATT_UUID_CATALYTIC_ACTIVITY_KATAL   0x2735    /*! catalytic activity katal */
+#define ATT_UUID_DYNAMIC_VISC_PASCAL_SEC    0x2740    /*! dynamic viscosity pascal second */
+#define ATT_UUID_MOMENT_OF_FORCE_NEWT_M     0x2741    /*! moment of force newton metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_SURFACE_TENSION_NEWT_PER_M 0x2742    /*! surface tension newton per metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_ANG_VELOCITY_R_PER_SEC     0x2743    /*! angular velocity radian per second */
+#define ATT_UUID_ANG_ACCEL_R_PER_SEC_SQD    0x2744    /*! angular acceleration radian per second squared */
+#define ATT_UUID_HEAT_FLUX_DEN_W_PER_SQ_M   0x2745    /*! heat flux density watt per square metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_HEAT_CAP_J_PER_K           0x2746    /*! heat capacity joule per kelvin */
+#define ATT_UUID_SPEC_HEAT_CAP_J_PER_KG_K   0x2747    /*! specific heat capacity joule per kilogram kelvin */
+#define ATT_UUID_SPEC_ENERGY_J_PER_KG       0x2748    /*! specific energy joule per kilogram */
+#define ATT_UUID_THERMAL_COND_W_PER_M_K     0x2749    /*! thermal conductivity watt per metre kelvin */
+#define ATT_UUID_ENERGY_DENSITY_J_PER_CU_M  0x274A    /*! energy density joule per cubic metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELEC_FIELD_STR_VOLT_PER_M  0x274B    /*! electric field strength volt per metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELEC_CHG_DENS_C_PER_CU_M   0x274C    /*! electric charge density coulomb per cubic metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_SURF_CHG_DENS_C_PER_SQ_M   0x274D    /*! surface charge density coulomb per square metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELEC_FLUX_DENS_C_PER_SQ_M  0x274E    /*! electric flux density coulomb per square metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_PERMITTIVITY_F_PER_M       0x274F    /*! permittivity farad per metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_PERMEABILITY_H_PER_M       0x2750    /*! permeability henry per metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_MOLAR_ENERGY_J_PER_MOLE    0x2751    /*! molar energy joule per mole */
+#define ATT_UUID_MOLAR_ENTROPY_J_PER_MOLE_K 0x2752    /*! molar entropy joule per mole kelvin */
+#define ATT_UUID_EXPOSURE_C_PER_KG          0x2753    /*! exposure coulomb per kilogram */
+#define ATT_UUID_DOSE_RATE_GRAY_PER_SEC     0x2754    /*! absorbed dose rate gray per second */
+#define ATT_UUID_RT_INTENSITY_W_PER_STER    0x2755    /*! radiant intensity watt per steradian */
+#define ATT_UUID_RCE_W_PER_SQ_METER_STER    0x2756    /*! radiance watt per square meter steradian */
+#define ATT_UUID_CATALYTIC_KATAL_PER_CU_M   0x2757    /*! catalytic activity concentration katal per cubic metre */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_MIN                   0x2760    /*! time minute */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_HR                    0x2761    /*! time hour */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_DAY                   0x2762    /*! time day */
+#define ATT_UUID_PLANE_ANGLE_DEG            0x2763    /*! plane angle degree */
+#define ATT_UUID_PLANE_ANGLE_MIN            0x2764    /*! plane angle minute */
+#define ATT_UUID_PLANE_ANGLE_SEC            0x2765    /*! plane angle second */
+#define ATT_UUID_AREA_HECTARE               0x2766    /*! area hectare */
+#define ATT_UUID_VOLUME_L                   0x2767    /*! volume litre */
+#define ATT_UUID_MASS_TONNE                 0x2768    /*! mass tonne */
+#define ATT_UUID_PRESSURE_BAR               0x2780    /*! pressure bar */
+#define ATT_UUID_PRESSURE_MM                0x2781    /*! pressure millimetre of mercury */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_ANGSTROM            0x2782    /*! length angstrom */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_NAUTICAL_MILE       0x2783    /*! length nautical mile */
+#define ATT_UUID_AREA_BARN                  0x2784    /*! area barn */
+#define ATT_UUID_VELOCITY_KNOT              0x2785    /*! velocity knot */
+#define ATT_UUID_LOG_RADIO_QUANT_NEPER      0x2786    /*! logarithmic radio quantity neper */
+#define ATT_UUID_LOG_RADIO_QUANT_BEL        0x2787    /*! logarithmic radio quantity bel */
+#define ATT_UUID_LOG_RADIO_QUANT_DB         0x2788    /*! logarithmic radio quantity decibel */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_YARD                0x27A0    /*! length yard */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_PARSEC              0x27A1    /*! length parsec */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_IN                  0x27A2    /*! length inch */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_FOOT                0x27A3    /*! length foot */
+#define ATT_UUID_LENGTH_MILE                0x27A4    /*! length mile */
+#define ATT_UUID_PRESSURE_POUND_PER_SQ_IN   0x27A5    /*! pressure pound-force per square inch */
+#define ATT_UUID_VELOCITY_KPH               0x27A6    /*! velocity kilometre per hour */
+#define ATT_UUID_VELOCITY_MPH               0x27A7    /*! velocity mile per hour */
+#define ATT_UUID_ANG_VELOCITY_RPM           0x27A8    /*! angular velocity revolution per minute */
+#define ATT_UUID_ENERGY_GRAM_CALORIE        0x27A9    /*! energy gram calorie */
+#define ATT_UUID_ENERGY_KG_CALORIE          0x27AA    /*! energy kilogram calorie */
+#define ATT_UUID_ENERGY_KILOWATT_HR         0x27AB    /*! energy kilowatt hour */
+#define ATT_UUID_THERM_TEMP_F               0x27AC    /*! thermodynamic temperature degree Fahrenheit */
+#define ATT_UUID_PERCENTAGE                 0x27AD    /*! percentage */
+#define ATT_UUID_PER_MILLE                  0x27AE    /*! per mille */
+#define ATT_UUID_PERIOD_BEATS_PER_MIN       0x27AF    /*! period beats per minute */
+#define ATT_UUID_ELECTRIC_CHG_AMP_HRS       0x27B0    /*! electric charge ampere hours */
+#define ATT_UUID_MASS_DENSITY_MG_PER_DL     0x27B1    /*! mass density milligram per decilitre */
+#define ATT_UUID_MASS_DENSITY_MMOLE_PER_L   0x27B2    /*! mass density millimole per litre */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_YEAR                  0x27B3    /*! time year */
+#define ATT_UUID_TIME_MONTH                 0x27B4    /*! time month */
+/*! Wicentric proprietary UUIDs */
+/*! Base UUID:  E0262760-08C2-11E1-9073-0E8AC72EXXXX */
+#define ATT_UUID_WICENTRIC_BASE             0x2E, 0xC7, 0x8A, 0x0E, 0x73, 0x90, \
+                                            0xE1, 0x11, 0xC2, 0x08, 0x60, 0x27, 0x26, 0xE0
+/*! Macro for building Wicentric UUIDs */
+/*! Partial proprietary service UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_P1_SERVICE_PART            0x1001   /*! Proprietary service P1 */
+/*! Partial proprietary characteristic UUIDs */
+#define ATT_UUID_D1_DATA_PART               0x0001    /*! Proprietary data D1 */
+/* Proprietary services */
+/* Proprietary characteristics */
+  Global Variables
+/*! Service UUIDs */
+extern const uint8_t attGapSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Generic Access Profile Service */
+extern const uint8_t attGattSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Generic Attribute Profile Service */
+extern const uint8_t attIasSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Immediate Alert Service */
+extern const uint8_t attLlsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Link Loss Service */
+extern const uint8_t attTpsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Tx Power Service */
+extern const uint8_t attCtsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Current Time Service */
+extern const uint8_t attRtusSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Reference Time Update Service */
+extern const uint8_t attNdcsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Next DST Change Service */
+extern const uint8_t attGlsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Glucose Service */
+extern const uint8_t attHtsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Health Thermometer Service */
+extern const uint8_t attDisSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Device Information Service */
+extern const uint8_t attNwaSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Network Availability Service */
+extern const uint8_t attWdsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Watchdog Service */
+extern const uint8_t attHrsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Heart Rate Service */
+extern const uint8_t attPassSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Phone Alert Status Service */
+extern const uint8_t attBasSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Battery Service */
+extern const uint8_t attBpsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Blood Pressure Service */
+extern const uint8_t attAnsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Alert Notification Service */
+extern const uint8_t attHidSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Human Interface Device Service */
+extern const uint8_t attSpsSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Scan Parameter Service */
+extern const uint8_t attWssSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Weight scale service */
+/*! GATT UUIDs */
+extern const uint8_t attPrimSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Primary Service */
+extern const uint8_t attSecSvcUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Secondary Service */
+extern const uint8_t attIncUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];        /*! Include */
+extern const uint8_t attChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];         /*! Characteristic */
+/*! Descriptor UUIDs */                                  
+extern const uint8_t attChExtUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Characteristic Extended Properties */
+extern const uint8_t attChUserDescUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN]; /*! Characteristic User Description */
+extern const uint8_t attCliChCfgUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];   /*! Client Characteristic Configuration */
+extern const uint8_t attSrvChCfgUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];   /*! Server Characteristic Configuration */
+extern const uint8_t attChPresFmtUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];  /*! Characteristic Presentation Format */
+extern const uint8_t attAggFmtUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Characteristic Aggregate Format */
+extern const uint8_t attValRangeUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];   /*! Valid Range */
+extern const uint8_t attHidRimUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! HID Report ID Mapping */
+/*! Characteristic UUIDs */
+extern const uint8_t attDnChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Device Name */
+extern const uint8_t attApChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Appearance */
+extern const uint8_t attPpfChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Peripheral Privacy Flag */
+extern const uint8_t attRaChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];	     /*! Reconnection Address */
+extern const uint8_t attPpcpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters */
+extern const uint8_t attScChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Service Changed */
+extern const uint8_t attAlChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Alert Level */
+extern const uint8_t attTxpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Tx Power Level */
+extern const uint8_t attDtChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Date Time */
+extern const uint8_t attDwChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Day of Week */
+extern const uint8_t attDdtChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Day Date Time */
+extern const uint8_t attEt100ChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Exact Time 100 */
+extern const uint8_t attEt256ChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! Exact Time 256 */
+extern const uint8_t attDstoChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! DST Offset */
+extern const uint8_t attTzChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Time Zone */
+extern const uint8_t attLtiChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Local Time Information */
+extern const uint8_t attStzChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Secondary Time Zone */
+extern const uint8_t attTdstChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Time with DST */
+extern const uint8_t attTaChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Time Accuracy */
+extern const uint8_t attTsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Time Source */
+extern const uint8_t attRtiChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Reference Time Information */
+extern const uint8_t attTbChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Time Broadcast */
+extern const uint8_t attTucpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Time Update Control Point */
+extern const uint8_t attTusChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Time Update State */
+extern const uint8_t attGlmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Glucose Measurement */
+extern const uint8_t attBlChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Battery Level */
+extern const uint8_t attBpsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Battery Power State */
+extern const uint8_t attBlsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Battery Level State */
+extern const uint8_t attTmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Temperature Measurement */
+extern const uint8_t attTtChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Temperature Type */
+extern const uint8_t attItChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Intermediate Temperature */
+extern const uint8_t attTcelChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Temperature Celsius */
+extern const uint8_t attTfahChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Temperature Fahrenheit */
+extern const uint8_t attMiChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Measurement Interval */
+extern const uint8_t attHbrpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! HID Boot Report Mapping */
+extern const uint8_t attSidChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! System ID */
+extern const uint8_t attMnsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Model Number String */
+extern const uint8_t attSnsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Serial Number String */
+extern const uint8_t attFrsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Firmware Revision String */
+extern const uint8_t attHrsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Hardware Revision String */
+extern const uint8_t attSrsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Software Revision String */
+extern const uint8_t attMfnsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Manufacturer Name String */
+extern const uint8_t attIeeeChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List */
+extern const uint8_t attCtChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Current Time */
+extern const uint8_t attElChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Elevation */
+extern const uint8_t attLatChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Latitude */
+extern const uint8_t attLongChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Longitude */
+extern const uint8_t attP2dChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Position 2D */
+extern const uint8_t attP3dChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Position 3D */
+extern const uint8_t attVidChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Vendor ID */
+extern const uint8_t attPidChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Product ID */
+extern const uint8_t attHidvChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! HID Version */
+extern const uint8_t attGlmcChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Glucose Measurement Context */
+extern const uint8_t attBpmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Blood Pressure Measurement */
+extern const uint8_t attIcpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Intermediate Cuff Pressure */
+extern const uint8_t attHrmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Heart Rate Measurement */
+extern const uint8_t attBslChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Body Sensor Location */
+extern const uint8_t attHrcpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Heart Rate Control Point */
+extern const uint8_t attRemChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Removable */
+extern const uint8_t attSrChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Service Required */
+extern const uint8_t attStcChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Scientific Temperature in Celsius */
+extern const uint8_t attStrChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! String */
+extern const uint8_t attNwaChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Network Availability */
+extern const uint8_t attAsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Alert Status */
+extern const uint8_t attRcpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Ringer Control Point */
+extern const uint8_t attRsChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Ringer Setting */
+extern const uint8_t attAcbmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Alert Category ID Bit Mask */
+extern const uint8_t attAcChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Alert Category ID */
+extern const uint8_t attAncpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Alert Notification Control Point */
+extern const uint8_t attUasChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Unread Alert Status */
+extern const uint8_t attNaChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! New Alert */
+extern const uint8_t attSnacChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Supported New Alert Category */
+extern const uint8_t attSuacChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Supported Unread Alert Category */
+extern const uint8_t attBpfChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Blood Pressure Feature */
+extern const uint8_t attHidiChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! HID Information */            
+extern const uint8_t attRmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Report Map */                
+extern const uint8_t attHidcpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];    /*! HID Control Point */          
+extern const uint8_t attRepChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Report */                    
+extern const uint8_t attPmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Protocol Mode */              
+extern const uint8_t attSiwChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Scan Interval Window */       
+extern const uint8_t attPnpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! PnP ID */                     
+extern const uint8_t attGlfChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Glucose Feature */            
+extern const uint8_t attRacpChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];     /*! Record Access Control Point */
+extern const uint8_t attWmChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];       /*! Weight measurement */
+extern const uint8_t attWsfChUuid[ATT_16_UUID_LEN];      /*! Weight scale feature */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ATT_UUID_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/dm_api.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@
+ *  \file   dm_api.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Device Manager subsystem API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-09-11 16:18:57 -0700 (Tue, 11 Sep 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 349 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef DM_API_H
+#define DM_API_H
+#include "hci_api.h"
+#include "cfg_stack.h"
+#include "smp_defs.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Device role */
+#define DM_ROLE_MASTER              HCI_ROLE_MASTER  /*! Role is master */
+#define DM_ROLE_SLAVE               HCI_ROLE_SLAVE   /*! Role is slave */
+/*! The GAP discovery mode */
+#define DM_DISC_MODE_NONE           0     /*! GAP non-discoverable */
+#define DM_DISC_MODE_LIMITED        1     /*! GAP limited discoverable mode */
+#define DM_DISC_MODE_GENERAL        2     /*! GAP general discoverable mode */
+/*! The type of connectable or discoverable of advertising */
+#define DM_ADV_CONN_UNDIRECT        0     /*! Connectable undirected advertising */
+#define DM_ADV_CONN_DIRECT          1     /*! Connectable directed advertising */
+#define DM_ADV_DISC_UNDIRECT        2     /*! Discoverable undirected advertising */
+#define DM_ADV_NONCONN_UNDIRECT     3     /*! Non-connectable undirected advertising */
+#define DM_ADV_SCAN_RESPONSE        4     /*! Scan response */
+#define DM_ADV_NONE                 255   /*! For internal use only */
+/*! Whether data is located in the advertising data or the scan response data */
+#define DM_DATA_LOC_ADV             0     /*! Locate data in the advertising data */
+#define DM_DATA_LOC_SCAN            1     /*! Locate data in the scan response data */
+/*! The scan type */
+#define DM_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE        0     /*! Passive scan */
+#define DM_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE         1     /*! Active scan */
+/*! Advertising channel map */
+#define DM_ADV_CHAN_37              HCI_ADV_CHAN_37  /*! Advertising channel 37 */
+#define DM_ADV_CHAN_38              HCI_ADV_CHAN_38  /*! Advertising channel 38 */
+#define DM_ADV_CHAN_39              HCI_ADV_CHAN_39  /*! Advertising channel 39 */
+#define DM_ADV_CHAN_ALL             (HCI_ADV_CHAN_37 | HCI_ADV_CHAN_38 | HCI_ADV_CHAN_39)
+/*! The client ID parameter to function DmConnRegister() */
+#define DM_CLIENT_ID_ATT            0     /*! Identifier for attribute protocol, for internal use only */
+#define DM_CLIENT_ID_SMP            1     /*! Identifier for security manager protocol, for internal use only */
+#define DM_CLIENT_ID_DM             2     /*! Identifier for device manager, for internal use only */
+#define DM_CLIENT_ID_APP            3     /*! Identifier for the application */
+#define DM_CLIENT_ID_MAX            4     /*! For internal use only */
+/*! Unknown connection ID or other error */
+#define DM_CONN_ID_NONE             0
+/*! The address type */
+#define DM_ADDR_PUBLIC              0     /*! Public address */
+#define DM_ADDR_RANDOM              1     /*! Random address */
+/*! Advertising data types */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS           0x01  /*! Flag bits */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_16_UUID_PART    0x02  /*! Partial list of 16 bit UUIDs */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_16_UUID         0x03  /*! Complete list of 16 bit UUIDs */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_128_UUID_PART   0x06  /*! Partial list of 128 bit UUIDs */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_128_UUID        0x07  /*! Complete list of 128 bit UUIDs */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_SHORT_NAME      0x08  /*! Shortened local name */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME      0x09  /*! Complete local name */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_TX_POWER        0x0A  /*! TX power level */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_CONN_INTERVAL   0x12  /*! Slave preferred connection interval */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_SIGNED_DATA     0x13  /*! Signed data */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_16_SOLICIT      0x14  /*! Service soliticiation list of 16 bit UUIDs */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_128_SOLICIT     0x15  /*! Service soliticiation list of 128 bit UUIDs */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA    0x16  /*! Service data */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_PUBLIC_TARGET   0x17  /*! Public target address */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_RANDOM_TARGET   0x18  /*! Random target address */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_APPEARANCE      0x19  /*! Device appearance */
+#define DM_ADV_TYPE_MANUFACTURER    0xFF  /*! Manufacturer specific data */
+/*! Bit mask for flags advertising data type */
+#define DM_FLAG_LE_LIMITED_DISC     0x01  /*! Limited discoverable flag */
+#define DM_FLAG_LE_GENERAL_DISC     0x02  /*! General discoverable flag */
+#define DM_FLAG_LE_BREDR_NOT_SUP    0x04  /*! BR/EDR not supported flag */
+/*! Advertising data element indexes */
+#define DM_AD_LEN_IDX               0     /*! Advertising data element len */
+#define DM_AD_TYPE_IDX              1     /*! Advertising data element type */
+#define DM_AD_DATA_IDX              2     /*! Advertising data element data */
+/*! Timeouts defined by the GAP specification; in units of milliseconds */
+#define DM_GAP_LIM_ADV_TIMEOUT      180000  /*! Maximum advertising duration in limited discoverable mode */
+#define DM_GAP_GEN_DISC_SCAN_MIN    10240   /*! Minimum scan duration for general discovery */
+#define DM_GAP_LIM_DISC_SCAN_MIN    10240   /*! Minimum scan duration for limited discovery */
+#define DM_GAP_CONN_PARAM_TIMEOUT   30000   /*! Connection parameter update timeout */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_FAST_PERIOD     30720   /*! Minimum time to perform scanning when user initiated */
+#define DM_GAP_ADV_FAST_PERIOD      30000   /*! Minimum time to perform advertising when user initiated */
+ * Advertising, scanning, and connection parameters defined in the GAP specification.
+ * In units of 625 microseconds.
+ */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_FAST_INT_MIN    48      /*! Minimum scan interval when user initiated */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_FAST_INT_MAX    96      /*! Maximum scan interval when user initiated */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_FAST_WINDOW     48      /*! Scan window when user initiated */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_SLOW_INT_1      2048    /*! Scan interval 1 when background scannning */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_SLOW_WINDOW_1   18      /*! Scan window 1 when background scanning */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_SLOW_INT_2      4096    /*! Scan interval 2 when background scannning */
+#define DM_GAP_SCAN_SLOW_WINDOW_2   18      /*! Scan window 2 when background scanning */
+#define DM_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MIN     48      /*! Minimum advertising interval when user initiated */
+#define DM_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MAX     96      /*! Maximum advertising interval when user initiated */
+#define DM_GAP_ADV_SLOW_INT_MIN     1600    /*! Minimum advertising interval when background advertising */
+#define DM_GAP_ADV_SLOW_INT_MAX     1920    /*! Maximum advertising interval when background advertising */
+/*! GAP connection establishment latency */
+#define DM_GAP_CONN_EST_LATENCY     0
+/*! GAP connection intervals in 1.25ms units */
+#define DM_GAP_INITIAL_CONN_INT_MIN 24      /*! Minimum initial connection interval */
+#define DM_GAP_INITIAL_CONN_INT_MAX 40      /*! Maximum initial onnection interval */
+/*! GAP connection establishment minimum and maximum connection event lengths */
+/*! GAP peripheral privacy flag characteristic values */
+#define DM_GAP_PRIV_DISABLED        0
+#define DM_GAP_PRIV_ENABLED         1
+/*! Connection establishment supervision timeout default, in 10ms units */
+/*! Pairing authentication/security properties bit mask */
+#define DM_AUTH_BOND_FLAG           SMP_AUTH_BOND_FLAG  /*! Bonding requested */
+#define DM_AUTH_MITM_FLAG           SMP_AUTH_MITM_FLAG  /*! MITM (authenticated pairing) requested */
+/*! Key distribution bit mask */
+#define DM_KEY_DIST_LTK             SMP_KEY_DIST_ENC   /*! Distribute LTK used for encryption */
+#define DM_KEY_DIST_IRK             SMP_KEY_DIST_ID    /*! Distribute IRK used for privacy */
+#define DM_KEY_DIST_CSRK            SMP_KEY_DIST_SIGN  /*! Distribute CSRK used for signed data */
+/*! Key type used in DM_SEC_KEY_IND */
+#define DM_KEY_LOCAL_LTK            0x01  /*! LTK generated locally for this device */
+#define DM_KEY_PEER_LTK             0x02  /*! LTK received from peer device */
+#define DM_KEY_IRK                  0x04  /*! IRK and identity info of peer device */
+#define DM_KEY_CSRK                 0x08  /*! CSRK of peer device */
+/*! Base value for HCI error status values for DM_SEC_PAIR_CMPL_IND */
+#define DM_SEC_HCI_ERR_BASE         0x20
+#define DM_SEC_LEVEL_NONE           0     /*! Connection has no security */
+#define DM_SEC_LEVEL_ENC            1     /*! Connection is encrypted with unauthenticated key */
+#define DM_SEC_LEVEL_ENC_AUTH       2     /*! Connection is encrypted with authenticated key */
+/*! Random address types */
+#define DM_RAND_ADDR_STATIC         0xC0  /*! Static address */
+#define DM_RAND_ADDR_RESOLV         0x80  /*! Resolvable private address */
+#define DM_RAND_ADDR_NONRESOLV      0x00  /*! Non-resolvable private address */
+/*! Get the type of random address */
+#define DM_RAND_ADDR_GET(addr)          ((addr)[5] & 0xC0)
+/*! Set the type of random address */
+#define DM_RAND_ADDR_SET(addr, type)    {(addr)[5] = ((addr)[5] & 0x3F) | (type);}
+/*! Connection busy/idle state */
+#define DM_CONN_IDLE                0     /*! Connection is idle */
+#define DM_CONN_BUSY                1     /*! Connection is busy */
+/*! Connection busy/idle state bitmask */
+#define DM_IDLE_SMP_PAIR            0x0001  /*! SMP pairing in progress */
+#define DM_IDLE_DM_ENC              0x0002  /*! DM Encryption setup in progress */
+#define DM_IDLE_ATTS_DISC           0x0004  /*! ATTS service discovery in progress */
+#define DM_IDLE_APP_DISC            0x0008  /*! App framework service discovery in progress */
+#define DM_IDLE_USER_1              0x0010  /*! For use by user application */
+#define DM_IDLE_USER_2              0x0020  /*! For use by user application */
+#define DM_IDLE_USER_3              0x0040  /*! For use by user application */
+#define DM_IDLE_USER_4              0x0080  /*! For use by user application */
+/*! DM callback events */
+#define DM_CBACK_START              0x20  /*! DM callback event starting value */
+  DM_RESET_CMPL_IND = DM_CBACK_START,     /*! Reset complete */
+  DM_ADV_START_IND,                       /*! Advertising started */
+  DM_ADV_STOP_IND,                        /*! Advertising stopped */
+  DM_ADV_NEW_ADDR_IND,                    /*! New resolvable address has been generated */
+  DM_SCAN_START_IND,                      /*! Scanning started */
+  DM_SCAN_STOP_IND,                       /*! Scanning stopped */
+  DM_SCAN_REPORT_IND,                     /*! Scan data received from peer device */
+  DM_CONN_OPEN_IND,                       /*! Connection opened */
+  DM_CONN_CLOSE_IND,                      /*! Connection closed */
+  DM_CONN_UPDATE_IND,                     /*! Connection update complete */
+  DM_SEC_PAIR_CMPL_IND,                   /*! Pairing completed successfully */
+  DM_SEC_PAIR_FAIL_IND,                   /*! Pairing failed or other security failure */
+  DM_SEC_ENCRYPT_IND,                     /*! Connection encrypted */
+  DM_SEC_ENCRYPT_FAIL_IND,                /*! Encryption failed */
+  DM_SEC_AUTH_REQ_IND,                    /*! PIN or OOB data requested for pairing */
+  DM_SEC_KEY_IND,                         /*! Security key indication */
+  DM_SEC_LTK_REQ_IND,                     /*! LTK requested for encyption */
+  DM_SEC_PAIR_IND,                        /*! Incoming pairing request from master */
+  DM_SEC_SLAVE_REQ_IND,                   /*! Incoming security request from slave */
+  DM_PRIV_RESOLVED_ADDR_IND,              /*! Private address resolved */
+  DM_HW_ERROR_IND,                        /*! Hardware Error */
+  DM_VENDOR_SPEC_IND,                     /*! Vendor specific event */
+#define DM_CBACK_END                DM_VENDOR_SPEC_IND  /*! DM callback event ending value */
+  Data Types
+/*! Connection identifier */
+typedef uint8_t dmConnId_t;
+/*! Configuration structure */
+typedef struct
+  uint8_t dummy;
+} dmCfg_t;
+/*! LTK data type */
+typedef struct
+  uint8_t                   key[SMP_KEY_LEN];
+  uint8_t                   rand[SMP_RAND8_LEN];
+  uint16_t                  ediv;
+} dmSecLtk_t;
+/*! IRK data type */
+typedef struct
+  uint8_t                   key[SMP_KEY_LEN];
+  bdAddr_t                  bdAddr;
+  uint8_t                   addrType;
+} dmSecIrk_t;
+/*! CSRK data type */
+typedef struct
+  uint8_t                   key[SMP_KEY_LEN];
+} dmSecCsrk_t;
+/*! union of key types */
+typedef union
+  dmSecLtk_t                ltk;
+  dmSecIrk_t                irk;
+  dmSecCsrk_t               csrk;
+} dmSecKey_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_SEC_PAIR_CMPL_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  uint8_t                   auth;         /*! Authentication and bonding flags */
+} dmSecPairCmplIndEvt_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_SEC_ENCRYPT_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  bool_t                    usingLtk;     /*! TRUE if connection encrypted with LTK */
+} dmSecEncryptIndEvt_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_SEC_AUTH_REQ_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  bool_t                    oob;          /*! Out-of-band data requested */
+  bool_t                    display;      /*! TRUE if pin is to be displayed */
+} dmSecAuthReqIndEvt_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_SEC_PAIR_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  uint8_t                   auth;         /*! Authentication and bonding flags */
+  bool_t                    oob;          /*! Out-of-band pairing data present or not present */
+  uint8_t                   iKeyDist;     /*! Initiator key distribution flags */
+  uint8_t                   rKeyDist;     /*! Responder key distribution flags */
+} dmSecPairIndEvt_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_SEC_SLAVE_REQ_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  uint8_t                   auth;         /*! Authentication and bonding flags */
+} dmSecSlaveIndEvt_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_SEC_KEY_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  dmSecKey_t                keyData;      /*! Key data */
+  uint8_t                   type;         /*! Key type */
+  uint8_t                   secLevel;     /*! Security level of pairing when key was exchanged */
+  uint8_t                   encKeyLen;    /*! Length of encryption key used when data was transferred */
+} dmSecKeyIndEvt_t;
+/*! Data type for DM_ADV_NEW_ADDR_IND */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;          /*! Header */
+  bdAddr_t                  addr;         /*! New resolvable private address */
+  bool_t                    firstTime;    /*! TRUE when address is generated for the first time */
+} dmAdvNewAddrIndEvt_t;
+/*! Union of DM callback event data types */
+typedef union
+  wsfMsgHdr_t               hdr;
+  hciLeAdvReportEvt_t       scanReport;
+  hciLeConnCmplEvt_t        connOpen;
+  hciLeConnUpdateCmplEvt_t  connUpdate;
+  hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t    connClose;
+  dmSecPairCmplIndEvt_t     pairCmpl;
+  dmSecEncryptIndEvt_t      encryptInd;
+  dmSecAuthReqIndEvt_t      authReq;
+  dmSecPairIndEvt_t         pairInd;
+  dmSecSlaveIndEvt_t        slaveInd;
+  dmSecKeyIndEvt_t          keyInd;
+  hciLeLtkReqEvt_t          ltkReqInd;
+  hciVendorSpecEvt_t        vendorSpec;
+  dmAdvNewAddrIndEvt_t      advNewAddr;
+} dmEvt_t;
+/*! Callback type */
+typedef void (*dmCback_t)(dmEvt_t *pDmEvt);
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     DmRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Register a callback with DM for scan and advertising events.
+ *
+ *  \param  cback  Client callback function.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmRegister(dmCback_t cback);
+ *  \fn     DmFindAdType
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Find an advertising data element in the given advertising or scan response data.
+ *
+ *  \param  adType  Advertising data element type to find.
+ *  \param  dataLen Data length.
+ *  \param  pData   Pointer to advertising or scan response data.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to the advertising data element byte array or NULL if not found.
+ */
+uint8_t *DmFindAdType(uint8_t adType, uint8_t dataLen, uint8_t *pData);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM advertising.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvStart
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Start advertising using the given advertising type and duration.
+ *
+ *  \param  advType   Advertising type.
+ *  \param  duration  The advertising duration, in milliseconds.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvStart(uint8_t advType, uint16_t duration);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvStop
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Stop advertising.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvStop(void);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvSetInterval
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the minimum and maximum advertising intervals.
+ *
+ *  \param  intervalMin Minimum advertising interval.
+ *  \param  intervalMax Maximum advertising interval.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvSetInterval(uint16_t intervalMin, uint16_t intervalMax);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvSetChannelMap
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Include or exclude certain channels from the advertising channel map.
+ *
+ *  \param  channelMap  Advertising channel map. 
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvSetChannelMap(uint8_t channelMap);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvSetData
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the advertising or scan response data to the given data.
+ *
+ *  \param  location  Data location.
+ *  \param  len       Length of the data.  Maximum length is 31 bytes.
+ *  \param  pData     Pointer to the data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvSetData(uint8_t location, uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvSetAddrType
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the local address type used while advertising.  This function can be used to
+ *          configure advertising to use a random address.
+ *
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvSetAddrType(uint8_t addrType);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvSetAdValue
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the value of an advertising data element in the given advertising or
+ *          scan response data.  If the element already exists in the data then it is replaced
+ *          with the new value.  If the element does not exist in the data it is appended
+ *          to it, space permitting.
+ *
+ *  \param  adType       Advertising data element type. 
+ *  \param  len          Length of the value.  Maximum length is 29 bytes.
+ *  \param  pValue       Pointer to the value.
+ *  \param  pAdvDataLen  Advertising or scan response data length.  The new length is returned
+ *                       in this parameter.
+ *  \param  pAdvData     Pointer to advertising or scan response data.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if the element was successfully added to the data, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t DmAdvSetAdValue(uint8_t adType, uint8_t len, uint8_t *pValue, uint8_t *pAdvDataLen,
+                       uint8_t *pAdvData);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvSetName
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the device name in the given advertising or scan response data.  If the
+ *          name can only fit in the data if it is shortened, the name is shortened
+ *          and the AD type is changed to DM_ADV_TYPE_SHORT_NAME.
+ *
+ *  \param  len          Length of the name.  Maximum length is 29 bytes.
+ *  \param  pValue       Pointer to the name in UTF-8 format.
+ *  \param  pAdvDataLen  Advertising or scan response data length.  The new length is returned
+ *                       in this parameter.
+ *  \param  pAdvData     Pointer to advertising or scan response data.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if the element was successfully added to the data, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t DmAdvSetName(uint8_t len, uint8_t *pValue, uint8_t *pAdvDataLen, uint8_t *pAdvData);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvPrivInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize private advertising.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvPrivInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvPrivStart
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Start using a private resolvable address.
+ *
+ *  \param  changeInterval  Interval between automatic address changes, in seconds.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvPrivStart(uint16_t changeInterval);
+ *  \fn     DmAdvPrivStop
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Stop using a private resolvable address.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmAdvPrivStop(void);
+ *  \fn     DmScanInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM scanning.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmScanInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmScanStart
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Start scanning.
+ *
+ *  \param  mode      Discoverability mode.
+ *  \param  scanType  Scan type.
+ *  \param  filterDup Filter duplicates.  Set to TRUE to filter duplicate responses received
+ *                    from the same device.  Set to FALSE to receive all responses.
+ *  \param  duration  The scan duration, in milliseconds.  If set to zero, scanning will
+ *                    continue until DmScanStop() is called.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmScanStart(uint8_t mode, uint8_t scanType, bool_t filterDup, uint16_t duration);
+ *  \fn     DmScanStop
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Stop scanning.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmScanStop(void);
+ *  \fn     DmScanSetInterval
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the scan interval and window.
+ *
+ *  \param  scanInterval  The scan interval.
+ *  \param  scanWindow    The scan window.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmScanSetInterval(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow);
+ *  \fn     DmScanSetAddrType
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the local address type used while scanning.  This function can be used to
+ *          configure scanning to use a random address.
+ *
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmScanSetAddrType(uint8_t addrType);
+ *  \fn     DmConnInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM connection manager.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmConnMasterInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM connection manager for operation as master.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnMasterInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmConnSlaveInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM connection manager for operation as slave.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnSlaveInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmConnRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Register with the DM connection manager.
+ *
+ *  \param  clientId  The client identifier.
+ *  \param  cback     Client callback function.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnRegister(uint8_t clientId, dmCback_t cback);
+ *  \fn     DmConnOpen
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Open a connection to a peer device with the given address.
+ *
+ *  \param  clientId  The client identifier.
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *  \param  pAddr     Peer device address.
+ *
+ *  \return Connection identifier.
+ */
+dmConnId_t DmConnOpen(uint8_t clientId, uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+ *  \fn     DmConnClose
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Close the connection with the give connection identifier.
+ *
+ *  \param  clientId  The client identifier.
+ *  \param  connId    Connection identifier.
+ *  \param  reason    Reason connection is being closed.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnClose(uint8_t clientId, dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t reason);
+ *  \fn     DmConnAccept
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Accept a connection from the given peer device by initiating directed advertising.
+ *
+ *  \param  clientId  The client identifier.
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *  \param  pAddr     Peer device address.
+ *
+ *  \return Connection identifier.
+ */
+dmConnId_t DmConnAccept(uint8_t clientId, uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+ *  \fn     DmConnUpdate
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Update the connection parameters of an open connection
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      Connection identifier.
+ *  \param  pConnSpec   Connection specification.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnUpdate(dmConnId_t connId, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+ *  \fn     DmConnSetScanInterval
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the scan interval and window for created connections created with DmConnOpen().
+ *
+ *  \param  scanInterval  The scan interval.
+ *  \param  scanWindow    The scan window.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnSetScanInterval(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow);
+ *  \fn     DmConnSetConnSpec
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the connection specification parameters for connections created with DmConnOpen().
+ *
+ *  \param  pConnSpec   Connection spec parameters.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnSetConnSpec(hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+ *  \fn     DmConnSetAddrType
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the local address type used for connections created with DmConnOpen().
+ *
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnSetAddrType(uint8_t addrType);
+ *  \fn     DmConnSetIdle
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Configure a bit in the connection idle state mask as busy or idle.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      Connection identifier.
+ *  \param  idleMask    Bit in the idle state mask to configure.
+ *  \param  idle        DM_CONN_BUSY or DM_CONN_IDLE.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmConnSetIdle(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t idleMask, uint8_t idle);
+ *  \fn     DmConnCheckIdle
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Check if a connection is idle.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      Connection identifier.
+ *
+ *  \return Zero if connection is idle, nonzero if busy.
+ */
+uint16_t DmConnCheckIdle(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmDevReset
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Reset the device.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmDevReset(void);
+ *  \fn     DmDevRole
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Return the device role indicating master or slave.
+ *
+ *  \return Device role.
+ */
+uint8_t DmDevRole(void);
+ *  \fn     DmDevSetRandAddr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the random address to be used by the local device.
+ *
+ *  \param  pAddr     Random address.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmDevSetRandAddr(uint8_t *pAddr);
+ *  \fn     DmDevWhiteListAdd
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Add a peer device to the white list.  Note that this function cannot be called
+ *          while advertising, scanning, or connecting with white list filtering active.
+ *
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *  \param  pAddr     Peer device address.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmDevWhiteListAdd(uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+ *  \fn     DmDevWhiteListRemove
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Remove a peer device from the white list.  Note that this function cannot be called
+ *          while advertising, scanning, or connecting with white list filtering active.
+ *
+ *  \param  addrType  Address type.
+ *  \param  pAddr     Peer device address.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmDevWhiteListRemove(uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+ *  \fn     DmDevWhiteListClear
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Clear the white list.  Note that this function cannot be called while
+ *          advertising, scanning, or connecting with white list filtering active.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmDevWhiteListClear(void);
+ *  \fn     DmDevVsInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Vendor-specific controller initialization function.
+ *
+ *  \param  param    Vendor-specific parameter.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmDevVsInit(uint8_t param);
+ *  \fn     DmSecInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM security.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmSecPairReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by a master device to initiate pairing.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  oob       Out-of-band pairing data present or not present.
+ *  \param  auth      Authentication and bonding flags.
+ *  \param  iKeyDist  Initiator key distribution flags.
+ *  \param  rKeyDist  Responder key distribution flags.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecPairReq(dmConnId_t connId, bool_t oob, uint8_t auth, uint8_t iKeyDist, uint8_t rKeyDist);
+ *  \fn     DmSecPairRsp
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by a slave device to proceed with pairing after a
+ *          DM_SEC_PAIR_IND event is received.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  oob       Out-of-band pairing data present or not present.
+ *  \param  auth      Authentication and bonding flags.
+ *  \param  iKeyDist  Initiator key distribution flags.
+ *  \param  rKeyDist  Responder key distribution flags.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecPairRsp(dmConnId_t connId, bool_t oob, uint8_t auth, uint8_t iKeyDist, uint8_t rKeyDist);
+ *  \fn     DmSecCancelReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called to cancel the pairing process.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  reason    Failure reason.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecCancelReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t reason);
+ *  \fn     DmSecAuthRsp
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called in response to a DM_SEC_AUTH_REQ_IND event to provide
+ *          PIN or OOB data during pairing.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  authDataLen Length of PIN or OOB data.
+ *  \param  pAuthData   pointer to PIN or OOB data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecAuthRsp(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t authDataLen, uint8_t *pAuthData);
+ *  \fn     DmSecSlaveReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by a slave device to request that the master initiates
+ *          pairing or link encryption.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  auth      Authentication flags.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecSlaveReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t auth);
+ *  \fn     DmSecEncryptReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by a master device to initiate link encryption.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  secLevel  Security level of pairing when LTK was exchanged.
+ *  \param  pLtk      Pointer to LTK parameter structure.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecEncryptReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t secLevel, dmSecLtk_t *pLtk);
+ *  \fn     DmSecLtkRsp
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by a slave in response to a DM_SEC_LTK_REQ_IND event 
+ *          to provide the long term key used for encryption.  
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  keyFound  TRUE if key found.
+ *  \param  secLevel  Security level of pairing when key was exchanged.
+ *  \param  pKey      Pointer to the key, if found.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecLtkRsp(dmConnId_t connId, bool_t keyFound, uint8_t secLevel, uint8_t *pKey);
+ *  \fn     DmSecSetLocalCsrk
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function sets the local CSRK used by the device.  
+ *
+ *  \param  pCsrk     Pointer to CSRK.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecSetLocalCsrk(uint8_t *pCsrk);
+ *  \fn     DmSecSetLocalIrk
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function sets the local IRK used by the device.  
+ *
+ *  \param  pCsrk     Pointer to IRK.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSecSetLocalIrk(uint8_t *pIrk);
+ *  \fn     DmPrivInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize DM privacy module.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmPrivInit(void);
+ *  \fn     DmPrivResolveAddr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Resolve a private resolvable address.  When complete the client's callback function
+ *          is called with a DM_PRIV_RESOLVED_ADDR_IND event.  The client must wait to receive
+ *          this event before executing this function again.
+ *
+ *  \param  pAddr     Peer device address.
+ *  \param  pIrk      The peer's identity resolving key.
+ *  \param  param     Client-defined parameter returned with callback event.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmPrivResolveAddr(uint8_t *pAddr, uint8_t *pIrk, uint16_t param);
+ *  \fn     DmL2cConnUpdateCnf
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  L2C calls this function to send the result of an L2CAP
+ *          connection update response to DM.
+ *
+ *  \param  handle  Connection handle.
+ *  \param  reason  Connection update response reason code.
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmL2cConnUpdateCnf(uint16_t handle, uint16_t reason);
+ *  \fn     DmL2cConnUpdateInd
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  L2C calls this function when it receives a connection update
+ *          request from a peer device.
+ *
+ *  \param  identifier  Identifier value.
+ *  \param  handle      Connection handle.
+ *  \param  pConnSpec   Connection spec parameters.
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmL2cConnUpdateInd(uint8_t identifier, uint16_t handle, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+ *  \fn     DmConnIdByHandle
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Find the connection ID with matching handle.
+ *
+ *  \param  handle  Handle to find.
+ *
+ *  \return Connection ID or DM_CONN_ID_NONE if error.
+ */
+dmConnId_t DmConnIdByHandle(uint16_t handle);
+ *  \fn     DmConnInUse
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Return TRUE if the connection is in use.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId  Connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if the connection is in use, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t DmConnInUse(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmConnPeerAddrType
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Return the peer address type.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId  Connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Peer address type.
+ */
+uint8_t DmConnPeerAddrType(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmConnPeerAddr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Return the peer device address.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId  Connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to peer device address.
+ */
+uint8_t *DmConnPeerAddr(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmConnLocalAddrType
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Return the local address type.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId  Connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Local address type.
+ */
+uint8_t DmConnLocalAddrType(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmConnLocalAddr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Return the local address.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId  Connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to local address.
+ */
+uint8_t *DmConnLocalAddr(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmConnSecLevel
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Return the security level of the connection.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId  Connection ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Security level of the connection.
+ */
+uint8_t DmConnSecLevel(dmConnId_t connId);
+ *  \fn     DmSmpEncryptReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  This function is called by SMP to request encryption.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    DM connection ID.
+ *  \param  secLevel  Security level of pairing when key was exchanged.
+ *  \param  pKey      Pointer to key.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSmpEncryptReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t secLevel, uint8_t *pKey);
+ *  \fn     DmSmpCbackExec
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  Execute DM callback from SMP procedures.
+ *
+ *  \param  pDmEvt    Pointer to callback event data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmSmpCbackExec(dmEvt_t *pDmEvt);
+ *  \fn     DmSecGetLocalCsrk
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  This function gets the local CSRK used by the device.  
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to CSRK.
+ */
+uint8_t *DmSecGetLocalCsrk(void);
+ *  \fn     DmSecGetLocalIrk
+ *        
+ *  \brief  For internal use only.  This function gets the local IRK used by the device.  
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to IRK.
+ */
+uint8_t *DmSecGetLocalIrk(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* DM_API_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/dm_handler.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *  \file   dm_handler.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Interface to DM event handler.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-03-29 13:24:04 -0700 (Thu, 29 Mar 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 287 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef DM_HANDLER_H
+#define DM_HANDLER_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     DmHandlerInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  DM handler init function called during system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerID  WSF handler ID for DM.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
+ *  \fn     DmHandler
+ *        
+ *  \brief  WSF event handler for DM.
+ *
+ *  \param  event   WSF event mask.
+ *  \param  pMsg    WSF message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void DmHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* DM_HANDLER_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/hci_api.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ *  \file   hci_api.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  HCI subsystem API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef HCI_API_H
+#define HCI_API_H
+#include "wsf_types.h"
+#include "hci_defs.h"
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#include "bda.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Internal event values for the HCI event and sec callbacks */
+#define HCI_RESET_SEQ_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                    0   /*! Reset sequence complete */
+#define HCI_LE_CONN_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                      1   /*! LE connection complete */
+#define HCI_DISCONNECT_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                   2   /*! LE disconnect complete */
+#define HCI_LE_CONN_UPDATE_CMPL_CBACK_EVT               3   /*! LE connection update complete */
+#define HCI_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT    4   /*! LE create connection cancel command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_ADV_REPORT_CBACK_EVT                     5   /*! LE advertising report */
+#define HCI_READ_RSSI_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                6   /*! Read RSSI command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT         7   /*! LE Read channel map command complete */
+#define HCI_READ_TX_PWR_LVL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT          8   /*! Read transmit power level command complete */
+#define HCI_READ_REMOTE_VER_INFO_CMPL_CBACK_EVT         9   /*! Read remote version information complete */
+#define HCI_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT_CMPL_CBACK_EVT          10  /*! LE read remote features complete */
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_REPL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT          11  /*! LE LTK request reply command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPL_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT      12  /*! LE LTK request negative reply command complete */
+#define HCI_ENC_KEY_REFRESH_CMPL_CBACK_EVT              13  /*! Encryption key refresh complete */
+#define HCI_ENC_CHANGE_CBACK_EVT                        14  /*! Encryption change */
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_CBACK_EVT                        15  /*! LE LTK request */
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_CMD_STATUS_CBACK_EVT            16  /*! Vendor specific command status */
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT              17  /*! Vendor specific command complete */
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_CBACK_EVT                       18  /*! Vendor specific */
+#define HCI_HW_ERROR_CBACK_EVT                          19  /*! Hardware error */
+#define HCI_LE_ENCRYPT_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT               20  /*! LE encrypt command complete */
+#define HCI_LE_RAND_CMD_CMPL_CBACK_EVT                  21  /*! LE rand command complete */
+  Data Types
+/*! Connection specification type */
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t            connIntervalMin;
+  uint16_t            connIntervalMax;
+  uint16_t            connLatency;
+  uint16_t            supTimeout;
+  uint16_t            minCeLen;
+  uint16_t            maxCeLen;
+} hciConnSpec_t;
+/*! LE connection complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             role;
+  uint8_t             addrType;
+  bdAddr_t            peerAddr;
+  uint16_t            connInterval;
+  uint16_t            connLatency;
+  uint16_t            supTimeout;
+  uint8_t             clockAccuracy;
+} hciLeConnCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Disconnect complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             reason;
+} hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE connection update complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint16_t            connInterval;
+  uint16_t            connLatency;
+  uint16_t            supTimeout;
+} hciLeConnUpdateCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE create connection cancel command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+} hciLeCreateConnCancelCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE advertising report event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             *pData;
+  uint8_t             len;
+  int8_t              rssi;
+  uint8_t             eventType;
+  uint8_t             addrType;
+  bdAddr_t            addr;
+} hciLeAdvReportEvt_t;
+/*! Read RSSI command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint8_t             handle;
+  int8_t              rssi;
+} hciReadRssiCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE Read channel map command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             chanMap[HCI_CHAN_MAP_LEN];
+} hciReadChanMapCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Read transmit power level command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint8_t             handle;
+  int8_t              pwrLvl;
+} hciReadTxPwrLvlCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Read remote version information complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             version;
+  uint16_t            mfrName;
+  uint16_t            subversion; 
+} hciReadRemoteVerInfoCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE read remote features complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             features[HCI_FEAT_LEN];
+} hciLeReadRemoteFeatCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE LTK request reply command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+} hciLeLtkReqReplCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE LTK request negative reply command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+} hciLeLtkReqNegReplCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Encryption key refresh complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+} hciEncKeyRefreshCmpl_t;
+/*! Encryption change event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             status;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             enabled;
+} hciEncChangeEvt_t;
+/*! LE LTK request event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint16_t            handle;
+  uint8_t             randNum[HCI_RAND_LEN];
+  uint16_t            encDiversifier;
+} hciLeLtkReqEvt_t;
+/*! Vendor specific command status event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint16_t           opcode;
+} hciVendorSpecCmdStatusEvt_t;
+/*! Vendor specific command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint16_t           opcode;
+  uint8_t            param[1];
+} hciVendorSpecCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Vendor specific event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            param[1];
+} hciVendorSpecEvt_t;
+/*! Hardware error event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            code;
+} hciHwErrorEvt_t;
+/*! LE encrypt command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            status;
+  uint8_t            data[HCI_ENCRYPT_DATA_LEN];
+} hciLeEncryptCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! LE rand command complete event */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t        hdr;
+  uint8_t            status;
+  uint8_t            randNum[HCI_RAND_LEN];
+} hciLeRandCmdCmplEvt_t;
+/*! Union of all event types */
+typedef union
+  wsfMsgHdr_t                       hdr;
+  wsfMsgHdr_t                       resetSeqCmpl;
+  hciLeConnCmplEvt_t                leConnCmpl;
+  hciDisconnectCmplEvt_t            disconnectCmpl;
+  hciLeConnUpdateCmplEvt_t          leConnUpdateCmpl;
+  hciLeCreateConnCancelCmdCmplEvt_t leCreateConnCancelCmdCmpl;
+  hciLeAdvReportEvt_t               leAdvReport;
+  hciReadRssiCmdCmplEvt_t           readRssiCmdCmpl;
+  hciReadChanMapCmdCmplEvt_t        readChanMapCmdCmpl;    
+  hciReadTxPwrLvlCmdCmplEvt_t       readTxPwrLvlCmdCmpl;   
+  hciReadRemoteVerInfoCmplEvt_t     readRemoteVerInfoCmpl;  
+  hciLeReadRemoteFeatCmplEvt_t      leReadRemoteFeatCmpl;  
+  hciLeLtkReqReplCmdCmplEvt_t       leLtkReqReplCmdCmpl;   
+  hciLeLtkReqNegReplCmdCmplEvt_t    leLtkReqNegReplCmdCmpl;
+  hciEncKeyRefreshCmpl_t            encKeyRefreshCmpl;       
+  hciEncChangeEvt_t                 encChange;             
+  hciLeLtkReqEvt_t                  leLtkReq;                 
+  hciVendorSpecCmdStatusEvt_t       vendorSpecCmdStatus;   
+  hciVendorSpecCmdCmplEvt_t         vendorSpecCmdCmpl;     
+  hciVendorSpecEvt_t                vendorSpec;            
+  hciHwErrorEvt_t                   hwError;
+  hciLeEncryptCmdCmplEvt_t          leEncryptCmdCmpl;
+  hciLeRandCmdCmplEvt_t             leRandCmdCmpl;
+} hciEvt_t;
+  Callback Function Types
+typedef void (*hciEvtCback_t)(hciEvt_t *pEvent);
+typedef void (*hciSecCback_t)(hciEvt_t *pEvent);
+typedef void (*hciAclCback_t)(uint8_t *pData);
+typedef void (*hciFlowCback_t)(uint16_t handle, bool_t flowDisabled);
+  Function Declarations
+/*! Initialization, registration, and reset */
+void HciEvtRegister(hciEvtCback_t evtCback);
+void HciSecRegister(hciSecCback_t secCback);
+void HciAclRegister(hciAclCback_t aclCback, hciFlowCback_t flowCback);
+void HciResetSequence(void);
+void HciVsInit(uint8_t param);
+/*! Optimization interface */
+uint8_t *HciGetBdAddr(void);
+uint8_t HciGetWhiteListSize(void);
+int8_t HciGetAdvTxPwr(void);
+uint16_t HciGetBufSize(void);
+uint8_t HciGetNumBufs(void);
+uint8_t *HciGetSupStates(void);
+uint8_t HciGetLeSupFeat(void);
+/*! ACL data interface */
+void HciSendAclData(uint8_t *pAclData);
+/*! Command interface */
+void HciDisconnectCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason);
+void HciLeAddDevWhiteListCmd(uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+void HciLeClearWhiteListCmd(void);
+void HciLeConnUpdateCmd(uint16_t handle, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+void HciLeCreateConnCmd(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow, uint8_t filterPolicy,
+                        uint8_t peerAddrType, uint8_t *pPeerAddr, uint8_t ownAddrType,
+                        hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+void HciLeCreateConnCancelCmd(void);
+void HciLeEncryptCmd(uint8_t *pKey, uint8_t *pData);
+void HciLeLtkReqNegReplCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciLeLtkReqReplCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pKey);
+void HciLeRandCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadAdvTXPowerCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadBufSizeCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadChanMapCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciLeReadLocalSupFeatCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadRemoteFeatCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciLeReadSupStatesCmd(void);
+void HciLeReadWhiteListSizeCmd(void);
+void HciLeRemoveDevWhiteListCmd(uint8_t addrType, uint8_t *pAddr);
+void HciLeSetAdvEnableCmd(uint8_t enable);
+void HciLeSetAdvDataCmd(uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+void HciLeSetAdvParamCmd(uint16_t advIntervalMin, uint16_t advIntervalMax, uint8_t advType,
+                         uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t directAddrType, uint8_t *pDirectAddr,
+                         uint8_t advChanMap, uint8_t advFiltPolicy);
+void HciLeSetEventMaskCmd(uint8_t *pLeEventMask);
+void HciLeSetHostChanClassCmd(uint8_t *pChanMap);
+void HciLeSetRandAddrCmd(uint8_t *pAddr);
+void HciLeSetScanEnableCmd(uint8_t enable, uint8_t filterDup);
+void HciLeSetScanParamCmd(uint8_t scanType, uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
+                          uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t scanFiltPolicy);
+void HciLeSetScanRespDataCmd(uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+void HciLeStartEncryptionCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pRand, uint16_t diversifier, uint8_t *pKey);
+void HciReadBdAddrCmd(void);
+void HciReadBufSizeCmd(void);
+void HciReadLocalSupFeatCmd(void);
+void HciReadLocalVerInfoCmd(void);
+void HciReadRemoteVerInfoCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciReadRssiCmd(uint16_t handle);
+void HciReadTxPwrLvlCmd(uint16_t handle, uint8_t type);
+void HciResetCmd(void);
+void HciSetEventMaskCmd(uint8_t *pEventMask);
+void HciVendorSpecificCmd(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t len, uint8_t *pData);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HCI_API_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/hci_defs.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ *  \file   hci_defs.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  HCI constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-06-26 21:53:53 -0700 (Tue, 26 Jun 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 337 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef HCI_DEFS_H
+#define HCI_DEFS_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/*! Packet definitions */
+#define HCI_CMD_HDR_LEN                   3       /*! Command packet header length */
+#define HCI_ACL_HDR_LEN                   4       /*! ACL packet header length */
+#define HCI_EVT_HDR_LEN                   2       /*! Event packet header length */
+#define HCI_EVT_PARAM_MAX_LEN             255     /*! Maximum length of event packet parameters */
+#define HCI_PB_FLAG_MASK                  0x1000  /*! ACL packet boundary flag mask */
+#define HCI_PB_START                      0x0000  /*! Packet boundary flag, start */
+#define HCI_PB_CONTINUE                   0x1000  /*! Packet boundary flag, continue */
+#define HCI_HANDLE_MASK                   0x0FFF  /*! Mask for handle bits in ACL packet */
+#define HCI_HANDLE_NONE                   0xFFFF  /*! Value for invalid handle */
+/*! Packet types */
+#define HCI_CMD_TYPE                      1       /*! HCI command packet */
+#define HCI_ACL_TYPE                      2       /*! HCI ACL data packet */
+#define HCI_EVT_TYPE                      4       /*! HCI event packet */
+/*! Error codes */
+#define HCI_SUCCESS                       0x00    /*! Success */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNKNOWN_CMD               0x01    /*! Unknown HCI command */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNKNOWN_HANDLE            0x02    /*! Unknown connection identifier */
+#define HCI_ERR_HARDWARE_FAILURE          0x03    /*! Hardware failure */
+#define HCI_ERR_PAGE_TIMEOUT              0x04    /*! Page timeout */
+#define HCI_ERR_AUTH_FAILURE              0x05    /*! Authentication failure */
+#define HCI_ERR_KEY_MISSING               0x06    /*! PIN or key missing */
+#define HCI_ERR_MEMORY_EXCEEDED           0x07    /*! Memory capacity exceeded */
+#define HCI_ERR_CONN_TIMEOUT              0x08    /*! Connection timeout */
+#define HCI_ERR_CONN_LIMIT                0x09    /*! Connection limit exceeded */
+#define HCI_ERR_SYNCH_CONN_LIMIT          0x0A    /*! Synchronous connection limit exceeded */
+#define HCI_ERR_ACL_CONN_EXISTS           0x0B    /*! ACL connection already exists */
+#define HCI_ERR_CMD_DISALLOWED            0x0C    /*! Command disallowed */
+#define HCI_ERR_REJ_RESOURCES             0x0D    /*! Connection rejected limited resources */
+#define HCI_ERR_REJ_SECURITY              0x0E    /*! Connection rejected security reasons */
+#define HCI_ERR_REJ_BD_ADDR               0x0F    /*! Connection rejected unacceptable BD_ADDR */
+#define HCI_ERR_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT            0x10    /*! Connection accept timeout exceeded */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSUP_FEAT                0x11    /*! Unsupported feature or parameter value */
+#define HCI_ERR_INVALID_PARAM             0x12    /*! Invalid HCI command parameters */
+#define HCI_ERR_REMOTE_TERMINATED         0x13    /*! Remote user terminated connection */
+#define HCI_ERR_REMOTE_RESOURCES          0x14    /*! Remote device low resources */
+#define HCI_ERR_REMOTE_POWER_OFF          0x15    /*! Remote device power off */
+#define HCI_ERR_LOCAL_TERMINATED          0x16    /*! Connection terminated by local host */
+#define HCI_ERR_REPEATED_ATTEMPTS         0x17    /*! Repeated attempts */
+#define HCI_ERR_PAIRING_NOT_ALLOWED       0x18    /*! Pairing not allowed */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNKNOWN_LMP_PDU           0x19    /*! Unknown LMP PDU */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSUP_REMOTE_FEAT         0x1A    /*! Unsupported remote feature */
+#define HCI_ERR_SCO_OFFSET                0x1B    /*! SCO offset rejected */
+#define HCI_ERR_SCO_INTERVAL              0x1C    /*! SCO interval rejected */
+#define HCI_ERR_SCO_MODE                  0x1D    /*! SCO air mode rejected */
+#define HCI_ERR_LMP_PARAM                 0x1E    /*! Invalid LMP parameters */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSPECIFIED               0x1F    /*! Unspecified error */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSUP_LMP_PARAM           0x20    /*! Unsupported LMP parameter value */
+#define HCI_ERR_ROLE_CHANGE               0x21    /*! Role change not allowed */
+#define HCI_ERR_LL_RESP_TIMEOUT           0x22    /*! LL response timeout */
+#define HCI_ERR_LMP_COLLISION             0x23    /*! LMP error transaction collision */
+#define HCI_ERR_LMP_PDU                   0x24    /*! LMP pdu not allowed */
+#define HCI_ERR_ENCRYPT_MODE              0x25    /*! Encryption mode not acceptable */
+#define HCI_ERR_LINK_KEY                  0x26    /*! Link key can not be changed */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSUP_QOS                 0x27    /*! Requested qos not supported */
+#define HCI_ERR_INSTANT_PASSED            0x28    /*! Instant passed */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSUP_UNIT_KEY            0x29    /*! Pairing with unit key not supported */
+#define HCI_ERR_TRANSACT_COLLISION        0x2A    /*! Different transaction collision */
+#define HCI_ERR_CHANNEL_CLASS             0x2E    /*! Channel classification not supported */
+#define HCI_ERR_MEMORY                    0x2F    /*! Insufficient security */
+#define HCI_ERR_PARAMETER_RANGE           0x30    /*! Parameter out of mandatory range */
+#define HCI_ERR_ROLE_SWITCH_PEND          0x32    /*! Role switch pending */
+#define HCI_ERR_RESERVED_SLOT             0x34    /*! Reserved slot violation */
+#define HCI_ERR_ROLE_SWITCH               0x35    /*! Role switch failed */
+#define HCI_ERR_INQ_TOO_LARGE             0x36    /*! Extended inquiry response too large */
+#define HCI_ERR_UNSUP_SSP                 0x37    /*! Secure simple pairing not supported by host */
+#define HCI_ERR_HOST_BUSY_PAIRING         0x38    /*! Host busy - pairing */
+#define HCI_ERR_NO_CHANNEL                0x39    /*! Connection rejected no suitable channel */
+#define HCI_ERR_CONTROLLER_BUSY           0x3A    /*! Controller busy */
+#define HCI_ERR_CONN_INTERVAL             0x3B    /*! Unacceptable connection interval */
+#define HCI_ERR_ADV_TIMEOUT               0x3C    /*! Directed advertising timeout */
+#define HCI_ERR_MIC_FAILURE               0x3D    /*! Connection terminated due to MIC failure */
+#define HCI_ERR_CONN_FAIL                 0x3E    /*! Connection failed to be established */
+#define HCI_ERR_MAC_CONN_FAIL             0x3F    /*! MAC connection failed */
+/*! Command groups */
+#define HCI_OGF_NOP                       0x00    /*! No operation */
+#define HCI_OGF_LINK_CONTROL              0x01    /*! Link control */
+#define HCI_OGF_LINK_POLICY               0x02    /*! Link policy */
+#define HCI_OGF_CONTROLLER                0x03    /*! Controller and baseband */
+#define HCI_OGF_INFORMATIONAL             0x04    /*! Informational parameters */
+#define HCI_OGF_STATUS                    0x05    /*! Status parameters */
+#define HCI_OGF_TESTING                   0x06    /*! Testing */
+#define HCI_OGF_LE_CONTROLLER             0x08    /*! LE controller */
+#define HCI_OGF_VENDOR_SPEC               0x3F    /*! Vendor specific */
+/*! NOP command */
+#define HCI_OCF_NOP                       0x00
+/*! Link control commands */
+#define HCI_OCF_DISCONNECT                0x06
+/*! Link policy commands (none used for LE) */
+/*! Controller and baseband commands */
+#define HCI_OCF_SET_EVENT_MASK            0x01
+#define HCI_OCF_RESET                     0x03
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_TX_PWR_LVL           0x2D
+#define HCI_OCF_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE          0x33
+#define HCI_OCF_HOST_NUM_CMPL_PKTS        0x35
+/*! Informational commands */
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_LOCAL_VER_INFO       0x01
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_LOCAL_SUP_CMDS       0x02
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_LOCAL_SUP_FEAT       0x03
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_BUF_SIZE             0x05
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_BD_ADDR              0x09
+/*! Status commands */
+#define HCI_OCF_READ_RSSI                 0x05
+/*! LE controller commands */
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_EVENT_MASK         0x01
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_READ_BUF_SIZE          0x02
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_RAND_ADDR          0x05
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_ADV_PARAM          0x06
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_READ_ADV_TX_POWER      0x07
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_ADV_DATA           0x08
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_SCAN_RESP_DATA     0x09
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_ADV_ENABLE         0x0A
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_SCAN_PARAM         0x0B
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE        0x0C
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_CREATE_CONN            0x0D
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_CLEAR_WHITE_LIST       0x10
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_ADD_DEV_WHITE_LIST     0x11
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_CONN_UPDATE            0x13
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP          0x15
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT       0x16
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_ENCRYPT                0x17
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_RAND                   0x18
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_START_ENCRYPTION       0x19
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_LTK_REQ_REPL           0x1A
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPL       0x1B
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_READ_SUP_STATES        0x1C
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_RECEIVER_TEST          0x1D
+#define HCI_OCF_LE_TEST_END               0x1F
+/*! Opcode manipulation macros */
+#define HCI_OPCODE(ogf, ocf)              (((ogf) << 10) + (ocf))
+#define HCI_OGF(opcode)                   ((opcode) >> 10)
+#define HCI_OCF(opcode)                   ((opcode) & 0x03FF)
+/*! Command opcodes */
+#define HCI_OPCODE_NOP                       HCI_OPCODE(HCI_OGF_NOP, HCI_OCF_NOP)
+/*! Command parameter lengths */
+#define HCI_LEN_NOP                       0
+#define HCI_LEN_DISCONNECT                3
+#define HCI_LEN_SET_EVENT_MASK            8
+#define HCI_LEN_RESET                     0
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_TX_PWR_LVL           3
+#define HCI_LEN_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE          8
+#define HCI_LEN_HOST_NUM_CMPL_PKTS        1
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_LOCAL_VER_INFO       0
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_LOCAL_SUP_CMDS       0
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_LOCAL_SUP_FEAT       0
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_BUF_SIZE             0
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_BD_ADDR              0
+#define HCI_LEN_READ_RSSI                 2
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_EVENT_MASK         8
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_READ_BUF_SIZE          0
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_RAND_ADDR          6
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_ADV_PARAM          15
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_READ_ADV_TX_POWER      0
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_ADV_DATA           32
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_ADV_ENABLE         1
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_SCAN_PARAM         7
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE        2
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_CREATE_CONN            25
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_CLEAR_WHITE_LIST       0
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_CONN_UPDATE            14
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP          2
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT       2
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_ENCRYPT                32
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_RAND                   0
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_LTK_REQ_REPL           18
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPL       2
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_READ_SUP_STATES        0
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_RECEIVER_TEST          1
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_TEST_END               0
+/*! Events */
+#define HCI_DISCONNECT_CMPL_EVT           0x05
+#define HCI_ENC_CHANGE_EVT                0x08
+#define HCI_CMD_CMPL_EVT                  0x0E
+#define HCI_CMD_STATUS_EVT                0x0F
+#define HCI_HW_ERROR_EVT                  0x10
+#define HCI_NUM_CMPL_PKTS_EVT             0x13
+#define HCI_DATA_BUF_OVERFLOW_EVT         0x1A
+#define HCI_ENC_KEY_REFRESH_CMPL_EVT      0x30
+#define HCI_LE_META_EVT                   0x3E
+#define HCI_VENDOR_SPEC_EVT               0xFF
+/*! LE Subevents */
+#define HCI_LE_CONN_CMPL_EVT              0x01
+#define HCI_LE_ADV_REPORT_EVT             0x02
+#define HCI_LE_CONN_UPDATE_CMPL_EVT       0x03
+#define HCI_LE_LTK_REQ_EVT                0x05
+/*! Event parameter lengths */
+#define HCI_LEN_DISCONNECT_CMPL           4
+#define HCI_LEN_ENC_CHANGE                5
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_CONN_CMPL              19
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_CONN_UPDATE_CMPL       9
+#define HCI_LEN_LE_LTK_REQ                13
+/*! Supported commands */
+#define HCI_SUP_DISCONNECT                0x20      /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_SUP_READ_REMOTE_VER_INFO      0x80      /*! Byte 2 */
+#define HCI_SUP_SET_EVENT_MASK            0x40      /*! Byte 5 */
+#define HCI_SUP_RESET                     0x80      /*! Byte 5 */
+#define HCI_SUP_READ_TX_PWR_LVL           0x04      /*! Byte 10 */
+#define HCI_SUP_SET_CONTROLLER_TO_HOST_FC 0x20      /*! Byte 10 */
+#define HCI_SUP_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE          0x40      /*! Byte 10 */
+#define HCI_SUP_HOST_NUM_CMPL_PKTS        0x80      /*! Byte 10 */
+#define HCI_SUP_READ_LOCAL_VER_INFO       0x08      /*! Byte 14 */
+#define HCI_SUP_READ_LOCAL_SUP_FEAT       0x20      /*! Byte 14 */
+#define HCI_SUP_READ_BD_ADDR              0x02      /*! Byte 15 */
+#define HCI_SUP_READ_RSSI                 0x20      /*! Byte 15 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_EVENT_MASK         0x01      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_BUF_SIZE          0x02      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_LOCAL_SUP_FEAT    0x04      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_RAND_ADDR          0x10      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_ADV_PARAM          0x20      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_ADV_TX_POWER      0x40      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_ADV_DATA           0x80      /*! Byte 25 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_SCAN_RESP_DATA     0x01      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_ADV_ENABLE         0x02      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_SCAN_PARAM         0x04      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_SCAN_ENABLE        0x08      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_CREATE_CONN            0x10      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL     0x20      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_WHITE_LIST_SIZE   0x40      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_CLEAR_WHITE_LIST       0x80      /*! Byte 26 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_ADD_DEV_WHITE_LIST     0x01      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_REMOVE_DEV_WHITE_LIST  0x02      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_CONN_UPDATE            0x04      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_SET_HOST_CHAN_CLASS    0x08      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_CHAN_MAP          0x10      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT       0x20      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_ENCRYPT                0x40      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_RAND                   0x80      /*! Byte 27 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_START_ENCRYPTION       0x01      /*! Byte 28 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_LTK_REQ_REPL           0x02      /*! Byte 28 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPL       0x04      /*! Byte 28 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_READ_SUP_STATES        0x08      /*! Byte 28 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_RECEIVER_TEST          0x10      /*! Byte 28 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST       0x20      /*! Byte 28 */
+#define HCI_SUP_LE_TEST_END               0x40      /*! Byte 28 */
+/*! Event mask */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_DISCONNECT_CMPL            0x10   /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_ENC_CHANGE                 0x80   /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_READ_REMOTE_VER_INFO_CMPL  0x08   /*! Byte 1 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_HW_ERROR                   0x80   /*! Byte 1 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_DATA_BUF_OVERFLOW          0x02   /*! Byte 3 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_ENC_KEY_REFRESH_CMPL       0x80   /*! Byte 5 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LE_META                    0x20   /*! Byte 7 */
+/*! LE event mask */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LE_CONN_CMPL_EVT              0x01   /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LE_ADV_REPORT_EVT             0x02   /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LE_CONN_UPDATE_CMPL_EVT       0x04   /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LE_READ_REMOTE_FEAT_CMPL_EVT  0x08   /*! Byte 0 */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LE_LTK_REQ_EVT                0x10   /*! Byte 0 */
+/*! LE supported features */
+#define HCI_LE_SUP_FEAT_ENCRYPTION        0x01
+/*! Advertising command parameters */
+#define HCI_ADV_MIN_INTERVAL              0x0020    /*! Minimum advertising interval */
+#define HCI_ADV_NONCONN_MIN_INTERVAL      0x00A0    /*! Minimum nonconnectable adv. interval */
+#define HCI_ADV_MAX_INTERVAL              0x4000    /*! Maximum advertising interval */
+#define HCI_ADV_TYPE_CONN_UNDIRECT        0x00      /*! Connectable undirected advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_TYPE_CONN_DIRECT          0x01      /*! Connectable directed advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_TYPE_DISC_UNDIRECT        0x02      /*! Discoverable undirected advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_TYPE_NONCONN_UNDIRECT     0x03      /*! Nonconnectable undirected advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_CHAN_37                   0x01      /*! Advertising channel 37 */
+#define HCI_ADV_CHAN_38                   0x02      /*! Advertising channel 38 */
+#define HCI_ADV_CHAN_39                   0x04      /*! Advertising channel 39 */
+#define HCI_ADV_FILT_NONE                 0x00      /*! No scan request or connection filtering */
+#define HCI_ADV_FILT_SCAN                 0x01      /*! White list filters scan requests */
+#define HCI_ADV_FILT_CONN                 0x02      /*! White list filters connections */
+#define HCI_ADV_FILT_ALL                  0x03      /*! White list filters scan req. and conn. */
+/*! Scan command parameters */
+#define HCI_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE             0         /*! Passive scan */
+#define HCI_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE              1         /*! Active scan */
+#define HCI_SCAN_INTERVAL_MIN             0x0004    /*! Minimum scan interval */
+#define HCI_SCAN_INTERVAL_MAX             0x4000    /*! Maximum scan interval */
+#define HCI_SCAN_INTERVAL_DEFAULT         0x0010    /*! Default scan interval */
+#define HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_MIN               0x0004    /*! Minimum scan window */
+#define HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_MAX               0x4000    /*! Maximum scan window */
+#define HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_DEFAULT           0x0010    /*! Default scan window */
+/*! Connection command parameters */
+#define HCI_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN             0x0006    /*! Minimum connection interval */
+#define HCI_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX             0x0C80    /*! Maximum connection interval */
+#define HCI_CONN_LATENCY_MAX              0x01F3    /*! Maximum connection latency */
+#define HCI_SUP_TIMEOUT_MIN               0x000A    /*! Minimum supervision timeout */
+#define HCI_SUP_TIMEOUT_MAX               0x0C80    /*! Maximum supervision timeout */
+/*! Connection event parameters */
+#define HCI_ROLE_MASTER                   0         /*! Role is master */
+#define HCI_ROLE_SLAVE                    1         /*! Role is slave */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_500PPM                  0x00      /*! 500 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_250PPM                  0x01      /*! 250 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_150PPM                  0x02      /*! 150 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_100PPM                  0x03      /*! 100 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_75PPM                   0x04      /*! 75 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_50PPM                   0x05      /*! 50 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_30PPM                   0x06      /*! 30 ppm clock accuracy */
+#define HCI_CLOCK_20PPM                   0x07      /*! 20 ppm clock accuracy */
+/*! Advertising report event parameters */
+#define HCI_ADV_CONN_UNDIRECT             0x00      /*! Connectable undirected advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_CONN_DIRECT               0x01      /*! Connectable directed advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_DISC_UNDIRECT             0x02      /*! Discoverable undirected advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_NONCONN_UNDIRECT          0x03      /*! Non-connectable undirected advertising */
+#define HCI_ADV_SCAN_RESPONSE             0x04      /*! Scan response */
+/*! Misc command parameters */
+#define HCI_READ_TX_PWR_CURRENT           0         /*! Read current tx power */
+#define HCI_READ_TX_PWR_MAX               1         /*! Read maximum tx power */
+#define HCI_TX_PWR_MIN                    -30       /*! Minimum tx power dBm */
+#define HCI_TX_PWR_MAX                    20        /*! Maximum tx power dBm */
+#define HCI_VERSION                       6         /*! HCI specification version */
+#define HCI_RSSI_MIN                      -127      /*! Minimum RSSI dBm */
+#define HCI_RSSI_MAX                      20        /*! Maximum RSSI dBm */
+#define HCI_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC              0         /*! Public device address */
+#define HCI_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM              1         /*! Random device address */
+#define HCI_FILT_NONE                     0         /*! No white list filtering */
+#define HCI_FILT_WHITE_LIST               1         /*! White list filtering */
+#define HCI_ROLE_MASTER                   0         /*! Role is master */
+#define HCI_ROLE_SLAVE                    1         /*! Role is slave */
+/*! Parameter lengths */
+#define HCI_EVT_MASK_LEN                  8         /*! Length of event mask byte array */
+#define HCI_LE_EVT_MASK_LEN               8         /*! Length of LE event mask byte array */
+#define HCI_FEAT_LEN                      8         /*! Length of features byte array */
+#define HCI_ADV_DATA_LEN                  31        /*! Length of advertising data */
+#define HCI_SCAN_DATA_LEN                 31        /*! Length of scan response data */
+#define HCI_CHAN_MAP_LEN                  5         /*! Length of channel map byte array */
+#define HCI_KEY_LEN                       16        /*! Length of encryption key */
+#define HCI_ENCRYPT_DATA_LEN              16        /*! Length of data used in encryption */
+#define HCI_RAND_LEN                      8         /*! Length of random number */
+#define HCI_LE_STATES_LEN                 8         /*! Length of LE states byte array */
+/*! Wicentric company ID */
+#define HCI_ID_WICENTRIC                  0x005F
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HCI_DEFS_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/hci_handler.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *  \file   hci_handler.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Interface to HCI event handler.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-03-29 13:24:04 -0700 (Thu, 29 Mar 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 287 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef HCI_HANDLER_H
+#define HCI_HANDLER_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     HciHandlerInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  HCI handler init function called during system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerID  WSF handler ID for HCI.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void HciHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
+ *  \fn     HciHandler
+ *        
+ *  \brief  WSF event handler for HCI.
+ *
+ *  \param  event   WSF event mask.
+ *  \param  pMsg    WSF message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void HciHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HCI_HANDLER_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/l2c_api.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ *  \file   l2c_api.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  L2CAP subsystem API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-03-07 22:32:20 -0800 (Wed, 07 Mar 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 268 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef L2C_API_H
+#define L2C_API_H
+#include "hci_api.h"
+#include "l2c_defs.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Control callback message events */
+#define L2C_CTRL_FLOW_ENABLE_IND          0         /*! Data flow enabled */
+#define L2C_CTRL_FLOW_DISABLE_IND         1         /*! Data flow disabled */
+  Callback Function Types
+ *  \fn     l2cDataCback_t
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This callback function sends a received L2CAP packet to the client.
+ *
+ *  \param  handle    The connection handle.
+ *  \param  len       The length of the L2CAP payload data in pPacket.
+ *  \param  pPacket   A buffer containing the packet.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+typedef void (*l2cDataCback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPacket);
+ *  \fn     l2cCtrlCback_t
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This callback function sends control messages to the client.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message structure.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+typedef void (*l2cCtrlCback_t)(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     L2cInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize L2C subsystem.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cInit(void);
+ *  \fn     L2cMasterInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize L2C for operation as a Bluetooth LE master.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cMasterInit(void);
+ *  \fn     L2cSlaveInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize L2C for operation as a Bluetooth LE slave.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cSlaveInit(void);
+ *  \fn     L2cRegister
+ *        
+ *  \brief  called by the L2C client, such as ATT or SMP, to register for the given CID.
+ *
+ *  \param  cid       channel identifier.
+ *  \param  dataCback Callback function for L2CAP data received for this CID.
+ *  \param  ctrlCback Callback function for control events for this CID.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cRegister(uint16_t cid, l2cDataCback_t dataCback, l2cCtrlCback_t ctrlCback);
+ *  \fn     L2cDataReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Send an L2CAP data packet on the given CID.
+ *
+ *  \param  cid       The channel identifier.
+ *  \param  handle    The connection handle.  The client receives this handle from DM.
+ *  \param  len       The length of the payload data in pPacket.
+ *  \param  pPacket   A buffer containing the packet. 
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cDataReq(uint16_t cid, uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pL2cPacket);
+ *  \fn     L2cDmConnUpdateReq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by DM to send an L2CAP connection update request.
+ *
+ *  \param  handle      The connection handle.
+ *  \param  pConnSpec   Pointer to the connection specification structure.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cDmConnUpdateReq(uint16_t handle, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
+ *  \fn     L2cDmConnUpdateRsp
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by DM to send an L2CAP connection update response.
+ *
+ *  \param  identifier  Identifier value previously passed from L2C to DM.
+ *  \param  handle      The connection handle.
+ *  \param  result      Connection update response result.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cDmConnUpdateRsp(uint8_t identifier, uint16_t handle, uint16_t result);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* L2C_API_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/l2c_defs.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ *  \file   l2c_defs.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  L2CAP constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef L2C_DEFS_H
+#define L2C_DEFS_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Packet definitions */
+#define L2C_HDR_LEN                   4         /*! L2CAP packet header length */
+#define L2C_MIN_MTU                   23        /*! Minimum packet payload MTU for LE */
+#define L2C_SIG_HDR_LEN               4         /*! L2CAP signaling command header length */
+/*! Start of L2CAP payload in an HCI ACL packet buffer */
+#define L2C_PAYLOAD_START             (HCI_ACL_HDR_LEN + L2C_HDR_LEN)
+/*! L2CAP signaling packet base length, including HCI header */
+/*! Signaling packet parameter lengths */
+#define L2C_SIG_CMD_REJ_LEN           2
+/*! Connection identifiers */
+#define L2C_CID_ATT                   0x0004    /*! CID for attribute protocol */
+#define L2C_CID_LE_SIGNALING          0x0005    /*! CID for LE signaling */
+#define L2C_CID_SMP                   0x0006    /*! CID for security manager protocol */
+/*! Signaling codes */
+#define L2C_SIG_CMD_REJ               0x01      /*! Comand reject */
+#define L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDATE_REQ       0x12      /*! Connection parameter update request */
+#define L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDATE_RSP       0x13      /*! Connection parameter update response */
+/*! Signaling response code flag */
+#define L2C_SIG_RSP_FLAG              0x01
+/*! Command reject reason codes */
+#define L2C_REJ_NOT_UNDERSTOOD        0x0000    /*! Command not understood */
+#define L2C_REJ_MTU_EXCEEDED          0x0001    /*! Signaling MTU exceeded */
+#define L2C_REJ_INVALID_CID           0x0002    /*! Invalid CID in request */
+/*! Connection parameter update result */
+#define L2C_CONN_PARAM_ACCEPTED       0x0000    /*! Connection parameters accepted */
+#define L2C_CONN_PARAM_REJECTED       0x0001    /*! Connection parameters rejected */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* L2C_DEFS_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/l2c_handler.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ *  \file   l2c_handler.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  L2CAP handler interface.
+ *
+ *          $Date $
+ *          $Revision $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef L2C_HANDLER_H
+#define L2C_HANDLER_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     L2cSlaveHandlerInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Event handler initialization function for L2C when operating as a slave.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerId  ID for this event handler.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cSlaveHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
+ *  \fn     L2cSlaveHandler
+ *        
+ *  \brief  The WSF event handler for L2C when operating as a slave.
+ *
+ *  \param  event   Event mask.
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void L2cSlaveHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* L2C_HANDLER_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/smp_api.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ *  \file   smp_api.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  SMP subsystem API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2010-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef SMP_API_H
+#define SMP_API_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#include "smp_defs.h"
+#include "dm_api.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Event handler messages for SMP state machines */
+  SMP_MSG_API_PAIR_REQ = 1,               /*! API pairing request */
+  SMP_MSG_API_PAIR_RSP,                   /*! API pairing response */
+  SMP_MSG_API_CANCEL_REQ,                 /*! API cancel request */
+  SMP_MSG_API_AUTH_RSP,                   /*! API pin response */
+  SMP_MSG_API_SECURITY_REQ,               /*! API security request */
+  SMP_MSG_CMD_PKT,                        /*! SMP command packet received */
+  SMP_MSG_CMD_PAIRING_FAILED,             /*! SMP pairing failed packet received */
+  SMP_MSG_DM_ENCRYPT_CMPL,                /*! Link encrypted */
+  SMP_MSG_DM_ENCRYPT_FAILED,              /*! Link encryption failed */
+  SMP_MSG_DM_CONN_CLOSE,                  /*! Connection closed */
+  SMP_MSG_WSF_AES_CMPL,                   /*! AES calculation complete */
+  SMP_MSG_INT_SEND_NEXT_KEY,              /*! Send next key to be distributed */
+  SMP_MSG_INT_MAX_ATTEMPTS,               /*! Maximum pairing attempts reached */
+  SMP_MSG_INT_PAIRING_CMPL,               /*! Pairing complete */
+  SMP_MSG_INT_TIMEOUT,                    /*! Pairing protocol timeout */
+  Data Types
+/*! Configurable parameters */
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t            attemptTimeout;     /*! 'Repeated attempts' timeout in msec */
+  uint8_t             ioCap;              /*! I/O Capability */
+  uint8_t             minKeyLen;          /*! Minimum encryption key length */
+  uint8_t             maxKeyLen;          /*! Maximum encryption key length */
+  uint8_t             maxAttempts;        /*! Attempts to trigger 'repeated attempts' timeout */
+  uint8_t             auth;               /*! Device authentication requirements */
+} smpCfg_t;
+/*! Data type for SMP_MSG_API_PAIR_REQ and SMP_MSG_API_PAIR_RSP */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             oob;
+  uint8_t             auth;
+  uint8_t             iKeyDist;
+  uint8_t             rKeyDist;
+} smpDmPair_t;
+/*! Data type for SMP_MSG_API_AUTH_RSP */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             authData[SMP_OOB_LEN];
+  uint8_t             authDataLen;
+} smpDmAuthRsp_t;
+/*! Data type for SMP_MSG_API_SECURITY_REQ */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  uint8_t             auth;
+} smpDmSecurityReq_t;
+/*! Union SMP DM message data types */
+typedef union
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         hdr;
+  smpDmPair_t         pair;
+  smpDmAuthRsp_t      authRsp;
+  smpDmSecurityReq_t  securityReq;
+} smpDmMsg_t;
+  Global Variables;
+/*! Configuration pointer */
+extern smpCfg_t *pSmpCfg;
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     SmpiInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize SMP initiator role.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmpiInit(void);
+ *  \fn     SmprInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize SMP responder role.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmprInit(void);
+ *  \fn     SmpNonInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Use this SMP init function when SMP is not supported.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmpNonInit(void);
+ *  \fn     SmpDmMsgSend
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by DM to send a message to SMP.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg      Pointer to message structure.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmpDmMsgSend(smpDmMsg_t *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     SmpDmEncryptInd
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function is called by DM to notify SMP of encrypted link status.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to HCI message structure.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmpDmEncryptInd(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     SmpDmGetStk
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Return the STK for the given connection.
+ *
+ *  \param  connId    Connection identifier.
+ *  \param  pSecLevel Returns the security level of pairing when STK was created.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to STK or NULL if not available.
+ */
+uint8_t *SmpDmGetStk(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t *pSecLevel);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SMP_API_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/smp_defs.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ *  \file   smp_defs.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Security manager constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2010-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef SMP_DEFS_H
+#define SMP_DEFS_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! PDU format */
+#define SMP_HDR_LEN                   1         /*! Attribute PDU header length */
+/*! Protocol timeout */
+#define SMP_TIMEOUT                   30        /*! Protocol timeout in seconds */
+/*! Encryption key size */
+#define SMP_KEY_SIZE_MAX              16        /*! Maximum encryption key size */
+#define SMP_KEY_SIZE_MIN              7         /*! Minimum encryption key size */
+/*! OOB and PIN data lengths in bytes */
+#define SMP_OOB_LEN                   16
+#define SMP_PIN_LEN                   3
+/*! Error codes */
+#define SMP_ERR_PASSKEY_ENTRY         0x01      /*! User input of passkey failed */
+#define SMP_ERR_OOB                   0x02      /*! OOB data is not available */
+#define SMP_ERR_AUTH_REQ              0x03      /*! Authentication requirements cannot be met */
+#define SMP_ERR_CONFIRM_VALUE         0x04      /*! Confirm value does not match */
+#define SMP_ERR_PAIRING_NOT_SUP       0x05      /*! Pairing is not supported by the device */
+#define SMP_ERR_ENC_KEY_SIZE          0x06      /*! Insufficient encryption key size */
+#define SMP_ERR_COMMAND_NOT_SUP       0x07      /*! Command not supported */
+#define SMP_ERR_UNSPECIFIED           0x08      /*! Unspecified reason */
+#define SMP_ERR_ATTEMPTS              0x09      /*! Repeated attempts */
+#define SMP_ERR_INVALID_PARAM         0x0A      /*! Invalid parameter or command length */
+/*! Proprietary internal error codes */
+#define SMP_ERR_MEMORY                0xE0      /*! Out of memory */
+#define SMP_ERR_TIMEOUT               0xE1      /*! Transaction timeout */
+/*! Command codes */
+#define SMP_CMD_PAIR_REQ              0x01      /*! Pairing Request */
+#define SMP_CMD_PAIR_RSP              0x02      /*! Pairing Response */
+#define SMP_CMD_PAIR_CNF              0x03      /*! Pairing Confirm */
+#define SMP_CMD_PAIR_RAND             0x04      /*! Pairing Random */
+#define SMP_CMD_PAIR_FAIL             0x05      /*! Pairing Failed */
+#define SMP_CMD_ENC_INFO              0x06      /*! Encryption Information */
+#define SMP_CMD_MASTER_ID             0x07      /*! Master Identification */
+#define SMP_CMD_ID_INFO               0x08      /*! Identity Information */
+#define SMP_CMD_ID_ADDR_INFO          0x09      /*! Identity Address Information */
+#define SMP_CMD_SIGN_INFO             0x0A      /*! Signing Information */
+#define SMP_CMD_SECURITY_REQ          0x0B      /*! Security Request */
+#define SMP_CMD_MAX                   0x0C      /*! Command code maximum */
+/*! Command packet lengths */
+#define SMP_PAIR_REQ_LEN              7
+#define SMP_PAIR_RSP_LEN              7
+#define SMP_PAIR_CNF_LEN              17
+#define SMP_PAIR_RAND_LEN             17
+#define SMP_PAIR_FAIL_LEN             2
+#define SMP_ENC_INFO_LEN              17
+#define SMP_MASTER_ID_LEN             11
+#define SMP_ID_INFO_LEN               17
+#define SMP_ID_ADDR_INFO_LEN          8
+#define SMP_SIGN_INFO_LEN             17
+#define SMP_SECURITY_REQ_LEN          2
+/*! I/O capabilities */
+#define SMP_IO_DISP_ONLY              0x00      /*! DisplayOnly */
+#define SMP_IO_DISP_YES_NO            0x01      /*! DisplayYesNo */
+#define SMP_IO_KEY_ONLY               0x02      /*! KeyboardOnly */
+#define SMP_IO_NO_IN_NO_OUT           0x03      /*! NoInputNoOutput */
+#define SMP_IO_KEY_DISP               0x04      /*! KeyboardDisplay */
+/*! OOB data present */
+#define SMP_OOB_DATA_NONE             0x00
+#define SMP_OOB_DATA_PRESENT          0x01
+/*! Authentication/security properties bit mask */
+#define SMP_AUTH_BOND_MASK            0x03      /*! Mask for bonding bits */
+#define SMP_AUTH_BOND_FLAG            0x01      /*! Bonding requested */
+#define SMP_AUTH_MITM_FLAG            0x04      /*! MITM (authenticated pairing) requested */
+/*! Key distribution bit mask */
+#define SMP_KEY_DIST_ENC              0x01      /*! Distribute LTK */
+#define SMP_KEY_DIST_ID               0x02      /*! Distribute IRK */
+#define SMP_KEY_DIST_SIGN             0x04      /*! Distribute CSRK */
+/*! Various parameter lengths */
+#define SMP_RAND_LEN                  16
+#define SMP_CONFIRM_LEN               16
+#define SMP_KEY_LEN                   16
+#define SMP_RAND8_LEN                 8
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SMP_DEFS_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/stack/include/smp_handler.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ *  \file   smp_handler.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Interface to SMP event handler.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-03-29 13:24:04 -0700 (Thu, 29 Mar 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 287 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2010-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef SMP_HANDLER_H
+#define SMP_HANDLER_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     SmpHandlerInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  SMP handler init function called during system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerID  WSF handler ID for SMP.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmpHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
+ *  \fn     SmpHandler
+ *        
+ *  \brief  WSF event handler for SMP.
+ *
+ *  \param  event   WSF event mask.
+ *  \param  pMsg    WSF message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void SmpHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* SMP_HANDLER_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/util/bda.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ *  \file   bda.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Bluetooth device address utilities.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-05-08 10:58:07 -0700 (Tue, 08 May 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 316 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef BDA_H
+#define BDA_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! BD address length */
+#define BDA_ADDR_LEN         6
+/*! BD address string length */
+#define BDA_ADDR_STR_LEN    (BDA_ADDR_LEN * 2)
+  Data Types
+/*! BD address data type */
+typedef uint8_t bdAddr_t[BDA_ADDR_LEN];
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     BdaCpy
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Copy a BD address from source to destination.
+ *
+ *  \param  pDst    Pointer to destination.
+ *  \param  pSrc    Pointer to source.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void BdaCpy(uint8_t *pDst, uint8_t *pSrc);
+ *  \fn     BdaCmp
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Compare two BD addresses.
+ *
+ *  \param  pAddr1  First address.
+ *  \param  pAddr2  Second address.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if addresses match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t BdaCmp(uint8_t *pAddr1, uint8_t *pAddr2);
+ *  \fn     BdaClr
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set a BD address to all zeros.
+ *
+ *  \param  pDst    Pointer to destination.
+ *
+ *  \return pDst + BDA_ADDR_LEN
+ */
+uint8_t *BdaClr(uint8_t *pDst);
+ *  \fn     Bda2Str
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Convert a BD address to a string.
+ *
+ *  \param  pAddr    Pointer to BD address.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to string.
+ */
+char *Bda2Str(uint8_t *pAddr);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* BDA_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/generic/wsf_os_int.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_os_int.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Software foundation OS platform-specific interface file.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-10-01 13:53:07 -0700 (Mon, 01 Oct 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 357 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_OS_INT_H
+#define WSF_OS_INT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/* Task events */
+#define WSF_MSG_QUEUE_EVENT   0x01        /* Message queued for event handler */
+#define WSF_TIMER_EVENT       0x02        /* Timer expired for event handler */
+#define WSF_HANDLER_EVENT     0x04        /* Event set for event handler */
+/* Derive task from handler ID */
+#define WSF_TASK_FROM_ID(handlerID)       (((handlerID) >> 4) & 0x0F)
+/* Derive handler from handler ID */
+#define WSF_HANDLER_FROM_ID(handlerID)    ((handlerID) & 0x0F)
+  Data Types
+/* Event handler ID data type */
+typedef uint8_t  wsfHandlerId_t;
+/* Event handler event mask data type */
+typedef uint8_t  wsfEventMask_t;
+/* Task ID data type */
+typedef wsfHandlerId_t  wsfTaskId_t;
+/* Task event mask data type */
+typedef uint8_t wsfTaskEvent_t;
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     wsfOsReadyToSleep
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Check if WSF is ready to sleep.
+ *
+ *  \param  None.
+ *
+ *  \return Return TRUE if there are no pending WSF task events set, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t wsfOsReadyToSleep(void);
+ *  \fn     wsfOsDispatcher
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Event dispatched.  Designed to be called repeatedly from infinite loop.
+ *
+ *  \param  None.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void wsfOsDispatcher(void);
+ *  \fn     WsfOsShutdown
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Shutdown OS.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfOsShutdown(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_OS_INT_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/generic/wsf_types.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_types.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Platform-independent data types.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-04-28 22:02:14 -0700 (Sat, 28 Apr 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 306 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_TYPES_H
+#define WSF_TYPES_H
+  Macros
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL  0
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE  1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+  Data Types
+/* Integer data types */
+#if ((defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) && \
+    (__ICC8051__ == 0)) || defined(__CC_ARM) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef signed char int8_t;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef signed short int16_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef signed long int32_t;
+typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
+/* Boolean data type */
+typedef uint8_t bool_t;
+#endif /* WSF_TYPES_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_buf.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_buf.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Buffer pool service.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2013-05-13 15:20:24 -0700 (Mon, 13 May 2013) $
+ *          $Revision: 612 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_BUF_H
+#define WSF_BUF_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Length of the buffer statistics array */
+#define WSF_BUF_STATS_MAX_LEN       128
+  Data Types
+/*! Buffer pool descriptor structure */
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t   len;                  /*! length of buffers in pool */
+  uint8_t    num;                  /*! number of buffers in pool */
+} wsfBufPoolDesc_t;
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     WsfBufInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize the buffer pool service.  This function should only be called once
+ *          upon system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  bufMemLen Length in bytes of memory pointed to by pBufMem.
+ *  \param  pBufMem   Memory in which to store the pools used by the buffer pool service.
+ *  \param  numPools  Number of buffer pools.
+ *  \param  pDesc     Array of buffer pool descriptors, one for each pool.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if initialization was successful, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t WsfBufInit(uint16_t bufMemLen, uint8_t *pBufMem, uint8_t numPools, wsfBufPoolDesc_t *pDesc);
+ *  \fn     WsfBufAlloc
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Allocate a buffer.
+ *
+ *  \param  len     Length of buffer to allocate.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to allocated buffer or NULL if allocation fails.
+ */
+void *WsfBufAlloc(uint16_t len);
+ *  \fn     WsfBufFree
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Free a buffer.
+ *
+ *  \param  pBuf    Buffer to free.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfBufFree(void *pBuf);
+ *  \fn     WsfBufGetMaxAlloc
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Diagnostic function to get maximum allocated buffers from a pool.
+ *
+ *  \param  pool    Buffer pool number.
+ *
+ *  \return Number of allocated buffers.
+ */
+uint8_t WsfBufGetMaxAlloc(uint8_t pool);
+ *  \fn     WsfBufGetNumAlloc
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Diagnostic function to get the number of currently allocated buffers in a pool.
+ *
+ *  \param  pool    Buffer pool number.
+ *
+ *  \return Number of allocated buffers.
+ */
+uint8_t WsfBufGetNumAlloc(uint8_t pool);
+ *  \fn     WsfBufGetAllocStats
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Diagnostic function to get the buffer allocation statistics.
+ *
+ *  \return Buffer allocation statistics array.
+ */
+uint8_t *WsfBufGetAllocStats(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_BUF_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_msg.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_msg.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Message passing service.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2013-07-02 15:08:09 -0700 (Tue, 02 Jul 2013) $
+ *          $Revision: 779 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_MSG_H
+#define WSF_MSG_H
+#include "wsf_queue.h"
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     WsfMsgAlloc
+ *
+ *  \brief  Allocate a message buffer to be sent with WsfMsgSend().
+ *
+ *  \param  len   Message length in bytes.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to message buffer or NULL if allocation failed.
+ */
+void *WsfMsgAlloc(uint16_t len);
+ *  \fn     WsfMsgFree
+ *
+ *  \brief  Free a message buffer allocated with WsfMsgAlloc().
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg  Pointer to message buffer.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfMsgFree(void *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     WsfMsgSend
+ *
+ *  \brief  Send a message to an event handler.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerId   Event handler ID.
+ *  \param  pMsg        Pointer to message buffer.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfMsgSend(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId, void *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     WsfMsgEnq
+ *
+ *  \brief  Enqueue a message.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  handerId  Set message handler ID to this value.
+ *  \param  pElem     Pointer to message buffer.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfMsgEnq(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, wsfHandlerId_t handlerId, void *pMsg);
+ *  \fn     WsfMsgDeq
+ *
+ *  \brief  Dequeue a message.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue      Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  pHandlerId  Handler ID of returned message; this is a return parameter.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to message that has been dequeued or NULL if queue is empty.
+ */
+void *WsfMsgDeq(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, wsfHandlerId_t *pHandlerId);
+ *  \fn     WsfMsgPeek
+ *
+ *  \brief  Get the next message without removing it from the queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue      Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  pHandlerId  Handler ID of returned message; this is a return parameter.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to the next message on the queue or NULL if queue is empty.
+ */
+void *WsfMsgPeek(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, wsfHandlerId_t *pHandlerId);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_MSG_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_os.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_os.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Software foundation OS API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2012-10-22 14:09:36 -0700 (Mon, 22 Oct 2012) $
+ *          $Revision: 359 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_OS_H
+#define WSF_OS_H
+#include "wsf_os_int.h"
+#include "wsf_queue.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Data Types
+/*! Common message structure passed to event handler */
+typedef struct
+  uint16_t        param;          /*! General purpose parameter passed to event handler */
+  uint8_t         event;          /*! General purpose event value passed to event handler */
+  uint8_t         status;         /*! General purpose status value passed to event handler */
+} wsfMsgHdr_t;
+  Callback Function Types
+ *  \fn     wsfEventHandler_t
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Event handler callback function.
+ *
+ *  \param  event    Mask of events set for the event handler.
+ *  \param  pMsg     Pointer to message for the event handler.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+typedef void (*wsfEventHandler_t)(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     WsfSetEvent
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set an event for an event handler.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerId   Handler ID.
+ *  \param  event       Event or events to set.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfSetEvent(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId, wsfEventMask_t event);
+ *  \fn     WsfTaskLock
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Lock task scheduling.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTaskLock(void);
+ *  \fn     WsfTaskUnlock
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Unlock task scheduling.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTaskUnlock(void);
+ *  \fn     WsfTaskSetReady
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the task used by the given handler as ready to run.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerId   Event handler ID.
+ *  \param  event       Task event mask.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTaskSetReady(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId, wsfTaskEvent_t event);
+ *  \fn     WsfTaskMsgQueue
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Return the task message queue used by the given handler.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerId   Event handler ID.
+ *
+ *  \return Task message queue.
+ */
+wsfQueue_t *WsfTaskMsgQueue(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
+ *  \fn     WsfOsSetNextHandler
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Set the next WSF handler function in the WSF OS handler array.  This function
+ *          should only be called as part of the OS initialization procedure.
+ *
+ *  \param  handler    WSF handler function.
+ *
+ *  \return WSF handler ID for this handler.
+ */
+wsfHandlerId_t WsfOsSetNextHandler(wsfEventHandler_t handler);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_OS_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_queue.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_queue.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  General purpose queue service.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_QUEUE_H
+#define WSF_QUEUE_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+/*! Initialize a queue */
+#define WSF_QUEUE_INIT(pQueue)          {(pQueue)->pHead = NULL; (pQueue)->pTail = NULL;}
+  Data Types
+/*! Queue structure */
+typedef struct
+  void      *pHead;         /*! head of queue */
+  void      *pTail;         /*! tail of queue */
+} wsfQueue_t;
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     WsfQueueEnq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Enqueue an element to the tail of a queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  pElem     Pointer to element.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfQueueEnq(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, void *pElem);
+ *  \fn     WsfQueueDeq
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Dequeue an element from the head of a queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to element that has been dequeued or NULL if queue is empty.
+ */
+void *WsfQueueDeq(wsfQueue_t *pQueue);
+ *  \fn     WsfQueuePush
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Push an element to the head of a queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  pElem     Pointer to element.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfQueuePush(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, void *pElem);
+ *  \fn     WsfQueueInsert
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Insert an element into a queue.  This function is typically used when iterating
+ *          over a queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  pElem     Pointer to element to be inserted.
+ *  \param  pPrev     Pointer to previous element in the queue before element to be inserted.
+ *                    Note:  set pPrev to NULL if pElem is first element in queue.
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfQueueInsert(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, void *pElem, void *pPrev);
+ *  \fn     WsfQueueRemove
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Remove an element from a queue.  This function is typically used when iterating
+ *          over a queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *  \param  pElem     Pointer to element to be removed.
+ *  \param  pPrev     Pointer to previous element in the queue before element to be removed.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfQueueRemove(wsfQueue_t *pQueue, void *pElem, void *pPrev);
+ *  \fn     WsfQueueCount
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Count the number of elements in a queue.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *
+ *  \return Number of elements in queue.
+ */
+uint16_t WsfQueueCount(wsfQueue_t *pQueue);
+ *  \fn     WsfQueueEmpty
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Return TRUE if queue is empty.
+ *
+ *  \param  pQueue    Pointer to queue.
+ *
+ *  \return TRUE if queue is empty, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool_t WsfQueueEmpty(wsfQueue_t *pQueue);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_QUEUE_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_sec.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_sec.h
+ *        
+ *  \brief  AES and random number security service API.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2011-10-14 21:35:03 -0700 (Fri, 14 Oct 2011) $
+ *          $Revision: 191 $
+ *  
+ *  Copyright (c) 2010-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_SEC_H
+#define WSF_SEC_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Data Types
+/*! AES callback parameters structure */
+typedef struct
+  wsfMsgHdr_t   hdr;              /*! header */
+  uint8_t       *pCiphertext;     /*! pointer to 16 bytes of ciphertext data */
+} wsfSecAes_t;
+/*! AES callback function type */
+typedef void (*wsfSecAesCback_t)(wsfSecAes_t *pMsg);
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     WsfSecInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize the security service.  This function should only be called once
+ *          upon system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfSecInit(void);
+ *  \fn     WsfSecRandInit
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Initialize the random number service.  This function should only be called once
+ *          upon system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfSecRandInit(void);
+ *  \fn     WsfSecAes
+ *        
+ *  \brief  Execute an AES calculation.  When the calculation completes, a WSF message will be
+ *          sent to the specified handler.  This function returns a token value that
+ *          the client can use to match calls to this function with messages.
+ *
+ *  \param  pKey        Pointer to 16 byte key.
+ *  \param  pPlaintext  Pointer to 16 byte plaintext.
+ *  \param  handlerId   WSF handler ID.
+ *  \param  param       Client-defined parameter returned in message.
+ *  \param  event       Event for client's WSF handler.
+ *
+ *  \return Token value.
+ */
+uint8_t WsfSecAes(uint8_t *pKey, uint8_t *pPlaintext, wsfHandlerId_t handlerId,
+                  uint16_t param, uint8_t event);
+ *  \fn     WsfSecRand
+ *        
+ *  \brief  This function returns up to 16 bytes of random data to a buffer provided by the
+ *          client.
+ *
+ *  \param  pRand       Pointer to returned random data.
+ *  \param  randLen     Length of random data.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfSecRand(uint8_t *pRand, uint8_t randLen);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_SEC_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exactLE/wsf/include/wsf_timer.h	Thu Mar 03 14:13:21 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ *  \file   wsf_timer.h
+ *
+ *  \brief  Timer service.
+ *
+ *          $Date: 2013-07-19 17:17:05 -0700 (Fri, 19 Jul 2013) $
+ *          $Revision: 843 $
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
+ *
+ *  Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use
+ *  this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef WSF_TIMER_H
+#define WSF_TIMER_H
+#include "wsf_os.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+  Macros
+  Data Types
+/*! Timer ticks data type */
+typedef uint16_t wsfTimerTicks_t;
+/*! Timer structure */
+typedef struct wsfTimer_tag
+  struct wsfTimer_tag *pNext;             /*! pointer to next timer in queue */
+  wsfTimerTicks_t     ticks;              /*! number of ticks until expiration */
+  wsfHandlerId_t      handlerId;          /*! event handler for this timer */
+  bool_t              isStarted;          /*! TRUE if timer has been started */
+  wsfMsgHdr_t         msg;                /*! application-defined timer event parameters */
+} wsfTimer_t;
+  Function Declarations
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerInit
+ *
+ *  \brief  Initialize the timer service.  This function should only be called once
+ *          upon system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  msPerTick   Sets the number of milliseconds per timer tick.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTimerInit(uint8_t msPerTick);
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerStartSec
+ *
+ *  \brief  Start a timer in units of seconds.  Before this function is called parameter
+ *          pTimer->handlerId must be set to the event handler for this timer and parameter
+ *          pTimer->msg must be set to any application-defined timer event parameters.
+ *
+ *  \param  pTimer  Pointer to timer.
+ *  \param  sec     Seconds until expiration.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTimerStartSec(wsfTimer_t *pTimer, wsfTimerTicks_t sec);
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerStartMs
+ *
+ *  \brief  Start a timer in units of milliseconds.
+ *
+ *  \param  pTimer  Pointer to timer.
+ *  \param  ms      Milliseconds until expiration.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTimerStartMs(wsfTimer_t *pTimer, wsfTimerTicks_t ms);
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerStop
+ *
+ *  \brief  Stop a timer.
+ *
+ *  \param  pTimer  Pointer to timer.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTimerStop(wsfTimer_t *pTimer);
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerUpdate
+ *
+ *  \brief  Update the timer service with the number of elapsed ticks.  This function is
+ *          typically called only from timer porting code.
+ *
+ *  \param  ticks  Number of ticks since last update.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void WsfTimerUpdate(wsfTimerTicks_t ticks);
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerNextExpiration
+ *
+ *  \brief  Return the number of ticks until the next timer expiration.  Note that this
+ *          function can return zero even if a timer is running, indicating the timer
+ *          has expired but has not yet been serviced.
+ *
+ *  \param  pTimerRunning   Returns TRUE if a timer is running, FALSE if no timers running.
+ *
+ *  \return The number of ticks until the next timer expiration.
+ */
+wsfTimerTicks_t WsfTimerNextExpiration(bool_t *pTimerRunning);
+ *  \fn     WsfTimerServiceExpired
+ *
+ *  \brief  Service expired timers for the given task.  This function is typically called only
+ *          WSF OS porting code.
+ *
+ *  \param  taskId      OS Task ID of task servicing timers.
+ *
+ *  \return Pointer to next expired timer or NULL if there are no expired timers.
+ */
+wsfTimer_t *WsfTimerServiceExpired(wsfTaskId_t taskId);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* WSF_TIMER_H */