KSM edits

Dependencies:   mbed RA8875


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
20:d25fb9c55781 2019-07-11 kerrysmartin Initial check in default tip
19:fee3f71fab2d 2019-07-10 lizard753 Adding button library and main code for button
18:307303d9c8f6 2019-03-04 WiredHome Update RA8875 Lib to add GSL1680 support.
17:c8ef96a6e43b 2017-08-06 WiredHome Update libs. RA8875 v148, mbed v137.; Any newer mbed lib works ok for graphics, fails for file write to local file system for printscreen.
16:231837aa2c37 2017-08-06 WiredHome Updates verified with mbed v128, RA8875 v148
15:ab07c064c952 2016-08-06 WiredHome Update to latest libraries and test with both 480x272 and 800x480 screens.
14:07b3f223d9ba 2016-05-03 WiredHome Updated RA8875 and mbed libraries
13:43cc0a997c53 2016-03-05 WiredHome Updated libs and tested both 8 and 16-bpp.
12:e8a127d78000 2016-01-23 WiredHome update libs
11:2fcc3ee75ebd 2016-01-23 WiredHome update libs
10:be714b7f0644 2016-01-23 WiredHome Updated to v112 of mbed lib.
9:02c622fa4969 2016-01-23 WiredHome Fixed a class and method name error in the print screen registration.
8:f8c71faa94a8 2015-12-19 WiredHome Update based on latest RA8875 library and latest mbed
7:1002bb8871c0 2015-12-19 WiredHome Updated demo based on updated RA8875 library.
6:8e392d0ff74a 2015-12-17 WiredHome Update with test mode disabled.
5:bb970d40cd7d 2015-12-17 WiredHome Demonstration for Soft Font support.
4:5b1e85519d73 2014-12-28 WiredHome Updated to latest mbed library, tested and republished. No changes to the sample code.
3:ca6a1026c28e 2014-12-28 WiredHome Minor updates to match the RA8875 library updates.
2:2076d9cc6db9 2014-01-17 WiredHome Simplify the example, so it shows the program on the screen.
1:29e9a07f768c 2014-01-17 WiredHome Simple demo.
0:037b95a5cc85 2014-01-17 WiredHome Demo Program