Nucleo-F303K8 HSE Clock


Nucleo-F303K8 board can change a system clock setting using a hardware configuration as follows.

HSI (Internal CR Osc)OPENSHORT-2.8% to +3.8% accuracy at -40 to 150 degC
HSE(8MHz MCO from I/F chip)SHORTOPEN*Not Xtal mode (I have NOT check this configuration)

Trouble is that SB4=Short, SB6=open configuration cannot start HSE mode and stay in HSI mode. /media/uploads/kenjiArai/img_2056.jpg /media/uploads/kenjiArai/img_2071.jpg
............................Original...................................................................... Modified...........................


I'm not sure but need to modify following file.
During transient between HSIand PLL to HSE PLL, system needs to disable PLL.
Current control program cannot take over the system clock from HSI+PLL to HSE+PLL then return without successful condition.

Tentative solution

Start form HSI+PLL then set HSI without PLL (8MHz clock), after those step change to HSE+PLL

Import programcheck_SysClk_for_F303K8

Check program for STM32F303K8 System Clock


Permanent solution

I would like to ask ST team to improve this issue.
ST team point of view, this is not a bug but specification.
Because you can see following program.
When PLL is running, following program give up PLL setting.


HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RCC_OscConfig(RCC_OscInitTypeDef  *RCC_OscInitStruct)
   ; // Omitted

  /*-------------------------------- PLL Configuration -----------------------*/
  /* Check the parameters */
  if ((RCC_OscInitStruct->PLL.PLLState) != RCC_PLL_NONE)
    /* Check if the PLL is used as system clock or not */
	   ; // Omitted

      return HAL_ERROR;
    return HAL_OK;

I hope they can put good code into line 18 to resetting PLL even PLL is running.
Thanks in advance.

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