mbed LPC1114FN28 Barometer with Data Logging
1) Test board
2) Hardware
3) Components
- mbed LPC1114FN28
- Switch Science
- BMP180
- Bosch Sensortec
- -> Board Sparkfun
- M41T62
- STMicroelectronics
- -> Board Strawberry Linux
- RHT03
- AT24C1024B
- Cds
- Vref
- Toshiba TA76431F
- 8 chars x 2 lines AQM0802A
4) Software function
4-1) Read logging data
Connect mbed USB connector to PC and open Tera-term.
PC can communicate with Data Logger (push reset sw with both switches on).
4-2) Debug function / hardware monitor
Debug functions are available if you want.
5) Program
Barometer program and monitor program
Import programLPC1114_barometer_with_data_logging
Barometer program : Data Logger function includes Barometer & temperature (BMP180), Humidity & temp. (RHT03), Sunshine (Cds), RTC(M41T62) data. : Logging data saves into EEPROM (AT24C1024) using ring buffer function.
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