Luminosity sensor by Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions Inc.. Device combines one broadband photodiode (visible plus infrared) and one infrared-responding photodiode. Sets Gain x1 and 402mS as default.

Dependents:   MusicBoxForFathersDay FTHR_SensorHub Affich_Lum_Moist Projetv0 ... more

--- a/TSL2561.h	Tue Feb 20 10:52:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/TSL2561.h	Fri Sep 21 22:57:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,164 +1,273 @@
- * mbed library program
- *  Luminosity sensor -- LIGHT-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER (light intensity to a digital signal output)
- *  TSL2561 by Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions Inc.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2015,'17,'18 Kenji Arai / JH1PJL
- *
- *
- *      Created: Feburary   21st, 2015
- *      Revised: August     23rd, 2017
- *      Revised: Feburary   20th, 2018   bug fix -> read_ID() & who_am_i()
- *                                       Thanks PARK JAICHANG
- */
- *---------------- REFERENCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-#ifndef TSL2561_H
-#define TSL2561_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-// Luminosity sensor, TSL2561
-// Address b7=0,b6=1,b5=1,b4=1,b3=0,b2=0,b1=1, b0=R/W
-#define TSL2561_ADDRESS_GND         (0x29 << 1)
-#define TSL2561_ADDRESS_FLOAT       (0x39 << 1)
-#define TSL2561_ADDRESS_VDD         (0x49 << 1)
-////////////// Registers //////////////////////////////////
-// Register definition
-#define TSL2561_CONTROL             0x00
-#define TSL2561_TIMING              0x01
-#define TSL2561_THRESHLOWLOW        0x02
-#define TSL2561_THRESHHIGHLOW       0x04
-#define TSL2561_INTERRUPT           0x06
-#define TSL2561_CRC                 0x08
-#define TSL2561_ID                  0x0A
-#define TSL2561_DATA0LOW            0x0C
-#define TSL2561_DATA0HIGH           0x0D
-#define TSL2561_DATA1LOW            0x0E
-#define TSL2561_DATA1HIGH           0x0F
-////////////// TIMING PARAMETER ///////////////////////////
-#define TIMING_GAIN_1               (0UL << 4)
-#define TIMING_GAIN_16              (1UL << 4)
-#define TIMING_TIME_13R7            (0x0)
-#define TIMING_TIME_101             (0x1)
-#define TIMING_TIME_402             (0x2)
-#define TIMING_TIME_MANU            (0x3)
-#define TIMING_DEFAULT              (TIMING_GAIN_1 + TIMING_TIME_402)
-////////////// ID /////////////////////////////////////////
-#define I_AM_TSL2561CS              0x01
-#define I_AM_TSL2561T_FN_CL         0x05
-////////////// COMMAND ////////////////////////////////////
-#define CMD_CMDMODE                 (1UL << 7)
-#define CMD_CLEAR                   (1UL << 6)
-#define CMD_WORD                    (1UL << 5)
-#define CMD_BLOCK                   (1UL << 4)
-#define CMD_SINGLE                  (CMD_CMDMODE)
-#define CMD_MULTI                   (CMD_CMDMODE + CMD_WORD)
-/** Interface for Luminosity sensor, TSL2561
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "TSL2561.h"
- *
- * // I2C Communication
- *  TSL2561      lum(dp5,dp27);    // TSL2561 SDA, SCL
- * // If you connected I2C line not only this device but also other devices,
- * //     you need to declare following method.
- *  I2C          i2c(dp5,dp27);    // SDA, SCL
- *  TSL2561      lum(i2c);         // TSL2561 SDA, SCL (Data available every 400mSec)
- *
- * int main() {;
- *   while(true){
- *      printf("Illuminance: %+7.2f [Lux]\r\n", lum.lux());
- *      wait(1.0);
- *   }
- * }
- * @endcode
- */
-class TSL2561
-    /** Configure data pin
-      * @param data SDA and SCL pins
-      */
-    TSL2561(PinName p_sda, PinName p_scl);
-    TSL2561(PinName p_sda, PinName p_scl, uint8_t addr);
-    /** Configure data pin (with other devices on I2C line)
-      * @param I2C previous definition
-      */
-    TSL2561(I2C& p_i2c);
-    TSL2561(I2C& p_i2c, uint8_t addr);
-    /** Get approximates the human eye response
-      *  in the commonly used Illuminance unit of Lux
-      * @param none
-      * @return Lux
-      */
-    float lux(void);
-    /** Set timing register
-      * @param timing parameter
-      * @return timing read data
-      */
-    uint8_t set_timing_reg(uint8_t parameter);
-    /** Read timing register
-      * @param timing parameter
-      * @return timing read data
-      */
-    uint8_t read_timing_reg(void);
-    /** Set I2C clock frequency
-      * @param freq.
-      * @return none
-      */
-    void frequency(int hz);
-    /** check Device ID number
-      * @param none
-      * @return TSL2561 = 1, others  0
-      */
-    uint8_t who_am_i(void);
-    /** Read ID and Revision Number
-      * @param none
-      * @return ID + REVNO
-      */
-    uint8_t read_ID(void);
-    /** Power Up/Down
-      * @param none
-      * @return none
-      */
-    void power_up(void);
-    void power_down(void);
-    I2C *_i2c_p;
-    I2C &_i2c;
-    void init(void);
-    uint8_t  TSL2561_addr;
-    uint8_t  dt[4];
-    uint32_t ch0;
-    uint32_t ch1;
-    int8_t   gain;
-    uint8_t  id_number;
-    double   integ_time;
-#endif      // TSL2561_H
+ * @file Adafruit_TSL2561_U.h
+ *
+ * This is part of Adafruit's FXOS8700 driver for the Arduino platform.  It is
+ * designed specifically to work with the Adafruit FXOS8700 breakout:
+ *
+ *
+ * These sensors use I2C to communicate, 2 pins (SCL+SDA) are required
+ * to interface with the breakout.
+ *
+ * Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
+ * please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
+ * products from Adafruit!
+ *
+ * Written by Kevin "KTOWN" Townsend for Adafruit Industries.
+ *
+ * BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.
+ *
+ */
+//------- Modified by ----------------------------------------------------------
+//  Kenji Arai / JH1PJL
+//      Created: Feburary   21st, 2015
+//      Revised: August     23rd, 2017
+//      Revised: Feburary   20th, 2018   bug fix -> read_ID() & who_am_i()
+//                                       Thanks PARK JAICHANG
+//      Revised: March      31st, 2018   Added "Auto Range mode"
+//                                       Use Adafruit library
+// Original information
+// Original source files
+// Change for Mbed platform
+//    modified -> all related files
+#ifndef TSL2561_H_
+#define TSL2561_H_
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Luminosity sensor, TSL2561
+// Address b7=0,b6=1,b5=1,b4=1,b3=0,b2=0,b1=1, b0=R/W
+#define TSL2561_ADDRESS_GND       (0x29 << 1)
+#define TSL2561_ADDR_LOW          (0x29 << 1)
+#define TSL2561_ADDRESS_FLOAT     (0x39 << 1)
+#define TSL2561_ADDR_FLOAT        (0x39 << 1)
+#define TSL2561_ADDRESS_VDD       (0x49 << 1)
+#define TSL2561_ADDR_HIGH         (0x49 << 1)
+// Lux calculations differ slightly for CS package
+//#define TSL2561_PACKAGE_CS                ///< Chip scale package
+#define TSL2561_PACKAGE_T_FN_CL             ///< Dual Flat No-Lead package
+// ID
+#define I_AM_TSL2561CS             0x01
+#define I_AM_TSL2561T_FN_CL        0x05
+// COMMAND register bit definition
+#define TSL2561_COMMAND_BIT       (0x80)    ///< Must be 1
+///< Clears any pending interrupt (write 1 to clear)
+#define TSL2561_CLEAR_BIT         (0x40)
+///< 1 = read/write word (rather than byte)
+#define TSL2561_WORD_BIT          (0x20)
+///< 1 = using block read/write
+#define TSL2561_BLOCK_BIT         (0x10)
+// Control register setting to turn on/off
+#define TSL2561_CONTROL_POWERON   (0x03)
+#define TSL2561_CONTROL_POWEROFF  (0x00)
+#define TSL2561_LUX_LUXSCALE      (14)      ///< Scale by 2^14
+#define TSL2561_LUX_RATIOSCALE    (9)       ///< Scale ratio by 2^9
+#define TSL2561_LUX_CHSCALE       (10)      ///< Scale channel values by 2^10
+#define TSL2561_LUX_CHSCALE_TINT0 (0x7517)  ///< 322/11 * 2^TSL2561_LUX_CHSCALE
+#define TSL2561_LUX_CHSCALE_TINT1 (0x0FE7)  ///< 322/81 * 2^TSL2561_LUX_CHSCALE
+/** TSL2561 I2C Registers */
+enum {
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_CONTROL          = 0x00, // Control/power register
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_TIMING           = 0x01, // Set integration time register
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_THRESHHOLDL_LOW  = 0x02, // Interrupt low threshold low-byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_THRESHHOLDL_HIGH = 0x03, // Interrupt low threshold high-byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_THRESHHOLDH_LOW  = 0x04, // Interrupt high threshold low-byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_THRESHHOLDH_HIGH = 0x05, // Interrupt high threshold high-byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_INTERRUPT        = 0x06, // Interrupt settings
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_CRC              = 0x08, // Factory use only
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_ID               = 0x0A, // TSL2561 identification setting
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_CHAN0_LOW        = 0x0C, // Light data channel 0, low byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_CHAN0_HIGH       = 0x0D, // Light data channel 0, high byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_CHAN1_LOW        = 0x0E, // Light data channel 1, low byte
+    TSL2561_REGISTER_CHAN1_HIGH       = 0x0F  // Light data channel 1, high byte
+/** Three options for how long to integrate readings for */
+typedef enum {
+    TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_13MS  = 0x00,    // 13.7ms
+    TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_101MS = 0x01,    // 101ms
+    TSL2561_INTEGRATIONTIME_402MS = 0x02     // 402ms
+/** TSL2561 offers 2 gain settings */
+typedef enum {
+    TSL2561_GAIN_1X               = 0x00,    // No gain
+    TSL2561_GAIN_16X              = 0x10,    // 16x gain
+/** struct sensors_color_s is used to return color data in a common format. */
+typedef struct {
+    union {
+        float c[3];
+        /* RGB color space */
+        struct {
+            float r;       /**< Red component */
+            float g;       /**< Green component */
+            float b;       /**< Blue component */
+        };
+    };
+    uint32_t rgba;         /**< 24-bit RGBA value */
+} sensors_color_t;
+#define SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT       5
+/* Sensor details */
+/** struct sensor_s is used to describe basic information
+        about a specific sensor. */
+typedef struct {
+    float    max_value; /**< maximum value of this sensor's value in SI units */
+    float    min_value; /**< minimum value of this sensor's value in SI units */
+    /**< smallest difference between two values reported by this sensor */
+    float    resolution;
+    /**< min delay in microseconds between events. zero = not a constant rate */
+    int32_t  min_delay;
+} sensor_t;
+/** Interface for Luminosity sensor, TSL2561
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "TSL2561.h"
+ *
+ * // I2C Communication
+ *  TSL2561      lum(dp5,dp27);    // TSL2561 SDA, SCL
+ * // If you connected I2C line not only this device but also other devices,
+ * //     you need to declare following method.
+ *  I2C          i2c(dp5,dp27); // SDA, SCL
+ *  TSL2561      lum(i2c); // TSL2561 SDA, SCL (Data available every 400mSec)
+ *
+ * int main() {;
+ *   while(true){
+ *      printf("Illuminance: %+7.2f [Lux]\r\n", lum.lux());
+ *      wait(1.0);
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+    @brief  Class that stores state and functions
+                 for interacting with TSL2561 Light Sensor
+class TSL2561
+    /** Configure data pin
+      * @param data SDA and SCL pins
+      */
+    TSL2561(PinName p_sda, PinName p_scl);
+    TSL2561(PinName p_sda, PinName p_scl, uint8_t addr);
+    /** Configure data pin (with other devices on I2C line)
+      * @param I2C previous definition
+      */
+    TSL2561(I2C& p_i2c);
+    TSL2561(I2C& p_i2c, uint8_t addr);
+    /** Get approximates the human eye response
+      *  in the commonly used Illuminance unit of Lux
+      * @param none
+      * @return Lux
+      */
+    float lux(void);
+    /** Get approximates the human eye response with "Auto Range"
+      *  in the commonly used Illuminance unit of Lux
+      * @param none
+      * @return Lux
+      */
+    float lux_auto(void);
+    /** Set timing register
+      * @param timing parameter
+      * @return timing read data
+      */
+    uint8_t set_timing_reg(uint8_t parameter);
+    /** Read timing register
+      * @param timing parameter
+      * @return timing read data
+      */
+    uint8_t read_timing_reg(void);
+    /** Set I2C clock frequency
+      * @param freq.
+      * @return none
+      */
+    void frequency(int hz);
+    /** check Device ID number
+      * @param none
+      * @return TSL2561 = 1, others  0
+      */
+    uint8_t who_am_i(void);
+    /** Read ID and Revision Number
+      * @param none
+      * @return ID + REVNO
+      */
+    uint8_t read_ID(void);
+    /** Power Up/Down
+      * @param none
+      * @return none
+      */
+    void power_up(void);
+    void power_down(void);
+    //---------- Adafruit_TSL2561_U.h Original functions part ------------------
+    bool init();
+    /* TSL2561 Functions */
+    void enableAutoRange(bool enable);
+    void setIntegrationTime(TSL2561IntegrationTime_t time);
+    void setGain(TSL2561Gain_t gain);
+    void getLuminosity (uint16_t *broadband, uint16_t *ir);
+    uint32_t calculateLux(uint16_t broadband, uint16_t ir);
+    /* Unified Sensor API Functions */
+    bool getEvent(uint32_t*);
+    void getSensor(sensor_t*);
+    I2C *_i2c_p;
+    I2C &_i2c;
+    Timer   t;
+    int8_t  _addr;
+    bool    _TSL2561Initialised;
+    bool    _TSL2561AutoGain;
+    TSL2561IntegrationTime_t _TSL2561IntegrationTime;
+    TSL2561Gain_t _TSL2561Gain;
+    uint32_t ch0;
+    uint32_t ch1;
+    int8_t   gain;
+    uint8_t  id_number;
+    float    integ_time;
+    uint8_t  dt[4];
+    void     enable (void);
+    void     disable (void);
+    void     write8 (uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
+    uint8_t  read8 (uint8_t reg);
+    uint16_t read16 (uint8_t reg);
+    void     getData (uint16_t *broadband, uint16_t *ir);
+#endif // TSL2561_H