check program for VL53L0X_simple library

Dependencies:   VL53L0X_simple TextLCD

Please refer below page.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Feb 04 02:45:35 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Mbed Application program
+ *   Time-of-Flight ranging and gesture detection sensor / STMicro VL53L0X
+ *
+ *
+ *    1) AKIZUKI AE-VL53L0X
+ *
+ *    2) SWITCH SCIENCE  Pololu VL53L0X (POLOLU-2490)
+ *
+ *    3) SWITCH SCIENCE  VL53L0X (SSCI-028943)
+ *
+ *    4) Strawberry Linux
+ *
+ *
+ *    ---- Tested AE-VL53L0X BOARD and handmade circuit ----
+ *      Tested on below Mbed boards and works fine on mbed 2.0
+ *          Nucleo-F303K8
+ *          Nucleo-F334R8, -F401RE, -F411RE, -F446RE
+ *          Nucleo-L053R8, -L073RZ, -L152RE, -L476RG
+ *          FRDM-K64F
+ *          TY51822r3
+ *      Run also on mbed-os5 (Tested on Nucleo-F446RE)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Kenji Arai / JH1PJL
+ *
+ *
+ *      Created:    January   21st, 2018
+ *      Revised:    Feburary   4th, 2018
+ */
+//  Include --------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "VL53L0X.h"
+//  Definition -----------------------------------------------------------------
+#define USE_LCD     1
+//  Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------
+DigitalOut  myled(LED1);
+Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+#if 1
+//I2C         i2c(P0_30, P0_7);     // only for TY51822r3
+I2C         i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+VL53L0X     sensor(i2c, D9);        // XSHUT = NC
+//VL53L0X     sensor(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, D9);   // use XShut pin
+VL53L0X     sensor(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL, NC);   // XSHUT = NC
+#if USE_LCD
+TextLCD_I2C_N lcd(&i2c, 0x7c, TextLCD::LCD8x2);  // LCD(Akizuki  AQM0802A)
+Timer       t;
+//  RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//  ROM / Constant data --------------------------------------------------------
+char *const msg0  = "\r\nVL53L0X is running correctly!!\r\n";
+char *const msg1  = "\r\nVL53L0X -> something is wrong!!\r\n";
+char *const msg2  = "#,";
+char *const msg3  = "d[mm]=,";
+char *const msg4  = "d[mm]=,error,";
+char *const msg5  = "VL53[mS]=, ";
+char *const msg6  = "all[mS]=, ";
+//  Function prototypes --------------------------------------------------------
+//  Control Program
+int main()
+    int status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
+    uint32_t data;
+    uint32_t count = 0;
+    uint32_t tm_sensor;
+    uint32_t tm_all_work;
+#if USE_LCD
+    lcd.locate(0, 0);
+    //        12345678
+    lcd.puts("12345678");
+    lcd.locate(0, 1);
+    //        12345678
+    lcd.puts(" JH1PJL ");
+    lcd.setCursor(TextLCD_Base::CurOff_BlkOff);
+    lcd.setContrast(0x19);
+    wait(2.0f);
+    status = sensor.set_mode(range_long_distance_33ms_200cm);
+    //status = sensor.set_mode(range_hi_accurate_200ms_120cm);
+    //status = sensor.set_mode(range_hi_speed_20ms_120cm);
+    if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
+        pc.printf(msg0);
+    } else {
+        pc.printf(msg1);
+    }
+    while(true) {
+        t.reset();
+        t.start();
+        //myled = !myled;
+        status = sensor.get_distance(&data);
+        tm_sensor = t.read_ms();
+        if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
+            pc.printf("%s%5d,%s%5d,", msg2, count++, msg3, data);
+        } else {
+            pc.printf("%s%5d,%s", msg2, count++, msg4);
+        }
+#if USE_LCD
+        if ((count % 4) == 0){
+            lcd.locate(0, 0);
+            lcd.printf(" %5d  ", data);
+            lcd.locate(0, 1);
+            lcd.printf(" %5d  ", count);
+        }
+        pc.printf("%s%d,%s%d\r\n", msg5, tm_sensor, msg6, tm_all_work);
+        tm_all_work = t.read_ms();
+        if (tm_all_work < 99){
+            wait_ms(100 - tm_all_work);
+        }
+    }