BNO055 Intelligent 9-axis absolute orientation sensor by Bosch Sensortec. It includes ACC, MAG and GYRO sensors and Cortex-M0+ processor.

Dependents:   BNO055_test BNO055-ELEC3810 1BNO055 DEMO3 ... more

Add ACC, MAG, GYRO readouts, refactor, fix quaternion conversion

Hi there,

I added ACC, MAG, GYRO readouts, refactored some code and fixed the quaternion conversion.

Would be glad to have my changes reviewed and merged to your repository to share the improvements with the community :)

Extended and refactored library for BNO055, an intelligent 9-axis absolute orientation sensor by Bosch Sensortec. It includes ACC, MAG and GYRO sensors and Cortex-M0 processor. BNO055, Cortex-M0, gyro, MAG, orientation, sensor