BNO055 Intelligent 9-axis absolute orientation sensor by Bosch Sensortec. It includes ACC, MAG and GYRO sensors and Cortex-M0+ processor.

Dependents:   BNO055_test BNO055-ELEC3810 1BNO055 DEMO3 ... more

Additions to BNO Library

Hello Kenji,

I've made a few changes to the BNO055 library I think would be useful to include. First, I've added typedefs and functions for reading the raw accelerometer and gyroscope data, as well as for reading the calibration settings for the device. I've also updated the calibration example so that it will not hang if the BNO is in IMU mode, where the magnetometer is disabled.

Thanks for creating this library, it has been really helpful! - Ryker

Additions to the original library for reading raw accelerometer and gyroscope data, as well as additions to calibration.