
Dependents of libmDot-mbed5

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Modified version to include updated libmdot, mbedos, and code includes channel plan setting
Utility for reading temperature on DHT22 and sending to LoRa network
LoRa sending TSL lux sensor
This node was designed to map the range of Multitech Conduit gateways, It uses a Multitech mDot and Adafruit GPS breakout.
Analogue soil moisture reader - simple
mDot - 915 MultiTech mDot UDK board DHT22 Sensor 10 KOhm resistor 330Ohm resistor, standard light dependent resistor and a sparkfun soil moisture sensor
Code for the Reed Switch on an mDot
Gate Sensor code
Working helloworld for mDot. ABP auth.
Otago Polytech Gate Monitor