Program to interact via the mbed with its I2C interface.

Dependencies:   DevInterfaces I2Cinterfaces MCP4725 mbed

Fork of MCP4728test by wimbeaumont Project

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jan 13 19:12:45 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 01 08:40:54 2016 +0000
@@ -27,74 +27,80 @@
 #include "MBEDI2CInterface.h" 
 #include "DACInterface.h" 
 #include "dev_interface_def.h"
-#include "mcp4728.h"
+#include "mcp4725.h"
 MBEDI2CInterface mbedi2c( SDA, SCL); 
-MBEDI2CInterface* mbedi2cp=  &mbedi2c ;
-I2CInterface* i2cdev= mbedi2cp;
+//MBEDI2CInterface* mbedi2cp=  &mbedi2c ;
+I2CInterface* i2cdev= &mbedi2c;
 const float Vdd=5.0;
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 int main(void) {
-   // get the version of getVersion 
-   getVersion gv;
-   printf("MCP4728 example program version %s, compile date %s time %s\n\r",MCP4728EXAMPLEVER,__DATE__,__TIME__);
-   printf("getVersion :%s\n\r",gv.getversioninfo());
-   MCP4728  dac( i2cdev ,0, Vdd);  // assuming the address  of the MCP4728 is set to 0 factory default 
-   printf("MCP4728 :%s\n\r",dac.getversioninfo());
-   wait(4);
-   float voltage=0;
-   int cnt=0;
-   while(cnt < 4096){
-           // first set the 4 channels 
-           for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
-               if ( dac.setDACvalue(cnt,cc) )
-                   printf("failed to set dac value %d for channel %d\n\r",cnt,cc);
-            }
-            printf("set DAC value  to %d result in",cnt);
-               // no else read anyway even if set fails 
-            if(dac.update()) printf("\n\rfailed to readback channel info \n\r");
-            else {
-                for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
-                 (void)dac.getVoltage(voltage,cc);//no need to test done with updat 
-                  printf(" CH%d %f[V]",cc,voltage);
-                }
-                printf("\n\r");
+    // Get the version of getVersion 
+    getVersion gv;
+    printf("MCP4725 example program version %s, compile date %s time %s\n\r",MCP4728EXAMPLEVER,__DATE__,__TIME__);
+    printf("getVersion :%s\n\r",gv.getversioninfo());
+    MCP4725 dac(&mbedi2c ,0, Vdd);  // assuming the address of the MCP4725 is set to 0 factory default 
+    printf("MCP4725 :%s\n\r",dac.getversioninfo());
+    wait(4);
+    float voltage=0;
+    int cnt=0;
+    while(cnt < 4096){
+        // first set the 4 channels 
+        for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
+            if ( !dac.setDACvalue(cnt,cc) )
+                printf("failed to set dac value %d for channel %d\n\r",cnt,cc);
+        }
+        printf("DAC value:");
+        int value = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
+            if (dac.getDACvalue(value))
+                printf(" %d", value);
+        }
+        printf("\n\rset DAC value  to %d result in",cnt);
+            // no else read anyway even if set fails 
+        if(dac.update())
+            printf("\n\rfailed to readback channel info \n\r");
+        else {
+            for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
+                dac.getVoltage(voltage,cc);//no need to test done with update
+                printf(" CH%d %f[V]",cc,voltage);
-             cnt++;
-             cnt=cnt % 4096;     
-             wait_ms(200);
-  }
-  // now the same with the DAC interface 
-  DACInterface* di = &dac;
-  cnt=0;
-  while(1){
-           // first set the 4 channels 
-           for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
-               if ( di->setDACvalue(cnt,cc) )
-                   printf("failed to set dac value %d for channel %d\n\r",cnt,cc);
+            printf("\n\r");
+        }
+        cnt++;
+        cnt=cnt % 4096;     
+        wait_ms(500);
+    }
+    // now the same with the DAC interface 
+    DACInterface* di = &dac;
+    cnt=0;
+    while(1){
+        // first set the 4 channels 
+        for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
+            if ( di->setDACvalue(cnt,cc) == 0)
+                printf("failed to set dac value %d for channel %d\n\r",cnt,cc);
+        }
+        printf("set DAC value  to %d result in",cnt);
+        // no else read anyway even if set fails 
+        if(di->update())
+            printf("\n\rfailed to readback channel info \n\r");
+        else {
+            for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
+                (void)di->getVoltage(voltage,cc);// no need to test done with update
+                printf(" CH%d %f[V]",cc,voltage);
-            printf("set DAC value  to %d result in",cnt);
-               // no else read anyway even if set fails 
-            if(di->update()) printf("\n\rfailed to readback channel info \n\r");
-            else {
-                for ( int cc =0 ; cc <4 ; cc++) { 
-                 (void)di->getVoltage(voltage,cc);// no need to test done with update
-                  printf(" CH%d %f[V]",cc,voltage);
-                }
-                printf("\n\r");
-            }
-             cnt++;
-             cnt=cnt % 4096;     
-             wait_ms(200);
-  }
+            printf("\n\r");
+        }
+        cnt++;
+        cnt=cnt % 4096;     
+        wait_ms(500);
+    }
     // never reach this   
     return 1;