
Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mpr121.cpp	Mon Feb 28 12:07:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <mpr121.h>
+using namespace std;
+    Mpr121::Mpr121(I2C *i2c, Address i2cAddress)
+    {
+        this->i2c = i2c;
+        address = i2cAddress;
+        // Configure the MPR121 settings to default
+        this->configureSettings();
+    }
+    void Mpr121::configureSettings()
+    {
+        // Put the MPR into setup mode
+        this->write(ELE_CFG,0x00);
+        // Electrode filters for when data is > baseline
+        unsigned char gtBaseline[] = {
+             0x01,  //MHD_R
+             0x01,  //NHD_R 
+             0x00,  //NCL_R
+             0x00   //FDL_R
+             };
+        writeMany(MHD_R,gtBaseline,4);   
+         // Electrode filters for when data is < baseline   
+         unsigned char ltBaseline[] = {
+            0x01,   //MHD_F
+            0x01,   //NHD_F
+            0xFF,   //NCL_F
+            0x02    //FDL_F
+            };
+        writeMany(MHD_F,ltBaseline,4);
+        // Electrode touch and release thresholds
+        unsigned char electrodeThresholds[] = {
+            E_THR_T, // Touch Threshhold
+            E_THR_R  // Release Threshold
+            };
+        for(int i=0; i<12; i++){
+            int result = writeMany((ELE0_T+(i*2)),electrodeThresholds,2);
+        }   
+        // Proximity Settings
+        unsigned char proximitySettings[] = {
+            0xff,   //MHD_Prox_R
+            0xff,   //NHD_Prox_R
+            0x00,   //NCL_Prox_R
+            0x00,   //FDL_Prox_R
+            0x01,   //MHD_Prox_F
+            0x01,   //NHD_Prox_F
+            0xFF,   //NCL_Prox_F
+            0xff,   //FDL_Prox_F
+            0x00,   //NHD_Prox_T
+            0x00,   //NCL_Prox_T
+            0x00    //NFD_Prox_T
+            };
+        writeMany(MHDPROXR,proximitySettings,11);
+        unsigned char proxThresh[] = {
+            PROX_THR_T, // Touch Threshold
+            PROX_THR_R  // Release Threshold
+            };
+        writeMany(EPROXTTH,proxThresh,2); 
+        this->write(FIL_CFG,0x04);
+        // Set the electrode config to transition to active mode
+        this->write(ELE_CFG,0x0c);
+    }
+    void Mpr121::setElectrodeThreshold(int electrode, unsigned char touch, unsigned char release){
+        if(electrode > 11) return;
+        // Get the current mode
+        unsigned char mode = this->read(ELE_CFG);
+        // Put the MPR into setup mode
+        this->write(ELE_CFG,0x00);
+        // Write the new threshold
+        this->write((ELE0_T+(electrode*2)), touch);
+        this->write((ELE0_T+(electrode*2)+1), release);
+        //Restore the operating mode
+        this->write(ELE_CFG, mode);
+    }
+    unsigned char Mpr121::read(int key){
+        unsigned char data[2];
+        //Start the command
+        i2c->start();
+        // Address the target (Write mode)
+        int ack1= i2c->write(address);
+        // Set the register key to read
+        int ack2 = i2c->write(key);
+        // Re-start for read of data
+        i2c->start();
+        // Re-send the target address in read mode
+        int ack3 = i2c->write(address+1);
+        // Read in the result
+        data[0] = i2c->read(0); 
+        // Reset the bus        
+        i2c->stop();
+        return data[0];
+    }
+    int Mpr121::write(int key, unsigned char value){
+        //Start the command
+        i2c->start();
+        // Address the target (Write mode)
+        int ack1= i2c->write(address);
+        // Set the register key to write
+        int ack2 = i2c->write(key);
+        // Read in the result
+        int ack3 = i2c->write(value); 
+        // Reset the bus        
+        i2c->stop();
+        return (ack1+ack2+ack3)-3;
+    }
+    int Mpr121::writeMany(int start, unsigned char* dataSet, int length){
+        //Start the command
+        i2c->start();
+        // Address the target (Write mode)
+        int ack= i2c->write(address);
+        if(ack!=1){
+            return -1;
+        }
+        // Set the register key to write
+        ack = i2c->write(start);
+        if(ack!=1){
+            return -1;
+        }
+        // Write the date set
+        int count = 0;
+        while(ack==1 && (count < length)){
+            ack = i2c->write(dataSet[count]);
+            count++;
+        } 
+        // Stop the cmd
+        i2c->stop();
+        return count;
+    }
+    bool Mpr121::getProximityMode(){
+        if(this->read(ELE_CFG) > 0x0c)
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    void Mpr121::setProximityMode(bool mode){
+        this->write(ELE_CFG,0x00);
+        if(mode){
+            this->write(ELE_CFG,0x30); //Sense proximity from ALL pads
+        } else {
+            this->write(ELE_CFG,0x0c); //Sense touch, all 12 pads active.
+        }
+    }
+    int Mpr121::readTouchData(){
+        return this->read(0x00);
+    }
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