Diff: KS0108/KS0108.cpp
- Revision:
- 0:87b78725a6dd
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/KS0108/KS0108.cpp Mon Mar 05 06:00:16 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+#include "KS0108.h"
+KS0108::KS0108 (PinName _RST,PinName _DI, PinName _RW, PinName _E, PinName _CS2, PinName _CS1, PinName DB0, PinName DB1, PinName DB2, PinName DB3, PinName DB4, PinName DB5, PinName DB6, PinName DB7)
+ : DB(DB0,DB1,DB2,DB3,DB4,DB5,DB6,DB7),RST (_RST),DI(_DI), RW(_RW), E(_E), CS2(_CS2), CS1(_CS1) {
+ DB.output();
+ CS1.output(); CS2.output();
+ RST.write(0);
+ wait_us(10);
+ RST.write(1); //reset screen
+ E.write(0);
+ ClearScreen(); //clear display
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_ON, BOTH); //turn on lcd
+ Inverted = 0;
+void KS0108::WriteInstruction(unsigned int Command,unsigned int side){
+ E.write(0);
+ DI.write(0);
+ RW.write(0);
+ SelectSide(side); //select controller
+ wait(0.0000003); //wait 300ns
+ E.write(1);
+ DB.output();
+ DB.write(Command);
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ E.write(0);
+void KS0108::WriteData(unsigned int data,unsigned char side){
+ E.write(0);
+ DI.write(1);
+ RW.write(0);
+ SelectSide(side);
+ wait(0.0000003); // 300ns
+ E = 1;
+ DB.output();
+ DB.write(data);
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ E = 0;
+void KS0108::WriteData(unsigned int data) {
+ unsigned int displayData, yOffset, chip;
+ if(Coord.x >= SCREEN_WIDTH)
+ return;
+ chip = Coord.x/CHIP_WIDTH;
+ wait(0.000000450); // 300ns
+ if(Coord.x % CHIP_WIDTH == 0 && chip > 0){
+ GotoXY(Coord.x, Coord.y);
+ }
+ DI.write(1); // D/I = 1
+ RW.write(0); // R/W = 0
+ DB.output(); // data port is output
+ yOffset = Coord.y%8;
+ if(yOffset != 0) { // first page
+ displayData = ReadData();
+ DI.write(1); // D/I = 1
+ RW.write(0); // R/W = 0
+ SelectSide(chip);
+ DB.output();
+ // data port is output
+ displayData |= data << yOffset;
+ if(Inverted) displayData = ~displayData;
+ DB.write(displayData); // write data
+ wait(0.0000003); // 300ns
+ E.write(1);
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ E.write(0);
+ // second page
+ GotoXY(Coord.x, Coord.y+8);
+ displayData = ReadData();
+ DI.write(1); // D/I = 1
+ RW.write(0); // R/W = 0
+ SelectSide(chip);
+ DB.output(); // data port is output
+ displayData |= data >> (8-yOffset);
+ if(Inverted)
+ displayData = ~displayData;
+ DB.write(displayData); // write data
+ wait(0.0000003); // 300ns
+ E.write(1);
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ E.write(0);
+ GotoXY(Coord.x+1, Coord.y-8);
+ }else {
+ // just this code gets executed if the write is on a single page
+ if(Inverted)
+ data = ~data;
+ wait(0.0000003); // 300nsEN_DELAY();
+ DB.write(data); // write data
+ wait(0.0000003); // 300ns
+ E = 1;
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ E = 0;
+ Coord.x++;
+ }
+void KS0108::WriteDataColPag(unsigned int page, unsigned int col, unsigned int data){
+ SelectSide(NONE);
+ col = col%SCREEN_WIDTH;
+ page = page%8;
+ if(col<(SCREEN_WIDTH/2)){
+ SelectSide(LEFT);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_PAGE|page,LEFT);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD|col,LEFT); //set page and column position
+ WriteData(data,LEFT); //output data to D0-D7
+ }else{
+ SelectSide(RIGHT);
+ col -= (SCREEN_WIDTH/2);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_PAGE|page,RIGHT);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD|col,RIGHT); //set page and column position
+ WriteData(data,RIGHT); //output data to D0-D7
+ }
+ SelectSide(NONE);
+unsigned int KS0108::ReadData(){
+ unsigned int data;
+ DB.input();
+ DI.write(1);
+ RW.write(1);
+ E.write(1);
+ wait(0.00000045);
+ data = DB.read();
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ E.write(0);
+ DB.output();
+ return data;
+unsigned int KS0108::ReadStatus(){
+ unsigned int status;
+ DB.input();
+ DI.write(0);
+ RW.write(1);
+ E.write(1);
+ wait(0.00000045);
+ status = DB.read();
+ E.write(0);
+ wait(0.0000001);
+ DB.output();
+ return status;
+void KS0108::SelectSide(unsigned char side){
+ if(side==LEFT)
+ {CS1.write(1);CS2.write(0);}
+ else if(side==RIGHT)
+ {CS1.write(0);CS2.write(1);}
+ else if (side==BOTH)
+ {CS1.write(1);CS2.write(1);}
+ else if (side==NONE)
+ {CS1.write(0);CS2.write(0);}
+void KS0108::ClearScreen(){
+ for (int col=0;col<128;col++) {
+ for (int page=0;page<8;page++)
+ {
+ WriteDataColPag(page,col,WHITE);
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::TurnOn(){
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_ON,BOTH);
+void KS0108::TurnOff(){
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_OFF,BOTH);
+void KS0108::SetPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color){
+ unsigned int position;
+ SelectSide(NONE);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD,NONE);
+ if(x>=64){
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_PAGE|(y/8),RIGHT);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD|x,RIGHT);
+ position = ReadData(); //dummy read
+ position = ReadData(); //actual read
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD|x,RIGHT);
+ if(color==WHITE)
+ WriteData(position&(~(1<<(y%8))),RIGHT); // draw a white pixel
+ else
+ WriteData(position|(1<<(y%8)),RIGHT);
+ wait_us(450);
+ }else{
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_PAGE|(y/8),LEFT);
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD|x,LEFT);
+ position = ReadData(); //dummy read
+ position = ReadData(); //actual read
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_ADD|x,LEFT);
+ if(color==WHITE)
+ WriteData(position&(~(1<<(y%8))),LEFT);
+ else
+ WriteData(position|(1<<(y%8)),LEFT);
+ wait_us(450);
+ }
+void KS0108::FullRectangle(unsigned int Xaxis1, unsigned int Yaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2 ,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color){
+ for(unsigned int i=Xaxis1;i<=Xaxis2;i++){
+ for(unsigned int j=Yaxis1;j<=Yaxis2;j++){
+ SetPixel(i,j,color);
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::EmptyRectangle(unsigned int Xaxis1,unsigned int Yaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color){
+ unsigned int CurrentValue;
+ /* Draw the two horizontal lines */
+ for (CurrentValue = 0; CurrentValue < Xaxis2 - Xaxis1+ 1; CurrentValue++)
+ {
+ SetPixel(Xaxis1 + CurrentValue, Yaxis1,color);
+ SetPixel(Xaxis1 + CurrentValue, Yaxis2,color);
+ }
+ /* draw the two vertical lines */
+ for (CurrentValue = 0; CurrentValue < Yaxis2 - Yaxis1 + 1; CurrentValue++)
+ {
+ SetPixel(Xaxis1, Yaxis1 + CurrentValue,color);
+ SetPixel(Xaxis2, Yaxis1 + CurrentValue,color);
+ }
+void KS0108::RoundRectangle(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int radius, unsigned int color) {
+ int tSwitch, x1 = 0, y1 = radius;
+ tSwitch = 3 - 2 * radius;
+ while (x1 <= y1) {
+ SetPixel(x+radius - x1, y+radius - y1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+radius - y1, y+radius - x1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+width-radius + x1, y+radius - y1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+width-radius + y1, y+radius - x1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+width-radius + x1, y+height-radius + y1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+width-radius + y1, y+height-radius + x1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+radius - x1, y+height-radius + y1, color);
+ SetPixel(x+radius - y1, y+height-radius + x1, color);
+ if (tSwitch < 0) {
+ tSwitch += (4 * x1 + 6);
+ } else {
+ tSwitch += (4 * (x1 - y1) + 10);
+ y1--;
+ }
+ x1++;
+ }
+ HLineShort(x+radius,y, width-(2*radius), color); // top
+ HLineShort(x+radius,y+height, width-(2*radius), color); // bottom
+ VLineShort(x,y+radius,height-(2*radius), color); // left
+ VLineShort(x+width, y+radius,height-(2*radius), color); // right
+void KS0108::HLine(unsigned int Xaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2 ,unsigned int Yaxis,unsigned int color){
+ FullRectangle(Xaxis1,Yaxis,Xaxis2,Yaxis,color);
+void KS0108::HLineShort(unsigned int Xaxis, unsigned int Yaxis,unsigned int width ,unsigned int color){
+ FullRectangle(Xaxis,Yaxis,Xaxis+width,Yaxis,color);
+void KS0108::VLine(unsigned int Xaxis, unsigned int Yaxis1 ,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color){
+ FullRectangle(Xaxis,Yaxis1,Xaxis,Yaxis2,color);
+void KS0108::VLineShort(unsigned int Xaxis,unsigned int Yaxis, unsigned int height ,unsigned int color){
+ FullRectangle(Xaxis,Yaxis,Xaxis,Yaxis+height,color);
+void KS0108::DegreeLine(unsigned int x, int y,unsigned int degree,unsigned int inner_radius,unsigned int outer_radius, unsigned int color){
+ int fx,fy,tx,ty;
+ fx = x + dfloor(inner_radius * sin(degree * 3.14 / 180));
+ fy = y - dfloor(inner_radius * cos(degree * 3.14 / 180));
+ tx = x + dfloor(outer_radius * sin(degree * 3.14 / 180));
+ ty = y - dfloor(outer_radius * cos(degree * 3.14 / 180));
+ SlantyLine(fx,fy,tx,ty,color);
+double KS0108::dfloor( double value ) {
+ if (value < 0.0)
+ return ceil( value );
+ else
+ return floor( value );
+void KS0108::SlantyLine(unsigned int lX1, unsigned int lY1, unsigned int lX2,unsigned int lY2,unsigned int color){
+ long lError, lDeltaX, lDeltaY, lYStep, bSteep;
+ // A steep line has a bigger ordinate.
+ if(((lY2 > lY1) ? (lY2 - lY1) : (lY1 - lY2)) > ((lX2 > lX1) ? (lX2 - lX1) : (lX1 - lX2))){
+ bSteep = 1;
+ }else {
+ bSteep = 0;
+ }
+ // If line is steep, swap the X and Y coordinates.
+ if(bSteep){
+ lError = lX1;
+ lX1 = lY1;
+ lY1 = lError;
+ lError = lX2;
+ lX2 = lY2;
+ lY2 = lError;
+ }
+ // If the starting X coordinate is larger than the ending X coordinate,
+ // swap coordinates.
+ if(lX1 > lX2){
+ lError = lX1;
+ lX1 = lX2;
+ lX2 = lError;
+ lError = lY1;
+ lY1 = lY2;
+ lY2 = lError;
+ }
+ // Compute the difference between the start and end coordinates.
+ lDeltaX = lX2 - lX1;
+ lDeltaY = (lY2 > lY1) ? (lY2 - lY1) : (lY1 - lY2);
+ lError = -lDeltaX / 2; // Initialize the error term to negative half the X delta.
+ if(lY1 < lY2){ // Determine the direction to step in the Y axis when required.
+ lYStep = 1;
+ }else{
+ lYStep = -1;
+ }
+ for(; lX1 <= lX2; lX1++){ // Loop through all the points along the X axis of the line.
+ // See if this is a steep line.
+ if(bSteep){
+ // Plot this point of the line, swapping the X and Y coordinates.
+ SetPixel(lY1, lX1,color);
+ }
+ else { // Plot this point of the line, using the coordinates as is.
+ SetPixel(lX1, lY1,color);
+ }
+ // Increment the error term by the Y delta.
+ lError += lDeltaY;
+ if(lError > 0){ // See if the error term is now greater than zero.
+ lY1 += lYStep; // Take a step in the Y axis.
+ lError -= lDeltaX; // Decrement the error term by the X delta.
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::Line(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, unsigned int color){
+unsigned int deltax, deltay, x,y, steep;
+int lerror, ystep;
+ steep = absDiff(y1,y2) > absDiff(x1,x2); //check slope
+ if ( steep ){
+ swap(x1, y1);
+ swap(x2, y2);
+ }
+ if (x1 > x2){
+ swap(x1, x2);
+ swap(y1, y2);
+ }
+ deltax = x2 - x1;
+ deltay = absDiff(y2,y1);
+ lerror = deltax / 2;
+ y = y1;
+ if(y1 < y2) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
+ for(x = x1; x <= x2; x++){
+ if (steep) SetPixel(y,x, color); else SetPixel(x,y, color);
+ lerror -= deltay;
+ if (lerror < 0){
+ y = y + ystep;
+ lerror += deltax;
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::EmptyCircle(unsigned int CenterX, unsigned int CenterY, unsigned int Radius,unsigned int color){
+ unsigned int y=0, x=0, d = 0;
+ int part;
+ d = CenterY - CenterX;
+ y = Radius;
+ part = 3 - 2 * Radius;
+ while (x <= y) {
+ SetPixel(CenterX + x, CenterY + y,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterX + x, CenterY - y,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterX - x, CenterY + y,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterX - x, CenterY - y,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterY + y - d, CenterY + x,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterY + y - d, CenterY - x,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterY - y - d, CenterY + x,color);
+ SetPixel(CenterY - y - d, CenterY - x,color);
+ if (part < 0) part += (4 * x + 6);
+ else {
+ part += (4 * (x - y) + 10);
+ y--;
+ }
+ x++;
+ }
+void KS0108::FullCircle(unsigned int CenterX, unsigned int CenterY, unsigned int Radius,unsigned int color){
+int f = 1 - Radius;
+int ddF_x = 1;
+int ddF_y = 2 * Radius; //changed sign of -2
+unsigned int x = 0;
+unsigned int y = Radius;
+ //Fill in the center between the two halves
+ Line(CenterX, CenterY-Radius, CenterX, CenterY+Radius, color);
+ while(x < y){
+ if(f >= 0)
+ {
+ y--;
+ ddF_y += 2;
+ f += ddF_y;
+ }
+ x++;
+ ddF_x += 2;
+ f += ddF_x;
+ /*
+ * Now draw vertical lines between the points on the circle rather than
+ * draw the points of the circle. This draws lines between the
+ * perimeter points on the upper and lower quadrants of the 2 halves of the circle.
+ */
+ Line(CenterX+x, CenterY+y, CenterX+x, CenterY-y, color);
+ Line(CenterX-x, CenterY+y, CenterX-x, CenterY-y, color);
+ Line(CenterX+y, CenterY+x, y+CenterX, CenterY-x, color);
+ Line(CenterX-y, CenterY+x, CenterX-y, CenterY-x, color);
+ }
+void KS0108::PlotEllipse(long CX, long CY, long XRadius,long YRadius, int color) {
+ long X, Y;
+ long XChange, YChange;
+ long EllipseError;
+ long TwoASquare,TwoBSquare;
+ long StoppingX, StoppingY;
+ TwoASquare = 2*XRadius*XRadius;
+ TwoBSquare = 2*YRadius*YRadius;
+ X = XRadius;
+ Y = 0;
+ XChange = YRadius*YRadius*(1-2*XRadius);
+ YChange = XRadius*XRadius;
+ EllipseError = 0;
+ StoppingX = TwoBSquare*XRadius;
+ StoppingY = 0;
+ while ( StoppingX >=StoppingY ) //first set of points,y'>-1
+ {
+ Plot4EllipsePoints(CX,CY,X,Y,color);
+ Y++;
+ StoppingY=StoppingY+ TwoASquare;
+ EllipseError = EllipseError+ YChange;
+ YChange=YChange+TwoASquare;
+ if ((2*EllipseError + XChange) > 0 ) {
+ X--;
+ StoppingX=StoppingX- TwoBSquare;
+ EllipseError=EllipseError+ XChange;
+ XChange=XChange+TwoBSquare;
+ }
+ }
+ Y = YRadius;
+ X = 0;
+ YChange = XRadius*XRadius*(1-2*YRadius);
+ XChange = YRadius*YRadius;
+ EllipseError = 0;
+ StoppingY = TwoASquare*YRadius;
+ StoppingX = 0;
+ while ( StoppingY >=StoppingX ) //{2nd set of points, y'< -1}
+ {
+ Plot4EllipsePoints(CX,CY,X,Y,color);
+ X++;
+ StoppingX=StoppingX + TwoBSquare;
+ EllipseError=EllipseError+ XChange;
+ XChange=XChange+TwoBSquare;
+ if ((2*EllipseError + YChange) > 0 ) {
+ Y--;
+ StoppingY=StoppingY- TwoASquare;
+ EllipseError=EllipseError+ YChange;
+ YChange=YChange+TwoASquare;
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::Plot4EllipsePoints(long CX,long CY, long X, long Y, int color){
+ SetPixel(CX+X, CY+Y, color); //{point in quadrant 1}
+ SetPixel(CX-X, CY+Y, color); //{point in quadrant 2}
+ SetPixel(CX-X, CY-Y, color); //{point in quadrant 3}
+ SetPixel(CX+X, CY-Y, color); //{point in quadrant 4}
+void KS0108::RightTriangle ( int topx, int topy, int rightx, int righty) {
+ //draw rectangle one line at a time
+ Line( topx,topy, rightx,righty,BLACK ); //draw hypotenuse
+ Line ( topx,righty,topx,topy,BLACK); //draw perpendicular
+ Line (topx,righty, rightx,righty,BLACK); // draw base
+void KS0108::Triangle ( int topx, int topy, int rightx, int righty) {
+ int base =0;
+ base = 2* rightx-topx;
+ //draw rectangle one line at a time
+ Line( topx,topy, rightx,righty,BLACK ); //draw hypotenuse
+ Line ( topx,righty,topx,topy,BLACK); //draw perpendicular
+ Line(topx-base/2,righty, rightx,righty,BLACK); // draw base
+ Line(topx-base/2, righty, topx,topy,BLACK); // draw hypotenuse
+void KS0108::FullScreenBMP (unsigned char *PictureData){
+ unsigned int Page=0;
+ unsigned int Column=0;
+ // Draw left side of the picture
+ SelectSide(LEFT);
+ for (Page = 0; Page < 8; Page++){ /* loop on the 8 pages */
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_PAGE | Page,LEFT); /* Set the page */
+ for (Column = 0; Column < 64; Column++)
+ WriteData(PictureData[(128*Page)+Column],LEFT);
+ }
+ // Draw right side of the picture
+ SelectSide(RIGHT);
+ for (Page = 0; Page < 8; Page++){ /* loop on the 8 pages */
+ WriteInstruction(LCD_SET_PAGE| Page,RIGHT); /* Set the page */
+ for (Column = 64; Column < 128; Column++)
+ WriteData(PictureData[(128*Page)+Column],RIGHT);
+ }
+unsigned int KS0108::ReadArrayData(const unsigned int* ptr) {
+ return (*ptr);
+void KS0108::DrawBitmap(const unsigned int * bitmap, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color){
+unsigned int width, height;
+unsigned int i, j;
+ width = ReadArrayData(bitmap++);
+ height = ReadArrayData(bitmap++);
+ for(j = 0; j < height / 8; j++) {
+ GotoXY(x, y + (j*8) );
+ for(i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ unsigned int displayData = ReadArrayData(bitmap++);
+ if(color == BLACK)
+ WriteData(displayData);
+ else
+ WriteData(~displayData);
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::GotoXY(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
+ unsigned int chip, cmd;
+ if( (x > SCREEN_WIDTH-1) || (y > SCREEN_HEIGHT-1) ) // exit if coordinates are not legal
+ return;
+ Coord.x = x; // save new coordinates
+ Coord.y = y;
+ if(y/8 != Coord.page) {
+ Coord.page = y/8;
+ cmd = LCD_SET_PAGE | Coord.page; // set y address on all chips
+ for(chip=0; chip < 2; chip++){
+ WriteInstruction(cmd, chip);
+ }
+ }
+ chip = Coord.x/64;
+ x = x % 64;
+ cmd = LCD_SET_ADD | x;
+ WriteInstruction(cmd, chip); // set x address on active chip
+void KS0108::Putchar (int page, int col,unsigned char c) {
+ if (c>31 && c<127){
+ for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
+ WriteDataColPag(page,col+i,System5x7[((c-32)*5+i)+6]);
+ }
+ }
+void KS0108::PutString(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,char* str){
+ while(*str != 0){
+ Putchar(x,y,*str);
+ str++;
+ y+=System5x7[2];
+ }
+void KS0108::PrintFloat(float val, unsigned int x,unsigned int y){
+ char buf[20] = {}; // prints up to 20 digits
+ sprintf(buf,"%f",val);
+ PutString(x,y,buf);
+void KS0108::PrintInteger(int val,unsigned int x,unsigned int y){
+ char buf[20] = {}; // prints up to 20 digits
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",val);
+ PutString(x,y,buf);
+void KS0108::SelectFont(unsigned int* font,unsigned int color, FontCallback callback) {
+ Font = font;
+ FontRead = callback;
+ FontColor = color;
+int KS0108::PrintChar(char c) {
+ unsigned int width = 0;
+ unsigned int height = FontRead(Font+FONT_HEIGHT);
+ unsigned int bytes = (height+7)/8;
+ unsigned int firstChar = FontRead(Font+FONT_FIRST_CHAR);
+ unsigned int charCount = FontRead(Font+FONT_CHAR_COUNT);
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ unsigned int x=Coord.x , y=Coord.y;
+ if(c < firstChar || c >= (firstChar+charCount)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ c-= firstChar;
+ if( FontRead(Font+FONT_LENGTH) == 0 && FontRead(Font+FONT_LENGTH+1) == 0) {
+ // zero length is flag indicating fixed width font (array does not contain width data entries)
+ width = FontRead(Font+FONT_FIXED_WIDTH);
+ index = c*bytes*width+FONT_WIDTH_TABLE;
+ }
+ else{
+ // variable width font, read width data, to get the index
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<c; i++) {
+ index += FontRead(Font+FONT_WIDTH_TABLE+i);
+ }
+ index = index*bytes+charCount+FONT_WIDTH_TABLE;
+ width = FontRead(Font+FONT_WIDTH_TABLE+c);
+ }
+ // last but not least, draw the character
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<bytes; i++) {
+ unsigned int page = i*width;
+ for(unsigned int j=0; j<width; j++) {
+ unsigned int data = FontRead(Font+index+page+j);
+ if(height > 8 && height < (i+1)*8) {
+ data >>= (i+1)*8-height;
+ }
+ WriteData(data);
+ }
+ // 1px gap between chars
+ WriteData(0x00);
+ GotoXY(x,Coord.y+8);
+ }
+ GotoXY(x+width+1, y);
+ return 0;
+void KS0108::PrintString(char* str) {
+ int x = Coord.x;
+ while(*str != 0) {
+ if(*str == '\n') {
+ GotoXY(x, Coord.y+ FontRead(Font+FONT_HEIGHT));
+ } else {
+ PrintChar(*str);
+ }
+ str++;
+ }
+void KS0108::PrintNumber(long n){
+ char buf[10]; // prints up to 10 digits
+ char i=0;
+ if(n==0)
+ PrintChar('0');
+ else{
+ if(n < 0){
+ PrintChar('-');
+ n = -n;
+ }
+ while(n>0 && i <= 10){
+ buf[i++] = n % 10; // n % base
+ n /= 10; // n/= base
+ }
+ for(; i >0; i--)
+ PrintChar((char) (buf[i-1] < 10 ? '0' + buf[i-1] : 'A' + buf[i-1] - 10));
+ }