Color Oled(SSD1331) connect to STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F466

Dependencies:   ssd1331

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os/tools/resources/	Wed Oct 10 00:33:53 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+# mbed SDK
+# Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# The scanning rules and Resources object.
+A project in Mbed OS contains metadata in the file system as directory names.
+These directory names adhere to a set of rules referred to as scanning rules.
+The following are the English version of the scanning rules:
+Directory names starting with "TEST_", "TARGET_", "TOOLCHAIN_" and "FEATURE_"
+are excluded from a build unless one of the following is true:
+ * The suffix after "TARGET_" is a target label (see target.labels).
+ * The suffix after "TOOLCHAIN_" is a toolchain label, defined by the
+   inheritance hierarchy of the toolchain class.
+ * The suffix after "FEATURE_" is a member of `target.features`.
+from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
+import fnmatch
+import re
+from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
+from copy import copy
+from itertools import chain
+from os import walk, sep
+from os.path import (join, splitext, dirname, relpath, basename, split, normcase,
+                     abspath, exists)
+from .ignore import MbedIgnoreSet, IGNORE_FILENAME
+# Support legacy build conventions: the original mbed build system did not have
+# standard labels for the "TARGET_" and "TOOLCHAIN_" specific directories, but
+# had the knowledge of a list of these directories to be ignored.
+    # Legacy Targets
+    'LPC11U24',
+    'LPC1768',
+    'LPC2368',
+    'LPC4088',
+    'LPC812',
+    'KL25Z',
+    # Legacy Toolchains
+    'ARM',
+    'uARM',
+    'IAR',
+    'GCC_ARM',
+    'GCC_CS',
+    'GCC_CR',
+    'GCC_CW',
+    'GCC_CW_EWL',
+    'ARMC6',
+    # Tests, here for simplicity
+    'TESTS',
+    'TEST_APPS',
+    'ARM_STD':'ARM',
+    'ARM_MICRO': 'uARM',
+    'GCC_ARM': 'GCC_ARM',
+    'GCC_CR': 'GCC_CR',
+    'IAR': 'IAR',
+    'ARMC6': 'ARMC6',
+FileRef = namedtuple("FileRef", "name path")
+class FileType(object):
+    C_SRC = "c"
+    CPP_SRC = "c++"
+    ASM_SRC = "s"
+    HEADER = "header"
+    INC_DIR = "inc"
+    LIB_DIR = "libdir"
+    LIB = "lib"
+    OBJECT = "o"
+    HEX = "hex"
+    BIN = "bin"
+    JSON = "json"
+    LD_SCRIPT = "ld"
+    LIB_REF = "libref"
+    BLD_REF = "bldref"
+    REPO_DIR = "repodir"
+    def __init__(self):
+        raise NotImplemented
+class Resources(object):
+        FileType.C_SRC,
+        FileType.CPP_SRC,
+        FileType.ASM_SRC,
+        FileType.HEADER,
+        FileType.INC_DIR,
+        FileType.LIB_DIR,
+        FileType.LIB,
+        FileType.OBJECT,
+        FileType.HEX,
+        FileType.BIN,
+        FileType.JSON,
+        FileType.LD_SCRIPT,
+        FileType.LIB_REF,
+        FileType.BLD_REF,
+        FileType.REPO_DIR,
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, notify, collect_ignores=False):
+        # publicly accessible things
+        self.ignored_dirs = []
+        # Pre-mbed 2.0 ignore dirs
+        self._legacy_ignore_dirs = (LEGACY_IGNORE_DIRS)
+        # Primate parameters
+        self._notify = notify
+        self._collect_ignores = collect_ignores
+        # Storage for file references, indexed by file type
+        self._file_refs = defaultdict(set)
+        # Incremental scan related
+        self._label_paths = []
+        self._labels = {
+            "TARGET": [], "TOOLCHAIN": [], "FEATURE": [], "COMPONENT": []
+        }
+        self._prefixed_labels = set()
+        # Path seperator style (defaults to OS-specific seperator)
+        self._sep = sep
+        self._ignoreset = MbedIgnoreSet()
+    def ignore_dir(self, directory):
+        if self._collect_ignores:
+            self.ignored_dirs.append(directory)
+    def _collect_duplicates(self, dupe_dict, dupe_headers):
+        for filename in self.s_sources + self.c_sources + self.cpp_sources:
+            objname, _ = splitext(basename(filename))
+            dupe_dict.setdefault(objname, set())
+            dupe_dict[objname] |= set([filename])
+        for filename in self.headers:
+            headername = basename(filename)
+            dupe_headers.setdefault(headername, set())
+            dupe_headers[headername] |= set([headername])
+        return dupe_dict, dupe_headers
+    def detect_duplicates(self):
+        """Detect all potential ambiguities in filenames and report them with
+        a toolchain notification
+        """
+        count = 0
+        dupe_dict, dupe_headers = self._collect_duplicates(dict(), dict())
+        for objname, filenames in dupe_dict.items():
+            if len(filenames) > 1:
+                count+=1
+                self._notify.tool_error(
+                    "Object file %s.o is not unique! It could be made from: %s"\
+                    % (objname, " ".join(filenames)))
+        for headername, locations in dupe_headers.items():
+            if len(locations) > 1:
+                count+=1
+                self._notify.tool_error(
+                    "Header file %s is not unique! It could be: %s" %\
+                    (headername, " ".join(locations)))
+        return count
+    def win_to_unix(self):
+        self._sep = "/"
+        if self._sep != sep:
+            for file_type in self.ALL_FILE_TYPES:
+                v = [f._replace(, self._sep)) for
+                     f in self.get_file_refs(file_type)]
+                self._file_refs[file_type] = v
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = []
+        for (label, file_type) in (
+                ('Include Directories', FileType.INC_DIR),
+                ('Headers', FileType.HEADER),
+                ('Assembly sources', FileType.ASM_SRC),
+                ('C sources', FileType.C_SRC),
+                ('C++ sources', FileType.CPP_SRC),
+                ('Library directories', FileType.LIB_DIR),
+                ('Objects', FileType.OBJECT),
+                ('Libraries', FileType.LIB),
+                ('Hex files', FileType.HEX),
+                ('Bin files', FileType.BIN),
+                ('Linker script', FileType.LD_SCRIPT)
+            ):
+            resources = self.get_file_refs(file_type)
+            if resources:
+                s.append('%s:\n  ' % label + '\n  '.join(
+                    "%s -> %s" % (name, path) for name, path in resources))
+        return '\n'.join(s)
+    def _add_labels(self, prefix, labels):
+        self._labels[prefix].extend(labels)
+        self._prefixed_labels |= set("%s_%s" % (prefix, label) for label in labels)
+        for path, base_path, into_path in self._label_paths:
+            if basename(path) in self._prefixed_labels:
+                self.add_directory(path, base_path, into_path)
+        self._label_paths = [(p, b, i) for p, b, i in self._label_paths
+                             if basename(p) not in self._prefixed_labels]
+    def add_target_labels(self, target):
+        self._add_labels("TARGET", target.labels)
+        self._add_labels("COMPONENT", target.components)
+        self.add_features(target.features)
+    def add_features(self, features):
+        self._add_labels("FEATURE", features)
+    def add_toolchain_labels(self, toolchain):
+        for prefix, value in toolchain.get_labels().items():
+            self._add_labels(prefix, value)
+        self._legacy_ignore_dirs -= set(
+            [, LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[]])
+    def add_ignore_patterns(self, root, base_path, patterns):
+        real_base = relpath(root, base_path)
+        self._ignoreset.add_ignore_patterns(real_base, patterns)
+    def _not_current_label(self, dirname, label_type):
+        return (dirname.startswith(label_type + "_") and
+                dirname[len(label_type) + 1:] not in self._labels[label_type])
+    def add_file_ref(self, file_type, file_name, file_path):
+        if sep != self._sep:
+            ref = FileRef(file_name.replace(sep, self._sep), file_path)
+        else:
+            ref = FileRef(file_name, file_path)
+        self._file_refs[file_type].add(ref)
+    def get_file_refs(self, file_type):
+        """Return a list of FileRef for every file of the given type"""
+        return list(self._file_refs[file_type])
+    def _all_parents(self, files):
+        for name in files:
+            components = name.split(self._sep)
+            start_at = 2 if components[0] in set(['', '.']) else 1
+            for index, directory in reversed(list(enumerate(components))[start_at:]):
+                if directory in self._prefixed_labels:
+                    start_at = index + 1
+                    break
+            for n in range(start_at, len(components)):
+                parent = self._sep.join(components[:n])
+                yield parent
+    def _get_from_refs(self, file_type, key):
+        if file_type is FileType.INC_DIR:
+            parents = set(self._all_parents(self._get_from_refs(
+                FileType.HEADER, key)))
+            parents.add(".")
+        else:
+            parents = set()
+        return sorted(
+            list(parents) + [key(f) for f in self.get_file_refs(file_type)]
+        )
+    def get_file_names(self, file_type):
+        return self._get_from_refs(file_type, lambda f:
+    def get_file_paths(self, file_type):
+        return self._get_from_refs(file_type, lambda f: f.path)
+    def add_files_to_type(self, file_type, files):
+        for f in files:
+            self.add_file_ref(file_type, f, f)
+    @property
+    def inc_dirs(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.INC_DIR)
+    @property
+    def headers(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.HEADER)
+    @property
+    def s_sources(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.ASM_SRC)
+    @property
+    def c_sources(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.C_SRC)
+    @property
+    def cpp_sources(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.CPP_SRC)
+    @property
+    def lib_dirs(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.LIB_DIR)
+    @property
+    def objects(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.OBJECT)
+    @property
+    def libraries(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.LIB)
+    @property
+    def lib_builds(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.BLD_REF)
+    @property
+    def lib_refs(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.LIB_REF)
+    @property
+    def linker_script(self):
+        options = self.get_file_names(FileType.LD_SCRIPT)
+        if options:
+            return options[0]
+        else:
+            return None
+    @property
+    def hex_files(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.HEX)
+    @property
+    def bin_files(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.BIN)
+    @property
+    def json_files(self):
+        return self.get_file_names(FileType.JSON)
+    def add_directory(
+            self,
+            path,
+            base_path=None,
+            into_path=None,
+            exclude_paths=None,
+    ):
+        """ Scan a directory and include its resources in this resources obejct
+        Positional arguments:
+        path - the path to search for resources
+        Keyword arguments
+        base_path - If this is part of an incremental scan, include the origin
+                    directory root of the scan here
+        into_path - Pretend that scanned files are within the specified
+                    directory within a project instead of using their actual path
+        exclude_paths - A list of paths that are to be excluded from a build
+        """
+        self._notify.progress("scan", abspath(path))
+        if base_path is None:
+            base_path = path
+        if into_path is None:
+            into_path = path
+        if self._collect_ignores and path in self.ignored_dirs:
+            self.ignored_dirs.remove(path)
+        if exclude_paths:
+            self.add_ignore_patterns(
+                path, base_path, [join(e, "*") for e in exclude_paths])
+        for root, dirs, files in walk(path, followlinks=True):
+            # Check if folder contains .mbedignore
+            if IGNORE_FILENAME in files:
+                real_base = relpath(root, base_path)
+                self._ignoreset.add_mbedignore(
+                    real_base, join(root, IGNORE_FILENAME))
+            root_path =join(relpath(root, base_path))
+            if self._ignoreset.is_ignored(join(root_path,"")):
+                self.ignore_dir(root_path)
+                dirs[:] = []
+                continue
+            for d in copy(dirs):
+                dir_path = join(root, d)
+                if d == '.hg' or d == '.git':
+                    fake_path = join(into_path, relpath(dir_path, base_path))
+                    self.add_file_ref(FileType.REPO_DIR, fake_path, dir_path)
+                if (any(self._not_current_label(d, t) for t
+                        in self._labels.keys())):
+                    self._label_paths.append((dir_path, base_path, into_path))
+                    self.ignore_dir(dir_path)
+                    dirs.remove(d)
+                elif (d.startswith('.') or d in self._legacy_ignore_dirs or
+                      self._ignoreset.is_ignored(join(root_path, d, ""))):
+                    self.ignore_dir(dir_path)
+                    dirs.remove(d)
+            # Add root to include paths
+            root = root.rstrip("/")
+            for file in files:
+                file_path = join(root, file)
+                self._add_file(file_path, base_path, into_path)
+    _EXT = {
+        ".c": FileType.C_SRC,
+        ".cc": FileType.CPP_SRC,
+        ".cpp": FileType.CPP_SRC,
+        ".s": FileType.ASM_SRC,
+        ".h": FileType.HEADER,
+        ".hh": FileType.HEADER,
+        ".hpp": FileType.HEADER,
+        ".o": FileType.OBJECT,
+        ".hex": FileType.HEX,
+        ".bin": FileType.BIN,
+        ".json": FileType.JSON,
+        ".a": FileType.LIB,
+        ".ar": FileType.LIB,
+        ".sct": FileType.LD_SCRIPT,
+        ".ld": FileType.LD_SCRIPT,
+        ".icf": FileType.LD_SCRIPT,
+        ".lib": FileType.LIB_REF,
+        ".bld": FileType.BLD_REF,
+    }
+    _DIR_EXT = {
+        ".a": FileType.LIB_DIR,
+        ".ar": FileType.LIB_DIR,
+    }
+    def _add_file(self, file_path, base_path, into_path):
+        """ Add a single file into the resources object that was found by
+        scanning starting as base_path
+        """
+        if  (self._ignoreset.is_ignored(relpath(file_path, base_path)) or
+             basename(file_path).startswith(".")):
+            self.ignore_dir(relpath(file_path, base_path))
+            return
+        fake_path = join(into_path, relpath(file_path, base_path))
+        _, ext = splitext(file_path)
+        try:
+            file_type = self._EXT[ext.lower()]
+            self.add_file_ref(file_type, fake_path, file_path)
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            dir_type = self._DIR_EXT[ext.lower()]
+            self.add_file_ref(dir_type, dirname(fake_path), dirname(file_path))
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    def scan_with_toolchain(self, src_paths, toolchain, dependencies_paths=None,
+                            inc_dirs=None, exclude=True):
+        """ Scan resources using initialized toolcain
+        Positional arguments
+        src_paths - the paths to source directories
+        toolchain - valid toolchain object
+        Keyword arguments
+        dependencies_paths - dependency paths that we should scan for include dirs
+        inc_dirs - additional include directories which should be added to
+                   the scanner resources
+        exclude - Exclude the toolchain's build directory from the resources
+        """
+        self.add_toolchain_labels(toolchain)
+        for path in src_paths:
+            if exists(path):
+                into_path = relpath(path).strip(".\\/")
+                if exclude:
+                    self.add_directory(
+                        path,
+                        into_path=into_path,
+                        exclude_paths=[toolchain.build_dir]
+                    )
+                else:
+                    self.add_directory(path, into_path=into_path)
+        # Scan dependency paths for include dirs
+        if dependencies_paths is not None:
+            toolchain.progress("dep", dependencies_paths)
+            for dep in dependencies_paths:
+                lib_self = self.__class__(self._notify, self._collect_ignores)\
+                               .scan_with_toolchain([dep], toolchain)
+                self.inc_dirs.extend(lib_self.inc_dirs)
+        # Add additional include directories if passed
+        if inc_dirs:
+            if isinstance(inc_dirs, list):
+                self.inc_dirs.extend(inc_dirs)
+            else:
+                self.inc_dirs.append(inc_dirs)
+        # Load self into the config system which might expand/modify self
+        # based on config data
+        toolchain.config.load_resources(self)
+        # Set the toolchain's configuration data
+        toolchain.set_config_data(toolchain.config.get_config_data())
+        return self
+    def scan_with_config(self, src_paths, config):
+        if
+            self.add_target_labels(
+        for path in src_paths:
+            if exists(path):
+                self.add_directory(path)
+        config.load_resources(self)
+        return self