Color Oled(SSD1331) connect to STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F466

Dependencies:   ssd1331

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os/tools/compliance/	Wed Oct 10 00:33:53 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2015 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+Author: Przemyslaw Wirkus <>
+import sys
+import mbed_lstools
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+    from colorama import init
+    pass
+COLORAMA = 'colorama' in sys.modules
+from ioper_base import IOperTestCaseBase
+from ioper_test_fs import IOperTest_FileStructure_Basic
+from ioper_test_fs import IOperTest_FileStructure_MbedEnabled
+from ioper_test_target_id import IOperTest_TargetID_Basic
+from ioper_test_target_id import IOperTest_TargetID_MbedEnabled
+TEST_LIST = [IOperTest_TargetID_Basic('basic'),
+             IOperTest_TargetID_MbedEnabled('mbed-enabled'),
+             IOperTest_FileStructure_Basic('basic'),
+             IOperTest_FileStructure_MbedEnabled('mbed-enabled'),
+             IOperTestCaseBase('all'),  # Dummy used to add 'all' option
+            ]
+class IOperTestRunner():
+    """ Calls all i/face interoperability tests
+    """
+    def __init__(self, scope=None):
+        """ Test scope:
+            'pedantic' - all
+            'mbed-enabled' - let's try to check if this device is mbed-enabled
+            'basic' - just simple, passive tests (no device flashing)
+        """
+        self.requested_scope = scope    # Test scope given by user
+        self.raw_test_results = {}      # Raw test results, can be used by exporters: { Platform: [test results]} 
+        # Test scope definitions
+        self.SCOPE_BASIC = 'basic'                  # Basic tests, sanity checks
+        self.SCOPE_MBED_ENABLED = 'mbed-enabled'    # Let's try to check if this device is mbed-enabled
+        self.SCOPE_PEDANTIC = 'pedantic'            # Extensive tests
+        self.SCOPE_ALL = 'all'                      # All tests, equal to highest scope level
+        # This structure will help us sort test scopes so we can include them
+        # e.g. pedantic also includes basic and mbed-enabled tests
+        self.scopes = {self.SCOPE_BASIC : 0,
+                       self.SCOPE_MBED_ENABLED : 1,
+                       self.SCOPE_PEDANTIC : 2,
+                       self.SCOPE_ALL : 99,
+                    }
+        if COLORAMA:
+            init()  # colorama.init()
+    def run(self):
+        """ Run tests, calculate overall score and print test results
+        """
+        mbeds = mbed_lstools.create()
+        muts_list = mbeds.list_mbeds()
+        test_base = IOperTestCaseBase()
+        self.raw_test_results = {}
+        for i, mut in enumerate(muts_list):
+            result = []
+            self.raw_test_results[mut['platform_name']] = []
+            print "MBEDLS: Detected %s, port: %s, mounted: %s"% (mut['platform_name'],
+                                                                 mut['serial_port'],
+                                                                 mut['mount_point'])
+            print "Running interoperability test suite, scope '%s'" % (self.requested_scope)
+            for test_case in TEST_LIST:
+                if self.scopes[self.requested_scope] >= self.scopes[test_case.scope]:
+                    res = test_case.test(param=mut)
+                    result.extend(res)
+                    self.raw_test_results[mut['platform_name']].extend(res)
+            columns = ['Platform', 'Test Case', 'Result', 'Scope', 'Description']
+            pt = PrettyTable(columns)
+            for col in columns:
+                pt.align[col] = 'l'
+            for tr in result:
+                severity, tr_name, tr_scope, text = tr
+                tr = (test_base.COLOR(severity, mut['platform_name']),
+                      test_base.COLOR(severity, tr_name),
+                      test_base.COLOR(severity, severity),
+                      test_base.COLOR(severity, tr_scope),
+                      test_base.COLOR(severity, text))
+                pt.add_row(list(tr))
+            print pt.get_string(border=True, sortby='Result')
+            if i + 1 < len(muts_list):
+                print
+        return self.raw_test_results
+def get_available_oper_test_scopes():
+    """ Get list of available test scopes
+    """
+    scopes = set()
+    for oper_test in TEST_LIST:
+        if oper_test.scope is not None:
+            scopes.add(oper_test.scope)
+    return list(scopes)