UART to I2C master(s) converter, targetting to emulate SC18IM700(NXP) chip

Dependencies:   mbed

UART to I2C master(s) converter, targetting to emulate SC18IM700(NXP) chip


up to 4x I2C master

  • for LPC824 implement, we can use up to 4 channels of I2C masters
    • 1x Fm+ and 3x Fm I2C channels
  • for LPC1768 implement, we can use up to 2 channels of I2C masters
    • 2x Fm I2C channels
  • for LPC11U35 implement, only one channel for I2C master, but program uses USB CDC class for UART communication (means no external USB-Serial converter chip)
    • 1x Fm+ I2C channels

1x SPI master

up to 2x 8bit GPIO

Tested Platforms





LPC11U35 implement requires importing USBDevice library to use USBSerial class

visit for more information

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