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Timeout Class Reference

A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future. More...

#include <Timeout.h>

Inherits mbed::Ticker.

Public Member Functions

void attach (void(*fptr)(void), float t)
 Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.
template<typename T >
void attach (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), float t)
 Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.
void attach_us (void(*fptr)(void), unsigned int t)
 Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.
template<typename T >
void attach_us (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), unsigned int t)
 Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.
void detach ()
 Detach the function.

Static Public Member Functions

static void irq (uint32_t id)
 The handler registered with the underlying timer interrupt.

Detailed Description

A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future.

You can use as many seperate Timeout objects as you require.


 // Blink until timeout.

 #include "mbed.h"

 Timeout timeout;
 DigitalOut led(LED1);

 int on = 1;

 void attimeout() {
     on = 0;

 int main() {
     timeout.attach(&attimeout, 5);
     while(on) {
         led = !led;

Definition at line 51 of file Timeout.h.

Member Function Documentation

void attach ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
float  t 
) [inherited]

Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.

fptrpointer to the function to be called
tthe time between calls in seconds

Definition at line 66 of file Ticker.h.

void attach ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
float  t 
) [inherited]

Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
tthe time between calls in seconds

Definition at line 77 of file Ticker.h.

void attach_us ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
unsigned int  t 
) [inherited]

Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.

fptrpointer to the function to be called
tthe time between calls in micro-seconds

Definition at line 86 of file Ticker.h.

void attach_us ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
unsigned int  t 
) [inherited]

Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
tthe time between calls in micro-seconds

Definition at line 98 of file Ticker.h.

void detach (  ) [inherited]

Detach the function.

static void irq ( uint32_t  id ) [static, inherited]

The handler registered with the underlying timer interrupt.