The official mbed C/C SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

Dependents:   SeeedTouchLCD

Fork of mbed by mbed official

(01.May.2014) started sales!

(13.March.2014) updated to 0.5.0

This is a pin conversion PCB from mbed 1768/11U24 to arduino UNO.

  • So if you have both mbed and arduino shields, I guess you would be happy with such a conversion board :)


  • Board photo vvv /media/uploads/k4zuki/mbedshield050.brd.png
  • Schematic photo vvv /media/uploads/k4zuki/mbedshield050.sch.png
  • Functionality photo vvv /media/uploads/k4zuki/mbedshieldfunc.jpg

Latest eagle files

PCB >> /media/uploads/k4zuki/mbedshield050.brd
SCH >> /media/uploads/k4zuki/mbedshield050.sch

BIG changes from previous version

  1. Ethernet RJ45 connector is removed.
    1. is the biggest hint to use Ethernet!
  2. Most ALL of components can be bought at Akizuki
    1. But sorry, they do not send parts to abroad
  3. Pinout is changed!

This design has bug(s)

  1. I2C functional pin differs between 1768 and 11U24.

Fixed bugs here

  1. MiniUSB cable cannot be connected on mbed if you solder high-height electrolytic capacitor on C3.
    1. is the solution to make this 100% AKIZUKI parts!
  2. the 6-pin ISP port is not inprimented in version 0.4.0
    1. it will be fixed in later version 0.4.1/0.4.2/0.5.0 This has beenfixed

I am doing some porting to use existing arduino shields but it may faster if you do it by yourself...

you can use arduino PinName "A0-A5,D0-D13" plus backside SPI port for easier porting.

To do this you have to edit PinName enum in

  • "mbed/TARGET_LPC1768/PinNames.h" or
  • "mbed/TARGET_LPC11U24/PinNames.h" as per your target mbed.

here is the actual list: This list includes define switch to switch pin assignment


        USBTX = P0_2,
        USBRX = P0_3,

//from here mbeDshield mod
#ifdef MBEDSHIELD_050
//mbeDshield mod ends here
        // Not connected
        NC = (int)0xFFFFFFFF



File content as of revision 11:1c1ebd0324fa:

 * @file:    LPC17xx.h
 * @purpose: CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File for 
 *           NXP LPC17xx Device Series 
 * @version: V1.04
 * @date:    2. July 2009
 * Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
 * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M3 
 * processor based microcontrollers.  This file can be freely distributed 
 * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. 

#ifndef __LPC17xx_H__
#define __LPC17xx_H__

 * ==========================================================================
 * ---------- Interrupt Number Definition -----------------------------------
 * ==========================================================================

typedef enum IRQn
/******  Cortex-M3 Processor Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************/
  NonMaskableInt_IRQn           = -14,      /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt                         */
  MemoryManagement_IRQn         = -12,      /*!< 4 Cortex-M3 Memory Management Interrupt          */
  BusFault_IRQn                 = -11,      /*!< 5 Cortex-M3 Bus Fault Interrupt                  */
  UsageFault_IRQn               = -10,      /*!< 6 Cortex-M3 Usage Fault Interrupt                */
  SVCall_IRQn                   = -5,       /*!< 11 Cortex-M3 SV Call Interrupt                   */
  DebugMonitor_IRQn             = -4,       /*!< 12 Cortex-M3 Debug Monitor Interrupt             */
  PendSV_IRQn                   = -2,       /*!< 14 Cortex-M3 Pend SV Interrupt                   */
  SysTick_IRQn                  = -1,       /*!< 15 Cortex-M3 System Tick Interrupt               */

/******  LPC17xx Specific Interrupt Numbers *******************************************************/
  WDT_IRQn                      = 0,        /*!< Watchdog Timer Interrupt                         */
  TIMER0_IRQn                   = 1,        /*!< Timer0 Interrupt                                 */
  TIMER1_IRQn                   = 2,        /*!< Timer1 Interrupt                                 */
  TIMER2_IRQn                   = 3,        /*!< Timer2 Interrupt                                 */
  TIMER3_IRQn                   = 4,        /*!< Timer3 Interrupt                                 */
  UART0_IRQn                    = 5,        /*!< UART0 Interrupt                                  */
  UART1_IRQn                    = 6,        /*!< UART1 Interrupt                                  */
  UART2_IRQn                    = 7,        /*!< UART2 Interrupt                                  */
  UART3_IRQn                    = 8,        /*!< UART3 Interrupt                                  */
  PWM1_IRQn                     = 9,        /*!< PWM1 Interrupt                                   */
  I2C0_IRQn                     = 10,       /*!< I2C0 Interrupt                                   */
  I2C1_IRQn                     = 11,       /*!< I2C1 Interrupt                                   */
  I2C2_IRQn                     = 12,       /*!< I2C2 Interrupt                                   */
  SPI_IRQn                      = 13,       /*!< SPI Interrupt                                    */
  SSP0_IRQn                     = 14,       /*!< SSP0 Interrupt                                   */
  SSP1_IRQn                     = 15,       /*!< SSP1 Interrupt                                   */
  PLL0_IRQn                     = 16,       /*!< PLL0 Lock (Main PLL) Interrupt                   */
  RTC_IRQn                      = 17,       /*!< Real Time Clock Interrupt                        */
  EINT0_IRQn                    = 18,       /*!< External Interrupt 0 Interrupt                   */
  EINT1_IRQn                    = 19,       /*!< External Interrupt 1 Interrupt                   */
  EINT2_IRQn                    = 20,       /*!< External Interrupt 2 Interrupt                   */
  EINT3_IRQn                    = 21,       /*!< External Interrupt 3 Interrupt                   */
  ADC_IRQn                      = 22,       /*!< A/D Converter Interrupt                          */
  BOD_IRQn                      = 23,       /*!< Brown-Out Detect Interrupt                       */
  USB_IRQn                      = 24,       /*!< USB Interrupt                                    */
  CAN_IRQn                      = 25,       /*!< CAN Interrupt                                    */
  DMA_IRQn                      = 26,       /*!< General Purpose DMA Interrupt                    */
  I2S_IRQn                      = 27,       /*!< I2S Interrupt                                    */
  ENET_IRQn                     = 28,       /*!< Ethernet Interrupt                               */
  RIT_IRQn                      = 29,       /*!< Repetitive Interrupt Timer Interrupt             */
  MCPWM_IRQn                    = 30,       /*!< Motor Control PWM Interrupt                      */
  QEI_IRQn                      = 31,       /*!< Quadrature Encoder Interface Interrupt           */
  PLL1_IRQn                     = 32,       /*!< PLL1 Lock (USB PLL) Interrupt                    */
} IRQn_Type;

 * ==========================================================================
 * ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section ------------------------
 * ==========================================================================

/* Configuration of the Cortex-M3 Processor and Core Peripherals */
#define __MPU_PRESENT             1         /*!< MPU present or not                               */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          5         /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels          */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0         /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used     */

#include <core_cm3.h>                       /* Cortex-M3 processor and core peripherals           */
#include "system_LPC17xx.h"                 /* System Header                                      */

/*                Device Specific Peripheral registers structures             */

#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
#pragma anon_unions

/*------------- System Control (SC) ------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t FLASHCFG;               /* Flash Accelerator Module           */
       uint32_t RESERVED0[31];
  __IO uint32_t PLL0CON;                /* Clocking and Power Control         */
  __IO uint32_t PLL0CFG;
  __I  uint32_t PLL0STAT;
  __O  uint32_t PLL0FEED;
       uint32_t RESERVED1[4];
  __IO uint32_t PLL1CON;
  __IO uint32_t PLL1CFG;
  __I  uint32_t PLL1STAT;
  __O  uint32_t PLL1FEED;
       uint32_t RESERVED2[4];
  __IO uint32_t PCON;
  __IO uint32_t PCONP;
       uint32_t RESERVED3[15];
  __IO uint32_t CCLKCFG;
  __IO uint32_t USBCLKCFG;
  __IO uint32_t CLKSRCSEL;
       uint32_t RESERVED4[12];
  __IO uint32_t EXTINT;                 /* External Interrupts                */
       uint32_t RESERVED5;
  __IO uint32_t EXTMODE;
  __IO uint32_t EXTPOLAR;
       uint32_t RESERVED6[12];
  __IO uint32_t RSID;                   /* Reset                              */
       uint32_t RESERVED7[7];
  __IO uint32_t SCS;                    /* Syscon Miscellaneous Registers     */
  __IO uint32_t IRCTRIM;                /* Clock Dividers                     */
  __IO uint32_t PCLKSEL0;
  __IO uint32_t PCLKSEL1;
       uint32_t RESERVED8[4];
  __IO uint32_t USBIntSt;               /* USB Device/OTG Interrupt Register  */
       uint32_t RESERVED9;
  __IO uint32_t CLKOUTCFG;              /* Clock Output Configuration         */
 } LPC_SC_TypeDef;

/*------------- Pin Connect Block (PINCON) -----------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL0;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL1;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL2;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL3;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL4;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL5;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL6;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL7;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL8;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL9;
  __IO uint32_t PINSEL10;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[5];
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE0;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE1;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE2;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE3;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE4;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE5;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE6;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE7;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE8;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE9;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD0;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD1;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD2;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD3;
  __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD4;
  __IO uint32_t I2CPADCFG;

/*------------- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) --------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t FIODIR;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
  __IO uint32_t FIOMASK;
  __IO uint32_t FIOPIN;
  __IO uint32_t FIOSET;
  __O  uint32_t FIOCLR;
} LPC_GPIO_TypeDef;

typedef struct
  __I  uint32_t IntStatus;
  __I  uint32_t IO0IntStatR;
  __I  uint32_t IO0IntStatF;
  __O  uint32_t IO0IntClr;
  __IO uint32_t IO0IntEnR;
  __IO uint32_t IO0IntEnF;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
  __I  uint32_t IO2IntStatR;
  __I  uint32_t IO2IntStatF;
  __O  uint32_t IO2IntClr;
  __IO uint32_t IO2IntEnR;
  __IO uint32_t IO2IntEnF;

/*------------- Timer (TIM) --------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t IR;
  __IO uint32_t TCR;
  __IO uint32_t TC;
  __IO uint32_t PR;
  __IO uint32_t PC;
  __IO uint32_t MCR;
  __IO uint32_t MR0;
  __IO uint32_t MR1;
  __IO uint32_t MR2;
  __IO uint32_t MR3;
  __IO uint32_t CCR;
  __I  uint32_t CR0;
  __I  uint32_t CR1;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
  __IO uint32_t EMR;
       uint32_t RESERVED1[24];
  __IO uint32_t CTCR;
} LPC_TIM_TypeDef;

/*------------- Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) ---------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t IR;
  __IO uint32_t TCR;
  __IO uint32_t TC;
  __IO uint32_t PR;
  __IO uint32_t PC;
  __IO uint32_t MCR;
  __IO uint32_t MR0;
  __IO uint32_t MR1;
  __IO uint32_t MR2;
  __IO uint32_t MR3;
  __IO uint32_t CCR;
  __I  uint32_t CR0;
  __I  uint32_t CR1;
  __I  uint32_t CR2;
  __I  uint32_t CR3;
       uint32_t RESERVED0;
  __IO uint32_t MR4;
  __IO uint32_t MR5;
  __IO uint32_t MR6;
  __IO uint32_t PCR;
  __IO uint32_t LER;
       uint32_t RESERVED1[7];
  __IO uint32_t CTCR;
} LPC_PWM_TypeDef;

/*------------- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) -----------*/
typedef struct
  union {
  __I  uint8_t  RBR;
  __O  uint8_t  THR;
  __IO uint8_t  DLL;
       uint32_t RESERVED0;
  union {
  __IO uint8_t  DLM;
  __IO uint32_t IER;
  union {
  __I  uint32_t IIR;
  __O  uint8_t  FCR;
  __IO uint8_t  LCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED1[7];
  __I  uint8_t  LSR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED2[7];
  __IO uint8_t  SCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
  __IO uint32_t ACR;
  __IO uint8_t  ICR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
  __IO uint8_t  FDR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED5[7];
  __IO uint8_t  TER;
       uint8_t  RESERVED6[39];
  __I  uint8_t  FIFOLVL;
} LPC_UART_TypeDef;

typedef struct
  union {
  __I  uint8_t  RBR;
  __O  uint8_t  THR;
  __IO uint8_t  DLL;
       uint32_t RESERVED0;
  union {
  __IO uint8_t  DLM;
  __IO uint32_t IER;
  union {
  __I  uint32_t IIR;
  __O  uint8_t  FCR;
  __IO uint8_t  LCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED1[7];
  __I  uint8_t  LSR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED2[7];
  __IO uint8_t  SCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
  __IO uint32_t ACR;
  __IO uint8_t  ICR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
  __IO uint8_t  FDR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED5[7];
  __IO uint8_t  TER;
       uint8_t  RESERVED6[39];
  __I  uint8_t  FIFOLVL;
       uint8_t  RESERVED7[363];
  __IO uint32_t DMAREQSEL;
} LPC_UART0_TypeDef;

typedef struct
  union {
  __I  uint8_t  RBR;
  __O  uint8_t  THR;
  __IO uint8_t  DLL;
       uint32_t RESERVED0;
  union {
  __IO uint8_t  DLM;
  __IO uint32_t IER;
  union {
  __I  uint32_t IIR;
  __O  uint8_t  FCR;
  __IO uint8_t  LCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED1[3];
  __IO uint8_t  MCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED2[3];
  __I  uint8_t  LSR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
  __I  uint8_t  MSR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
  __IO uint8_t  SCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED5[3];
  __IO uint32_t ACR;
       uint32_t RESERVED6;
  __IO uint32_t FDR;
       uint32_t RESERVED7;
  __IO uint8_t  TER;
       uint8_t  RESERVED8[27];
  __IO uint8_t  RS485CTRL;
       uint8_t  RESERVED9[3];
  __IO uint8_t  ADRMATCH;
       uint8_t  RESERVED10[3];
  __IO uint8_t  RS485DLY;
       uint8_t  RESERVED11[3];
  __I  uint8_t  FIFOLVL;
} LPC_UART1_TypeDef;

/*------------- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ----------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t SPCR;
  __I  uint32_t SPSR;
  __IO uint32_t SPDR;
  __IO uint32_t SPCCR;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
  __IO uint32_t SPINT;
} LPC_SPI_TypeDef;

/*------------- Synchronous Serial Communication (SSP) -----------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t CR0;
  __IO uint32_t CR1;
  __IO uint32_t DR;
  __I  uint32_t SR;
  __IO uint32_t CPSR;
  __IO uint32_t IMSC;
  __IO uint32_t RIS;
  __IO uint32_t MIS;
  __IO uint32_t ICR;
  __IO uint32_t DMACR;
} LPC_SSP_TypeDef;

/*------------- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) -------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t I2CONSET;
  __I  uint32_t I2STAT;
  __IO uint32_t I2DAT;
  __IO uint32_t I2ADR0;
  __IO uint32_t I2SCLH;
  __IO uint32_t I2SCLL;
  __O  uint32_t I2CONCLR;
  __IO uint32_t MMCTRL;
  __IO uint32_t I2ADR1;
  __IO uint32_t I2ADR2;
  __IO uint32_t I2ADR3;
  __I  uint32_t I2DATA_BUFFER;
  __IO uint32_t I2MASK0;
  __IO uint32_t I2MASK1;
  __IO uint32_t I2MASK2;
  __IO uint32_t I2MASK3;
} LPC_I2C_TypeDef;

/*------------- Inter IC Sound (I2S) -----------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t I2SDAO;
  __IO uint32_t I2SDAI;
  __O  uint32_t I2STXFIFO;
  __I  uint32_t I2SRXFIFO;
  __I  uint32_t I2SSTATE;
  __IO uint32_t I2SDMA1;
  __IO uint32_t I2SDMA2;
  __IO uint32_t I2SIRQ;
  __IO uint32_t I2STXRATE;
  __IO uint32_t I2SRXRATE;
  __IO uint32_t I2STXBITRATE;
  __IO uint32_t I2SRXBITRATE;
  __IO uint32_t I2STXMODE;
  __IO uint32_t I2SRXMODE;
} LPC_I2S_TypeDef;

/*------------- Repetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) -----------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t RICOMPVAL;
  __IO uint32_t RIMASK;
  __IO uint8_t  RICTRL;
       uint8_t  RESERVED0[3];
  __IO uint32_t RICOUNTER;
} LPC_RIT_TypeDef;

/*------------- Real-Time Clock (RTC) ----------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint8_t  ILR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED0[7];
  __IO uint8_t  CCR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED1[3];
  __IO uint8_t  CIIR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED2[3];
  __IO uint8_t  AMR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED3[3];
  __I  uint32_t CTIME0;
  __I  uint32_t CTIME1;
  __I  uint32_t CTIME2;
  __IO uint8_t  SEC;
       uint8_t  RESERVED4[3];
  __IO uint8_t  MIN;
       uint8_t  RESERVED5[3];
  __IO uint8_t  HOUR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED6[3];
  __IO uint8_t  DOM;
       uint8_t  RESERVED7[3];
  __IO uint8_t  DOW;
       uint8_t  RESERVED8[3];
  __IO uint16_t DOY;
       uint16_t RESERVED9;
  __IO uint8_t  MONTH;
       uint8_t  RESERVED10[3];
  __IO uint16_t YEAR;
       uint16_t RESERVED11;
  __IO uint32_t CALIBRATION;
  __IO uint32_t GPREG0;
  __IO uint32_t GPREG1;
  __IO uint32_t GPREG2;
  __IO uint32_t GPREG3;
  __IO uint32_t GPREG4;
  __IO uint8_t  RTC_AUXEN;
       uint8_t  RESERVED12[3];
  __IO uint8_t  RTC_AUX;
       uint8_t  RESERVED13[3];
  __IO uint8_t  ALSEC;
       uint8_t  RESERVED14[3];
  __IO uint8_t  ALMIN;
       uint8_t  RESERVED15[3];
  __IO uint8_t  ALHOUR;
       uint8_t  RESERVED16[3];
  __IO uint8_t  ALDOM;
       uint8_t  RESERVED17[3];
  __IO uint8_t  ALDOW;
       uint8_t  RESERVED18[3];
  __IO uint16_t ALDOY;
       uint16_t RESERVED19;
  __IO uint8_t  ALMON;
       uint8_t  RESERVED20[3];
  __IO uint16_t ALYEAR;
       uint16_t RESERVED21;
} LPC_RTC_TypeDef;

/*------------- Watchdog Timer (WDT) -----------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint8_t  WDMOD;
       uint8_t  RESERVED0[3];
  __IO uint32_t WDTC;
  __O  uint8_t  WDFEED;
       uint8_t  RESERVED1[3];
  __I  uint32_t WDTV;
  __IO uint32_t WDCLKSEL;
} LPC_WDT_TypeDef;

/*------------- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ----------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t ADCR;
  __IO uint32_t ADGDR;
       uint32_t RESERVED0;
  __IO uint32_t ADINTEN;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR0;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR1;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR2;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR3;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR4;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR5;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR6;
  __I  uint32_t ADDR7;
  __I  uint32_t ADSTAT;
  __IO uint32_t ADTRM;
} LPC_ADC_TypeDef;

/*------------- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) ----------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t DACR;
  __IO uint32_t DACCTRL;
  __IO uint16_t DACCNTVAL;
} LPC_DAC_TypeDef;

/*------------- Motor Control Pulse-Width Modulation (MCPWM) -----------------*/
typedef struct
  __I  uint32_t MCCON;
  __O  uint32_t MCCON_SET;
  __O  uint32_t MCCON_CLR;
  __I  uint32_t MCCAPCON;
  __O  uint32_t MCCAPCON_SET;
  __O  uint32_t MCCAPCON_CLR;
  __IO uint32_t MCTIM0;
  __IO uint32_t MCTIM1;
  __IO uint32_t MCTIM2;
  __IO uint32_t MCPER0;
  __IO uint32_t MCPER1;
  __IO uint32_t MCPER2;
  __IO uint32_t MCPW0;
  __IO uint32_t MCPW1;
  __IO uint32_t MCPW2;
  __IO uint32_t MCDEADTIME;
  __IO uint32_t MCCCP;
  __IO uint32_t MCCR0;
  __IO uint32_t MCCR1;
  __IO uint32_t MCCR2;
  __I  uint32_t MCINTEN;
  __O  uint32_t MCINTEN_SET;
  __O  uint32_t MCINTEN_CLR;
  __I  uint32_t MCCNTCON;
  __O  uint32_t MCCNTCON_SET;
  __O  uint32_t MCCNTCON_CLR;
  __I  uint32_t MCINTFLAG;
  __O  uint32_t MCINTFLAG_SET;
  __O  uint32_t MCINTFLAG_CLR;
  __O  uint32_t MCCAP_CLR;
} LPC_MCPWM_TypeDef;

/*------------- Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) ---------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __O  uint32_t QEICON;
  __I  uint32_t QEISTAT;
  __IO uint32_t QEICONF;
  __I  uint32_t QEIPOS;
  __IO uint32_t QEIMAXPOS;
  __IO uint32_t CMPOS0;
  __IO uint32_t CMPOS1;
  __IO uint32_t CMPOS2;
  __I  uint32_t INXCNT;
  __IO uint32_t INXCMP;
  __IO uint32_t QEILOAD;
  __I  uint32_t QEITIME;
  __I  uint32_t QEIVEL;
  __I  uint32_t QEICAP;
  __IO uint32_t VELCOMP;
  __IO uint32_t FILTER;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[998];
  __O  uint32_t QEIIEC;
  __O  uint32_t QEIIES;
  __I  uint32_t QEIINTSTAT;
  __I  uint32_t QEIIE;
  __O  uint32_t QEICLR;
  __O  uint32_t QEISET;
} LPC_QEI_TypeDef;

/*------------- Controller Area Network (CAN) --------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t mask[512];              /* ID Masks                           */

typedef struct                          /* Acceptance Filter Registers        */
  __IO uint32_t AFMR;
  __IO uint32_t SFF_sa;
  __IO uint32_t SFF_GRP_sa;
  __IO uint32_t EFF_sa;
  __IO uint32_t EFF_GRP_sa;
  __IO uint32_t ENDofTable;
  __I  uint32_t LUTerrAd;
  __I  uint32_t LUTerr;
  __IO uint32_t FCANIE;
  __IO uint32_t FCANIC0;
  __IO uint32_t FCANIC1;
} LPC_CANAF_TypeDef;

typedef struct                          /* Central Registers                  */
  __I  uint32_t CANTxSR;
  __I  uint32_t CANRxSR;
  __I  uint32_t CANMSR;
} LPC_CANCR_TypeDef;

typedef struct                          /* Controller Registers               */
  __IO uint32_t MOD;
  __O  uint32_t CMR;
  __IO uint32_t GSR;
  __I  uint32_t ICR;
  __IO uint32_t IER;
  __IO uint32_t BTR;
  __IO uint32_t EWL;
  __I  uint32_t SR;
  __IO uint32_t RFS;
  __IO uint32_t RID;
  __IO uint32_t RDA;
  __IO uint32_t RDB;
  __IO uint32_t TFI1;
  __IO uint32_t TID1;
  __IO uint32_t TDA1;
  __IO uint32_t TDB1;
  __IO uint32_t TFI2;
  __IO uint32_t TID2;
  __IO uint32_t TDA2;
  __IO uint32_t TDB2;
  __IO uint32_t TFI3;
  __IO uint32_t TID3;
  __IO uint32_t TDA3;
  __IO uint32_t TDB3;
} LPC_CAN_TypeDef;

/*------------- General Purpose Direct Memory Access (GPDMA) -----------------*/
typedef struct                          /* Common Registers                   */
  __I  uint32_t DMACIntStat;
  __I  uint32_t DMACIntTCStat;
  __O  uint32_t DMACIntTCClear;
  __I  uint32_t DMACIntErrStat;
  __O  uint32_t DMACIntErrClr;
  __I  uint32_t DMACRawIntTCStat;
  __I  uint32_t DMACRawIntErrStat;
  __I  uint32_t DMACEnbldChns;
  __IO uint32_t DMACSoftBReq;
  __IO uint32_t DMACSoftSReq;
  __IO uint32_t DMACSoftLBReq;
  __IO uint32_t DMACSoftLSReq;
  __IO uint32_t DMACConfig;
  __IO uint32_t DMACSync;
} LPC_GPDMA_TypeDef;

typedef struct                          /* Channel Registers                  */
  __IO uint32_t DMACCSrcAddr;
  __IO uint32_t DMACCDestAddr;
  __IO uint32_t DMACCLLI;
  __IO uint32_t DMACCControl;
  __IO uint32_t DMACCConfig;

/*------------- Universal Serial Bus (USB) -----------------------------------*/
typedef struct
  __I  uint32_t HcRevision;             /* USB Host Registers                 */
  __IO uint32_t HcControl;
  __IO uint32_t HcCommandStatus;
  __IO uint32_t HcInterruptStatus;
  __IO uint32_t HcInterruptEnable;
  __IO uint32_t HcInterruptDisable;
  __IO uint32_t HcHCCA;
  __I  uint32_t HcPeriodCurrentED;
  __IO uint32_t HcControlHeadED;
  __IO uint32_t HcControlCurrentED;
  __IO uint32_t HcBulkHeadED;
  __IO uint32_t HcBulkCurrentED;
  __I  uint32_t HcDoneHead;
  __IO uint32_t HcFmInterval;
  __I  uint32_t HcFmRemaining;
  __I  uint32_t HcFmNumber;
  __IO uint32_t HcPeriodicStart;
  __IO uint32_t HcLSTreshold;
  __IO uint32_t HcRhDescriptorA;
  __IO uint32_t HcRhDescriptorB;
  __IO uint32_t HcRhStatus;
  __IO uint32_t HcRhPortStatus1;
  __IO uint32_t HcRhPortStatus2;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[40];
  __I  uint32_t Module_ID;

  __I  uint32_t OTGIntSt;               /* USB On-The-Go Registers            */
  __IO uint32_t OTGIntEn;
  __O  uint32_t OTGIntSet;
  __O  uint32_t OTGIntClr;
  __IO uint32_t OTGStCtrl;
  __IO uint32_t OTGTmr;
       uint32_t RESERVED1[58];

  __I  uint32_t USBDevIntSt;            /* USB Device Interrupt Registers     */
  __IO uint32_t USBDevIntEn;
  __O  uint32_t USBDevIntClr;
  __O  uint32_t USBDevIntSet;

  __O  uint32_t USBCmdCode;             /* USB Device SIE Command Registers   */
  __I  uint32_t USBCmdData;

  __I  uint32_t USBRxData;              /* USB Device Transfer Registers      */
  __O  uint32_t USBTxData;
  __I  uint32_t USBRxPLen;
  __O  uint32_t USBTxPLen;
  __IO uint32_t USBCtrl;
  __O  uint32_t USBDevIntPri;

  __I  uint32_t USBEpIntSt;             /* USB Device Endpoint Interrupt Regs */
  __IO uint32_t USBEpIntEn;
  __O  uint32_t USBEpIntClr;
  __O  uint32_t USBEpIntSet;
  __O  uint32_t USBEpIntPri;

  __IO uint32_t USBReEp;                /* USB Device Endpoint Realization Reg*/
  __O  uint32_t USBEpInd;
  __IO uint32_t USBMaxPSize;

  __I  uint32_t USBDMARSt;              /* USB Device DMA Registers           */
  __O  uint32_t USBDMARClr;
  __O  uint32_t USBDMARSet;
       uint32_t RESERVED2[9];
  __IO uint32_t USBUDCAH;
  __I  uint32_t USBEpDMASt;
  __O  uint32_t USBEpDMAEn;
  __O  uint32_t USBEpDMADis;
  __I  uint32_t USBDMAIntSt;
  __IO uint32_t USBDMAIntEn;
       uint32_t RESERVED3[2];
  __I  uint32_t USBEoTIntSt;
  __O  uint32_t USBEoTIntClr;
  __O  uint32_t USBEoTIntSet;
  __I  uint32_t USBNDDRIntSt;
  __O  uint32_t USBNDDRIntClr;
  __O  uint32_t USBNDDRIntSet;
  __I  uint32_t USBSysErrIntSt;
  __O  uint32_t USBSysErrIntClr;
  __O  uint32_t USBSysErrIntSet;
       uint32_t RESERVED4[15];

  __I  uint32_t I2C_RX;                 /* USB OTG I2C Registers              */
  __O  uint32_t I2C_WO;
  __I  uint32_t I2C_STS;
  __IO uint32_t I2C_CTL;
  __IO uint32_t I2C_CLKHI;
  __O  uint32_t I2C_CLKLO;
       uint32_t RESERVED5[823];

  union {
  __IO uint32_t USBClkCtrl;             /* USB Clock Control Registers        */
  __IO uint32_t OTGClkCtrl;
  union {
  __I  uint32_t USBClkSt;
  __I  uint32_t OTGClkSt;
} LPC_USB_TypeDef;

/*------------- Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) ----------------------*/
typedef struct
  __IO uint32_t MAC1;                   /* MAC Registers                      */
  __IO uint32_t MAC2;
  __IO uint32_t IPGT;
  __IO uint32_t IPGR;
  __IO uint32_t CLRT;
  __IO uint32_t MAXF;
  __IO uint32_t SUPP;
  __IO uint32_t TEST;
  __IO uint32_t MCFG;
  __IO uint32_t MCMD;
  __IO uint32_t MADR;
  __O  uint32_t MWTD;
  __I  uint32_t MRDD;
  __I  uint32_t MIND;
       uint32_t RESERVED0[2];
  __IO uint32_t SA0;
  __IO uint32_t SA1;
  __IO uint32_t SA2;
       uint32_t RESERVED1[45];
  __IO uint32_t Command;                /* Control Registers                  */
  __I  uint32_t Status;
  __IO uint32_t RxDescriptor;
  __IO uint32_t RxStatus;
  __IO uint32_t RxDescriptorNumber;
  __I  uint32_t RxProduceIndex;
  __IO uint32_t RxConsumeIndex;
  __IO uint32_t TxDescriptor;
  __IO uint32_t TxStatus;
  __IO uint32_t TxDescriptorNumber;
  __IO uint32_t TxProduceIndex;
  __I  uint32_t TxConsumeIndex;
       uint32_t RESERVED2[10];
  __I  uint32_t TSV0;
  __I  uint32_t TSV1;
  __I  uint32_t RSV;
       uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
  __IO uint32_t FlowControlCounter;
  __I  uint32_t FlowControlStatus;
       uint32_t RESERVED4[34];
  __IO uint32_t RxFilterCtrl;           /* Rx Filter Registers                */
  __IO uint32_t RxFilterWoLStatus;
  __IO uint32_t RxFilterWoLClear;
       uint32_t RESERVED5;
  __IO uint32_t HashFilterL;
  __IO uint32_t HashFilterH;
       uint32_t RESERVED6[882];
  __I  uint32_t IntStatus;              /* Module Control Registers           */
  __IO uint32_t IntEnable;
  __O  uint32_t IntClear;
  __O  uint32_t IntSet;
       uint32_t RESERVED7;
  __IO uint32_t PowerDown;
       uint32_t RESERVED8;
  __IO uint32_t Module_ID;
} LPC_EMAC_TypeDef;

#if defined ( __CC_ARM   )
#pragma anon_unions

/*                         Peripheral memory map                              */
/* Base addresses                                                             */
#define LPC_FLASH_BASE        (0x00000000UL)
#define LPC_RAM_BASE          (0x10000000UL)
#define LPC_GPIO_BASE         (0x2009C000UL)
#define LPC_APB0_BASE         (0x40000000UL)
#define LPC_APB1_BASE         (0x40080000UL)
#define LPC_AHB_BASE          (0x50000000UL)
#define LPC_CM3_BASE          (0xE0000000UL)

/* APB0 peripherals                                                           */
#define LPC_WDT_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x00000)
#define LPC_TIM0_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x04000)
#define LPC_TIM1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x08000)
#define LPC_UART0_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x0C000)
#define LPC_UART1_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x10000)
#define LPC_PWM1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x18000)
#define LPC_I2C0_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x1C000)
#define LPC_SPI_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x20000)
#define LPC_RTC_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x24000)
#define LPC_GPIOINT_BASE      (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x28080)
#define LPC_PINCON_BASE       (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x2C000)
#define LPC_SSP1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x30000)
#define LPC_ADC_BASE          (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x34000)
#define LPC_CANAF_RAM_BASE    (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x38000)
#define LPC_CANAF_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x3C000)
#define LPC_CANCR_BASE        (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x40000)
#define LPC_CAN1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x44000)
#define LPC_CAN2_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x48000)
#define LPC_I2C1_BASE         (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x5C000)

/* APB1 peripherals                                                           */
#define LPC_SSP0_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x08000)
#define LPC_DAC_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x0C000)
#define LPC_TIM2_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x10000)
#define LPC_TIM3_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x14000)
#define LPC_UART2_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x18000)
#define LPC_UART3_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x1C000)
#define LPC_I2C2_BASE         (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x20000)
#define LPC_I2S_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x28000)
#define LPC_RIT_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x30000)
#define LPC_MCPWM_BASE        (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x38000)
#define LPC_QEI_BASE          (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x3C000)
#define LPC_SC_BASE           (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x7C000)

/* AHB peripherals                                                            */
#define LPC_EMAC_BASE         (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x00000)
#define LPC_GPDMA_BASE        (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04000)
#define LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04100)
#define LPC_GPDMACH1_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04120)
#define LPC_GPDMACH2_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04140)
#define LPC_GPDMACH3_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04160)
#define LPC_GPDMACH4_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x04180)
#define LPC_GPDMACH5_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x041A0)
#define LPC_GPDMACH6_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x041C0)
#define LPC_GPDMACH7_BASE     (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x041E0)
#define LPC_USB_BASE          (LPC_AHB_BASE  + 0x0C000)

/* GPIOs                                                                      */
#define LPC_GPIO0_BASE        (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00000)
#define LPC_GPIO1_BASE        (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00020)
#define LPC_GPIO2_BASE        (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00040)
#define LPC_GPIO3_BASE        (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00060)
#define LPC_GPIO4_BASE        (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00080)

/*                         Peripheral declaration                             */
#define LPC_SC                ((LPC_SC_TypeDef        *) LPC_SC_BASE       )
#define LPC_GPIO0             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO0_BASE    )
#define LPC_GPIO1             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO1_BASE    )
#define LPC_GPIO2             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO2_BASE    )
#define LPC_GPIO3             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO3_BASE    )
#define LPC_GPIO4             ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef      *) LPC_GPIO4_BASE    )
#define LPC_WDT               ((LPC_WDT_TypeDef       *) LPC_WDT_BASE      )
#define LPC_TIM0              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM0_BASE     )
#define LPC_TIM1              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM1_BASE     )
#define LPC_TIM2              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM2_BASE     )
#define LPC_TIM3              ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef       *) LPC_TIM3_BASE     )
#define LPC_RIT               ((LPC_RIT_TypeDef       *) LPC_RIT_BASE      )
#define LPC_UART0             ((LPC_UART0_TypeDef     *) LPC_UART0_BASE    )
#define LPC_UART1             ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef     *) LPC_UART1_BASE    )
#define LPC_UART2             ((LPC_UART_TypeDef      *) LPC_UART2_BASE    )
#define LPC_UART3             ((LPC_UART_TypeDef      *) LPC_UART3_BASE    )
#define LPC_PWM1              ((LPC_PWM_TypeDef       *) LPC_PWM1_BASE     )
#define LPC_I2C0              ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2C0_BASE     )
#define LPC_I2C1              ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2C1_BASE     )
#define LPC_I2C2              ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2C2_BASE     )
#define LPC_I2S               ((LPC_I2S_TypeDef       *) LPC_I2S_BASE      )
#define LPC_SPI               ((LPC_SPI_TypeDef       *) LPC_SPI_BASE      )
#define LPC_RTC               ((LPC_RTC_TypeDef       *) LPC_RTC_BASE      )
#define LPC_GPIOINT           ((LPC_GPIOINT_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPIOINT_BASE  )
#define LPC_PINCON            ((LPC_PINCON_TypeDef    *) LPC_PINCON_BASE   )
#define LPC_SSP0              ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef       *) LPC_SSP0_BASE     )
#define LPC_SSP1              ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef       *) LPC_SSP1_BASE     )
#define LPC_ADC               ((LPC_ADC_TypeDef       *) LPC_ADC_BASE      )
#define LPC_DAC               ((LPC_DAC_TypeDef       *) LPC_DAC_BASE      )
#define LPC_CANAF             ((LPC_CANAF_TypeDef     *) LPC_CANAF_BASE    )
#define LPC_CANCR             ((LPC_CANCR_TypeDef     *) LPC_CANCR_BASE    )
#define LPC_CAN1              ((LPC_CAN_TypeDef       *) LPC_CAN1_BASE     )
#define LPC_CAN2              ((LPC_CAN_TypeDef       *) LPC_CAN2_BASE     )
#define LPC_MCPWM             ((LPC_MCPWM_TypeDef     *) LPC_MCPWM_BASE    )
#define LPC_QEI               ((LPC_QEI_TypeDef       *) LPC_QEI_BASE      )
#define LPC_EMAC              ((LPC_EMAC_TypeDef      *) LPC_EMAC_BASE     )
#define LPC_GPDMA             ((LPC_GPDMA_TypeDef     *) LPC_GPDMA_BASE    )
#define LPC_GPDMACH0          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH1          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH1_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH2          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH2_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH3          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH3_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH4          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH4_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH5          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH5_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH6          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH6_BASE )
#define LPC_GPDMACH7          ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef   *) LPC_GPDMACH7_BASE )
#define LPC_USB               ((LPC_USB_TypeDef       *) LPC_USB_BASE      )

#endif  // __LPC17xx_H__