Forked library from okini3939/at45db161d

Fork of at45db161d by Suga koubou



File content as of revision 2:111e8cf6f263:

 * AT45DB161D module for arduino (C) Vincent
 *   SPI flash memory
 * bug fix by todotani
 * Modified for mbed, 2011 Suga.
#include "at45db161d.h"

/** CTOR **/
ATD45DB161D::ATD45DB161D(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs)
  : _spi(mosi, miso, sclk), _cs(cs)

ATD45DB161D::ATD45DB161D(SWSPI &spi, PinName cs)
  : _spi(spi), _cs(cs)

/** DTOR **/

/** Setup SPI and pinout **/
void ATD45DB161D::Init()
    /* Disable device */
    /* Setup SPI */
    _spi.format(8, 0);


 * Read status register
 * @return The content of the status register
uint8_t ATD45DB161D::ReadStatusRegister()
    uint8_t status;

    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */
    /* Send status read command */
    /* Get result with a dummy write */
    status = spi_transfer(0x00);

    return status;

 * Read Manufacturer and Device ID 
 * @note if id.extendedInfoLength is not equal to zero,
 *       successive calls to spi_transfer(0xff) will return
 *       the extended device information string bytes.
 * @param id Pointer to the ID structure to initialize
void ATD45DB161D::ReadManufacturerAndDeviceID(struct ATD45DB161D::ID *id)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */
    /* Send status read command */

    /* Manufacturer ID */
    id->manufacturer = spi_transfer(0xff);
    /* Device ID (part 1) */
    id->device[0] = spi_transfer(0xff);
    /* Device ID (part 2) */
    id->device[1] = spi_transfer(0xff);
    /* Extended Device Information String Length */
    id->extendedInfoLength = spi_transfer(0xff);

 * Main Memory Page Read. 
 * A main memory page read allows the user to read data directly from
 * any one of the 4096 pages in the main memory, bypassing both of the
 * data buffers and leaving the contents of the buffers unchanged.
 * @param page Page of the main memory to read
 * @param offset Starting byte address within the page
void ATD45DB161D::ReadMainMemoryPage(uint16_t page, uint16_t offset)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
    /* Address (page | offset)  */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)((page << 2) | (offset >> 8)));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(offset & 0xff));
    /* 4 "don't care" bytes */

 * Continuous Array Read.
 * Sequentially read a continuous stream of data.
 * @param page Page of the main memory where the sequential read will start
 * @param offset Starting byte address within the page
 * @param low If true the read operation will be performed in low speed mode (and in high speed mode if it's false).
 * @note The legacy mode is not currently supported
void ATD45DB161D::ContinuousArrayRead(uint16_t page, uint16_t offset, uint8_t low)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
    spi_transfer( low ? AT45DB161D_CONTINUOUS_READ_LOW_FREQ :
                        AT45DB161D_CONTINUOUS_READ_HIGH_FREQ );

    /* Address (page | offset)  */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)((page << 2) | (offset >> 8)));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(offset & 0xff));
    if (!low) { spi_transfer(0x00); }

 * Read the content of one of the SRAM data buffers (in low or high speed mode).
 * @param bufferNum Buffer to read (1 or 2)
 * @param offset Starting byte within the buffer
 * @param low If true the read operation will be performed in low speed mode (and in high speed mode if it's false).
void ATD45DB161D::BufferRead(uint8_t bufferNum, uint16_t offset, uint8_t low)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
    if(bufferNum == 1)
        spi_transfer(low ? AT45DB161D_BUFFER_1_READ_LOW_FREQ :
        spi_transfer(low ? AT45DB161D_BUFFER_2_READ_LOW_FREQ :

    /* 14 "Don't care" bits */
    /* Rest of the "don't care" bits + bits 8,9 of the offset */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(offset >> 8));
    /* bits 7-0 of the offset */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(offset & 0xff));

 * Write data to one of the SRAM data buffers. Any further call to
 * spi_tranfer will return bytes contained in the data buffer until
 * a low-to-high transition is detected on the CS pin. If the end of
 * the data buffer is reached, the device will wrap around back to the
 * beginning of the buffer. 
 * @param bufferNum Buffer to read (1 or 2)
 * @param offset Starting byte within the buffer
void ATD45DB161D::BufferWrite(uint8_t bufferNum, uint16_t offset)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    spi_transfer( (bufferNum == 1) ? AT45DB161D_BUFFER_1_WRITE :
    /* 14 "Don't care" bits */
    /* Rest of the "don't care" bits + bits 8,9 of the offset */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(offset >> 8));
    /* bits 7-0 of the offset */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(offset & 0xff));

 * Transfer data from buffer 1 or 2 to main memory page.
 * @param bufferNum Buffer to use (1 or 2)
 * @param page Page where the content of the buffer will transfered
 * @param erase If set the page will be first erased before the buffer transfer.
 * @note If erase is equal to zero, the page must have been previously erased using one of the erase command (Page or Block Erase).
void ATD45DB161D::BufferToPage(uint8_t bufferNum, uint16_t page, uint8_t erase)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Opcode */
        spi_transfer( (bufferNum == 1) ? AT45DB161D_BUFFER_1_TO_PAGE_WITH_ERASE :
        spi_transfer( (bufferNum == 1) ? AT45DB161D_BUFFER_1_TO_PAGE_WITHOUT_ERASE :
     * 3 address bytes consist of :
     *     - 2 don&#65533;ft care bits
     *     - 12 page address bits (PA11 - PA0) that specify the page in 
     *       the main memory to be written
     *     - 10 don&#65533;ft care bits
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page << 2));
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start transfer */
    DF_CS_active;    /* If erase was set, the page will first be erased */

    /* Wait for the end of the transfer */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))

 * Transfer a page of data from main memory to buffer 1 or 2.
 * @param page Main memory page to transfer
 * @param buffer Buffer (1 or 2) where the data will be written
void ATD45DB161D::PageToBuffer(uint16_t page, uint8_t bufferNum)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */
    /* Send opcode */
    spi_transfer((bufferNum == 1) ? AT45DB161D_TRANSFER_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_1 :

     * 3 address bytes consist of :
     *     - 2 don&#65533;ft care bits
     *     - 12 page address bits (PA11 - PA0) that specify the page in 
     *       the main memory to be written
     *     - 10 don&#65533;ft care bits
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page << 2));
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start page transfer */

    /* Wait for the end of the transfer */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))

 * Erase a page in the main memory array.
 * @param page Page to erase
void ATD45DB161D::PageErase(uint16_t page)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
     * 3 address bytes consist of :
     *     - 2 don&#65533;ft care bits
     *     - 12 page address bits (PA11 - PA0) that specify the page in 
     *       the main memory to be written
     *     - 10 don&#65533;ft care bits
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page << 2));
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start block erase */

    /* Wait for the end of the block erase operation */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))

 * Erase a block of eight pages at one time.
 * @param block Index of the block to erase
void ATD45DB161D::BlockErase(uint16_t block)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
     * 3 address bytes consist of :
     *     - 2 don&#65533;ft care bits
     *     - 9 block address bits (PA11 - PA3)
     *     - 13 don&#65533;ft care bits
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(block >> 3));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(block << 5));
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start block erase */

    /* Wait for the end of the block erase operation */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))

 * Erase a sector in main memory. There are 16 sector on the
 * at45db161d and only one can be erased at one time.
 * @param sector Sector to erase (1-15)
void ATD45DB161D::SectoreErase(uint8_t sector)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
     * 3 address bytes consist of :
    if((sector == 0x0a) || (sector == 0x0b))
         *  - 11 don&#65533;ft care bits
         *  - 
         *  - 12 don&#65533;ft care bits
        spi_transfer(((sector & 0x01) << 4));
         *  - 2 don't care bits 
         *  - 4 sector number bits
         *  - 18 don't care bits 
        spi_transfer(sector << 1);
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start block erase */

    /* Wait for the end of the block erase operation */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))

 * Erase the entire chip memory. Sectors proteced or locked down will
 * not be erased.
void ATD45DB161D::ChipErase()
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send chip erase sequence */
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start chip erase */

    /* Wait for the end of the chip erase operation */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))

 * This a combination of Buffer Write and Buffer to Page with
 * Built-in Erase.
 * @note You must call EndAndWait in order to start transfering data from buffer to page
 * @param page Page where the content of the buffer will transfered
 * @param offset Starting byte address within the buffer
 * @param bufferNum Buffer to use (1 or 2)
 * @warning UNTESTED
void ATD45DB161D::BeginPageWriteThroughBuffer(uint16_t page, uint16_t offset, uint8_t bufferNum)
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
    spi_transfer((bufferNum == 1) ? AT45DB161D_PAGE_THROUGH_BUFFER_1 :

    /* Address */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)((page << 2) | (offset >> 8)));

 * Perform a low-to-high transition on the CS pin and then poll
 * the status register to check if the dataflash is busy.
void ATD45DB161D::EndAndWait()
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* End current operation */
    DF_CS_active;    /* Some internal operation may occur
                      * (buffer to page transfer, page erase, etc... ) */

    /* Wait for the chip to be ready */
      while(!(ReadStatusRegister() & READY_BUSY))
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Release SPI Bus */ 

 * Compare a page of data in main memory to the data in buffer 1 or 2.
 * @param page Page to test
 * @param bufferNum Buffer number
 * @return
 *        - 1 if the page and the buffer contains the same data
 *         - 0 else
 * @warning UNTESTED
int8_t ATD45DB161D::ComparePageToBuffer(uint16_t page, uint8_t bufferNum)
    uint8_t status;
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */

    /* Send opcode */
    spi_transfer((bufferNum == 1) ? AT45DB161D_COMPARE_PAGE_TO_BUFFER_1 :
    /* Page address */
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page >> 6));
    spi_transfer((uint8_t)(page << 2));
    DF_CS_inactive;  /* Start comparaison */

    /* Wait for the end of the comparaison and get the result */
      while(!((status = ReadStatusRegister()) & READY_BUSY))
//      return ((status & COMPARE) == COMPARE);
      return ((status & COMPARE) ? 0 : 1);

 * Put the device into the lowest power consumption mode.
 * Once the device has entered the Deep Power-down mode, all
 * instructions are ignored except the Resume from Deep
 * Power-down command.
 * @warning UNTESTED
void ATD45DB161D::DeepPowerDown()
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */
    /* Send opcode */
    /* Enter Deep Power-Down mode */
    /* Safety delay */
//    delay(100);

 * Takes the device out of Deep Power-down mode.
void ATD45DB161D::ResumeFromDeepPowerDown()
    DF_CS_inactive;    /* Make sure to toggle CS signal in order */
    DF_CS_active;      /* to reset Dataflash command decoder     */
    /* Send opcode */
    /* Resume device */
    /* The CS pin must stay high during t_RDPD microseconds before the device
     * can receive any commands.
     * On the at45db161D t_RDPD = 35 microseconds. But we will wait 100
     * (just to be sure). */
//    delay(100);
/** **/